Chapter 23

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After Brooklyn had gained back his tail, he didn't feel as nervous anymore about going out on patrol, especially with having Kita by his side. Though he told Goliath that he wanted at first to give Kita a tour of the city.

Goliath wasn't so sure at first but then nodded. "I suppose you can. Keep yourselves safe," he said, a hand on Brooklyn's shoulder. Brook smiled.

"Thanks. Come on, Kita!" The red male said, taking the female's hand and running out to the balcony, Kita laughing.

She gazed out into the city, her hair blowing in the wind that was out tonight, perfect for gliding from Brooklyn's POV. He grinned at her. "So... you ready?"

Kita flapped her wings. "Yes! I desperately want to see your city!"

The beaked male laughed, taking her hand again, and the two glided off into the night, which happened to be very warm, hence it being July now.

They flew over the city, it being a beautiful night, Brooklyn watching his love how she glided, his heart fluttering.

"Where to first?" Kita questioned.

Brooklyn grinned. "I suppose I could introduce you to some of the best food here in Manhattan." He took her to a hot dog stand, where it was closed for the evening and made one for Kita, putting ketchup and mustard on it. Kita eyed it, when Brooklyn told her it was a hot dog, she was concerned.

Brooklyn laughed. "It's not really made of dog, it's pork." He explained, Kita then understanding. She bit into the hot dog and her eyes brightened. "It's good!" She praised. The red male felt happy she liked the food, taking her hand again. "Come on, wanna show you some other cool places."

The two of them kept on flying until they soon came to the building that housed the gargoyles that weren't alive; one of Brooklyn's places to brood. But now he had someone special to spend his time here with.

Kita stared in awe after they landed upon seeing all the fake gargoyles. "Whoa, whoever made these must've really liked gargoyles," she complimented.

Brooklyn nodded. "Suppose. A good place to hide from bad ones too should we be outmatched."

They picked out their favorite statues, most of them having beaks, though Kita wound up finding one that looked like her leader, which somewhat surprised Brooklyn.

After that, Brooklyn took her to the twin towers, that had a rather large view of everything, Kita and him flying around the towers, holding each other's hands, gazing lovingly at each other. This so far was the best night for Brooklyn ever, not feeling so alone anymore here in New York. They even visited the Statue of Liberty, Kita loving the design of her.

"She's beautiful," Kita said, when they landed on the crown, gazing out over the Hudson river.

Brooklyn turned to her. "But nothing compared to you," he complimented back, a flush on his cheeks, making Kita giggle, giving Brooklyn a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "This night had been amazing, Brooklyn. You have any other surprises?"

Brooklyn nodded. "Yup." He glided off, flying towards Central Park for one more time together, somewhat hoping they didn't need to worry about being attacked. The young couple landed at the park, which looked rather beautiful with the moonlight shining on the trees. He gazed at her while they were walking among the trees, which was a good opportunity to rest their wings.

Kita didn't think she could've had this much fun with the male of her choice. Brooklyn's idea for a fun outing was exciting, despite him having had traumatized moments from his capture earlier. And they had yet to encounter any bad ones here.

The two of them eventually sat down on a bench, just holding each other's hands, staring into their eyes. Brook at one point saw a group of flowers near him, taking them up and handing them to Kita, who gasped softly, taking the flowers. But soon, Brooklyn felt like he had to make some confessions to Kita, which made him uncomfortable.

Kita noticed his nervousness. "Brooklyn, what's wrong?" Brook trembled but knew he had to tell her some of the failures he made in his early days. "I don't know if you would like me anymore after this, Kita. But, when in my youth, I wasn't the perfect gargoyle. Made some pretty stupid mistakes, ones I still regret doing."

Brooklyn glanced down in sadness while Kita was somewhat surprised. "You'll feel better when telling me. We all make mistakes, Brooklyn-San," she assured, rubbing his back. Taking a breath, he began to speak.

"First, I nearly joined our old enemy that I have yet to tell you about. Her name is Demona, an old mate of Goliath. She turns human during the day." Kita's eyes rounded from what he said, never hearing anything about a gargoyle turning human before. She nodded at him to continue. "Demona saved me from bikers that tried to maul me and tricked me into believing that all humans are the scum of the Earth that caused me to nearly erase Goliath's personality from a mind control spell after stealing a spell book for her."

He growled softly, tears falling, hating it ever since it happened. "I'll never forgive her!"

Kita flinched a little from his words, pity for her boyfriend rushing through her veins. "I was able to stop Demona in the end, and Elisa snapped Goliath out of the spell. But this really messed up my innocence in trusting others, and I hated myself ever since, even if Goliath forgave me."

Kita gave him a hug. "Please don't continue to hit yourself with the guilt. It's not good for your mental health, especially if it happened a long time ago."

Brooklyn wiped his eyes, nodding, but then spoke again. "But something else happened too. It dealt with one of Goliath's rookery brothers, a blue one reincarnated into a living cyborg named Coldstone. When Puck tried separating two of the spirits trapped in Coldstone's body, the evil one and Coldstone's mate, Broadway and Angela got their spirits in them."

That made the orange female look interested but she saw in Brooklyn's eyes how much trauma was in them from that moment. "I-I touched Coldstone and got the evil one into me. He possessed my body without me wanting it to. He was called Coldsteel." Kita put a hand over her mouth in horror at the idea of being possessed.

"He made me act evil; hurting my family and such, traumatizing me for a while after. And I still don't know why Goliath keeps trusting me after all that and choosing me to be his Second."

Kita took up his cheek, making Brooklyn look at her. "He chose you because you're compassionate, and willing to admit your mistakes, and wanting to protect others. Don't ever doubt your confidence, Brooklyn. I know you'll be a good leader. And I want to be by your side."

Brooklyn's stomach fluttered again, her hand soft against his cheek, taking hers in his too, the two beaked gargoyles leaning in for a kiss.

A gunshot fired at the two lovers, making them cry out in surprise, as a group of familiar hooded men to Brooklyn showed themselves, with their hammers and guns. The leader grinned sadistically, Brooklyn's eyes flashing white, keeping Kita behind him.

"Such sweet love from you beasts, it makes me want to vomit!" mocked Jon Castaway.

Kita's eyes widened in fear and her ears fell. "W-Who are they?" she asked fearfully.

Brooklyn growled. "The Quarrymen, our next greatest enemy next to Demona. But what do you want with us?!"

Jon smirked. "Saw the new pretty demoness in town, figured we could play our part and well... eradicate her."

That set Brooklyn's anger off, wings spreading out. "You won't touch her or hurt her!" He bellowed, eyes flashing white, charging at Jon, tackling him down, Kita watching in awe when seeing her love fight again, but saw some of the other Quarrymen cornering her.

One of them smirked under his mask. "So, a new little lady gargoyle, huh? This should be fun..." He turned on his hammer, swinging it at Kita, who cried out, jumping out of the way, using her tail to knock him down.

Brooklyn kept growling while he and Castaway rolled over each other and punched and clawed. He would never let Castaway lay a finger on Kita if it was the last thing he did! He leaned in to try biting Castaway's face, but Jon used his hammer; pushing it hard into Brooklyn's chest.

"AAAAGH!" shrieked Brooklyn from the pain, knocked off his feet from it and falling back. Kita gasped in horror after punching another Quarryman in the stomach.

"Brooklyn!" she yelled, running to his side. Brook lay there on his back, groaning, feeling weak, and the two stared up at their tormentor, who sneered down at the young couple.

"I could kill you right now, but this is merely a game for me. It won't be over between us yet, now that I've made an enemy for you, lady demon!" Castaway threatened, he and his group taking off after that.

The red gargoyle felt pained and burned, Kita struggling to help him up. "You think you will be able to glide? We have to get back to let the others know," she said gently, rubbing where his burnt spot was.

"I... I think so. Let's go." He muttered, knowing it wasn't safe here anymore as the two gargoyles flew off back to their sanctuary.

While they glided, Kita held Brooklyn's hand gently. "Despite our small setback, my love, I really loved this night together with you." She stated, her eyes full of her love.

Brooklyn grinned back, happy to have this time with Kita and hope to have many more, even thinking about marrying her. But that was such a big step for him, hoping to talk to someone like Hudson or Goliath about that.

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