Chapter 4

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As the moon began to rise in the sky, the wind kept howling from the Siberian weather as Brooklyn burst out of his stone sleep, giving a big muffled yawn and feeling a lot better than he did yesterday minus his hunger. He had dreams about reuniting with his family again which made Brook feel a little saddened, looking around and seeing he was still imprisoned in this horrible place.

The red gargoyle tugged on his collar again, hating that he still had this thing on and that waking out of his sleep still wouldn't break it. He gave a muffled yell of frustration from the unbreakable muzzle on his beak, also scratching his muzzle some more.

After he gave up on trying to loosen his bonds, Brooklyn looked for any way to break free of his enclosure. He couldn't let himself be sold to anybody or he would never see his home again.

I'm glad my family can't see me like this right now, Brooklyn thought while struggling to rub his arms to keep friction going in his body since they never gave him a blanket and that his wings weren't untied for him to use.

His teeth chattered violently, keeping his legs up close as he gazed at one of the cages near his, which housed a tiger, pawing at the bars of its cage and making its chuffing sounds of distress, having Brook's ears fall in pity for it, wishing he could set the tiger free.

But then, Brooklyn looked up at the roof of his cage. If it wasn't made with the same metal, maybe he could break through it and glide away. Standing, he began to climb up the bars despite his hunger and how cold the bars felt on his already numb skin. The harsh wind blew in his face but he kept climbing until reaching the ceiling.

Grunting, Brooklyn reached up with his talons and began scratching with all his might, but his talons scratched against metal. And it felt like the bars.

His ears fell in dismay, scratching the ceiling desperately, making his yells of fury under his muzzle, so desperate to break free.

While scratching he had forgotten about his collar, which sent volts of electricity through his neck, making him shriek out and let go, falling to the ground in a heap. He panted in pain, looking up at the sight of his seller, who held the remote, an angry glare in his eyes.

"Just for that little stunt you dared tried to pull, you shan't get water or food my little animal," he threatened, eyes glowering and causing Brooklyn to back away, shaking from both cold and fear. Yegor noticed. "But I shan't want my precious prize to freeze before the auction, so here," he said, tossing a blanket to Brooklyn through the bars. Brook felt rather wary from this gesture, but gingerly took up the blanket.

It felt warm enough when wrapping it around himself even with the challenge of putting it around his shoulders from his tied up wings. Brooklyn remained there for the rest of the early evening just shivering under his blanket and awaiting to be taken to the auction, which would be around 10:30. So he didn't have that long to wait.


The time had come after moving the starter animals into the warehouse that was there where the bidding would take place. Brooklyn opened his eyes, belly growling from feeling hungry again, seeing his sellers approaching with tired eyes, sometimes sneezing. Brooklyn had been afraid to catch hypothermia while here, but somewhat looked forward to going into that warehouse, so he could warm up before finally running away from here.

Yegor had a chain he would attach to the shock collar, a cruel grin on his face, eyes looking greedy. It made Brook gulp in fear, holding the blanket tight around his body.

"It is time, little animal. You'd better come through for your first buyer, or else..." He threatened, using the remote to shock Brooklyn, who cringed up from those awful volts, body trembling all over as he nodded shakily, tears in his eyes.

"Stop your pathetic squirming. You're mine to sell, so you won't fight!" He snarled into Brooklyn's face. Brook glared back, rubbing his face, as he reluctantly followed the abuser to the warehouse.

It was a huge warehouse upon arriving; holding many caged animals from outside, animal noises going off everywhere. Brooklyn wondered where his was, being tugged on by the chain, choking him into following. "Keep movin'!" snapped Yegor forcefully, tugging again and Brooklyn fell to the floor, giving Yegor a pleading look.

"Well, this is your punishment for trying to escape yesterday so I treat you rougher than the others," sneered Yegor fiendishly. Eventually, the group found a cage near the auction stage big enough for Brooklyn to fit inside. Brook dug his talons into the ground. He didn't want to go in.

The men pushed him hard and Yegor tugged viciously. Brooklyn ignored the choking feeling as he gave out resistant cries, writhing his head and trying to pull it out of the collar but it wasn't happening. Plus, that awful muzzle was doing a number on his jaw muscles, which felt stiff.

"Shut it!" roared Yegor loudly when he did one final tug; having Brooklyn slip and fall to the floor, feeling his air knocked out of him and wheezing, seeing stars in front of his eyes and wound up being dragged right into the cage, having him fall roughly against the back of it, making him dizzy. He lay there, trying to get his wind back, a cuffed hand on his belly, looking up to the sound of his cage slamming shut and the door locking.

Yegor gave Brooklyn a death glare. The red male did his best to hold his composure and intimidation look back but felt those horrible shock volts making him cower to the ground. Yegor kicked his cage. "The actual bidding is in an hour or so. Time for you to make yourself presentable and submissive, Devil!" he said forcefully.

Brooklyn curled up there, his ears flat in fear, not wanting anybody meaner than Yegor to buy him. Nothing could be worse than his current situation, still massaging his tummy from the winding earlier, giving little whimpers, doing his best to keep calm.

He scratched his taloned foot on the floor to pass the time. It was rather boring and the animal sounds felt very saddening to Brooklyn, who saw many cute ones, including a handsome black leopard that looked as malnourished as he did. His heart panged once more, gripping his cage bars. Brooklyn knew that the animals at the zoo in New York were probably taken care of well enough, but here was criminal.

But then some onlookers for the auction happened to see something new; Brooklyn, an animal that looked rather rare and exotic to them. One of the men nudged the other, smirking. Brooklyn's ears fell from their looks, knowing what they were going to do.

A man with red hair had a water bottle with him while the other had an empty can. "So, Yegor had spread the news about ya. A gargoyle, eh?" Because of the muzzle Brooklyn couldn't reply back, hugging his arms as much as possible with his cuffed hands, looking away.

But then he felt a can hit him in the back, making Brooklyn wince in pain. The man who threw it snapped at him. "Oy! He's talkin' to ya! Or are ye so dumb you can't like a common animal?" snarled the red haired man's friend, who wore an eye patch. Brooklyn's eyes began to glow, hissing viciously at the men who eventually ran away, but the one who threw the object at him gave him a vengeful glower.

Brooklyn felt his back tenderly and there was for sure a small scratch from the metal can. He winced slightly from touching it. But stone sleep should eventually cure it.

Yegor then got up on the stage and announced the bidding was about to start the bidding with selling a couple of rare birds, a white tiger, and a European wolf. Brooklyn's cage was also brought up, feeling them rolling it up there on stage. He gripped the bars tight, eyes round in fear at the sight of the many mean looking people who came to bid. Henri was in charge of taking the money from people then giving it to Yegor.

Brook could see one person in the crowd, who watched him more than any other animals around there which made him even more nervous, shaking. He didn't want to be bought! Yegor kept up the bidding for each animal which each one was successfully sold until it was his turn.

The men opened his cage to display him. "Alright, you beast. Your turn!" snarled one, but Brooklyn wouldn't budge, hissing dangerously, not feeling broken yet. His eyes glowed bright. One of the men who also had a collar remote used it to shock Brooklyn but he ignored it, charging out and tackling the men, roaring muffledly, causing the bidders to shout out and boo at him.

Brooklyn's future buyer frowned, shaking his head, and seeing that the brute was still having resistance. Even cuffed, Brooklyn slashed the remote out of his handler's hand. He felt so furious at his captivity and went in to attack Yegor, eyes still aglow. Yegor crossed his arms, giving a sneer, holding his remote and then turned on the shock collar stronger than before.

The young gargoyle's eyes rounded from the intense pain of the electricity, and he gave a loud muffled screech, falling and twitching to the floor of the stage, the boos of the crowd echoing in his head and ears, shaking as the pain intensified. When his belly was exposed, Yegor used his boot to slam hard on it to harshly wind Brooklyn. Pain erupted in his tummy, causing Brooklyn to give a big sob, knowing his stomach will soon have an awful bruise there, now laying there limply.

Yegor smugly took up Brooklyn's hair, holding him up. "Well, well. It seems someone is still rather naughty," He mocked, grabbing his beak harshly too. Brook shut his eyes tightly, unable to move. "What do you think? My buyers? Do you want this exotic and rare animal for your collection? Even if he is still a fighter? I give the price of 20.000.000 rubles. Do I hear 20.000.000 rubles? Beasts like him don't come along very often!"

But the potential buyer Yuri spoke up in anger. "I won't buy him if he is still fighting against your control. If he doesn't resist being brought out on display next time, then I may reconsider. Does anyone else agree?" As if on que, others yelled more of their agreement and disapproval of this gargoyle's misbehavior.

Brooklyn allowed tears to fall down his face. That meant more abuse and torture. But all he wanted was to be back home and treated properly again.

Yegor then nodded, glaring down at Brooklyn. "We'll deal with you after the auction is over. Take him to Dr. Boris so we will deal with your punishment."

They dragged a sluggish Brooklyn out of the warehouse back to where Dr. Boris was waiting, seeing a lot of bruises on Brooklyn more than the last time he saw him, and possibly a black eye too, stumbling each step but looking petrified.

"So, first sale didn't go well for him?" Boris asked, stepping forward and holding up the beaked gargoyle's head. Brook closed his eyes in pain. Yegor nodded. "Yes, but I shall soon remedy that. And you, Animal, bet your stone sleep makes you rather vulnerable during the daytime, hm?" Brooklyn just glared back, still trembling from his bruised stomach which would thankfully heal later. "It would be a pity if someone here or out there did you in while in stone dreamland, or take a piece of your worthless body away from you eh, wretched devil?"

Brooklyn felt icy terror in his veins from this threat, his eyes rounding big in fear. He didn't want it to happen! Horrible memories of his clan being smashed that night came back to him and made him tremble, for they had died because of what made gargoyles unique. Sadly, he couldn't snap at Yegor to stop insulting their stone sleep because of the muzzle tied around his face.

Yegor snickered evilly. "Watch yer back, Brooklyn, for you never know if you wake up in the evening and you're missing a wing. Think about that. Perhaps this will make you more submissive to us and your future master by fearing your own special ability. But we will start out your taming by putting you in a coffin box for the day. How about it? The box is strong metal, so no chance your stone or your claws could cut it open," He said, taking Brooklyn's beak up then thrusting it down roughly, making tears spill even more now, fearing turning to stone when he should be relieved.

They dragged him over to a coffin box just near a corner of the building. Brooklyn did with all his power not to be taken in there, but it was hopeless. Two men opened the coffin, which looked too narrow for him to sit up in. He looked at Yegor with pleading eyes, shaking his head no, but his seller just chuckled heartlessly, pointing.

Brook cried and grunted but was managed to be put into the box, hands still tied in front of him. He gazed out at everybody in terror as he saw that lid going to close on him. "Enjoy yourself, freak!" mocked Yegor and the top finally closed. Brooklyn could even hear straps sealing the box though four air holes were in the top.

The young male felt utterly despaired at his new situation, clawing hopelessly at the lid of the coffin above him, hoping with all hope he could somehow get out or survive long enough in here. But his inner clock told him the sun was coming, making his ears fall in more despair, not wanting to change for once, the stone beginning to crawl up his skin until eventually, he was stone for the day while trapped in his little coffin.

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