Chapter 31

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Pretty much at the end now. I usually hate finishing a story I liked working on but it can be nice to reach the end too.


After Brooklyn and Kita's wedding ceremony, Xanatos flew them up to his upstate retreat called Xanadu so they could have a honeymoon the following night. They were allowed to stay up there for a week and a half.

The two gargoyles had the time of their lives to just relax and be themselves. They glided around the forest, went for walks, watched some movies up there, Kita enjoyed cooking for Brooklyn after he would go out and catch some prey for their dinner, aside from the food they had been sent up here with. It was just part of a gargoyle challenge for the male to see that he could provide for his new mate should they ever come into a survival incident such as that.

They dreamed of possible hatchlings someday but that was still a long way off. Until then, they got to enjoy each other's company. And they had plenty of fun making love to one another.


When the newly mates returned to the castle almost two weeks later, they were quickly welcomed back and there was a clan welcome back gliding ceremony for them and the whole clan went on a glide around the city. Broadway carried Bronx. Angela carried Siveth.

They had been missed but had needed the time for themselves to just do nothing but enjoy themselves.

Lexington and Kaori also announced that they were going to have their own wedding ceremony in February next year.

"That's great to hear, Lex." Brooklyn said to his little brother.

"Thanks." Lex replied.

"I know you two will make a lovely pair." Kita added.

"Thanks, Sister." Kaori said in great happiness.

It felt great to welcome the females into the clan and it had grown by three. Goliath was proud that his clan was growing and all three of the young males had found their life-mates.


A few months later, the wedding of Lexington and Kaori was celebrated. It was inside wedding since it was still cold outside. It would have been too cold for the humans attending. It was on Valentines Day. But they all went outside to see the Mating Flight.

Lex and Kaori's gliding was different compared to the other gargoyles because of their wings being attached to their body instead of on their backs. It was interesting all the same and the clan rejoiced for them. Then they too, got to go to Xanadu for a honeymoon for two weeks.


There were still lots of enemies of the gargoyles here in New York.

Goliath was once arrested a year later in 1999 and it was seen that gargoyles were not the soulless monsters that so many thought they were. Goliath saw to it that he tried to explain the sentience of his kind.

Other witnesses spoke on his behalf too, like Elisa. She told the court that gargoyles were born to protect. They only attacked criminals pulling off robberies, trying to hurt the innocent, and do other unlawful things that caused harm. She said that just as you don't judge a book by its cover, you had to look inward at what the gargoyles really were, which what Goliath tried to tell the court and for humans watching on their tvs at home.

There were still plenty of doubters but in the end, Goliath was released from jail, and he was allowed to return to his clan. Brooklyn had had to lead the clan while he was in custody and he had been nervous about it, but Kita had supported him all the way, just as the clan had too.

Goliath was proud of Brooklyn when he returned to the clan, and they all celebrated that their leader was finally back to lead them.


Later in the same year, Coldstone and Coldfire returned as well. They hadn't caught and finished Coldsteel yet, but he was proving to be elusive to them. But until he was seen again, they were willing to return to the clan and help protect the castle and the clan, and the city.

Kita and Kaori were pleased to meet them. "It is nice to meet you at last. We've heard so much about you both." Kita smiled at them upon greeting.

"It's nice to see the clan has grown by a few." Coldfire replied. "And to have other females in the clan again."

"Wish you could have been at our mating ceremonies." Kaori said.

"Wish we could have seen it too." Coldstone replied. "It is nice to meet you. I'm sure you're balancing your mates well."

"They are." Brooklyn declared. "And our clan does have some more diplomacy in the laws, I think, since Goliath was arrested and put on trial. I had to lead while he was away. I did the best I could." He explained.

"We would have seen to bust him out." Coldstone exclaimed.

"Goliath said he wouldn't go. He wanted the city to see him as innocent." Kaori retorted.

"And though there still were doubters of our sentience and how we defend the city, Goliath was still released finally." Kita put in.

"We will do all that we can to protect Goliath and our clan members." Coldfire said. "We're glad that he was released."

The two cyborg robots were now part of the clan until Coldsteel was found.

Brooklyn felt like he had to reluctantly tell again Kita about what the evil brother had done to the clan and himself when he had last been seen.

"I'm so sorry that he used you like that, Sweetie." Kita put a hand on his cheek.

Brooklyn was so on the verge of nearly crying that Kita could see in his eyes. It was just some of what was left over from his bad memories of when he had been abused from the men who had kidnapped him before. But he held strong and didn't want to cry in front of his mate.

"You don't have to hold those emotions in. If you feel the need to cry, let it go. It'll make you feel better." Kita urged him.

Brooklyn had to hesitantly let it go. His mate held him in her arms as he let the grief go. That went for Sasha as well. He did feel better afterwards.


Within a few years, a train was hijacked by the Quarrymen to lure the gargoyles out of hiding to see how worked up they could get the gargoyles to make the world see them for the monsters they thought they were.

One Quarryman was filming it all from a helicopter. The whole clan was there. Up ahead, the bridge had been destroyed.

It had been up to Brooklyn to stop the train while Goliath had dealt with Jon Castaway on the train itself. Lexington and Hudson had followed Brooklyn's lead to stop the train.

That was when the humans ran out of the train car after it had been stopped. Castaway was now taken into custody for the hijacking. His men were arrested along with him.

Margot Yale was one of the people on board and she declared them fellow beings rather than creatures. They were pleased at that.

The gargoyles would now be granted full rights as citizens of New York and being able to live their lives. The clan would hook up with the precincts of New York to help the police as much as possible. It gave them their purpose. They would work with any precinct in the city.


In 2001, the World Trade Towers were attacked. It was all over the news and it greatly affected the clan too.

They were all sad and wished they could have been there to help out. But they did go help out to go look for survivors in the night. Bronx even helped to sniff out possible survivors or just bodies. They worked alongside other fellow rescuers.


A year later, Brooklyn was injured in a shootout that took place in Midtown at a robbery from seven thugs. He had been with Broadway and Hudson.

Hudson had to tear off a large portion of his shirt to block off the flow of blood. Brooklyn had been shot in the chest. The bullet had barely missed his heart but had pierced his right lung. Broadway had to carry him back to the castle.

Brooklyn was out of it the rest of the night. Dr. Sato had to come to get the bullet out of his body.

Kita was outraged and consumed with grief when she heard about it. She wanted to just be with her mate so bad. When the surgery was over, she was allowed back with him.

It was a long night for them both and the clan worrying about their Second in Command, if he was going to make it or not. But Brooklyn did make it sunrise and the damage was repaired.

Kita was grateful for Sato getting the bullet out of her mate. Brooklyn was happy to wake up to her that night. He was so grateful for his stone sleep.

Afterwards, Brooklyn felt like that had come too close for comfort of it ending his life. That made him start to wonder about putting on body armor for better protection.

He talked to Xanatos about it. David was all too happy to oblige. He began to design a chest shield and shoulder pads for the red gargoyle. When it was finished, David showed Brooklyn.

"What do you think of it?" David asked.

"It looks amazing." Brooklyn replied.

He tried it on and it fit perfectly. Brooklyn wondered what his mate would think of it. He went out with it on to show her.

"What do you think, Kita?" Brook asked her for her opinion.

"Wow. Xanatos designed that for you?" she asked.


"It looks really good on you. It makes you even more grown up and handsome to me." Kita smiled at him and gave him a sweet kiss.

The red male blushed. He pulled her into his arms. "I'm so glad to have you in my life." He smiled and he kissed her back.

"But is it easy to take off?" Kita asked with playfulness in her eyes.

Brooklyn easily caught on. "You want to take it off?" He said playfully.

"Yes, I do." Kita replied and looked to how to take the armor off of her mate. At least she was pleased with it. Brooklyn would now be wearing it all the time in for the future.

Even his clan approved of it, though Goliath was a little worried about his Second, from what he had seen in that dream so long ago. But Brooklyn wasn't rejecting him. He truly hoped that Brooklyn wouldn't become like that in the future.

And later, Brooklyn also got a new loincloth as well and he donned some battle armor on his arms as well. Lexington and Xanatos helped design those for him.


At one time, in 2003, after an incident where there were masked hoodlums attacking the castle, Coldstone and Coldfire protected little Alex and saved him from being taken by them.

In response, Alex wanted his grandmother, Titania to turn the two of them mortal again. Titania was more than grateful to grant her grandson's request.

Coldfire and Coldstone deserved to be mortal again to truly live out their lives with their clan. They were all for it, and even changed their names when they were changed back to flesh and blood.

They changed their names to Othello and Desdemona. The clan members who knew them from being flesh before the massacre were glad to see them back that way.


In the year 2005, there was a meeting of the clans of gargoyles from all over the world. It was time to function as one unit, that the clans from all over were finally to be united and accepted in the world, that they all could work together.

It wasn't easy to convince all the clans, but they all agreed to work together.


Much later, in the year of 2007, the gargoyles were gearing up for the breeding season that fall. The clan was more than ready to create some new life. In the last few years, the couples had found time to go around and learn some new ways from the other clans.

Some of those other clans had left some of their numbers here in New York and the numbers would add some more to the clan. There needed to be more diversity for them.

In September, mated couples split up and spent the equinox mating to make more eggs for the long ten-year incubation. Shortly after, the females were all pregnant. The males were thrilled they were going to be fathers.

Of course, among most of the clans, the older hatchlings from other generations had still been raised communally and there were older hatchlings running around Castle Wyvern again. It was nice.

The six-month pregnancy wasn't all rainbows and smiles. There was morning sickness, nausea, mood swings, pains and discomforts, swollen ankles as it progressed, and so on. But sometimes, the hormones of the pregnant females made them so lovable to their mates too. The males were very protective of their mates and did all the patrolling and police work.

Human doctors were monitoring the females and their unborn eggs during the pregnancies too, to make sure they were alright and to learn from them. It was all consensual. The males watched them warily.

When the spring equinox came in March 2008, it couldn't come soon enough. The females were more than ready to drop their eggs. They were tired of feeling overweight and having pains.

It wasn't easy for the males as they had to watch and hear their mates going into labor to lay their eggs. If females wanted their mates in the rookery with them, they would consent to be there, but there were some old-fashioned ones who didn't think males should be in there at all, like in olden times. But these were different times, and many males wanted to be there with their mates. The couples had created the eggs together, they both should be at the delivery. But it would still be a decade before hatchlings emerged from the eggs.

Each female had had one egg. But during Kita's pregnancy, the doctors had noticed something different about her embryos. There were two inside one egg. It was amazing! Kita and Brooklyn were going to be having twins! Twins were really rare among their kind.

Bronx and Siveth had reproduced an egg too.

The females were so glad to have their bodies to themselves again following the births of their eggs. Now the eggs just needed to sit here in the rookery and incubate. The parents would continue to protect them. But they would raise the hatchlings communally. That was the Gargoyle Way. That was one rule they wanted to leave unbroken.


It was now far along into the future in 2018, where the eggs were now close to finally hatching. Brooklyn and Kita were both excited more than ever to see their twin hatchlings. Other gargoyle couples were excited too.

As the gargoyle mates gathered around the rookery, Brooklyn's eyes felt like they were moistening, feeling so lucky to have come this far in his life with his mate, and at the idea of finally being a father.

Their egg suddenly began to shudder, cracking a little. It took somewhat a while for a baby gargoyle to come out. And when it was twins, it would happen a little faster with two trying to break out.

Brooklyn watched the egg cracking even further, his heart feeling ready to explode as some of his happiness trailed out of his eyes. Kita noticed.

"Why the tears, my love? We're having our children," she said gently, wiping them from his cheeks. Brook hugged her back.

"It is just... I didn't think I would ever one day have my own family, considering what happened to me with those poachers back then," he said shakily. Kita stroked his cheek.

"You will be a great father, I know you will," Kita murmured, kissing his beak again, warmth flooding through his body, as the egg made even more cracks. It was so close now to hatching.

He looked up, spotting some of the other eggs hatching and eyeing Broadway and Angela's hatchling as well as Lex's and Kaori's, hearing the baby gargoyles squeaking.

Then, it was finally happening. Brooklyn's breath hitched as the first hatchling in the egg poked its head out, revealing a small beaked female. Her eyes blinked, tilting her head up at them before soon giving a small cry that was in a squeaking noise at being out in the air.

Brooklyn's face split into a smile, seeing his daughter for the first time. Her skin was a pretty red orange, and her face pretty much had her father's looks, as well as her hair being black. The other hatchling poked her head out too, also red orange with black hair. The twins were finally here.

They both squeaked at their parents, Kita taking the first daughter into her arms lovingly. Brooklyn himself trembled at the idea of holding a baby gargoyle at first, but soon was holding his other twin as well. She was so light and small, trying to calm her down while the baby cried.

"They're... perfect," Brook sniffled, hugging his first daughter gently while Kita kissed her other daughter.

Goliath had come up, smiling proudly at his Second's children. "Your family will be wonderful, Brooklyn. Have you thought of names for them?"

The red male nodded, for he and Kita had been thinking of boy and girl names, Kita speaking her choice.

"This one's name is Rose," she decided, holding the first twin lovingly. "What about the other one, Brooklyn?"

Brooklyn considered, until the name instantly came, for he felt like he could sense Sasha near him, and in this little hatchling. "Sasha..." Brook said shakily, tears falling again, wishing Sasha could see all of this if she were still alive.

Kita looked ready to cry, finding it touching that Brooklyn named her daughter after his old friend. The newly named Sasha squeaked again, her little hands reaching for Brooklyn.

"Welcome to the clan, little Sasha," Brooklyn greeted, nuzzling her softly, feeling now that all was right in the world, his daughter here in his arms, his soul at peace.


Brooklyn is now a father! But now... time to say goodbye to this story. I will miss writing it but hope to eventually do more good stories like this one.

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