Chapter Four

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"So, you're thinking of taking on the gyms?" Wally asked as the four of them began walking down Route 104.

"Yup!" Larance replied with a nod. "I'm aiming to become the new Champion of Hoenn, so the first badge that I'll have to win is from Rustboro City. But what about you?"


"Yeah. What do you want to do?"

"Well, I'd like to become a Pokemon Researcher, but I think my asthma might cease that dream."

Wally let out a small cough after his comment, making Bina slow down so she could walk besides them.

"Don't worry, Wally," Bina said with a small smile. "I'm sure that once we get to Verdanturf Town, your asthma will clear up a bit."

"Yeah, you're right," Wally said with a smile. "Anyways, why are you on a journey Bina?"

"Oh, I'm just accompanying Arriete and Larance," came the reply. "I'm not sure on exactly what I want to do."

"Oh," Wally muttered, before turning to Arriete. "But what about you?"

"Well, I've been researching Mega Evolution for a while now," Arriete replied. "So, I want to travel to other regions to see if I can find any new information."


A small chirp made the four of them turn their heads to see a Tailow walk towards them.

"A Tailow!" Bina exclaimed, gently picking Mudkip off her head and setting her down. "I've always wanted one! Come on, Mudkip! Wurmple! Let's go catch it!"

The Tailow looked up just as Bina ordered Wurmple to use Poison Sting. The Tailow was instantly hit, and it tried to attack Wurmple. Before it could land a blow, Bina threw a poke ball at it. The ball hit the ground and wobbled three times before it clicked, catching the Tailow.

"Yes!" Bina cheered, running over to the poke ball and picking it up. "I caught a Tailow! Thanks W-"

Bina stopped short as she noticed a white light that had surrounded Wurmple. The others watched in awe as Wurmple's shape changed until the light disappeared, revealing that it evolved into a Silcoon.

"You evolved!" Bina squealed, picking up her newly evolved Silcoon. 

"Wow, that was fast," Larance stated, Wurmple slouching on his shoulder. 

"Of course," Wally began. "Bug Pokemon evolve relatively quickly."

Pipei tapped Arriete on the shoulder, and pointed forward. Arriete looked to where he was pointing, and smiled.

"Hey guys, look! Petalburg Woods! We're almost to Rustboro!" Arriete exclaimed.

"Then let's hurry!" Bina exclaimed, walking briskly towards the woods.

Arriete began to follow, while Larance and Wally lagged behind.


"Guys, wait," Larance commanded, holding out his arms.

Arriete stopped while Bina and Wally walked right into Larance's arms. They looked at their friend in confusion while his golden eyes scoured the area. A rustle to the right of them caused Bina and Wally to jump, but they all settled when they saw that it was only an Eevee.

"Woah, an Eevee!" Arriete breathed. "Aren't those rare in Hoenn?"

"Yeah, pretty rare," Wally answered, coughing a bit. 

"Then I'll catch it!" Larance exclaimed, moving his shoulder to signal Wurmple to jump off. "Come on, Wurmple! Maybe you can evolve and become something better than a Silcoon!"

"Hey!" Bina yelled, placing her hands on her hips. "My Silcoon is amazing!"

"Yeah, yeah. Wurmple! Slow down Eevee with String Shot!"

The Eevee looked up just as Wurmple attacked it. It was covered in a sticky web, and it couldn't move.

"Now, use Poison Sting!"

Eevee was hit, and Larance took this as his chance to throw a poke ball at it. The ball soon enveloped the Eevee and it fell to the ground, wobbling. Larance held his breath, but let it out as the ball stopped, signaling that he had caught it. He smirked as he began to walk over to the ball, but stopped when Wurmple was encased with a bright light. Soon, in place of his Wurmple, stood a Cascoon. 

"See, Bina?" Larance stated as he picked up the poke ball. "Cascoon are way better than Silcoon."

"Yeah, whatever you say, Larance," Bina scoffed. "So, do you wanna know the gender of your new Pokemon?"

"Uh, sure," Larance replied as he let Eevee out.

"Well, my Tailow is a male," Bina smiled as she let Tailow out. "And your Eevee is a girl."

"Hey guys..." Wally began, pointing forward. "There's someone in front of us."

The others looked to see a man in a lab coat searching for something. He turned around just as the four friends approached him.

"E-excuse me, but you four wouldn't have happen to see a Shroomish around here, have you?"



"Can't say that I have."

"No, sorry."

"Oh," the man replied, looking down. "You see, Shroomish is my favorite Pokemon, and I was really hoping that I could come across one."

"I was wondering when I could finally find you."

The five of them turned to see a man clad in blue approach them. Arriete instantly recognized the outfit, and gasped.

"A member of Team Aqua!"

"Oh, so you've heard of us, have you?" the grunt sneered, taking out a poke ball. "I only came for those research papers from Devon Corp., but your golden eyed friend will also be a prize."

"What do you mean by that?" Bina asked in confusion.

"Go, Poochyena!" the grunt replied, tossing his pokeball.

"I'll handle this," Larance said, eyes narrowing. "It'll be a perfect first battle for my Eevee. Right, girl?"

"Eev!" Eevee stated, jumping in front of her trainer.

"Poochyena! Tackle!" the grunt commanded.

"Dodge and use Double Team!" Larance commanded.

Eevee gracefully dodged the attack and soon spread multiple Eevee around the Poochyena. The pokemon looked at each clone in confusion before the grunt ordered it to use Bite. 

"Now! Tackle!" Larance commanded.

All of the clone Eevee disappeared and Eevee tackled Poochyena to the ground. The grunt stood there in shock before returning his pokemon to its ball.

"Yeah! We did it!" Larance laughed happily as he hugged his Eevee close.

"I may have lost the battle," the grunt growled, taking a step towards them. "But I won't return without a prize."

The grunt had almost grabbed Larance's arm before Torchic blasted him with an Ember. The grunt tried again, but everyone froze when a white light formed around Torchic. The light soon faded, and there stood a Combusken. The newly evolved Combusken then used Double Kick, launching the grunt out of the woods.

"Thanks Combusken!" Larance smiled, hugging her. "I'm so happy that you evolved!"

"Com!" Combusken replied with a smile.

"Thank you, young man," the man sighed in relief. "If it wasn't for you, he would have taken these papers."

"He said that they were from Devon Corp., right?" Arriete asked.

"Oh yes," the man replied. "You see, I'm a researcher there, but I came out here to see if I could find a Shroomish. I would never think that a member of Team Aqua would come after me here."

"'Devon Corp.'?" Bina asked, tilting her head in confusion. "Where is that?"

"Rustboro City," Wally pipped up. "If you want, sir, we can walk with you there. We're heading there anyways. Besides-" Wally let out a few coughs before continuing. "These woods aren't helping my asthma."

"Yeah," Bina added, placing a protective hand on Wally's shoulder. "Plus, we really need to find a place to rest before it gets dark."

"Of course," the researcher smiled. "I would love the company."

The four of them began to walk off while Larance just stood there, thinking. Arriete noticed that he wasn't following them, and turned around to face him.

"You coming, Larance?" she asked.

"O-oh, yeah," Larance replied, catching up to them. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Why did the grunt want me? Does that mean Team Aqua wants me? I haven't done anything!"

"I know. Just, let's not worry about that now. We'll figure it out. You need to focus on your upcoming gym battle."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks Arriete."

"What do you mean 'I guess you're right'? I'm always right!"

The two friends laughed before running to catch up with the others.


"Sir, we have a problem."

"The grunt failed, didn't he?"

"He was beaten by the golden eyed boy and his friends."

"Now that is interesting. Follow the boy and his friends."

"But sir, others are already following them."

"Oh really? Who are they?"

"T-h-e-y a-a-a...zzzttt."



"No! The connection! I need to know who is following them!"


"They've entered Rustboro City."

"Good. Any news about Team Magma?"

"No, but they were attacked by Team Aqua. I have a feeling that they want them as well."

"Keep a close eye on them. We don't want them getting hurt."

"Of course."


"Team Aqua? Are you sure?"

"Yes sir, I am."

"Of course they would be after him. Don't let him out your sight!"

"Yes sir."

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