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Dizzy, he ditched the piano and ran and grabbed the Jeep out of the garage and ran off like he was chased in the middle of the night. He was running like a demon on the main highway with an unknown destination, causing a patrol car to start a chase against him.

He lost control and struck the Jeep on the road bars. Two patrol cars surrounded him. He was still conscious with no injuries, having the bumper bent.

The cops arrested him immediately after making sure he wasn't in danger, identifying who he was.

Sitting in a holding cell with a bottle of water, he was waiting for Luke to come to pick him up. When he arrived, he paid the fine for speeding and drinking on Vince's behalf and headed to the police office to pick him up, getting him out of court.

Vince was sitting frown and silent with a lost gaze. At that moment, a police officer was passing by. He took his revolver by surprise, armed it, and pointed at his head, ready to end his life. They stopped him immediately by immobilizing him, shouting, "NO, VINCE!"

Luke put a jacket on him and gave him a strong analgesic to calm him down. As they left the station, they saw a number of reporters taking pictures of his every move.

"Why did you do it?"

"What made you for this?"

"You were drunk?"

"Vince, it's true that you're obsessed with the drug world?"

"What do you think you will gain by the life you make?"

Vince got short on that question. "Life is a lottery. As long as you know what you're getting," he stuttered exhausted and the pens went up in flames writing his words. Luke quickly put him in the limo and left.

Noelia was standing at the entrance. "Where did you pick him up this time, Luke?" she asked upset.

The driver was embarrassed to answer, helped Vince get in, and laid him on the living room couch.

"Luke, it's fine, leave us alone, please."

He obeyed her strict eye and disappeared into one of the rooms.

She turned to him angry with her arms crossed and looked at him in the face of an inquisitor. Vince, exhausted, didn't even have the courage to face her.

"Can you tell me why you came to Montreal? What do you want to represent, Vince? That you do whatever fucking you like? Then you expect me to love you! Have you thought, though, that you have left me no choice?" she puffed in disheartened, pouring a drink.

"Give me one too," he whispered in a bad mood.

"A drink or a bottle?" she mocked him.

"You've gotten fat lately."

"You finally noticed it," she resented. "Anyway, I can barely keep up with the situation."

"What do you mean, Noelia? What situation?"

She stared at him full of tears, drinking the rest of her drink all at once.

"I asked you a question. What do you keep up? Speak, damn it!"

"I'm pregnant," she whispered interrupting his voices.

Vince stunned at his joy. It's like they erased all the black spots that have been torturing him lately. The news of the child covered his entire void, his nightmares, and his problems. "Since when?" he asked her in a cheerful manner.

"About four months."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"When do I tell you, Vince? When you've gone all the time? When your accountant sends me your checks and expenses for your mistresses? When you're always high and drunk?"

Her continuous observations brought his nightmares back to him. "You know what it is?"

"It's a girl," she said, snorting from tears. "Listen, Vince. You can't raise a child under the present circumstances. You understand."

"Don't even think about throwing the kid!" he screamed.

"Stop yelling! Stop! I've given it a lot of thought. If I was gonna do it, I would have done it all along and you wouldn't know anything. But there was this problem with my heart and the doctor banned the surgery. And then, I didn't want to, but with the life you lead, you didn't give me much of a chance."

"Noelia, let's give it a shot. Both of us. For the child. Please."

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