Chapter Seventeen

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*This would have come out earlier, but I was on vacation in Florida. Got a Popplio plush from the Japan area in Epcot. Anyways, onto chapter seventeen*


Bina let out a cry of surprise when Lisia tackled her in a hug.

"Hey...Lisia..." Bina managed to choke out.

"Three ribbons already!" Lisia squealed as she let Bina go. "I'm so proud of you! Only two more to go and you can complete in the Master Contest!"

"Isn't that the contest where she'll compete against you?" Larance asked.

"Well, you sure know your stuff!" Lisia laughed before gently slapping his shoulder.

Larance winced at the contact and this made Lisia frown.

"I didn't hit you that hard, did I?" Lisia asked worriedly.

"'s just-"

"We came across a Team Magma Admin and a grunt," Arriete interrupted. "Larance injured his shoulder because of them."

"I told you that they were dangerous," Lisia scowled. "What if you guys escaped with more than just an injured shoulder?"

"I would have handled it."

The group turned to see Steven walking towards them, a small smile on his face.

"COngratulations on winning your third ribbon, Bina," Steven congratulated. "I hope that you'll be ready to win your forth one when I see you four again."

"You're not coming with us to Mt. Chimney?" Wally asked, trying to hide his disappointment.

"I'm afraid that I have to check up on Capt. Stern in Slateport," Steven explained. "There's been talk about Team Aqua going after him. I have to make sure that these are just rumors. If anything comes up, I'll be sure to call you." His expression hardened. "Remember what I told you Larance. Keep it in your mind."

Larance nodded in reply, and, with a wave, Steven was gone.

"Well, that was...cryptic, to say the least," Bina huffed before turning towards Larance. "What did he mean by that?"

"It's nothing," Larance shook his head. "You guys don't need to worry about it."

Arriete gave hima doubtful glance, but shrugged it off when Lisia spoke up.

"If you four don't mind, I can bring you to Mt. Chimney," she offered. "I'm going past it t reach Mauville again and I wouldn't mind the company."

"That sounds great!" Bina grinned. Then, noticing something, "Hey Wally...where's Makuhita?"

"Ah, a performer's performance scared him," Wally let out a little chuckle. "So, he's in his pokeball."

"The poor thing," Bina smiled sadly. "I hope that he'll be able to learn to trust us."

"Me too."

"Well, we're not getting any younger by just standing around," Lisia clapped, getting everyone's attention. "Let's head off to Mt. Chimney."


The sun had sunk and the stars shone in the sky when the five of them exited Fiery Path.

"So do you see the cable car entrance?" Lisia pointed at a small building. "That will bring you up to Mt. Chimney. Good luck and stay safe."

After waving goodbye to her, Larance began to lead the way up towards the building.

"Wait, Larance," Arriete stopped him. "Are you sure about this?"

"If this will bring me one step closer to learning about my dad, then yes," Larance replied. "Now, come on."

The other three nodded and they all entered the building.

"Welcome," the woman at the entrance greeted. "Will the four of you be riding the cable car?"

"Yes, we will," Wally answered.

The woman smiled and led them on. Soon, the cable car began to ascend up towards Mt. Chimney. Wally became stiff before suddenly grasping Bina's hand. Bina ooked at him, confused.

"I...might have a fear of heights as well," Wally admitted sheepishly.

"Is there anything you're not afraid of?" Larance chuckled before Arriete elbowed him in the ribs.

Wally huffed at this while Arriete and Bina laughed. It felt like it was only a few seconds before they arrived, but when they did, they were met with a strange sight. Team Magma and Team Aqua grunts were everywhere, battling each other.

"What's...going on here?" Bina asked, looking around.

"I don't know, but look!" Arriete pointed.

Above the volcano was a walkway where Tabitha and another unnamed figure were standing in front of a large machine.

"I think that they might have answers," Larance muttered, narrowing his eyes.

He began to run towards the walkway, the other in pursuit.


A Team Magma grunt ran in front of Wally, causing said boy to stop.

"Wally!" Bina exclaimed before being stopped by a Team Aqua grunt.

"Makuhita!" Wally called out.

"Taillow!" Bina released her Pokemon as well.

As the two of them battled, Arriete and Larance were still running towards the walkway. They came to a halt when they noticed Archie battling against three Magma grunts with his Mightyena.

"I've had it up here with you scamps!" Archie gave out an agitated yell. "Let's take them down, Mightyena!"

His pokemon gave out a yell before attacking. Arriete and Larance nodded to each other before continuing to run towards the walkway. When they approached it, Tabitha turned around and grinned at them.

"Well, look at who followed us all the way up here," he chuckled. "You must really want to know the truth then."

"I'm not going to let you stop me from doing this," Larance growled. "I'll go up against your boss to figure out the truth myself."

"I'll handle him then," Arriete said, releasing Paragon. "Go after their boss."

Larance smiled in gratitude before running past Tabitha and towards the machine where the older man stood.

"Are you the leader of Team Magma?!?"

The man whirled around to face Larance. The man visibly stepped back in surprise when he saw him. Larance looked at him in confusion, but a flash of recognition passed over his face. He...he looks like...He hastily shook the thought away before narrowing his eyes.

"Well, are you?!?"

"Y-yes," the man shook his head before straightening himself. "My name is Maxie and I am the Leader of Team Magma. And I know who you are already. You're Larance."

"How come everyone knows who I am?" Larance asked, hoping to get an answer. "And how does your Admin know about my dad?"

Maxie bit his lip before replying.

"Larance...I...can't tell you."

Larance's heart shattered. His last hope of discovering where his dad went had vanished into thin air. He was so close, but it all...disappeared.

"No..." he growled. "I...need to know! I have to know! You're not telling me because you don't care!" He laughed a bit. "How could I be so stupid? Of course you don't care! You're the leader of an evil team! I guess I'll just have to defeat you to stop you."

Maxie sighed before pulling out a pokeball.

"Camerupt," Maxie released.

"Combusken!" Larance released his Pokémon as well.

"Earthquake," Maxie ordered.

"Dodge and use Double Kick!" Larance ordered.

Combusken obeyed, and Camerupt was hit full on. Maxie and Larance battled until Combusken was the last standing Pokémon.

"I see that you are very strong, Larance," Maxie replied, returning Camerupt.

"I have to be!" Larance shouted, angry tears forming in his eyes. "If I'm not, I will never be able to defeat the people who must have done something terrible to my dad!"

Maxie visibly flinched at this, but soon regained his posture. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Tabitha running up to him.

"Boss!" Tabitha panted. "Everyone has been defeated! We must go!"

Maxie let out a small, "tch" before following after Tabitha.

"Go ahead," Larance growled making Maxie turn towards him. "Run away like the coward you are. I will find you again and I will learn the truth."

Maxie didn't reply and just walked away. Larance stood there, letting tears fall, Combusken trying to cheer up her trainer.

"Larance! Thank Arceus you're ok!"

Larance hastily wiped his eyes and turned around to see Arriete running towards him, an evolved Paragon at her side.

"Y-Yeah," he gave her a small smile. "I am. And I see that Paragon has evolved."

"Yeah!" Arriete chuckled, petting Paragon's head. She suddenly frowned when she noticed the machine. "Hey, what's in that machine over there?"

The two friends moved over to the machine and found the meteorite that Team Magma had stolen was wedged in it.

"What would Team Magma need a meteorite for?" Arriete asked as Larance removed said object.

"To raise the land mass."

Both of them turned to see Archie walk towards them, a frown on his face.

"I take it Maxie didn't tell you anything," Archie muttered when his eyes met Larance's.

"He's just a coward like all of you," Larance replied with a growl.

Archie let out a laugh at this before turning away to leave.

"Oh, if you still want to prod Maxie into telling you the truth, I hear that he's heading to Mt. Pyre next."

Archie then walked away, avoiding the running figures of Wally and Bina.

"Guys, I think we should get off this volcano," Bina suggested worriedly. "There's no telling if and when those teams will be coming back."

The others reluctantly followed after her, leaving the machine behind.


The doors to the Magma base slid open as Maxie entered, followed by Tabitha and the other Magma grunts.

"I'm surprised that you didn't tell the boy anything," Tabitha commented as both of them walked down a different corridor. 

"I have something else to focus on first," Maxie replied as he entered another room. "Ah, Courtney. Glad to see you here."

"What do you need me to do, Leader Maxie?" Courtney asked, bowing her head a little.

"I need you to go to Mt. Pyre and obtain the Red Orb," came the reply. "It's vital to our plans."

"Yes sir," Courtney smiled. "And if the boy gets in the way?"

"Gently remove both him and his friends. Remember, I don't want him getting hurt."

Courtney nodded again before exiting, leaving a nervous looking Tabitha behind.

"You seemed troubled, Tabitha," Maxie noticed.

"Don't worry about it, boss," Tabitha coughed. "I-I think I forgot something."

Maxie watched suspiciously as Tabitha left as well. He sighed before exiting and making his way to his room. As soon as he entered his room, he made his way towards his computer to pull up a video. He had sneakily put a small video recorder on Tabitha's jacket and was watching the video of them at Meteor Falls.  As he watched it, he grimaced when Larance slid across the ground. He shook his head as a small growl escaped his lips. He closed the video and shut the computer off. He specifically told them not to hurt the boy, and they didn't listen. He would have to do something about this. They probably thought that he was turning too soft. But...they knew why. At least, they should. A knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts and he ordered the person to enter.

"Courtney," he greeted, a little surprised. "I thought I told you to go to Mt. Pyre."

"I have just gained some intel that I thought I should tell you," Courtney explained. "Archie is making his way to Mt. Pyre as well."

Maxie's expression hardened. 

"If he decides to go up against you, just take the Orb and retreat," Maxie muttered. "He's too powerful for you."

Courtney nodded before exiting. Making sure that she was gone, Maxie opened up a drawer that was next to him. Sighing, he took out a picture frame and placed it on his desk. He gave a small smile at the picture. He looked so happy in that picture. But now...all of this...

Please...stay safe...  

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