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As a Ten year old me that day it became one of my childhood memories.

i just turned fifteen this past month but let's not talk about my birthday

"Ayeshah Come down here for a sec!"My mother called me.

i walk downstairs and i saw my mother at the kitchen"what is it mother?"i said he look at me then at the bowl it's a soup, she pick it up and pass it on me.

"give that to your father he must eat in this early morning he really busy at his work on the paper"she rolled her eyes, i saw the our maid panicking about what's her gonna do and another about mother's behavior or let's say she's mad Because it might fired her if she didn't do her work.

"Mother why me? Giving this soup ti father instead of the maid?"i said
Mother look at me Again"sometimes you must learn about being a simple person because if we became poor you would be do all the things,what you need or anything because we didnt have a maid anymore? Understand?"i just nodded at her
One question long Answer that's how mother it is.

I walk upstairs and i knock to Father's office"it's open"He said i entered I saw him writing on every paper.

I put his soup under his table
"Father you must eat because it might affect your health"He look at me for seconds and he stands up to his chair he walks to other table where the soup i put and sit.

"We know that your mother will not stop until she get what she wants"he said and he take a sip of the soup.

"Indeed,that's mother really"we laugh together,We talked to each other until he finished his soup "Father did you sleep last night?"

"Yes,perhaps?Less than Five hour"
"What? You should sleep"
"Yes i know my lovely daughter"He smiled at me and then he stands up and back to his work table.

"Go give that bowl to the maid and go to your mother after,she must take her self too"

"yes father" i bowed at him then i go outside to his office and give to the maids the bowl and after i go straight to my mother.

I saw her at the terrace sitting on the chair and drinking tea while looking at the view infront of her i called her,
"hmm yes?"She smiles" are you fine? I said"yeah your father?"she mobes her head into mine"He sleep less than a five hours"i sat beside her"Yeah i know because i felt our bed moved"She giggled

"Ayeshah Aren't you hiding something on us?"my mother said i got curious
"What Do you mean mother?"i said
"I think i saw a boy outside last night looking at your window but i think it's just my imagination"

I was shocked it giving me a creepy right now

wait i think...no..it's not him!

"Mother what he looks like?"

"why? Is it true that you're hiding something on us?"

"No! I uh just tell me i will tell you!"

"Let's say he's handsome young man now tell me"

"Hmm tell me mother what he looks like!"
"Really interested huh? He had a blonde hair tell me the truth"
"Nothing i like that kind of a guy, you had a beautiful imagination mother haha"i lied

"really ayeshah!"she snap my shoulder i'm glad because she Believe me! and we giggled together

this is how our life is, don't say were perfect family because what you saw right now is just an outside but not in the inside.

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