Chapter 28

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Back with the clan in the castle, it was now close to sunrise and Goliath noticed the lack of return from Lexington and Kaori, feeling concerned. The rest of the clan had managed to come back safely as well as Brooklyn and Kita who had their own date night and wedding planning.

"Where is Lexington and Kaori? I told them to be back not long before sunrise," Goliath questioned, gazing out at the distance.

Brooklyn's ears fell a little, upset that his little brother hadn't taken heed to his warning, hoping he hadn't gotten into trouble. Hudson gave a little sigh, gazing out too. "I'm sure the young ones have probably found a place to roost."

Goliath nodded but still didn't look satisfied. "Well, I will be giving them a talking to when they get back, for sure!" He growled lowly, talons scraping along one of the stones, making Brooklyn's ears fall, hoping his brother didn't get into any kind of trouble, as the group went into their stone slumber, unaware that at this moment, Castaway had their members held hostage.


The following night, Lex and Kaori both woke up from the stone sleep, roaring and stretching before feeling their chains, realizing they were still held by these monster humans. Kaori was still quite scared of their situation, seeing them coming up to the couple with cruel grins.

Castaway shouldered his hammer. "It is time for my friends to see you two, little beasts. Now let's bring you out into the public..." he taunted.

Kaori felt tears in her eyes at the thought, holding onto Lexington, who growled at the man. "Don't come anywhere near us! We won't be your pawns!" He shouted, making Jon angry.

"Oh, but you are pawns already allowing yourselves to be captured. I shall soon have that other couple in my grasp, that pathetic red one and his dear little girl."

Lex's face fell then, fear flooding in his veins, now dreading his clan coming to rescue them if it meant his family's demise, especially Brooklyn's. He knew that they wouldn't like what Castaway's fan group would do to them next.

Kaori held Lexington tight even with her own wings under her arms when they came to take them away. Lex hissed, swiping his talons at the men but wound up being zapped by their hammers, Kaori crying out for him, the two being pulled out and away from each other's embrace.

"Lex!" sobbed Kaori, struggling as much as she could. Lexington reached for her hand, but the Quarrymen dragged him to a metal wheel looking thing, strapping him down with gargoyle proof cuffs, causing Lex to have flashbacks of something similar happening when he gave himself up to save Alex.

He shouted in rage, pulling hard after they strapped his tail down as well, and tears fell when seeing Kaori getting the same display set up. Jon grinned wickedly when coming close. "Time for the show, little friend. And I will soon call your family about your absence," he mocked, a hand under Lex's chin who flinched from the touch. The men eventually hauled them into a truck to take the couple to the warehouse they would be meeting the group at. He glanced up in despair as the bus doors shut.

Inside, to Lex's horror were other riders in the bus that were part of the anti-gargoyle group, all yelling harshly at them. Kaori was crying, tugging, not liking this at all. She had never experienced such hatred towards her before and wanted her sister to come and save them.

Jon slowly went up to Lexington, putting a hammer under his chin. "How nice to see you being brought this low. Soon, your clan will all be like this, and it should also possibly bring the demon right to me."

Lexington growled, struggling. "This hunting has been going on for too long Castaway! It's gone out of control; can't you see that? New York is supposed to be a safe place for everybody, both gargoyle and human!" He yelled out loud, before suddenly, Jon angrily hit him hard with the hammer on his stomach. Lex gave a loud shout of pain, Kaori crying for him, wanting to hug him badly. "For those words, your other family will get much worse treatment."

Both captured gargoyles glanced at each other, hoping that they could somehow escape on their own and not have their clan be in anymore trouble with these horrible humans.

The bus drove for a while, Lex glancing every so often at his girl, who was crying and pulling, not liking the way the humans were tormenting her. He knew he was gonna be giving her lots of comfort after this ordeal.

Meanwhile, Matt had tipped to Elisa about where the gargoyles were being taken, and Elisa told Goliath. Brooklyn narrowed his eyes at the idea of those Quarrymen throwing his brother and new sister on display like zoo animals.

The clan eventually planned when they would soon go and rescue them, gliding out with Elisa's directions to Washington Square Park to where Castaway was. Brooklyn felt worried for his younger brother, hoping they wouldn't be seriously injured when finding them.


Lex had no idea how long the bus had been driving for, until soon it came to a halt. He had tears in his eyes from what the gargoyle protestors were shouting at them, mostly bad words he and his clan wouldn't normally say out loud. Castaway had his men take them outside to be displayed in front of a much bigger crowd, where he would make the biggest lure in trap to finally destroy them all for good.

The men hauled Lexington and Kaori out. The bus was big enough and designed by Castaway himself to be able to hold both trapped gargoyles and protestors at the same time.

Kaori had tears of trauma down her cheeks. "W-where are we?" She whimpered above the angry mocking shouts.

Lexington glanced at her and then around. "It... looks like Washington Square," he stated, and seeing a display stand like the one he was put on once when going to rescue Alex.

Soon, the young couple were brought up on stage, being propped up on the wall behind it. The crowd had gathered up a lot of items to throw, smirking and throwing taunting looks. Lex glared back but knew he couldn't hate these humans. He hated Castaway even more for making their heads all wrong.

Castaway stood triumphantly, raising his hammer in the air, shouting out into the wind. "Come on out, Goliath! Brooklyn! I got your precious members right here! Show yourselves now or they suffer!" He bellowed gruffly, pressing his hammer into Lex's neck, making him swallow thickly from the pain, not knowing that his clan was hiding on a rooftop after hearing the roaring of the crowd.

Brooklyn saw what had become of them, his eyes glowing as well as Kita's, but she also had small tears. "Why must they do this?" She whispered softly.

He squeezed her hand. "Castaway has a way of tempting and radicalizing innocent humans to his side, to make them hate and want to crucify our kind."

Goliath nodded. "If we are to rescue them, we have to figure out how to get down there without hurting the humans, except for the Quarrymen," He rumbled in his deep voice. Hudson couldn't stand seeing Lexington cuffed up that way again like last time. "Hang in there, laddies," he murmured softly.


A small glass bottle hit Lex on his shoulder, causing him to yelp in pain. All of this was making him angry, tugging his wrists on the metal cuffs. Despite them being gargoyle proof, Lexington felt like he could break through them with all his anger.

Jon grinned sadistically, a hand under his chin. "You must feel so humiliated, hm? I love seeing your kind like this. And as for her... she probably wouldn't mind a little bit of fun from me?"

Kaori was crying, writhing. Her crying hurt Lex's ears, growling and pulling, ignoring the pain in his skin. "Get away from her! Leave her alone!" Lex stormed, seeing Jon's hands touching certain parts of his love that he had no permission to, the crowd jeering in the background. Lexington's eyes flashed ultimately. He bared his fangs, tugging further, Kaori's wails in his head. He couldn't take this anymore! Rescue or not, he was gonna get out!

There was even a camera crew there filming everything, right as the clan landed on a rooftop hidden and to not show themselves yet, despite it being hard for Brooklyn to wait. This brought him flashbacks of when a former mayor dictator held him hostage all because of them thinking the clan kidnapped Alex.

At one point however, Lexington saw a glass bottle hit Kaori on the stomach. She whined in agony, turning her head away from the crowd. And that was it for Lex. He didn't care anymore that the cuffs were gargoyle proof. His love for Kaori was stronger than the toughest metal. His eyes glowed brighter, muscles straining, causing him to roar, the cuffs breaking little by little.

Soon, to his shock but relief, the cuffs broke. At the moment, he ignored his wrists bleeding and being bruised, bursting free from his chains, causing the crowd to cry out in horror and fear. Castaway himself was stunned in disbelief that a gargoyle this small could break loose from his strong gargoyle proof metal. He couldn't move out of the way as Lex tackled him head on.

Goliath and the others were just as surprised to see this happen but knew now was the time to attack. Thankfully to their attack, it made the crowd disperse in panic so they wouldn't have to hurt any of them, except for the Quarrymen. The Quarrymen charged in to take them on. Even Bronx and Siveth came along to join the fight carried by Angela and Broadway.

Brooklyn joined Lexington in taking on Castaway while Kita landed and went to help Kaori, who was looking quite panicked and disheartened from her experience. Kita had a worried look for her sister after freeing her, since there were some cuts on her. "Are you alright, my sister?" she asked, giving Kaori a hug. Kaori just nodded, holding her tight, legs feeling like they were going to come out from under her.

Lexington roared when punching Castaway hard in the face, who grinned nastily, wiping it. "You really think your little tantrum will get you out of this? For a girl?"

Brooklyn's wings flared up from Castaway insulting Lex's girlfriend. "Leave her out of this!" He roared, sending a hard punch at the man. Castaway held his side from it. "This will never be over, freaks! You haven't seen the last of me!"

Jon then turned to run, Lexington wanting to run after him and finish the man off since his rage at him counters his own anger at the Pack. Brooklyn got a hold of his brother's arm, however. "He's not worth it now, Lex. Kaori needs you more," he stated, trying his best to be calm. The red male saw the anger in the olive one's eyes die down, before shaking his head, turning to see Kita tending to Kaori, along with Angela helping. The rest of the clan had chased off or killed the other Quarrymen.

Goliath's eyes furrowed at the sight of the unconscious Kaori, not liking that their other new member had gotten hurt just moments after Kita had. It had been a rough week for the clan. "Come on, let's go home," He murmured to them all.

The clan agreed, turning to glide. "Can you glide, Lex?" Lexington nodded tiredly. "I think so." He mumbled in his exhausted voice, as they climbed up the building, getting ready to take off, and went on their way hopefully to finally rest good back at the castle.

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