Chapter 5: Who I am?

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    The strange sound has stopped coming, the head is dizzy. Lifting her hand slightly, she felt the tears wet her eyes. Returning to consciousness, he rushed to the 2nd floor, opened the door to the room softly, Liam and Soo had been asleep ever since. She paused for a beat, not knowing whether to be sad or happy. Should be sad not to return to her reality, or should be happy that she was able to find the answer to this adventure again.

    After having lunch with her parents and sister, she returned to the balcony to meditate. Strips of ivy swayed slightly in the wind, and Luna felt so peaceful and envious looking at it. If only she were a branch of a tree, swaying carelessly in the wind without thinking. Drifting with her thoughts, suddenly a warm hand gently touched her shoulder. Cloe Cara Park her older sister, a girl with dyed brown hair, whom she envied her height. Luna also knows all of her sister's friends even though she's never met her because she always tells her everything and she also learns a lot from her sister. With two cups of tea in her hand, she smiled and accepted it.
      "Think?" Cloe asked as she lifted her teacup and gently pressed it to her thin lips
      "It's just an old story in Korea" she thought for a while before answering her sister
      "Don't worry too much"
      "It's just that it's a little hard to understand, can't absorb it" she smiled bitterly at her sister -   "I'm sorry Cloe"
      "About what? Ah, I admire you so much, but, try to live my dreams too."
      "I should have followed my parents' wishes"
      "No, you do what you want, I alone follow the instructions of my parents is enough. Live your life"
      "Paradoxically, I can't if I want to live my life. And I want to listen to their arrangement."
      "Just because I'm not confident enough to face it" - "Want to go to Alnwick Castle and play?" Cloe asked her with interest. As if to end the conversation, Luna agreed and quickly drank her half-finished tea.

     Walking with her sister on the road, oh how beautiful is the city of her heart. Fortunately, the weather this afternoon is pleasing to the eye, the city with this girly weather always gives me a headache. The sun shines on the stone floor around the castle, the solid walls and majestic gates appear like a picture you often see in old movies. Although she has come here many times, each time, as well as a new experience, she enjoys humming some music.

     After spending an afternoon wandering around the old town, her mood improved a bit, but somewhere in her heart, countless questions still popped up one after another.
    Sitting lazily on the cushion placed in the window of her room late at night, she suddenly remembered what that person said, she wondered if she had done something to make him hate her, or what she had done to herself. A gust of wind blew into the room, she was startled and looked around, nothing changed, only the box of T&C Liam gave her flashed each light.
      Hesitantly walking over, she gently opened the box, the flower on the crown glowed, she took a few steps back in panic. Something under the crown mustered up the courage to pick up the crown, a letter, the trembling hand holding it up to read.

                                                       " Who I am! Please find the answer

                                                                       Find yourself again "

         She took a few steps back in fear, the crown still shining and the letter still in the air. She walked around a few times, trying to calm herself, passing the mirror in the room, she suddenly shivered and looked at herself in it, still her but so strange. The girl in the mirror shed tears, her blue eyes glittering with tears, as an apology.      A bit of determination passed over her, she strode over to the table, gently lifting the crown to her head, but nothing happened. Well, why not? she said herself. She tried again. Wearing the crown and reading the words on the letter, a strong wind blew around her, pulling her up into the air, and then suddenly, she appeared to apparate somewhere. The chaos of the sound came like a rocket, the scene was in front of the vast sea, a rough hand grasped her hand, squinting, a middle-aged man, he seemed to say something...                                    "...Now this life is yours, replace her....make life again"

     Phuuu, her eyes darkened, whirlpools followed, fell to the floor, she softly let out a few screams and stroked her butt, her whole body ached with pain. Her head hurt like it was split in two, what the hell was going on, who it was, she couldn't remember. Quickly looking around, it was still her room, but with more furniture. To be precise, it was still her, but there was more information in her now, like more programming about herself.       Getting up from the floor, went to check the table, the letter was gone, the crown was still on the head, and there was a new item on the shelf. An envelope had been opened, a train ticket and stacks of books, medical bandages, and ice packs were piled up in one corner. In the middle are two pictures, one is her and her 2 best friends, the other is her and 7 'unknown' boys. Across the room, a yellow-brown suitcase with school motifs and a red-colored black robe lay on one side of the bed. The envelope was addressed to Mrs.Luna Lavender Cara Park, who lives in Room 2, 139 Barker Street, London, from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It roughly talks about the return date announcement, the notes as well as everything students need to prepare for the new term.

      After a while of wriggling with my new self. She gets used to the current Luna, gleaning a bunch of trifling but possibly important information.
         1. Still the same, still her family
         2. A student at Hogwarts, fifth-year Gryffindor. (wtf, I'm a 2nd-year student, and now I have to do 5th year again! – she swore). Born into a purebred English family. oh my god, I'm a witch! she secretly rejoiced
        3. She is still Liam and Soo's best friend but has received no memory of that voice.
        4. Being a member of the organization S.H.I.E.L.D but not using magic arbitrarily.

It was a bit disappointing, but then she told herself it was okay, she knew why she was drawn into this world and would try to start the path of finding and creating new memories of the 7 of them... ~~~ Behind the photo is a carefully written message, although I don't know who the writer is, I can feel that person is very warm.         "Shimmering like the purple strip at the end of the rainbow, please don't forget" ~~~

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