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Without ever seeing him, she already felt like him and cared about his happiness and his life.

"Vinnie, how do you study sociology? I mean..."

"With the Braille method. You know, my eyes don't have light. The ears, the mouth, the hands, they work fine. The method is very good. I owe a lot to the people who discovered it. I manage to study even though I can't see."

"Maybe something could be done, we could look into it that is-" he coined.

"To see again you mean?"

He remained silent.

"The last diagnosis of doctors a few years ago was negative. They did not leave such a margin."

"You're coming with me, Vinnie. Wherever I go, you come with me. You'll have your space to study don't worry," he said sure.

He was determined to have her by his side. He didn't stand by the words of the doctors. Something inside him was pushing him to look deeper into her; to make her see more doctors.

On the way back, Vince asked his driver to stop at Harbor.

"Why are we going home?" Vinnie asked.

"To get what else you need. You won't be back here for a long time."

"And where will I stay?"

"By the time I finish my appearances in Canada, you'll be staying at my house on Pacific Street, a road over the coast. You'll like it there. It's quiet and you can study."

"Why don't I stay in Cordova with my siblings while you're in Vancouver?"

"That's the way I like it."

She didn't object to him anymore. With her inner eyes, she could see his soul well. She saw his spontaneity in situations and his peculiar behavior with humans.

Patrick and Betty encouraged her in this as something different from the monotonous state of her life. Her siblings were all she had; her refuge for everything; just like her for them.

Vince's appearances all over Canada went surprisingly well. He had broadened his contacts and was ready for the big step. International concerts.

His last album went platinum. His songs stayed on top of the Billboard for a long time. The awards came one after the other, and everyone was talking about a new artist phenomenon.

In addition to investing several properties, he also bought a huge ranch in Hollywood, and that's where he housed his success. Every night he would open a bottle of champagne and swim in the garden pool, screaming happy.

An excellent painter from Toronto asked him to draw his portrait, which would decorate the living room above the big fireplace. It cost $30.000,00 that Vince was happy to pay.

Lavinia always stood smiling and silent. She was happy with his success and always took care to protect him with her own restrained admonitions.

"What are you gonna do with the house in Vancouver?" she asked him.

"I don't even think about it. I live in a palace, Vinnie. Is it possible I care?" he said with contempt. "I'm never gonna stay there again."

For some reason, she was disappointed in the way he talked to her. Vince quickly became acquainted with the comfort of wealth. He didn't seem willing to stop until he got rich. Besides, with the simple concerts that made as a kid with a teenage group that had created, he was making good amounts from the neighboring club, not having ever an essential economic problem.

He told her that from the first moment. His goal was the great glory and luxury of money. With them, he believed he would solve all the problems and nothing would stand in the way of an insurmountable obstacle.

But he was missing something. All the big names, all the greats of his era but also the older ones who had the same ambition, the only thing they achieved were to become a memory that livened up for a moment in biographical movies.

Vince stood at the foot of Fame and forgot to see the end. She, in spite of her darkness, saw all this. Determined to influence him, one afternoon in his huge pool, she started talking to him.

"What happened, Vinnie? Why aren't you happy with me? Look what I've accomplished in such a short time when others have been doing years to achieve something."

"Are you sure all this will always keep you happy?"

"They're already keeping me."

"For how long?"

"What is that supposed to mean? As long as I live. When I die I don't know. But as long as I live, yes. That's all everyone needs and ask anybody. Find me even one person who doesn't desire all that I have" he said blinded by the comforts of wealth.

"Me." she stuttered humbly.

"One more reason for you to want all this. And more than that. Because-" he stopped.

"I'm blind?"

"Vinnie, look the reality."

"I do. Even though I can't see."

"I don't mind you being jealous. Everyone is jealous of me right now," he said, full of pride.

Lavinia was never jealous. She was offended and deeply hurt by his last words. She asked to come back home. Her siblings advised her not to pay any more attention. She was encouraged to come back. She devoted herself to her studies with more zeal.

She was watching Vince's progress from the media. She was pained silently by his arrogant attack since their last encounter.

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