Walk Home Together

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Rubbing her eyes as she lift up herself on the bed,the crimson haired is still in the clinic.Looking at the wall clock,hands are pointing downwards means it's almost the end of today's school.

The red head sighed,while she fix her wrinkled uniform.''The nurse didn't even woke me up...'' She looked into her surroundings,not a student or nurse can be found but she noticed that there is a piece of paper where Hanayo put the medicine for her.

She grabbed the paper and read it,it says ''Maki-chan,I'm sorry we didn't woke you up,you seem to be in a nice dream as we saw your face.Just take the medicine if you're not yet feeling well,take care.'' - Hanayo and Rin-chan.

The red head blushed,because of what they said or did.She doesn't hate it.''So they visited me...'' she whispered.

Maki didn't regret it after all.She exitted the clinic and went to her classroom to fetch her belongings.While grabbing her shoes out of her locker,Maki heared a humming.The first thing that came to her mind was to ignore that,but as the humming turn into a voice singing,she finally looked for the source.

She looked at her surroundings,but nothing,she thought it was a ghost doing that,and it scared her.Because of her nervousness,she decided to just go home like nothing happened,but as she was about to step for the exit,First,she didn't noticed the other girl exiting.

But Maki finally saw the other girl and was again,The raven haired,holding her bag to her sides,her left hand is holding a cellphone,a headset on her ears.

Their eyebrow twitch as they saw each other.The raven haired removed her headset with her cellphone and put them in her bag.''What are doing here?'' Nico asked,as she crossed her arms waiting for the crimson haired's reply with a annoyed look.

Maki's nervousness before was already swept by the raven haired,because now,she already knew that the singing voice before wasn't a ghost.The red head sighed.''Of course to study,this is a school you know.'' This made the raven haired's face look more annoyed and pissed.

"That's not what I mean,and you know it.''

"I fell asleep in the clinic but the nurse didn't woke me up.'' With a stoic voice,the red head answered almost a whisper but Nico managed to understand the message.

"A-Are you okay now?'' A gentle and caring look appeared on Nico's face as she say this words,while the red head noticed the changes,blush started to form in her cheeks.

She averted her gaze at the raven haired as she noticed herself blushing.''Y-Yeah,It doesn't really matter,does it?''

"Of course it matters!! You're not feeling well because you're in the clinic,what if that's already a symptom?!'' Back to her annoyed yet worried look,Nico blurted out her thoughts

"W-What made you say that? Cutting classes is an option too!'' Maki yelled,with her face look like Nico's,they bicker until they are already panting.

After some minutes,they stopped their quarreling because it's already late and decided to go home.Nico noticed Maki was walking in the same direction as her.''We walk in the same direction so,W-Why don't we just walk home together?'' The raven haired is blushing and avoiding Maki's eyes.

The crimson haired blushed too when Nico offered.She decided to accept.''W-Well,It can't be help.''

"Does that mean you want to or what?'' The raven haired said as she furrowed her brow.

"I-It's not like I want to....''

"So that's a Yes then!'' Nico smiled,a true bright smile that Maki saw in front of her.

For Maki,it made her heart skip a beat,because it was the most beautiful smile she saw in her whole life,the time seems so slow when she saw Nico's smile.

The red head heared a click in her mind and she decided,she decide to protect that smile,she wanted to see it again,she don't know why but she wanted Nico to smile for her.She's not familiar with this feeling yet.She don't know the emotion itself.

Maki nodded as she close her eyes,a blush in her cheeks,noticed by the raven haired.They walk side by side,first,it was awkward because none of them was talking but Nico broke it.

"Maki-chan,do you have a cellphone?'' Looking ahead,Nico's voice was serious as she took her cellphone out of her bag.It was a pink cellphone with a pink flower strap.

"Y-Yeah,Why?'' Maki also took her cellphone out of her pocket,a red cellphone like the raven haired's but doesn't have a strap.

"Let's exchange phone numbers..!'' With a excited voice the raven haired held her phone in front facing Maki whose shock but already blushing.


"Come on,Maki-chan~'' with a playful voice the raven haired pleaded



The red head put her cellphone in front of Nico signaling 'she agreed'.Not looking at the raven haired she set her phone infrared for Nico whose putting her's while smiling.Maki glance at the raven haired every now and then to look at the smile in Nico's face making herself blush even more.

'I look like an Idiot' she thought but can't help herself because of wanting to see it no matter what.

Maki was about to glance again but got caught by the person she is looking.

"W-Why are you looking at me?'' The red head blurted out to cover the embarassment from the fact that she was caught looking but it also cause the raven haired to blush while looking at Maki.

Basically,they were looking at each other,but none of them want to be honest.

"I-I wasn't looking at you! You're the one looking at me!'' Nico yelled,embarassed.

"I was looking at you because you're looking at me first!''

After Maki said that,the two looked at each others eyes,they stay for a while until their annoyed yet embarassed look turn into their original facial expression.

They sighed in unison until the both of them giggled.

"What was that just now?'' While laughing,Nico rubbed her eyes whose already teary from their laughing.

The red head was also giggling.''For now,'' she stop for a while to catch her breath.''It's late so let's go.'' Maki smiled.

The raven haired was stun when she saw Maki's smile again,thinking it really suits her better with a smile.A smile also formed on the raven haired's face.

The atmosphere is always changing between them but it's not really a bad feeling for the crimson haired,until there's this question that click the curiosity of hers.

"Ummm...Nico-chan,can I ask a question?'' With a gentle voice,the crimson haired started.

"You're already asking me,idiot.''

"Urk!'' The crimson haired furrowed her brows but managed to control her coming annoyance.

"I-I was just thinking,What Nozomi mean back then.''

Awkward silence between the two surround them.The crimson haired noticed that didn't go well.''N-Nevermind,let's just go.''

"I'm going to tell you when you got home.'' The raven haired said leaving the atmosphere awkward but didn't pay attention to it.The crimson haired just nodded.

They walk in silence until they reach where they should part.The raven haired is the first one to talk breaking the awkwardness between the two.

''See you tomorrow,Maki-chan.'' She said this as she wave her hands.She run to her house's direction but stopped.''I'm gonna wait for you near the park! Let's walk to school together tomorrow!" The raven haired yelled with a smile leaving Maki speechless.She waited for Nico's figure to disappear before leaving.


Time flows by and she's already inside of her room,lying on her bed,looking at the ceiling,thinking from before and tried to process what the raven haired said.Her thought has been cut off when she heared her cellphone ringing.

Maki grabbed her phone and held it on her ear without looking at the callers ID,she answered,and the first voice she heared was the thing she did not expect as she find herself blushing and almost look like a tomato.

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