5 - Rooms

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The first thing I hear is voices.

Buzzing, concerned tones moving around me.

Then my sense of touch comes back. A blanket covers me, my head is on a pillow, and my limbs still feel heavy.

And finally I feel the need to open my eyes, maybe just a bit to know where I am, so I slowly and cautiously open them.

The light in the room is dim (thank goodness) and a couple of nurses are walking around. I'm in a room with other patients. There's a girl reading a book to my left and someone still sleeping to my right.

I try my best to sit up. It takes a lot of effort, but eventually I get there. The nurses don't seem to notice me.

"Y/n! You're okay!"

I turn my head around expecting to see Jungkook, but instead I see some guy that I don't know, wearing a yellow shirt. I look at the nurses who are still shuffling around and telling other guests at the door that the patients need to rest, so no visitors are allowed. Then I look back at him.

"How -?"

"I'll tell you later," he says quickly. "Right now you need to get out."

I know for a fact that leaving a hospital without permission is a very dumb thing to do. "But I'll probably get in trouble and -"

"Y/n, if you don't get out right now, things are going to get complicated super fast. I can only disguise us for so long."

Disguise us? What does that mean?

"I promise I'll tell you stuff later," he adds. "Can you please work with me? Once I get you out of here you'll also see Jungkook again!" Then he gives me a sweet and knowing smile.

I examine him. He seems bright and harmless, but a nagging feeling in the back of my mind tells me that maybe he's not how he seems to be.

What other choice do I have though?

"Give me a solid, good, plausible reason why and maybe I'll follow you," I say.

He sighs. "Okay, listen up," he says after a moment. "You passed the test. Your results were great. But the way you interacted with some of the things they gave you is unheard of. You also showed off a ridiculous amount of control with your power.

"They got you into the hospital because you kind of fainted after the test, which is fine and all - but they're planning on keeping you to study you. I'm using that term very loosely, and Jungkook is worried, so I was sent to get you out."

"... how do you know all this?"

He pauses for a moment, and takes this opportunity to quickly look around the room before turning back towards me. "Jungkook says he's already told you about his wind-thing, correct?"

I nod.

"Well, the wind whispered it to him again. Since your results came out as something similar... but not quite the same, and I'll tell you why later... well, I trust you can feel it?" he asks cautiously. "The wind?"

I prod at my surroundings, feeling the air around me with my mind. I try to detect whatever the guy in front of me was talking about.

I narrow my eyes.

"Feel anything?"

I blink cluelessly. "... no?"

"Oh. Well..." he scratches the back of his head, flustered. "I guess you haven't been trained well enough yet to detect that stuff." He smiles sheepishly. "Point is, we need to get out of here right now."


"You have to, or you'll never be able to get out. And we're running out of time, Y/n. Please trust me." 

The sincerity and care in his eyes shone so strongly that I had to take a moment to gather myself.

I look at the yellow shirt guy in front of me again in a new light.

Should I trust him? Follow him out? But how much trouble would that get me into?


A/N: Guesses on who the new guy is?

The answer will be revealed in the next chapter ;)

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