Chapter Twenty

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The group of friends walked down Route 118, laughing at something that Wally had just said. Arriete's Pipei, Krypta, and Lunar had all evolved into Sceptile, Beedrill, and Umbreon. Bina's Taillow, Eevee, and Marshtomp had all evolved into Swellow, Sylveon, and Swampert, catching a Kirlia as well. Larance's Nuzleaf had evolved into a Shiftry. Wally's Lairon and and Makuhita evolved into Aggron and Hariyama, catching an Eevee as well. All four of their Key Stone's glistened in the sunlight as they continued their way to Route 119. Larance suddenly stopped walking, and pointed ahead of him. A figure paced back and forth, his silver hair glistening in the sunlight.

"Steven!" Wally called, causing the figure to turn around.

"Over here!"

The four of them approached Steven, who was waving at them.

"Glad to see you four," he commented, a relieved smile on his face. "I need your help." He pointed out an island that was far in the distance. "That island over there is where Latios and Latias lie, and I have heard that Team Aqua have gone after them. Arriete and Larance, do you think that you would be able to fly over there and see what's happening."

"Latios and Latias?" Arriete replied, fingering the necklace Larance gave her. "We would love to be able to help, but we don't have any Pokémon on us that can fly."

"Here, you can borrow Swellow," Bina replied, releasing said Pokemon.

"And you can borrow my Skarmory," Steven said, releasing his Pokemon as well. "Bina, Wally, and I will stay here in case any stray Aqua Grunts come by. Understand?"

The others nodded as Arriete and Larance climbed onto Skarmory and Swellow and took off. Minutes passed before they landed on the island, Skarmory and Swellow staying behind as the two friends walked deep into the grove. Two Team Aqua members, one a grunt and another one an admin, stood in front of two Pokemon: Latios and Latias. Larance cleared his throat, causing the two of them to turn around.

"Ah, Bright Eyes and his little girlfriend," the admin grinned. "I've heard all about you from my bro, Archie. The name's Matt, and I guess you two have come here to save these poor Pokemon from us, am I right?"

"Cut the chat," Arriete scowled, releasing Krypta as Larance released Dustox. "And battle us. We win, those Pokemon go free. We lose, you take them."

Matt laughed as he released a Sharpedo while the grunt released a Poochyena.

"Deal," Matt grinned. "Sharpedo! Aqua Jet!"

"Crunch!" the grunt shouted.

"X-Scissor!" Arriete commanded.

"Silver Wind!" Larance ordered.

Beedrill and Dustox dodged the other Pokemon's attacks before attacking the Sharpedo and Poochyena. Both Pokemon went down in one hit, and they returned to their pokeballs. The grunt stood there in shock while Matt just laughed.

"Impressive," he chuckled as he began walking towards the opening of the grove. "Those Pokemon are yours."

Arriete and Larance returned their Pokemon as the two Aqua members left. Both Latios and Latias floated over to them, and nudged them with their heads.

"What do you think they want?" Larance whispered into Arriete's ear.

"I think they want to come along with us," Arriete grinned, kneeling in front of Latias. "What do you say? Do you want to come along with me?"

Latias let out a small, happy cry and let itself be captured, while Latios was captured by Larance.

"Well, Everheart," Arriete smiled at her pokeball. "Let's get out of here."

Arriete and Larance left the grove, not realizing that both Latios and Latias held Mega Stones.


"Ah, you're back," Steven smiled as Arriete and Larance landed. "Was it Team Aqua and are Latios and Latias safe?"

"They're safe with us," Arriete replied, as Bina returned her Swellow. "And yes, it was Team Aqua."

"You captured them?" Wally asked as Steven returned his Skarmory. "That's incredible!"

"I guess it is," Larance nodded. "What about you three? Anything eventful happen?"

"No, not really," Bina replied. "No grunts anywhere."

"I'm very grateful that you four came at the time you did," Steven smiled. "If I ever need your help again, I'll call. Also, don't follow me to Mt. Pyre. Go straight to Fortree."

With a small wave, Steven walked off, causing the four friends to blink in confusion.

"Does he seem...troubled to you?" Wally asked, folding his arms.

"There does seem to be something wrong with him," Bina nodded. "But, there's nothing we can do until we see him again."

Arriete clapped her hands together once causing the others to jump.

"Well, there's no time like the present!" she smiled. "Let's head to Fortree!"

She began whistling as she walked on, the other looking at each other before following after her.


"I see your leader has sent you to retrieve the Red Orb, Courtney," Matt smirked at the Team Magma admin.

"Yes, he has," Courtney replied softly, holding the Orb in her hands. "And I see that your leader has sent you to retrieve to the Blue Orb."

"Of course my bro would only trust me with such an important task," Matt chuckled as he continued to walk down Mt. Pyre.


The two admins turned to see the elderly couple who stood on either side of the pedestal begging them to stop.

"Those Orbs must not be removed!" the woman shouted, worry on her face.

Matt just laughed and walked off. Courtney looked at the Orb before looking back at the couple.

"It must be removed if our goal is to be completed," Courtney muttered barely loud enough for the couple to hear.

With that statement, Courtney walked off, still looking at the Orb.


Steven dashed up the stairs of Mt. Pyre, his breath coming out in pants. His heart sank when he saw the elderly couple standing on either side of an empty pedestal. He ran up to the pedestal, and placed his hands on it as he gasped for air. Sweat poured down his face from the endless running, and he closed his eyes in anger and tiredness.

"No!" Steven shouted as he banged his fist on the pedestal.

This caused the couple to jump, a little frightened by the sudden sound. Steven turned to the woman, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Who took the Orbs?" he asked, trying to sound calm.

"Team Magma and Team Aqua," the woman replied fearful that Steven would burst again.

Steven sighed and clenched his fists. He looked out to the horizon just as the sun began to set.

I must get to Mossdeep before it's too late.


"Ah, Courtney," Maxie grinned as said person walked in. "I guess you have succeeded in your mission?"

"Here is the Red Orb, Leader Maxie," Courtney presented. "What are your plans now? The power that Groudon will create will be-"

"Disastrous, I know," Maxie cut in, looking down. "I want you and Tabitha to go to Mossdeep and wait for him. No matter what the cost, bring him to me, alive."

Courtney bowed before leaving the room, the door sliding shut behind her.

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