Chapter 12

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As several days went by, Brooklyn remained at Viktor's house and the man ensured he kept warm, and even told him not to venture outside if he wanted to get sick again.

Brooklyn once felt the need to exercise his wings and went to open the door. Viktor however noticed this and went to stop him. "Don't think so, young one. You need at least another week to heal." Brooklyn frowned slightly, folding his arms. He still didn't completely trust this guy but knew he was only thinking about his health.

Grumbling, Brooklyn went to sit on the couch again, not having spoken to Viktor since his first night of healing. Sasha's death constantly plagued his daymares too, making him not want to show emotion to anybody, only to lose a new friend again.

Viktor was quite the unusual human, who studied climatology as he constantly told Brooklyn about. Brooklyn for the most part didn't ask any questions but while resting sometimes watched the man doing his work, and every now and then breathing relief whenever he left, so he could be alone.

Brooklyn felt like Viktor's voice reminded him of Hudson once or twice as well, and the human seemed to be in his mid-50s, with small wrinkles in his face but not too noticeable yet. Other things he constantly spoke of was his family that he had to leave to do his studies, which gave Brooklyn the intention that this man probably had been alone for too long.

"I told you about my family, Brooklyn. Maybe now you can tell me about yours?" Viktor asked one day, handing him more tea which Brooklyn accepted. That made the red male gulp again, as he tried to remember after so long. But the water from before had shaded his memories, except those of Sasha.

He wrapped his wings once more, looking away from Viktor. Viktor sighed. The man still didn't know where Brooklyn had been taken to, but he wouldn't give up until he got Brooklyn to let his guard down and show he didn't want to harm the gargoyle in any way.

"Have you ever met any scientists in your city, Brooklyn?" Viktor asked curiously after coming back with some more plant samples from trees.

Brooklyn tensed a little when recalling one in particular. "Yes. A bad one. He tried hurting me and my clan many times, even made clones of us." Viktor was stunned from this reveal; that a scientist had played God and created a clone. How could that even be possible?

Viktor gave Brooklyn a plate of dinner, which was a steak with some bread since now Brooklyn was strong enough to eat solid food. Brooklyn every now and then found Viktor's science jabbering slightly annoying but could see so far that the man was practically harmless if he was feeding him.

But one night in particular gave Brooklyn a scare. While he was resting on the couch, drinking some more tea, he suddenly heard a knocking the door. Viktor was startled by the sound and went up to answer, turning to Brooklyn. "Go hide, friend. It may be one of my colleagues. Can't let them see you," he whispered urgently.

The red gargoyle's ears flattened but went to do what the man told him, hiding in a nearby closet door but not closing it so he could hear and see what was happening.

A gruff but horribly familiar voice came through the door. "Open this door! Open it now!" Brooklyn gave a gasp and covered his beak. It couldn't be... Viktor opened it hastily, meeting face to face with another angry man, who looked livid.

"Who are you?" Viktor asked with as much calmness as he could muster. The man looked around and Brooklyn felt sick to his stomach when he recognized Yegor. The man had tracked him all the way here! Yegor huffed angrily. "I'm Yegor from the animal auct-sanctuary in Yatuskuk. And I'm tracking down my missing gargoyle, who should've been bought by my highest bidder. That devil killed Yuri right on the spot and he deserves to be punished for it, I need to take him back."

Brooklyn stifled a whimper, holding his tail and backing up, trying hard to not make his eyes glow. Viktor knew he couldn't sell his gargoyle patient out, for this man didn't look like he took care of animals. He narrowed his eyes. "No, I haven't seen anything around these parts. Just plants, snow, and animals. Nothing gargoyle related. You needn't bother looking in here-hey!"

For Yegor hadn't believed Viktor and shoved his way in, looking at his tracker. "My tracker we inserted into his blood tells me he's here. I know it..." He snarled, eyes trailing to the slightly open closet. Brooklyn was beyond terrified, shaking, holding his hands over his beak to keep himself from whimpering loudly, Yegor coming closer and closer. Brooklyn didn't want Sasha's death to happen again with Viktor!

Thankfully, Viktor was as brave as Sasha, not wanting to let Yegor nearer to the closet. He dragged Yegor away. "Sir, this is breaking in. I won't let you destroy my science by finding this whatever you call it. I have to ask you to leave or I'll phone the police!"

Yegor frowned, glowering down. "I'm more dangerous than you can imagine, sir. But I promise much pain on that devil when I find him. Good evening..." He said threateningly, stomping out the door with his men and closing it. Brook gulped, swallowing in relief when they were finally gone.

Viktor then went to the closet, opening the door. "They're gone, buddy. I wouldn't let them take you. But were you really with them before?" Brooklyn gave a quick nod before feeling shy again, covering his eyes.

Viktor sighed heavily again, shaking his head. "Come on up, I'll bring you back to the couch." Brooklyn gingerly took his hand up. "Tha-anks," Brooklyn said quietly, feeling gratitude to the human after settling comfortably back onto the couch. That made the man smile.


Another week went by with Brooklyn slowly warming up to Viktor further, more grateful than ever that his abusers were gone now, sometimes a little interested in Viktor's science. But one day, Brooklyn had a terrible daymare about Sasha again which made him feel awful, causing him to eye the knives in the kitchen while Viktor was out for the evening but would be back soon.

It... could be the answer to my pain. I can't live like this anymore, Brooklyn thought with tears in his eyes, as he went to get one of the knives in the kitchen, picking out a sharp one.

He sat there on the couch, staring at the sharp blade and seeing Sasha's face in it. Growling, Brooklyn made a slice on his wrist, hating himself for allowing Sasha to die, even if he hadn't been in a full relationship with her, she felt like a mother to him. The blood welled from his scratches, darker than his skin.

Brooklyn made another on his wrist and was about to harm himself further when the door opened. "Brooklyn, I found a rare specimen of moss that somehow lives through winter I want you to- Brooklyn stop!" For Viktor had seen what his guest was doing, rushing forward to take the knife away from him. It scared Brooklyn but he bared his teeth. "Get away!" He screamed after his times of being shy, his emotions making him lash out.

Viktor was startled by his friend's change of attitude but could see big grief in his glowing eyes, holding his bleeding wrist. "Why would you do this Brooklyn?" He asked firmly, hands on his hips.

Brooklyn couldn't handle it anymore, his eyes not glowing, tears falling, covering his eyes. "Didn't want... to be... saved from that ice... you should've let me drown!" he sobbed openly.

The elder man felt shocked at those words and pity. He sat down carefully. "You know I wouldn't have. Why would you think that?"

"I couldn't protect the one who rescued me from that horror auction when she was shot, Sasha... wanted... to be with her again..." Brooklyn whimpered, head lowered.

Gently, Viktor placed his hand on Brooklyn's left arm, making the male shiver but gave into it. "You can't let these thoughts control you. Don't beat yourself over the head with this," he said gently. "Sasha wouldn't have approved of you killing yourself. She would've wanted you to keep living, to find your home again. I'm sure of it."

Brooklyn looked at him with a tear-streaked face. "Y-you sure?" He sniffled. Viktor grinned sadly. "Yes. Now why don't we wrap up your wrists? Those cuts don't look pretty." That made the beaked gargoyle give a sad chuckle, as Viktor got out bandages and alcohol, gently cleaning them first before wrapping them up; knowing that the next day they would heal.

Ever since that talk, Brooklyn and Viktor grew closer to each other as friends, and it made Brooklyn desire his home more than before.

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