Chapter Two

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"Hey, wasn't it sunny just a moment ago?" Arriete asked, looking up at the sky.

"Tree," Pipei muttered from Arriete's shoulder.

"Aw man," Larance sighed, holding Torchic close. "And we're still not near Oldale Town yet."

"It's just cloudy," Bina observed, Mudkip looking up as well. "We can still make it before dark."

The three friends continued to walk on in peaceful silence, until Torchic perked up.

"Torchic?" Larance asked. "What's wrong?"

Torchic squirmed out of Larance's arms and ran off into the trees. Larance cried out in concern and raced after his Pokemon, Bina and Arriete running after him. Torchic kept running, not caring that her trainer was trying to keep up with her. Finally, she reached a clearing where there only lay a cage. She ran up to the cage and began to furiously peck at the bars.

"Torchic!" Larance exclaimed, picking up the small chick Pokémon. "You can't run off like that!"

"Chic!" Torchic replied, squirming in his arms.

"Larance, look," Bina whispered, pointing at the cage.

Larance peered into the cage to find a hurt and sleeping Poochyena. Arriete kneeled by his side and peered into that age as well. Larance felt rage boil up inside of him and was about to punch the cage when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Control your temper, Larance," Bina muttered, frowning.

Larance looked down before standing back up. Arriete searched through her bag before she found a hairpin. She then stuck the pin into the lock and messed around with until the lock opened with a small click. Trying not to disturb the sleeping Pokémon, she gently picked it up.

"We need to get it to a Pokémon Center," Arriete said, looking around the clearing. "I have a feeling that whoever put this Pokémon in that cage is going to back. Soon."

Larance and Bina nodded, and soon the three friends were running towards Oldale Town as fast as they could.


"Hey, it's me. The cage is empty. The Poochyena has been taken."

"...By who?"

"Three children."

"Describe them."

"There were two girls and one boy. One girl had green eyes and black hair, the other girl had blue eyes and blonde hair, and the boy had red-orange hair and golden eyes. What do you want us to do?"



"Follow them, but keep out of sight. Make sure that that boy doesn't leave your sight."

"Yes sir."


"Nurse Joy! We need help!"

Nurse Joy looked up from what she was doing as the three friends ran into the Center.

"Oh, your poor Pokémon!" Nurse Joy exclaimed, taking it from Arriete's arms. "How could you do this to it?"

"It wasn't us!" Bina replied. "We found it in a cage and freed it!"

"I see," Nurse Joy muttered. "I'm sorry I blamed you three. Just wait out here, ok? I'll get you when I'm finished."

The three friends nodded in sync and Nurse Joy ran off into a room, her Chansey following after her.
Time passed by slowly. Arriete drummed her fingers on the table she sat at, Pipei sitting next to her. Bina was sitting across from her, petting a sleeping Mudkip. Larance walked over to them holding two drinks, Torchic helping him carry a third drink.

"We should stay here tonight," Larance suggested, handing the drinks to his friends. "It's already dark out and we can wait here for Poochyena's recovery."

"I like that idea," Arriete stated as Larance took his drink and sat next to her. "Let's get a room then. One with three or four beds."

"Already done," Larance replied, placing Torchic on his lap. "Got four beds. Three four us and one for the Pokémon."

"Smart," Bina complimented, taking a sip of her drink. She suddenly perked up and began to riffle through her bag.

"What are you doing?" Arriete asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm giving you something, duh," Bina replied, taking out a small, rounded box. "Happy birthday, Arriete."

"Oh, right!" Larance exclaimed, taking out a square box. "Happy birthday, Arriete."

Arriete laughed and opened up Bina's gift first. She smiled as she took out a scrunchy that had a curve in it that seemed to be missing something.

"Bina, what's this curve for?" She asked as she used her new gift to put her hair in a ponytail.

"It's a secret," came the reply.

Arriete just rolled her eyes at this as she opened up the gift from Larance. She let out a small gasp as she took out blue flower petal necklace with a yellow pearl. She clapped it around her neck, and it fell softly against her chest. She gave Larance a little hug, before giggling a bit.

"How did you even afford this?" she asked.

"I've been saving up my allowance to buy you something special for your fourteenth birthday," Larance replied, looking away in embarrassment. "Those petals are said to be found on a meadow where Latias and Latios live."

"No way! That's amazing!"

Bina coughed, gaining their attention.

"So, I'm just going to leave you two alone then..."


The three of them laughed until Nurse Joy approached them with a small smile.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you three should come see this."


Poochyena ran towards Arriete as the four of them entered the room. Arriete laughed as she picked it up and it licked her face.

"So, is this what you wanted to show us?" Bina asked, folding her arms.

"That's half of it," Nurse Joy replied, holding her hand open. "I found this tracking device on him."

"'Him'" Larance asked. "It's a boy?"

"That's besides the point, Larance," Arriete muttered, walking over to them. "What did you find out about the device?"

"It apparently was made by Team Magma," Nurse Joy replied, crushing it in her fist. "Those horrible, horrible people."

"Won't they come here because of the tracking device?" Bina asked worriedly.

"Then let them come," Larance replied, eyes narrowing as he clutched Torchic close. "I'll teach them a lesson for putting that Pocchyena in that cage."

"No, it's too dangerous," Arriete stated. "Remember, Birch told all of us to stay away from them. And besides, I don't think that they will come here. It's too populated."

"Right," Nurse Joy said with a yawn. "Well, I better be closing soon. You three should get to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," the three friends replied in sync.

Soon, the friends were upstairs, getting ready to sleep. Bina was letting Mudkip run around on the fourth bed, looking for a perfect spot to sleep. Larance was in the little dining area brushing his teeth, Torchic by his side. Arriete walked out of the bathroom, smoothing down her nightgown, Pipei and Poochyena by her side.

"So, are you going to nickname him?" Bina asked as Mudkip finally settled down on the bed.

"Bina, he's not even my Pokémon," Arriete replied, petting the Pokémon's head. "Unless, he wants to be."

"Pooch!" Poochyena yipped in reply.

Arriete laughed, took out a pokeball, and Poochyena pressed his nose against the button. It wobbled for three times before stopping. Arriete grinned as she let him out, and took out a name tag.

"From now on, you'll be named Paragon, ok?"


"Well, that's your last birthday present," Larance smirked as he approached them, Torchic joining Mudkip on the bed.

"Thanks," Arriete giggled.

"Well I don't know about you two," Bina yawned as she pulled her covers over her. "But I'm exhausted. Goodnight."

Larance and Arriete crawled into their beds as well, and fell fast asleep. Pipei and Paragon joined Mudkip and Torchic on the bed and fell asleep, Torchic and Pipei leaning against each other.


"They're at the Pokémon Center."

"Keep out of sight, but watch them closely."

"Yes, sir."


"Team Magma? Are you sure?"

"The tracking device doesn't lie. I have a feeling that those three children are being watched by them. I know you must be busy with your duties, but I'm genuinely worried for them."

"One of them is his son, right?"

"Yes. Can you keep an eye on them?"

"Of course, Joy. Thank you for telling me."

"You're welcome."

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