Ave, Reyna Ramírez-Arellano

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I don't own anything. Rick Riordan owns all the characters except for Eddie, who is from House of Anubis, so I don't own him either, and the song and partial song lyric belongs to Taylor Swift. Once again I don't own the Heroes of Olympus, if I did then Piper would turn girly and Jason would dump her and go to Reyna. Hope you enjoy the story.

P.S. if you read this right when I publish it and a ffew minutes afterwards then I don't have the first part up yet or have the cast finished or the Taylor Swift song attached.

P.P.S Beware of un-capitalized (I)s


Jason's P.O.V.

The sun was shining brightly, a light breeze was blowing, and you could easily tell it was spring. It seemed almost cruel for the gods to give such great weather on such a dreadful day. Many people were bustling through Camp Jupiter, but none were smiling. It felt as if you could reach up and touch the guilt and sorrow.

"The day's finally here." My girlfriend Piper said. She tried to sound sympathetic, but i could tell that she was happy. Today is the day that i lose my ex-best friend, my ex-girlfriend(AN: In my story Hera took Jason the day right before his and Reyna's One month anniversary), and my ex-co-leader, for good.Yesterday was the day that i realized that it was too late, yesterday was the day that i realized that i still love her, that whenever i see her my heart jumps, and whenever we make any contact with one another i feel sparks, not the measly butterflies i feel with Piper, but something i've waited my whole life for. Too bad she no longer feels the same way.

There was a knock on the door, but they walked in without waiting for a reply. "Seaweed Brain, I told you not to barge in without hearing a conformation first, even if they are our friends." Annabeth scolded the son of Poseidon with a smile on her face along with a slight scowl.

"Of course I listen to what you say, Wise girl. How could I not? I just choose not to follow the advice that you give me." Percy shot back with a mischievous glint in his sea green eyes.

They bickered for a few more minutes, looking dead serious, but from the look in their eyes you can tell that they love it. At the end Percy kissed Annabeth when she was in the middle of saying something(AN: I just had to add that line from Taylor Swift"s song, "Last Kiss"), and then wrapped his arm around her waist. I couldn't help but feel a ping of jealousy. Not from the fact that Percy was dating Annabeth, but the fact that Percy had an Annabeth, or to better put it, a girlfriend. Someone to love and to hold, like what Reyna was to me before Juno/Hera took me away and stole my memories. They finally looked away from each other, with a grim look on their faces and said, "It's time."

We headed to New Rome, stopped by the Pomeranian line to give Terminus our weapons, not wanting to argue, and from the look on his face he, for once, didn't want to either. When we got to the Forum we saw all of the legion, most of the citizens of New Rome, and quite a few lares already there. The four of us saw Hazel seated near the stage where the praetors normally sat, and went to the seats that she was saving for us.

After a few more guests came in we started the ceremony, if you could call it that. Some traditional roman music played (minus the arm farts) and then everyone stood when Frank and Reyna came in. I still remember when we (the seven, besides Percy and Annabeth) were in the House of Hades and i gave my praetor-ship up to Frank, ever since i remembered what Reyna meant to me i've regreted that decision. It's not that Frank's a bad praetor, for such a softy like him he's doing pretty well, it's just that i wish that i was up their leading with Reyna, being beside her to make decisions, and staying up late with her to finish the paperwork that i procrastinated to do and that she threatened not to help me finish even though she always did. I'm not scared that Reyna might fall for Frank like most, almost all, praetors did considering all the time they spend together. Besides I noticed that they've become close, but only as friends, Frank would only hold a girl like Reyna back, and Frank and Hazel seem perfectly happy together.

I could tell that most people were to sad to pay attention to the speeches too much(AN: I'm not really sure if they speeches when a praetor officially and publicly steps down, but let's just say that they do), especially Piper. I noticed her looking at Percy and Annabeth's intertwined hands with envy, and then look at mine with longing, like she didn't even care that Reyna was leaving Camp Jupiter for good to live in the mortal world.(AN: We all probably hate these things but let's just pretend that Reyna's 18 and for the past three years (AN: WHOA an Author's note in an Author's note, anyway, it's three years because i gave Reyna a summer birthday, July 7th, now back to your regularly scheduled Author's note) she's been going to mortal school in places she used to live... You know what i'll just use the blank part 1 space to write these details in, that would be easier). I think it hurt her more for the fact that i noticed her looking at Percy and Annabeth's hands and then ours and me not even trying to make an effort.

Everyone's speech about her came and left. "... Bean an honor working with someone so strong and brave. We'll all really miss you." Was the last of Frank's speech. I felt my heart rate speed up the slightest and by blood run cold when Reyna stood up to tell the entirety of this room her life story. (AN: It's basically what's now on part 1). My blood ran cold when i found out that she had found love on multiple occasions, all the dangerous things that have happened to her, and her life when she ran away before she got here.

Before we knew it the ceremony was coming to an end and people around me (besides Piper) were silently crying, we weren't just losing a praetor, we were losing a piece of Camp Jupiter it self. I probaly felt the most bad, if it weren't for me she might stay, but i pushed her to this place. What hurts the most though is that she spent all of yesterday screaming at me, telling me that she no longer loves me and now despises, no loathes, me, and that it's all my fault that she's practically broken.

I suddenly felt something weird take over me and before my mind could process what was happening I was on my feet and shouted "Wait!" Everyone instantly turned their attention to me. Piper motioned for me to sit down, but i didn't care. Reyna looked surprised and annoyed, probably because she wasn't planning on an interruption.

Piper stood up when she realized that i had no plans on sitting back down. "Sorry, he's been acting strange since yesterday." Piper apologized. I knew it was true ever since Reyna told me that she was leaving and that she hated me i've been more distant, and I guess people have noticed or at least Piper did."Jason, sit back down." Piper said in a sweet and sugary voice that made my brain foggy, which instantly alerted me that she was trying to charmspeak me. I shot her an irritated look which she knew that that meant that i knew that she was trying to use her powers on me, and sat back down ashamed. I felt bad for a second, but just a second.

"Jason, what is the meaning of this?" Reyna asked raising an eyebrow with a threatening look in her eyes. A look that i have come to love.

"You can't leave. This is your home." I pleaded.

"Jason, I thought we discussed this matter yesterday." She gritted her teeth. Everyone seemed surprised at this, ever since i became part of Camp Half-Blood Reyna's been avoiding me like the plague.

She was right of course we discussed the matter of this being her home in private yesterday.


Reyna and I were behind an abandoned building in New Rome and she was practically screaming at me, it was better then when she was creaming at me when she was crying at the same time though.

"This is where you belong, with other demigods, this is your home!" I sort of yelled back at her.

"HOME! That's a joke! What would you know about that? You abandoned us just so you could be with that grecious!" She spat at me.

I thought about what she said for a minute, because i knew that it was true. "But what about your mother? She's a roman goddess. Your blood ties you here."

After I said that she seemed absolutely furious. She came close to me and i was afraid of what she would do.She was right in front of me and if she didn't look like she wanted to kill me it seemed like she would kiss me. She ran her pointer finger along my jaw, I felt her finger-nail graze my skin, which sent tingles up my spine and gave me goosebumps. She leaned her head in so our noses almost touched, and her hand stopped so it was right next to my ear and from the knuckles on her fingers up were in my hair, and when Reyna spoke her voice was deathly calm and it sounded almost threatening.

"Blood may be thicker than water, but it sure is slippery." (AN: Wonder who can guess what show that came from and who said it)

After she said that she left, and I could still feel her cold hand on my face and minty breath hitting my mouth.

~~~Flashback Over~~~

"I know a way to settle this." A legacy named Eddie spoke up. Eddie was Reyna's best friend from the mortal world. He's a legacy of Vulcan but from the look in his eyes and the way he acted you would think he would be a legacy ,or even a son of, Mercury. He had hair that straddled the borderline from being blonde to dirty blonde, hazel eyes, a strong build, and was pretty tall.

Eddie walked onto the stage whispered something in Reyna's ear and then walked over to the speakers that the children of Mercury/Hermes and Vulcan/ Hephaestus installed.

Reyna herself gave a small smirk, so I knew they were up to something.

"Weasel, where's the mic?" Reyna yelled. What mic? I thought. We rarely ever use them since we can project our voices pretty far.

"Right here, Yacker." Eddie threw her one from one of the boxes in the closet where we keep a lot junk. Reyna threw him something but it flew too fast for me too see. Too fast for pretty much any of us to see i from the look on everyone's faces.

"You're pick." She shouted. Eddie looked like a kid on Christmas morning and quickly hooked up the thing that Reyna threw. It was then that I realized that it was an IPod.

Soon music flooded the place and from the look on Reyna's face she recognized it, but the rest of us didn't. That was weird considering some of us go to school in the mortal world but nobody has heard this song. Realization hit me, Reyna wrote the song. One by one everyone else seemed to come to the same conclusion. We all looked to Reyna with our full attention. Even Piper.

"If i'm going down it might as well be in flames." She sighed. She then looked straight at me and started singing.

"Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday

When I caught your eye

And we caught onto something, I hold on to the night

You looked me in the eye and told me you loved me

Were you just kidding? 'Cause it seems to me

This thing is breaking down, we almost never speak

I don't feel welcome anymore

Baby, what happened? Please tell me

'Cause one second it was perfect

Now you're halfway out the door"

Reyna then took off her toga(AN:not ripped off, whenever people write it like that I always feel that it makes the story a lot less real, but it looks a lot like what Tori did in Victorious when she sang Freak the Freak out) and then threw it to Frank. I noticed that underneath the toga she was wearing a dark red and a bit faded skirt with a black sleeveless crop top, She also had on a gold necklace that had these pointy triangle things on it(Hey, I'm a guy, I don't know how to describe jewelry), and a gold spiky bracelet around her right bicep and gold bangles around her wrist that hid her SPQR tattoo.

"And I stare at the phone and he still hasn't called

And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all

And you flashback to when we said, forever and always

Oh, oh

Oh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong

It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone

'Cause I was there when you said forever and always

Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest

That made you run and hide like a scared little boy?

I looked into your eyes, thought I knew you for a minute

Now I'm not so sure

So here's to everything, coming down to nothing

Here's to silence that cuts me to the core

Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute

But I don't anymore

And I stare at the phone and he still hasn't called

And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all

And you flashback to when we said forever and always

Oh, oh

Oh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong

It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone

'Cause I was there when you said forever and always

You didn't mean it, baby, I don't think so

Oh, oh

Oh, back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?

Back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?

'Cause it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong

It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone

'Cause I was there when you said forever and always

Oh, I stare at the phone and he still hasn't called

And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all

And you flashback to when we said forever and always

And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong

It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone

'Cause I was there when you said forever and always

You didn't mean it, baby, you said forever and always"

Reyna finished singing and everyone was completely astonished. Except for me and Piper. Piper look as angry as a bull seeing red, but she was smart enough not to say anything. I on the other hand was feeling an abundance of different emotions. Reyna had an amazing singing voice, but I was hurt that she thought of me that way.

Reyna then brought her braid to her right shoulder, pursed her lips, gave a curt nod, then put the microphone on a table and headed to the door.

Frank seemed to realize what was happening, but being the respectful man he is he didn't try to stop her. Instead Frank shouted out to the crowd,

"Ave, Reyna Ramírez-Arellano. A true child of Rome."

"Ave, Reyna Ramírez-Arellano. A true child of Rome." Everyone repeated. Some of the Romans even looked at me spitefully when they said that Reyna was a true child of Rome.

Reyna's P.O.V.

After that day no half-blood, Roman and Greek alike, saw me again (besides Eddie). My life has been good, I've made a lot of new friends and came in touch with a lot of old ones, but I do still miss Annabeth, Thalia, and Gwen. I never regretted my decision, I might've hurt Jason that day, but he hurt me ever since he asked me if he could give Piper a tour of New Rome.

Besides I bet that right when I left he got over me and went on date with Piper and never thought of me again.

Third Person P.O.V.

... But neither of them knew that when Reyna was at the border about to leave Camp Jupiter for good, a thought came to both their minds at the same time. Reyna was looking back at Camp and Jason was trying to see Reyna in the distance, a single thought came to both their minds at the same time, "We were once a Roman Love."

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