40 - A Redirection

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Just step over here, avoid that stick, whoop, and-a five six seven eight, that was pretty smooth not gonna lie, and step over here, don't step on that...

J-Hope's arms flail around him as he delicately keeps his balance. It probably makes him look funny but he doesn't mind, since he's invisible anyways.

It helps that he's removed himself from the battle. All he has to do now is focus on locating Jimin. He glances upward, satisfied to see that he's much closer to the stone wall than he anticipated. With any luck, Jimin should be close by - the only challenge would be figuring out where exactly he is in the confines of Training Headquarters.


The sound beneath his feet scares him, tilts him off balance. Oh crap-

"Who's there?" A voice demands.

J-Hope whirls around to see, tilting him off balance even more, and when he catches sight of the one-and-only Commander standing right there, he's tilted off balance even more, leaving J-Hope to desperately fling his arms in windmill motions to keep him from falling completely on the ground behind him.

Hissing and snake-like, the Commander's angry eyes scan the snowy field around him. A twig had snapped just a second before. He heard that, definitely heard that. And yet everything in sight remains unchanged...

The Commander frowns and walks forward. His cloak flutters gently over the snow.

He squints. Left to right. Top to bottom.


Standing two meters directly in front of him, J-Hope finally stops with the windmill motions and finds himself on balance again. He wishes that he had sound powers like Y/n, which would be much more helpful right now. Without them, the Commander would hear if he moved.

J-Hope glances at the stone wall right there and resists the urge to sigh. So close, yet so far away. For now he has no choice but to stay put.

"You know," the Commander says casually, looking down at his hands, "we've documented everyone who's gone missing over these years. Of them, there is only one person on record who has control over light. You're around here somewhere, Jung Hoseok."

J-Hope's blood runs cold. It has nothing to do with the temperature outside.

"... and I know that you're unable to move in the snow without directly letting me know your location. Frustrating, isn't it, Hoseok?" he tilts his head mockingly. "The disadvantages of control over mere light. There's a reason why the light elemental is on the rarer side. Not much use for it."

Jung Hoseok.

That brings back painful memories. He'd tried so hard to remain optimistic, to block those out, so he created a new name to give himself hope. J-Hope. But hearing Jung Hoseok again after all these years?

The energy within him flares to his hands, ready for use. But J-Hope still can't move, not now, not yet, so he has to think of a plan, quickly quickly quickly.

There's a pause.

Then J-Hope unveils himself.

The Commander smiles, looks him dead in the eye. "I'm surprised you have so much courage in you. I thought you'd hide like a coward."

J-Hope resists the urge to scoff. I'm not that stupid.

Because the Commander isn't looking at J-Hope, not really. He's looking at the hologram version that real J-Hope created a couple meters away from him. Real J-Hope is completely silent, arms extended in front of him, heart pounding, nervously focused on doing the meticulous animations right. Detailed works of light like these are draining.

Hologram J-Hope shakes his head defiantly.

"Your attempt was... admirable," the Commander sneers, "but your decision to come back here so soon was a fool's move. Rookie mistake!" He sings.

And without further ado, he blasts a beam of fire at Hologram J-hope to burn him into a crisp. 


We stay on the move. Namjoon glances around to take stock of the situation when the initial alarm wears away and, following his lead, so do I.

To the front of us: Earth Fighters

To the right: Fire

Behind us: Water

The enemies. We can't outrun them, never will.

Earth moves first, digging us into a vertical tunnel so we can't escape. Jungkook and I work together to fly the four of us back up. As we do this, fire blows overhead to block our exit. Red flames lick the air and I can feel the heat above us. I throw wind at a very high velocity towards the sky to create a hole within the fire for the briefest moment, so we can fly upwards to escape. We barely manage to emerge unscathed when water strikes.

The sounds around me disappear into a muted, bubbly effect as we're submerged. The water is relentless and freezing cold because of the snow they're leveraging against us. It's murky as well, an off-blue that's difficult to see through. I end up breathing in some and choking because there's just so much of it.

In my coughing fit and desperate attempt to create an air bubble around my nose and mouth to breathe, I notice that my feet have touched the ground again. It's another earth tunnel, filled with water this time. I fight off the attacks and use air to propel me upwards but the water is just so thick. And they're using sheer water pressure to push me downwards.

I curse when I can't fly higher.

The Earth walls begin closing in and I look around in a panic. The water preoccupied me so much that I never realized when I became alone, separated from everyone else, in an underground tube filled with water that's about to collapse in on itself.

Suffocation for sure. The taste of salt water lingers in my mouth.

I propel my way over to a side of the enclosing wall. The white room from the test at Freedom Academy flashes in my mind as I turn my fist again, cracking one side of the dirt. My hands dig in relentlessly and I use my air powers to help and I pray that I can make a nook quick enough before the walls close in completely. I'm like a desperate mouse trying to find its way back home.

It's so difficult to move fast enough in water but I try. My fingernails are filled with dirt. I don't know how much longer I can hold on to the air bubble I'm using to breathe and my body is so exhausted, and the wall is moving in so close.

I turn my first again. More cracks open deeper into the wall and I dig a bit more before curling up inside my little half-circle indent as best as I can. I force all the water out of this area before the opposing wall crashes against mine with a resounding BOOM!

It hits my arm, forcing me to curl up impossibly more. Then everything settles.

That was insane.

I take deep breaths, coughing. The dirt around me is all wet and musty. Are all my limbs intact? I visually make sure of it and then try to look around. It's a very tight squeeze so I can't move my head very much. I settle on resting my forehead on my knees.

Deep breaths.

Inhale, exhale.

I'm so exhausted. Can't tell if I'm drenched in sweat or water from the Fighters or both or what. No amount of training from Namjoon could have prepared me to have the stamina to last through all of this.

My elemental energy recharges slowly. Using a small amount of it I probe upwards to try to hear what's going on out there - there's still yelling, so the others must be putting up a decent enough fight. I cautiously start digging my way upwards, subconsciously aware of the limited amount of oxygen in here. 

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