Chapter Twenty-Nine

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4 years later...

A knock on the door made Arriete look up from her microscope, wondering who was there.

"Come in," she called, pushing a few loose strands of hair away from her face.

"Hey, Arriete," greeted Calem, Prof. Sycamore's helper. "The Prof. just wanted me to tell you that dinner was ready. Shauna is already in the dining room."

"That sounds like her," Arriete chuckled at the thought of her new friend eagerly waiting for food. "I'll just have to check up on my Pokemon first. I have to give Paragon the good news."

"So, it is a Mighteyenite," Calem grinned. "We'll have to tell the Prof. at dinner. I'll see you down there."

Arriete gave her friend a little wave before venturing into the room next to the lab she was in. After all of the events in Hoenn that happened four years ago, Arriete decided to venture to Kalos in order to help the famed Prof. Sycamore research more about Mega Evolution. She said goodbye to Bina, Wally, and her boyfriend, Larance, before going to Kalos, promising that she would keep in touch with them. Bina had managed to become the Top Coordinator in Hoenn, while Wally worked with Steven and Larance was still the Champion. Throughout the four years, she had become friends with Prof. Sycamore's helpers; Calem and his friend, Shauna. Arriete chuckled to herself as she walked into a large room designed as if she was on a small island with a grove of fruit trees and surrounded by an ocean. She grinned to herself as she observed her Pokemon. Destructor was peacefully sleeping on the top of the ocean's water, Paragon and Lunar sleeping on his back. Everheart flew around the air happily, while Pipei and Krypta were sleeping next to each other in one of the trees. Smiling to herself, Arriete silently closed the door and smoothed out her clothes. Before leaving for Kalos, her dad decided to give her a new change of clothes perfect for field work. She now wore medium length black boots, blue jeans, a grey belt, a black and blue striped t-shirt, a black and blue jacket, and a blue scarf. She now had a light-blue shoulder bag, and still wore the scrunchy and necklace that Bina and Larance gave her. She then made her way to the dining room, where everyone was waiting for her.

"So, did you discover anything about that mega stone?" Prof. Sycamore asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"In fact, I did," Arriete grinned, taking a sip of water. "I discovered that it's a Mighteyenite."

"Oh wow! That's incredible!" Shauna exclaimed, her eyes shining.

"I am really excited about this!" Prof. Sycamore exclaimed. "Just imagine how many more mega stones we can find!"

Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted them, and Arriete stood up to answer it. As soon as she opened the door, she was tackled into a hug by a blonde haired 18 year old girl, and a green haired 18 year old boy. A Gardevoir and Gallade were by their sides.

"Bina! Wally!" Arriete exclaimed, hugging her friends back. "What are you doing in Kalos?"

"Bina has to travel to the Alola region in order to spread Pokemon Contests, and she decided to make a stop in Kalos to see you," Wally explained as they let go. "I decided to come along since Steven had to take over the Championship position for a bit, so I had a break."

"Yeah, Larance actually had to meet up with another Champion to discuss something," Bina explained further. "He only told us that it was a surprise."

"That sounds like him," Arriete laughed. "Here, come in. I gotta introduce you my friends. And wow, you two grew up so fast! I guess I'm the shortest now."

"You're not that short," Bina laughed as she and Wally followed their friend.

Arriete chuckled as she observed her two friends. Bina had grown taller over the past four years, and she seemed to be constantly wearing her contest outfit; a light-blue strapped dress that was the same length as her miniskirt, a white pearl necklace, white gloves that reached past her elbows, white tights, and light-blue strapped heels. She still had her white shoulder bag, and she still wore her blue bracelet and light-blue headband. Wally had also grown taller, less pale, and his hair had become lighter due to him constantly going outside. He wore white shoes, lime-green jeans, a white long-sleeved undershirt, and a purple short sleeve shirt. He now had a navy-blue shoulder bag and he still wore his necklace. Arriete led the three of them into the dining room, and smiled at the other three people sitting down.

"Prof. Sycamore, Calem, Sahuna, meet Bina and her boyfriend, Wally," Arriete introduced. "Bina is the Top Coordinator in Hoenn and Wally works with Steven at Devon Corp."

"Welcome you two," Prof. Sycamore greeted with a smile. "Please, join us. We have enough food for all of us."

"We'd love to join," Wally smiled, sitting down next to Bina.


"So, I heard of this great cafe deep in Lumiose City," Wally brought up, his arm around Bina's shoulders. "Do you know where it is?"

"There are a lot great cafes here," Arriete laughed, Paragon walking by her side. "But the most famous one here has to be Lysandre Cafe. Prof. Sycamore said that two years before our journey the owner of the cafe, Lysandre, tried to destroy the entire Kalos region, but was stopped by the gym leaders, Diantha, Steven, the Elite Four members, and two Zygardes. It took about two months to clean up the entire city. Now, many people go to the cafe. It's even the typical place for Diantha to visit. Maybe we'll see her there!"

"Wow," Bina laughed. "Seems like Kalos is such a lively place to live. And I can't believe Steven never told us that he came here."

"True," Arriete grinned at her friend before stopping. "Oh! And here we are!"

The three friends looked up to see a deep red colored cafe, the words Lysandre Cafe spelled out in golden cursive letters. Arriete grinned one more time before leading them inside. They sat at a table next to a wall and ordered some tea.

"I see...Thank you, Diantha. I've tried Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova. I guess I'll have to try Alola next."

Arriete perked up at the familiar voice and she turned her attention to a table that was hidden in a corner of the cafe. Diantha sat there, talking to an 18 year old boy with red-orange hair who was anxiously tapping his fingers on the table. A Flareon sat by his side, looking a bit worried as well.

"No way," Arriete breathed, her face brightening. "Bina. Wally. I think I found out where Larance went."

Bina and Wally gave each other knowing looks before the three of them approached the table the two Champions were sitting at. Diantha looked up and smiled at the three of them.

"Why, hello Arriete," Diantha greeted, standing up and giving her a hug. "It's so nice to see you again!"

The other Champion quickly stood up, and, as soon as Diantha let go of Arriete, he crushed her in a hug.

"Oh my Arceus!" he laughed. "I haven't seen you in four years! I'm so sorry that I haven't been in contact that much! I've-"

Arriete cut him off with a kiss, before laughing at his embarrassed face. She smiled as she observed his new outfit; purple and white shoes, navy-blue jeans, a brown belt, a long-sleeved purple shirt, and a white undershirt. He still had his mega bracelet and his red and white bag. 

"I've missed you too, Larance," Arriete giggled. "But, I do have a question. Why are you going to other regions in the first place?"

"Well," Larance began, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you guys remember Zinnia?"

"That madwoman who broke into my house and stole my key stone?" Wally asked, frowning. "How could I forget?"

"Well, remember how she disappeared as Wally captured Deoxys?" Larance continued with a chuckle. "Steven said that the space station in Mossdeep want to know more about the Draconids' history she was talking about." He sighed, rubbing his tired eyes. "And, as the current Champion of the Hoenn region, it is my duty to seek her out. So far, I've had no luck. The last place to check is Alola." He suddenly brightened up with a small smile. "However, my dad has decided to vacation in Alola as well to spend time with mom. The strangest thing occurred when we went our separate ways; Archie and my dad became friends."

"Wow! Really?" Wally asked in surprise. "Even after everything that happened?"

"Yeah, it's really something," Larance asked. "Both teams had dispersed and now Archie is working as a boat captain, giving tours around the Sea Mauville. But enough about me, what's happening with you three?"

"Well, I have to travel to Alola as well to spread Pokemon Contests to that region," Bina explained. "Wally's on vacation, so he's just coming along with me."

"I'll probably be able to research the Alolan Pokemon as well," Wally added, beaming.

"Maybe I should come along as well," Arriete thought out loud. "I might be able to find some more mega stones that no one has ever found before."

"The Alola region sounds like a perfect place for that, Arriete," Diantha added with a small smile. "I hope to see you again."

The four friends waved goodbye as Diantha left the cafe. Larance placed an arm around Arriete's shoulders, while Wally did the same with Bina.

"So, are you three up for another adventure?" Larance asked, with a smirk.

"Of course," Bina laughed. "I missed seeing your annoyingly bright golden eyes."

"I missed your sarcasticness," Larance shot back.

"I missed seeing Wally's seasickness," Arriete chuckled.

"And I missed your annoying leadership attitude," Wally smirked.

The four of them laughed as Arriete fingered the necklace Larance gave her all those years ago, hidden under her scarf.

"Well," she began, beaming. "Let's head off to the Alola region."


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