Chapter 19

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The clan and Brooklyn flew back to their village and it turned out to be a great reunion moment for them all. Kaori was crying while hugging her sister tight, and Kai himself had hugged Kita too. Brooklyn stood off to the side, watching the moment and feeling tears at being homesick again, muscles clenched, and feeling very tense inside.

Kai turned with a gentle and proud smile. "I'm grateful to you in going to rescue our sister, even when it also put you in harm's way. You, Brooklyn, are an honorary member of our clan. And we will help you get back with Goliath and the others."

Brooklyn felt a shy smile, wings flapping. "It- it was nothing, really. Just didn't want to see her get hurt... Agh!" He gripped his bruised side from the tasing.

Kita noticed as she rushed over. "You need to rest and save your strength for your journey home." She murmured softly, giving him a small kiss. His already red skin flushed as he hugged her in return, happy to have finally gained love. Even though Kita herself felt pretty terrified from nearly being impaled with that needle, she figured this was nothing compared to what horrors Brooklyn had been in.

Kai nodded. "He may rest for some time until we can call his friend Xanatos." Kita led Brooklyn, who limped slightly to the infirmary where he could lay back for a while and eventually turn to stone.

Kita had noted how clenched up and stressed Brooklyn's muscles had been ever since their horrible moment being captured and most of all, from his time as a prisoner in Russia. He never had the full time to just relax and allow his muscles to really let loose.

She helped lay him on the bed and given him tea. While he drank it, she asked the question, "Brooklyn, I noticed how tightened up your muscles were. Maybe... before we leave... I can help loosen them up for you?"

Brooklyn nearly choked on his tea from this. "You mean... massage?" He asked, never having a girl done this for him. It made his belly feel funny.

Kita nodded, smiling. "I am a healer after all; if you'd want to do it. It'll just be a normal massage, don't worry," the beaked female said.

Brooklyn trembled a little but eventually he agreed, knowing now that he needed it desperately. He gave his cup back to Kita and since it was only two hours before sunrise, they had just enough time for her to reach all the sensitive areas. Kita went to one of the cupboards and brought out something to help relax, which was lavender oil. Brooklyn smelled it and it really did feel like it was calming him down, even if she wasn't massaging him yet.

Kita had Brooklyn at first lay him down on his belly and have his head on his pillow, but she let him keep his clothing on since they weren't mates yet, and Brooklyn didn't want it to be forced so soon. He was still so nervous, muscles so tensed up. She began to say soothing words to Brooklyn. "Just relax, my love," she said softly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Her touch was so gentle, causing him to gasp softly, as she began to rub him. Brooklyn gave a soft sigh from the feeling, laying his head on the pillow, giving a little smile up to Kita who kept up her massaging along his spine. It really felt good!

"How is this?" Kita asked in her smooth voice. Brooklyn replied with a moan, laying there, eyes half closed, and felt his muscles unclenching. "Feels... nice..." He mumbled in a low voice. "But Kita, you don't seem quite traumatized after being taken," the red male suddenly brought up. Kita halted for a bit before replying.

"I was scared. But... I feel the reason why I'm not so traumatized is because you have been held captive longer with those other horrible humans than I ever was in that earlier moment, which made me feel more worried for you than myself when I saw you being brought in against your will," The female replied back, small tears in her eyes. "And I think you deserve this relaxation."

The beaked male gave a tired smile, happy for her caring for his wellbeing. She kept up the massage, caressing all the sensitive spots on his spine at first and next moved to his wings. Those were the most sensitive as he moaned but struggled to keep his emotions from going overboard to mate with her.

Kita smiled from seeing him having a good time, gently caressing the sensitive skin he had, along with his tail with the five inches missing, and his shoulders and face. The lavender scent too gave Brooklyn a soft wave of peace within him, eyes fluttering.

But at a certain moment, he caught the sound of a gun going off, making him jump even after he gave into the massage, and the screams of his former human friend. His heart thumped as he began to panic from it. Kita noted his sudden change of attitude. She came over. "What's wrong?" Brooklyn couldn't speak, having a panic attack and breathing fast and shallow, eyes popping when seeing Sasha's blood.

She figured he was seeing an awful vision of his human friend dying even when he gave into his relaxation. Kita knew she had to do something.

The gargess stroked his cheek and arm after turning him over. "Look at me, Brooklyn, breathe. It's ok, it's ok," She said in a shaky voice, also rubbing his forehead. Brooklyn whimpered, shutting his eyes. Kita took him into her arms when sitting down on the bed with the red gargoyle, trying to wipe his tears away and smiling comfortingly. Brooklyn gazed into her pretty blue eyes, as she calmed him again by eventually beginning to hum a small song her mom sang to her.

"Sleep, little pigeon, and fold your wings,-

Little blue pigeon with velvet eyes;

Sleep to the singing of mother-bird swinging-

Swinging the nest where her little one lies."

Brooklyn's ears perked as his panic attack began to settle down, not expecting for his girl to have such a beautiful singing voice. A small sleepy smile appears on his beak as she continued to hold him in her lap, massaging his sides and even using one of her wing hands to hold his own that made him flush red.

"Away out yonder I see a star, -

Silvery star with a tinkling song;

To the soft dew falling I hear it calling-

Calling and tinkling the night along."

Brooklyn felt his weak hand reaching up to cup Kita's face gently, causing her to gasp a little but rubbed her hand on it. She also massaged his tail, even the part that had broken off but gently. He was scared of her touching it at first but soon gave into it.

"In through the window a moonbeam comes,-

Little gold moonbeam with misty wings;

All silently creeping, it asks, "Is he sleeping-

Sleeping and dreaming while mother sings?"

Up from the sea there floats the sob

Of the waves that are breaking upon the shore,

As though they were groaning in anguish, and moaning-

Bemoaning the ship that shall come no more.

But sleep, little pigeon, and fold your wings,-

Little blue pigeon with mournful eyes;

Am I not singing?-see, I am swinging-

Swinging the nest where my darling lies."

Kita finished singing the Japanese lullaby, seeing how it was affecting Brooklyn, who yawned. She knew he needed a good rest before riding back home. Gently, Kita planted a small kiss on his cheek.

Brooklyn smiled sleepily. It made him happy, before eventually falling asleep right before the sun began to show itself. Kai had looked in once more to see their sister singing to their guest, then giving him that small kiss, which made him realize now that she really did love the Manhattan gargoyle.

After that, he left to go turn to stone right as the sun came up. Brooklyn's eyes were still closed as he felt it cover him and Kita while embraced with each other.


In the evening, the two gargoyles roared when they broke out of it. Kita's eyes glowed red and Brooklyn's white as they stretched. The two of them still found themselves sitting together with each other, both flushing but still smiling.

"Good morning, my love," Kita greeted warmly, giving him a kiss on the beak. He did the same thing. "You too." They then heard a woofing noise and Siveth had run in to see them, wagging her stump tail. Brooklyn and Kita both sat up and broke apart to pet her.

"Hi, girl," Brook said in a smiling tone, caressing her ears and happy that he and Kita were safe from that maniac. But today was the day they'll be trying to find a way home. It was going to be different in Manhattan again after being here.

Kita looked at Brooklyn as her eyes were filled with a decision she had thought over yesterday while calming and healing him down. "Brooklyn? I-I think I have come to decide on something. I don't want to be separated from you. I want to go with you to Manhattan, as your mate." That made the red male's head jerk around from petting Siveth, and his eyes widened in surprise. "But you're the healer, Kita. I don't want you to leave the home you were raised in."

"I've already made up my mind. Who else would be able to sing to you, and to care for you when the rest of your family aren't around? I am going home with you." Kita said in a firm voice, her eyes filled with love, taking his hand. That made Brooklyn's eyes fill with tears of happiness at the idea of not having to go home alone. He gave her a hug, crying. "Thank you, Kita, thank you!" He sobbed, as she stroked his back, smiling into his arms.

Soon, the two future mates went to see Kai and ask him about the transportation situation. He was sad to hear that Kita really was leaving but wished her all the best. And he shook hands with Brooklyn. "I will take good care of her, Kai, on my honor," Brooklyn vowed.

Kai nodded in approval. "Now, I believe the one you lived with that Goliath mentioned, Xanatos has his own plane. Been thinking that could be the best way to get you home since a lot of our planes here are being used right now. I'll have Kaori phone Xanatos and see if he can send one here."

Brooklyn's heart soared at the fact that he wouldn't need to glide over the Atlantic Ocean. Gliding over the Eastern Sea was enough for him to do in a lifetime. "I would appreciate it, Kai. And I will miss being here. I never thought I could meet other new gargoyles besides Griff from London," He said. Kai looked interested at the idea of London gargoyles.

When going to converse with Kaori about calling Xanatos, she said she'd be willing to do it. And she had another surprise for them. "I've been thinking of tagging along if that is alright. American tech sounds rather intriguing for me and I would like to be one of your ambassadors." Kaori offered.

Kita was happy that one of her sisters would be joining them, hugging her too. Siveth didn't really know what was going on but pawed Kita, woofing. Brook knew too they couldn't leave their little friend either. Bronx would like a new friend too.


Xanatos Enterprises had its own private airplane that Brooklyn was going to come home in along with his new companions. Kita, his new mate to be, Kaori, her rookery sister, and Siveth the gar dog pup.

Fox was going to be flying the plane along with another gargoyle ally pilot. She got things in order first. As much as it seemed easy to go west and fly over the Pacific Ocean, planes just didn't fly that way. The plane would have to fly east over the Atlantic Ocean, over Europe and Asia, and into Japan. It would land in Tokyo.

There were crates that would house the gargoyles. Kaori had the village's officer arrange the flight arrangements. Xanatos had already paid for the transport of four gargoyles to be hauled to New York.

Brooklyn was excited about going home to his clan and bringing his love with him. He knew about going into crates and ever since his abuse at the hands of Yegor and the Russian men, he was scared of being locked up in crates or cages.

The plane had soon landed in Tokyo. Fox came to Ishimura in a limousine car from Tokyo to get the gargoyles.

When the redheaded woman got out of the car, Brooklyn was surprised she was here. "Hi, Fox." He greeted happily.

"It's nice to see you again, Brooklyn. We thought we would never see you again. It's good you found your way here. And who are your friends that you're bringing?" Fox smiled.

"This is my love, Kita." Brooklyn introduced the female behind him.

"Hi, Fox. I've heard some about you." Kita said. "And this is Kaori, my rookery sister. And the little one coming is Siveth."

"Hi." Kaori waved.

"Okay. Well, everything is ready now. We just need to get to the airport. It'll be sunrise soon." Fox stated.

"I'm really not comfortable riding in a crate, Fox." Brooklyn admitted.

"Brooklyn, you'll be able to get out of the crate on board the plane. There will be straps to hold you all up. They will be able to be undone. The crate will be unlocked once it's secure on the plane. But with it being so close to sunrise, you all turning to stone works in your favor. You won't even notice most of it. We will have a layover in England to get some more fuel in the plane before we cross the Atlantic Ocean." Fox explained.

"Why can't we go over the other ocean?"

"Planes just aren't permitted to go that way due to certain air currents and such." Fox declared. "So yes, it seems like a long way out of the way. But soon, you'll be home."


Brooklyn and his female companions then went and got into the car. "Thanks for everything." He told the officer.

"It was a pleasure to know you, Brooklyn-San." He said, bowing in respect.

Brook bowed back.

"And take good care of those girls."

"I will. Thank you. And tell Kai thank you for rescuing me."

Then they were all in the car ready for transport to the airport. There was still some more time before sunrise.

It was an hour and a half drive to the airport they were going to. Their plane was a private one and in a different section of the airport for it to be loaded up. So it was out of the way of being seen by most of the ground crew.

It wasn't long before the car pulled up that the gargoyles had to get out of the car so they would turn to stone to be loaded into crates. A crane would lift the statues into their crates. There was softer material inside that would support the statues but straps too to hold them up. Then the boxes were locked up for safekeeping just until they were on board the plane.

"I'm still uncomfortable about this." Brooklyn said.

"It'll be alright, my love." Kita assured him. She kissed him on his beak. "I can't wait to meet your clan. Just think of them."

"I'm trying." Brook declared.

"New York sounds exciting. It's much bigger than being in Ishimura." Kaori exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, it is. Much bigger and more things to do." Brook said. "More places to see and protect."

"I can't wait!"

Then the sun rose and they all took their poses. They turned to stone. Now they could all be put into their respective crates.

The crane was operated by one of the ground crew and put each one in their crate. Then sealed in before being lifted into the cargo hold being secured with straps.

Fox went up front to start getting the plane ready for take-off. She had also hired another pilot to help fly this one home. She wanted to be there for the gargoyles when they woke up later. Hopefully, they would at least make it to the layover in England while the plane got filled with more fuel to cross the ocean.

When everything was ready, the plane's engines started and the plane took to the air, ready to make the long flight to New York.


The gargoyles slept in their crates for most of the journey. It made things a lot easier for Brooklyn. The plane flew all day over Asia and over Europe. Fox slept in her special compartment. She wanted to be well rested when the gargoyle woke up.

The plane soon landed in England after a good fourteen hour flight. The sun was just going down in the country.

The gargoyles roared to life inside their crates. When Brooklyn came to, he couldn't stretch out all the way. He saw he was in the crate as Fox said he would be. That angered him and he jammed his fists into the walls and lid. The nails of the lid came off and he was glad to finally get some air in his lungs.

The same happened with Kita and Kaori. They all undid their straps too to be able to move again. There was whimpering inside the smaller crate for Siveth. They had to tear open her box.

"Where are we?" Kaori asked.

"I don't know. We'll find out, Sister." Kita assured her. She carried the nervous pup in her arms.

"I'm just glad we weren't totally locked in there." Brooklyn admitted. They could hear sounds of airplanes taking off all around them. "I think we're still on the plane."

"Just in the cargo hold." Kita said. "Let's go above."

They all proceeded to climb out of the cargo hold and went up to the first class sitting area. Fox was there to greet them. "Hi, guys. I wondered when you were coming up." She smiled.

"Where are we, Fox?" Brook asked.

"We're on the layover in London." Fox replied.

"There's another clan here in London too." Brooklyn stated.

"That's nice. Sure would like to meet them." Kaori said.

"We don't have time for that now, Miss. We're going to be taking off again soon. Just stay here on the plane." Fox insisted.

"Of course."

"I just don't want to go back in that crate again." Brooklyn said.

"You don't have to." Fox said.

"We're not switching planes, right?" Kita asked.

"No. Just filling up." Fox replied.

"Okay. Just making sure."

The plane was soon filled up and it was a two hours of waiting. During that time, the gargoyles all were able to walk around outside too, to get some fresh air before it was time to get back on board. They didn't go far. They were also given some snacks. Brooklyn knew he didn't want a full meal until he got back to New York. He didn't want to risk getting sick on the plane.

The plane was fully fueled and ready for takeoff. The gargoyles all sat down in seats and put their seatbelts on. Fox did too. They cleared the way and got back in the air. It was way different than their own takeoffs when they took to the air when gliding. And noisier. They were now off across England and over the Atlantic.

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