Chapter 7: Do not accept but do not dare to exclude

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    Treating herself to a perfect breakfast with Cornish Pasty and some rose tea, she hadn't eaten breakfast like that in a long time. And hurry up to prepare to wait for something new? She hopes so, she doesn't know either.     Snow the owl was perched on the window sill with a letter, not surprisingly, she tapped the letter in a brown leather case, sent from Soo. Glad to open it     "I hear my dad says you're out of bed, I'll be back in London around the end of August and try to remember everything so I can tell you. See you later, and don't reply, I'm busy!", she laughed at her best friend's letter, noting that she hadn't written to her friends all summer. Hastily prepared letters for her Weasley friends and some presents for the Weasleys and grandparents.      When she was injured, Luna seemed to close herself in her room without seeing anyone, her mood was so bad, she didn't seem to be the cheerful Luna she used to be. Trying to recall the fading memories but then what she got in return was a pounding headache which then passed on to this new Luna.

     Dizziness, fatigue, easily falling into despair are feelings that not only appear to a sensitive person, but it can also happen to anyone. Sometimes it takes a toll on her and those who are good to her, she tries to push them away and endure it alone. But she always respects the feelings that occur in her, always understands it even though it not only hurts her but also hurts the people around her.

     At such times, Jin is always there to hug her and comfort her "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here". Not accepting but not rejecting, she got used to having Jin by her side during the boring summer days. Liam is in Canada handling some transfer paperwork and Soo is in Seoul with all the work she and he planned to do together over the summer and now he has to deal with it alone. Bored alone in the big room, she was grateful to have Jin by her side, even though she didn't know if his kindness was from the heart or simply the duty of a future fiancé.

     A knock at the door broke Luna's flashbacks. "Come in". A guy with a very confident appearance, Jin, the usual one, is always on time and always beaming when he meets her. Still in a white shirt and casual pants today, with his familiar auburn hair, he never seemed to allow himself to be sloppy when he approached her.

      Bringing a bag of Macarons and Pudding that Luna likes. "I heard your mom said you came down for breakfast, so I guess you're in a better Moon" Jin asked her.     "Oh yes, I've realized that I can't hold on to the past," she replied, inviting him to sit. Obviously what she said displeased Jin, but he still cleverly concealed his feelings, she realized but didn't want to expose it, it was not polite at all.     "It's Kim's party coming up, will you come?" Jin asked as he carefully unwrapped the macaron box for her.      "I think I should come, I also plan to come over to thank you for taking care of me these past few days," she replied as she accepted the cake from him.      "What I should do, then I'll come to pick you up that day, I'm glad you'll join" Jin's words sounded sincere, Luna thought.

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