Chapter 15

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In the long hours close to sunrise, the new female gargoyle named Kita watched over Brooklyn. She also had a beak like his but a little shorter, and slightly webbed wings like Demona on her back. She also had wing hands like Brooklyn too.

Kita gazed down into her new patient's face. He was still sleeping, and head still hot. She felt a pang of pity for him. How long had he had been traveling? And where was he from? The gargess also noticed his tail that was missing a part of it, gasping softly at the sight.

She stroked the back of her hand on his cheek gently, hoping he would soon wake up. "I hope you can hear me, whoever you are. You're safe with us, the sun will be here soon."


Brooklyn moaned in his sleep, feeling someone's hand on his cheek and a cold cloth on his fevered forehead. He weakly opened his eyes but it was hard to do so. In his fuzzy vision, he spotted a new face before him. Brooklyn at first thought it looked like an angel.

"What... mmm..." He slurred thickly; his belly full of nausea. The angel before him shushed him gently. "Happy to see you're still alive. What's your name?" She asked in a voice that felt like music to Brooklyn's ears.

His chest heaved a little but he managed to speak again. "Brook...lyn..." the red male croaked feebly. Kita smiled back at him. "I like it," she said, right as the sun appeared, turning them into stone.


Upon nightfall again, the stone skin on both gargoyles in the infirmary cracked and broke, the two yawning. Kita's eyes glowed red while Brooklyn's white. He groaned slightly when coming to his senses after being out of it for a while, staring around, wondering where he was, having lost his memory of before.

Kita saw he was more open-eyed than yesterday and his fever had cooled down. "Nice to see you feeling better," she greeted with a smile. Just seeing the new gargoyle before him, Brooklyn didn't know how to feel at first after being abused and not around others of his kind for so long.

His eyes were big and he pushed into his bed. Kita noted his out of sorts behavior and skittish face. She knew something was wrong, reaching out with her hand. "What's wrong, Brooklyn? I am here to help you get better. And are you really from Goliath's clan?"

Brooklyn glared from his fear. "I won't let anybody hurt me!" He shouted in defense, as the leader Kai came in to see him. His eyes narrowed at how Brooklyn was behaving.

"What have you learned, Kita?" Kita looked over to her leader. "His name is Brooklyn, but he seems to be too scared to tell us his story yet." Kai nodded in understanding when seeing the new gargoyle's defensive and weak state.

"Of course. We will allow him to recover before questioning. Keep taking care of him Kita. We will go on patrol." Kai and Sora both left as Brooklyn lay there in his blankets, questioning himself why the gargoyles with him weren't his clan.

Kita smiled at him again. "You up to trying some food, Brooklyn?" Her patient gave her a quick gaze before turning away again, feeling too shy to speak to another gargoyle female after being rejected too much. But he spoke in a quiet voice. "Yes." Anything to get her to leave him alone. Kita nodded as she stood up to get Brooklyn some soup and crackers.

Brooklyn curled in his bed, his heart thumping in nerves when staring around his room, some small memories coming to him about wanting to find the clan in Japan. This could be one of those gargoyles since she had a Japanese accent about her. Inside his soul, Brooklyn felt desperate to see the female again.

She soon returned with a tray of food for him. The soup smelled good. She placed the tray on his lap. Brooklyn tensed slightly when Kita was close again, his heart thumping but Kita still smiled, sitting down.

"I hope you like it. It is Kenchinjiru soup." Kita said.

Brooklyn stared down at the soup that looked like vegetable soup. Swallowing, he decided to try it. Taking the spoon in his shaky hands, he began to eat it, thankfully it wasn't too hot. The soup felt good in his mouth as he kept on eating, eyeing Kita warily while eating but she didn't seem to want to hurt him.

The thing that interested Brooklyn the most was that he was meeting another gargoyle that had a beak like his, which made him feel a little bit happy even after all his trauma he had gone through. Brooklyn managed to eat as much as he could, then placed the tray away from him.

Kita took the tray in her hand, glad that Brooklyn had been able to eat, but he still seemed too shy to tell about his journey. That was when Brooklyn felt himself talk. "Where... am I?" He asked in a muted tone. Kita raised her brow but answered. "You're with the Ishimura Clan. But how did you get all the way out here?"

Swallowing, Brooklyn made himself to answer. "I was kidnapped from New York, Goliath's clan. They took me to Russia. I barely escaped." He said in a shaky tone, gripping his legs under his blankets.

Kita put a hand on his knees feeling him shiver. "You can be with us for as long as you need to. You're exhausted, Brooklyn-San." she stated. He gazed into her green eyes, welcoming rest, as he nodded.

"Thank you. Don't want to travel alone anymore." Brooklyn said quietly, lying down on his pillow, wanting to rest again. Kita stood up. "Let me know if you need anything," the gargess said as she left the room to let Brooklyn relax until he was ready to meet the rest of the clan.


Another few days of rest saw Brooklyn back on his feet again and had himself get a tour from Kita of their home in the Bushido. It was rather impressive and Brooklyn liked that there weren't so many mean humans around but he still didn't feel so safe near them. When the tour was over, Kita had offered to Brooklyn to meet her leaders but Brooklyn backed out, going to find a place of solitude since he still felt too scared and standoffish towards these new gargoyles to actually talk to them.

Kita reached out with her hand, not wanting him to leave, but eventually decided to let him have his alone time. She went to speak with Kai who had returned from patrol.

"Has he improved?" Kai asked Kita.

She nodded. "Yes, but he still won't open up to me about what happened, even after I gave him a tour of our home."

Kai sighed, shaking his head. "He will need some more encouragement and support to tell him that we won't bring him harm. And that'll be your job, Kita. I hope you can help Brooklyn. He obviously looks lost without his clan from Manhattan."

The orange gargess bowed her head. "I shall try my best." She turned to go and find Brooklyn who was sitting on a bench in the garden by the pond there, looking down into the water. At one point, he saw Sasha's face in the water, causing tears to fall as he hit the water with his talons, wiping his eyes.

Kita had heard the splashing as she carefully went towards him, seeing him crying. She placed a hand on his shoulder, causing Brooklyn to inhale sharply, looking at her.

"Just go away, please," he begged, not wanting to be near any more females. He knew they could never last long being around him. The red male wrapped his wings around his shoulders, sitting with his feet on the bench.

Kita wouldn't leave, wrapping her own wings. "Brooklyn, this avoiding everyone can't last forever. I understand what had happened to you wasn't right, but you can't bottle up your feelings like this. I should know. Even if I'm one of the healers, I'm not as fragile and ignorant as you would think."

Brooklyn blinked a little bit, somewhat stunned from her different tone of voice from before when he was healing, wiping his eyes. "You're... not like the others." He said softly.

Kita sat down on the bench. She recalled during their tour how whenever Brooklyn attempted eye contact with her other brothers, they would glare and look away from him, since Brooklyn didn't get as much respect as Goliath did here.

She gazed at his tail again, seeing the deformed way it looked. Brooklyn noticed her looking and took it in his hands, flushing. "Don't think I'm a freak because of this." He said in a quiet voice.

Kita held out her hand. "I don't," she assured him. "But how did you lose it?" Brooklyn growled a little again, hating Yegor for taking his dignity away. "Humans mutilated my tail." He said in a shaky voice, making Kita's eyes round. How could they?

"Can't talk about it anymore," Brooklyn mumbled, tears falling down his face as he stood up, taking to the skies again, leaving Kita there speechless, angry at whatever humans hurt Brooklyn in such a brutal way. She stood, going to talk to Kai about Brooklyn's situation.

Kai himself was stunned at what Kita had told him about how Brooklyn lost part of his tail. "But could he say where he was when it happened?" Kita shook her head.

"He is still closed off, but I am somewhat getting through to him. If I keep trying but not be too forceful, I'm sure I can help him feel better," Kita insisted. Kai nodded, though inside he hoped Brooklyn wouldn't remain sad like this forever.

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