||Once upon a Cat||

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Wearing a hat and a coat with a pair of boots;
Wagging a game to her favor. . .

    The castle of her dream broke as Shiya woke up. The streaks of sunlight penetrate through the window. The day had dawned pleasantly sunny and bright. Her morning replenished with the dream of a fantasy world. She wonders how it feels if she could be in fairyland.

    She hummed as she picked her bag ready for work.

  On the nook of the alley, she noticed something peculiar- a feline dressed in a scarlet gown, a floral crown on its head. Since when the cat started to doll up? For a moment, she could not discern what just saw. Looking out of the car window, she looked at the cat again. Nothing odd about that cat. What was she thinking? It must be a trick of her mind.

      She stared at the cat. It stared her back. Shaking her head, she drove her car, wiping the cat out of her mind. As she drove the car on the busy roads of Mysore all she could think of large order of clothes she was hoping to get.

   By evening, she had forgotten all about that weird cat. She drove back home. On her way, she saw the tawny cat she had spotted in the morning. It was now sitting in a deck chair on her lawn. She shooed the cat, but it didn't move, rather, gave her a stern look. What a strange cat! She entered home.

    Musing over the morning incident, she sipped her coffee. She had no one to share news about that strange cat. In childhood, she lost her parents, all she had a grandmother and she too left her last year leaving her all alone. Brushing her thoughts, she went to bed and drift into sleep.

 The moonlight illuminated her murky room. When her eyes caught movement across the window-pane, she stood to look. Despite the chills on her skin, she made her way to the window without a second thought. As she looked, a dark figure evaded around the corner.

  "If this is supposed to be a joke, it isn't funny," Shiya groaned. She began walking back to the bed, her breath quicken as she heard the creaking of the door.

  She spun, looking around; only darkness met her. "Who was that?" Shiya quivered.

"Don't you recognize me?" That voice was oddly familiar. 

"Why don't you reveal yourself?"  Her body was trembling in fear.

   Right at the moment, a very bright light arose. At first, Shiya didn't understand what it was. She was gazing at the light. A woman appeared amid the light.

    "How were you, my child?" That lady fondled her hair.

   Tears welled up in her eyes, "Ammamma..." Shiya mumbled, "Are you really my grandmother?"

  Shiya hugs her, "I missed you. Didn't you missed me?"

  "I have always been watching you, Shiya. From there..." She pointed out stars.

Shiya looked at the stars then again turned to her grandmother. She heard her grandmother chattering, "Fate will propel the event, fairy tales will come alive." Then darkness enveloped her.


   When Shiya's eyes flutter open, to her surprise, she found herself on the banks of the river; suffocating. She was drenched. Someone tried to kill her. But who? What shocked her most is her reflection in the water.

   The fair round face, the fluffy veneer, emerald eyes. Her hands and legs changed to a paw. She purred in dismay, not believing her drastic transformation. No, it must be one of her fantasy dreams. There is no way for her to turn into a cat.

   "Wh-what happened to me? Why am I like this? This doesn't make sense!" She shivered in apprehension. It's as if the kids' bedtime story that her grandmother told her.

  She could not recognize the surroundings. Unlike her place, it was different. The most beautiful place she ever has seen. Instead of buildings, there was greenery everywhere. Not knowing what to do, she ran straight into the bushes and crouched into a heap. A leaf engraved by her name caught her attention.

   When night falls, come to meet me. All of your questions will be answered.

  She did not understand what it implied. But knew only that person can answer all her queries. Hearing a rustling noise coming toward her, she gets frightened.

  "Willow... My intention was never to hurt you." The man stood in front of her who was shattered by the unfairness of life. She got to know Willow is his cat name.

  "Oh, Willow! What do I with you? I barely can feed myself. I don't have a mill or even a donkey. How will I live?" His words made her astounded. Mill... donkey... Cat... She vaguely remembered the story of Puss in Boots. Never in her dream she thought, she would be that Puss.

   She said nothing and went with him to his home. She felt sorry for Miller's son who had nothing left by his father for living.

  At night, to get answers, she went to meet that unknown person. A tinkling bell rang somewhere in the woods. She felt eerie as she entered a tunnel. There was a hidden cave. It was very dark and shabby.

  "Welcome human-cat to the world of fairytale." Said a soft voice. Shiya stared at the sheep. She had huge ears, her body wrapped in talons and a bell on its neck. Bellwether was a witch dressed all in a mauve cloak. Her eyes were a bit creepy.

  "Why am I here? That too in cat form?" Mystified Shiya asked, her tail twitched.

   "Tsk-tsk! Curiosity killed the cat. Everything has a reason. Only time will tell you that." Bellwether said smiling at the cat.

  "Then tell me... how to get back my world?" She sniffed angrily. For which Bellwether snickered in response.

  "Go home and help out Miller's son. When the time arrives you'll find answers to all your questions." Bellwether gave her some fabrics and bundles of thread. "You may need these materials." She thanked her and left.



   Upon returning home, she met an upset Miller's son. She reminisced her grandmother's story, poor lad had got nothing except a useless cat. She pondered the way to help him, Puss at this stage demanded boots. So she told, "My dear master, I will help you to get a living. But you must buy me a pair of boots and give me a bag."

   Miller's son did not understand why the cat wanted those things. He had very little money but gazing at a talking cat gave him a ray of hope. He took Willow to the shoemaker and made her a pair of boots, and then he gave her a nice large bag.

    The Cat booted herself gallantly and put a bag around her neck. As promised to Miller's son, she decided to help out him. Being a fashion designer became a boon to Shiya. Although she struggled a bit in the cat's hands, she sewed the most beautiful dress from the fabric given by Bellwether. She showed him that dress.

    "Beautiful! How did you learn to do that?" He asked complimenting her work.

  "That's so kind of you master."

  By selling it, he got a reasonable amount to purchase rice.

  Willow took the rice and made hot steamed rice for both of them. Both lived happily by selling clothes. Soon, they owned their shop. The knowledge of modern time helped her to make their business progress. From common people to nobles were the customers of their shop.

  By the passage of time, she got attached to Miller's son. So was he. For him, the cat was a blessing in disguise. The cat served him all those things he never expected. He could not wish more.

   Shiya's life being Willow was not that easy. With lots of struggles, she coped up her life as a cat. It was hard for her to live as a cat without anyone knowing her real form. Sometimes, her human instincts used to come out, but she managed it. She, however, did not forget her mission. To return to her world, she embarked on the journey to make Marquis the prince.

    One day, she went to the palace and presented the king a designer shawl that had flowers and birds embroidery on it. Bowing her head in reverence, said "I have brought you a shawl which my noble lord the Marquis of Carabas has commanded me to present to your Majesty."

  "Tell thy master its great pleasure and thank him." The king received the gift with great pleasure.

   By the King's side sat his daughter, a very beautiful lady. She ordered one of the attendants to give Puss a cup of cream, which she liked very much. When she went home, she told her to master everything. Miller's son laughed.

    "Not bad Willow. You are smart." He caressed its forehead.

   The Cat kept on delivering Emperor gifts. The King started to become curious about generous nobleman. One day, Willow overheard that the King will drive by the riverside with his daughter and formulated the plan.

  The next day, she told her master to undress and swim. The Marquis did what the Cat advised him to, without asking any question. When the carriage of the King drives by, the cat began to yell, "Help! My Lord, the Marquis of Carabas is drowning."

    The King put his head out of his coach-window. Finding it was the Cat who often brought him good gifts, he commanded his guards to run immediately to the assistance of his lordship, the Marquis of Carabas.

      They pulled Marquis out of the river. Marquis wore one of the finest clothing sewed by Willow. He looked no less than Prince.

    The King received him with kindness. Marquis bowed his head in salutation. Princess Leah took a furtive glance at the Marquis of Carabas. The Cat delighted to see her mission begin to succeed.


  Marquis used every chance to spend time with the princess. Gradually, he falls in love with an adorable princess. One day, Leah went outside for a promenade. She walked singing merrily. Her voice was sweet and gentle. The ogre who was passing away heard her dulcet tone.

  "What a pretty voice! And from such a beautiful gal. I want her my own." He cast a spell on her attendants, soon they dropped off into a deep slumber.

  Leah was startled seeing the monster in front of her. She looked at her attendants, but they were under spell. "Let me go!" Ogre dragged her with him.

    "I'll take you to my palace princess, and you shall be my wife." He growled.

   "N-No! Help me! Someone, please help me." No one heard her scream except for Willow who had no idea how to help her out from the giant monster.

   Ogre brought her to his palace, "Now you're mine. Stop your awful crying. I want you to sing to me every day. Now sing." He ordered.

   She started to sing through tears. Her voice didn't come smooth. He sneered and left, locking her in the room.


    Willow ran to Bellwether. The cave wall was closed by a huge rock. She tapped the wall three times. The fence wobbled, and the door of the cave opened.

    "Save Princess. She is in danger. You have to save her." Implored Willow.

     "No need to think about it anymore. You almost completed your mission. It's almost time for you to go back to your world." Bellwether said.

   A multitude of questions swirled on Willow's mind. "What? To return to my world. Then what about Princess. Who will save her?"

   "Oh girl, you don't understand, why do you come to this world, right? Why did you turn into a cat? That's because this world is calling you. You came to this world to save people from evil." Bellwether paused to let her word sink in.

  "That Ogre is a devil. He enjoys hurting people. But nobody could kill him. Except for Cat from another world. It's time for you to carry out the task you assigned and save this world from his clutches. Remember you can only kill him when he was in the process of changing his form." Bellwether elucidated and gave her an enchanted sword. Now Willow got to know the purpose of her coming to Mysteryical land; to destroy that monster.

   With determination, she entered an imperial palace and hide the sword inside its bag.

     Ogre received her civilly as he did not eat cats. "To the great Ogreship, I bow my head before you. I heard that you are so clever, that you have the ability to change yourself into any creature you please."

   "Yes, I can," said Ogre briskly.

   The Ogre, who liked to show how clever he was, turned himself into a lion and roared so loudly that Willow got frightened. Then he shifted into his normal form. She praised him.

  "Can your Lordship become a small animal?"

  Unknown to wicked cat plan, Ogre without thinking anything changed himself into a little mouse. Wicked cat saw him changing his form, used the right moment to swiveled the sword, and killed him on the spot.

    Meanwhile, Miller's son, who came searching for Princess, saw Willow with a blood-smeared sword. He was terrified and assumed his cat had killed Princess.

   At that moment his affection for his beloved Cat perished. "You beast, you have killed my love!" His words hurt her.

   He ran inside and was relieved to find the Princess safe. On the floor lay an Ogre, torn into pieces and bleeding. He inferred what had happened. Instantly, he apologized. But Willow took none of it. He never trusted her, otherwise, he would have never accused her.

   The King was impressed by Marquis of Carabas and proposed him to marry his daughter. Marquis made several bows accepting the honor which his Majesty conferred upon him.

    Miller's son becomes a prince and, thus, the cat's mission is accomplished. Cat watched the coronation from far. Her eyes moisten remembering how they used to play and all their happy moments.

  Mustering up courage, she waddled to him, "Congratulations on your big day, Master." His gaze softens as it met his Cat's. He opens his mouth to say something, but couldn't.

   "I'll miss you, Master." She whispered, glancing at Prince Marquis, and walked out of the palace.

   She went to the place where she first met Miller's son. Near the entrance of the woods, a dark yellow passage appeared. A tornado whirled her into that hole.

   Shiya woke up, her eyes wandered around; She let out a sigh seeing it's her room. Sweat dripped down her forehead.

   "Am I back now? All that happened is just a dream?" She mumbled. It felt so real. Snippets of her adventurous journey still on her mind. A part of her was happy to back, yet another part felt sad. Nonetheless, she didn't wish to go there again.

Word count: 2499

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