3. Anaya

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Imagine her 👆 as Anaya.

Seven years later.....


Avni's POV

"ANAYAAAA..." I screamed.

"Come here and eat your dinner quietly. I'm sick of chasing behind you all day.  " I shouted on top of my lungs  running behind my six year old daughter who's probably trying to piss me off.

"Mom ... Catch me if you can! " she sticks her tongue out ,running around the house like crazy.

"Anaya.. Don't run bacha... Please " I said tired and sat on sofa with thud. Everyday I get drained due to office work and when I come back home ,she does all this things to irritate me.

"Mom. " Suddenly I hear her sweet voice.

I look at Anaya who is taking baby steps towards me. After sometime she stood straight infront of me.

"Mom.. I'm sorry..I won't irritate you again. I'll eat silently give me." she said with cute pout, that's it all my tiredness vanished in a blink. I could feel my lips curving up into smile.

I kissed her on cheek  " Why are you behaving weird today? I asked coz its a miracle that she wants to eat food by her will.

She narrowed her eyes at me and said. " Because I know you are tired after work and my behavior is making you angry. " her face was so dull.

"Nah..mumma will never be angry on you , and yeah I'll make you eat. Okay baby. " I smiled and took her in my lap.

"Wow really. " she clapped her hands.

Slowly I made Anaya eat her food, while eating we both talk about how our day went. She speaks about her school while I talk about my office and work. Though anaya is a child yet she is mature enough to know many things. When I say, I can't afford any new thing or toy for her she understands my situation and makes me feel good.

"Mom .. I'm full " she says pointing to her belly.

"Acha.. Okay! " I said and wiped her mouth with towel.

"Go to your room I'll wash dishes and come. " I said and walked towards kitchen.

Later ,to my surprise Anaya didn't went to her room instead she followed behind me everywhere like a puppy. I wondered why?

"Aree,why are you following me? Do you want something? " I asked Anaya bending down to her level.

Anaya stood silent , she took a card from her pajama pocket and gave it to me.

I was confused at first until I read the card. All of sudden my heart skipped it's beats. I could feel my eyes getting teary. The card is about parent teacher meeting of Anaya. Both parents should come to school for meeting. It's mandatory.

"Mom... Will dadda come this time?" Anaya whispered, her eyes were teary.

I looked at my daughter crying in front of me. My hands started shivering. I could feel myself getting anxious. My heart started aching watching Anaya's red teary face yet I stood silent coz I didn't have answers to her questions.

"Mom.. I want to see dadda.. Will he ever come to see me " she chocked and cried. Tears were pouring out of her eyes.

I couldn't help but hug her tight in my arms. Oh lord! what you have done to my child. Just coz of my silly mistake my daughter is suffering. She cries every day and night about this thing. she wants to see her dad but how will I say to her that she was a product of..

"Mom.. . I want dadda...mom.. . Tomorrow all my friend's parents will come both with mom and dad but for me... " she sobbed, her breath was laboured. She was child yet she is carrying all the sins I have committed in past.

"shhh! Don't cry bacha... Don't cry " I patted her back but in vain she cried And I... I can't do anything to make her stop except lying.

"Anaya listen.." I withdrew the hug.

She sniffed.

"Dadda will come soon. He is in foreign right?  it will take time to come India. " I tried to convince her.

"You're saying this to me for the nth time. When he will come. I want dadda... Every day my friend's dad's comes to school to drop them but for me.. " she hiccups ,her red eyes and tears make me feel guilt every day. Her one. One. Question Peirce my heart deep.

"You don't want me to drop you at school ? You don't love mumma anymore Anaya. " I fake pouted distracting her with words.

She looks at me with shocked eyes.

"No mumma.. I love you soooo much.. . " she says and kisses on my cheek. .

I smiled faintly.

"Anaya..Don't stress about dadda. He will come soon.  you know na dadda ko bohut kaam hota hai so vunko time nhi milpata. You should understand dadda right? " I lied again.

"But I even dont know how my dad looks " she said with teary voice. Even though I had pics of Neil and me yet I didn't showed her because I really don't want to create false hopes.

"I already told you na.. We didn't have phone's at that time. And now the place where your dad work doesn't have permission to use mobiles  " I again lied to her. As she is a child now she doesn't understand if I'm lying or not. I'm afraid how will I manage when she grows up.

She nodded quietly. Coz this is everyday scenario that happens between us. Everyday she asks how her dad looked ? how good her dad was ? How you both meet? why I don't have grandparents? But asusual I lie about everything.

"Now let's move to room okay? " I wiped her tears and scooped her in my arms.

I layed her down bed and pulled blanket over her.

"I'll come after having shower ? "

"Okay . Mumma please come soon " she smiled broadly.

I nodded and took my clothes from wardrobe.

I turned shower tap on and let myself drench completely under water. I didn't knew how, but I can feel tears pouring out from my eyes.

"WHYYYYYYYY?"  I screamed loud and slapped myself on my cheeks hardly. I didn't care I'm getting hurt in this process, but the actual pain  that hurts me is when I see my daughter craving for his daddy. When I see Anaya having dreams of his dad.

".WHY ME... EVERY TIME.....WHY ME...ITS ALL MY FAULT.. IT'S ME... ?" I continuously hit my cheeks and slid into the bathroom floor crying loudly.

I brought my knees up-to my chest and sat under shower remember everything that happened in past seven years..

Seven years to that night... Seven years to that  huge mistake.! Seven years that Ive been suffering silently.

Six years that I'm giving my baby nothing more than pain.. The day she was born from that day I had been giving her only agony.

It's been years since me and my child are craving for only one person..

"Neil.... "

After the betrayal of Neil. I tried to move on in my life. I told myself that he was just a stranger nothing more than that. But I didn't knew after spending a night with him, he created a small space in my heart . I thought I hated him for cheating me with false hopes. I thought I will easily forget everything and will move on from his memories. But I was the one who used to wait for Neil every single day at that same cafe.

I waited for him.. Day's.. Weeks... Months. Hoping one day I may see him but I think I was just stupid thinking like that. So after two months of waiting, I lost my patience I tried to move on from Neil.. From his memories. Nevertheless ,I think God had different plans for me, maybe he doesn't want me to live in peace.

Later two months, I saw changes in my body.  At first I thought it's just coz of stress and depression but later I found that I was  pregnant with Neil's child.

I was shattered, I didn't knew what to do. I had may thoughts running inside of my brain. I was just 19 year teen girl and pregnant. I even didn't knew about Neil's age.

I was alone except my friend. Moreover I want just a college Student. How can I efford things? And how can I even handle a baby in my womb at that small age?

I talked with doctor to seek any help, I told her about how I got pregnancy. She simply told me to get aborted because she was product of one night stand. That day I lashed on that doctor for speaking non sense. How could she say like that about my baby?
Moreover how will I kill the innocent soul who doesn't have any fault?  It was my mistake.. I did that sin..not my child so I didn't undergone abortion.
I determined to bring my baby out in this world.

Later, I searched for Neil because as much baby needs mother, father also important. But the problem I even didn't knew Neil's surname. I just knew he is Neil and from Mumbai.

I had pic of Neil  ,I went to police for help but.. They were corrupted and they were disgusting people. They asked me what relationship I had with Neil.. I didn't knew what to say, so I told him he is my boyfriend. They were agreed to help me but instead they asked me to warm their bed. That's it I was heartbroken to the core. They wanted to take advantage of my helplessness.

After searching alone myself. I lost hopes... I knew I would never meet Neil again. I wanted Neil not coz I was pregnant or to marry me. I wanted him so that he could  see his child.. His blood...

Later,i tried to forgot Neil and focused on my baby coz doctor told me stress will effect my babies mental health issues. l joined part-time job, so that I could pay my expenses because I had little bit of money, apartment that was my parent's property.

I started working hard, day and night so that I can save money to bring everything for my baby.

I thought I was strong girl. But I was wrong. I was never been  strong I was a hypocrite to think like that. Being pregnant was so draining, exhausting and stressful. Sometimes I craved for thing's but no one would be there to bring. I used to cry day and night because of pain but no one would be there too sooth me.

That second I used to miss Neil. I craved for love... I craved for him. But I knew I won't get it.

After months I gave birth to anaya with most difficulty as I was too young to bear a child. But after alot complications she entered into this world. I still remember how I cried watching tiny human in my arms. She was so cute and little, I was scared that I would break her if I pressure on her more. I forgot all my pain when for the first time I saw her smile. It was exact like Neil smile.

Everything looked perfect except him.. I wanted Neil to see his baby, I wanted Neil to carry her in his arms but I know it's impossible.

Later, Anaya started growing up. I didn't knew how much time passed. I was single mother yet I was proud that I took care of her. Society named me with many disgusting names, they blamed me yet I stood strong just for my girl.

Everything went well until I joined her in school. Anaya was in first grade , that was the first time she asked about her dad. I was heartbroken hearing her words, she wanted her dad to carry exact like other father's do. From that day I started lying to her about Neil. I never made her feel she doesn't have dad but I knew deep in heart she was shattered.

But one day Anaya asked me one question and that day I didn't had any answer to even lie.

"Mommy... What's dad's surname? I mean you write everywhere Anaya mehta which is yours but yesterday my teacher told my to write dad's surname and I didn't knew." she asked me. That's it I felt like I would die with guilt. I told her Neil's name coz its of no use anyways. but I myself didn't knew his surname then how can I? That incident took troll on Anaya and me. We suffered alot, being a girl and that too single mother it was so depressing.

I use to hit myself for this misery, I was the one behind all this. I was the one who gave my child pain.

And now it's been seven years for all this. As a single mother, I have many responsibilities. I started doing job for Anaya school fees, I completed my college through home itself coz I never wanted Anaya to miss her mom's warmth..

All these years I only thought about how stupid I was that I believed Neil's lies. He said he will never hurt me, though we barely know each other.But at last he was the one who broke me in an ugliest way.

It was supposed to be one night stand right then why did he planted feelings in my heart about future. I wouldn't have feelings if he left me that night itself, why did he said he will date me? When he doesn't want to come?

I definitely knew I got pregnancy when we had sex other day in flat.

I thought meeting him as a stranger was a bliss, having him deep inside of my core was a sheer pleasure , his bit marks all around my body was happiness but I never knew I was the one who's going to be ruined atlast. I ruined myself, my baby, my life, my future. Now I'm lost, I'm alone with my child Anaya. Her smile it the only thing that created a hope in my life.

“Maybe this is what we call as game of  destiny... That's meeting him, loving him, dreaming him then hating him to the core of the heart... . ”

I hate Neil so much for all this. Because, he lied to sleep with me again.he lured me to Date. He well knew I will accept to sleep with him again, if he lies and slides ring into my finger. So I fell for that, I slept with him again and got pregnant.

I still had Neil's ring in my finger, it's because one day Anaya asked me where's our engagement ring and I showed her this , so that she would believe. I didn't sell this ring  coz its not mine and I'm not owner of it.

Suddenly my chain of thoughts broken as soon as heard knocking sound of bathroom. I immediately wiped my tears and composed myself.

"Mommy... Are you there? " Anaya shouted from outside.

"Yes I'm coming bacha " I said, I quickly took shower , wrapped robe around my body and walked outside.

"Mommy what are you doing inside.. You know how much I was scared " she said with glassy eyes.

"I was cleaning sink anaya.. So sorry for scaring you " I kissed her forehead .

"Hmm...come and please sing Lori for me." she yawned.

"Okay.. Madam " I laughed.

Later I made Anaya sleep. I glanced at her, her face always reminds me of Neil. Because she has exact hair and eyes like him... I wondered if in future Neil meets Anaya would he recognize her?

Suddenly my phone ringed.

" hello " I lifted the call.

"Is this avni mehta?" came a female voice.

"Yes. I'm avni mehta" I replied.

" Ma'am, I'm from Khanna industries. I called to tell you, your resume has been accepted for interview " she said politely.

My eyes widened with excitement.

"Really? " I exclaimed.

"Yes ma'am..but there's a small problem.  " she says.

"What? " My smile dropped.

"Actually there are no vacancies in Delhi branch. So if you want we can arrange your interview in Mumbai.  " she said.

"what? Mumbai. You know right what are you speaking? " I screamed. Coz Mumbai.. I just hate that place..

"Sorry for the inconvenience. But it's your choice. If you want we will send your resume there. If not you should drop. " she said.

I badly want to reject but.. I can't. I need money, the current job is really stressful and they were paying me low. Job in Khanna industries will really help me with expenses coz their salary package Is so high and I have heard good talk about that company.

"Can't we have Skype interview? Coz you know it's alot distance to go right? I asked, coz just for interview how should I go to Mumbai. What if I get disappointment there?

"Sorry ma'am that's possible. Our CEO is really strict and he doesn't like Skype interview's " she said politely.

I sighed.

"okay.. I'll attend there "

"Thank you.., we will send more details via mail. Please check it "

"okay..." I nodded and hanged call off.

I sighed.

"Mumbai... I'm coming..."


Teaser :

Unknown girl :  You know, I heard CEO who's gonna take our interview he is a jerk and play boy. Mean.. he had 20 girlfriend's over a span of four years.

Avni (confused) : what do you mean?

Unknown girl : offo, I think you don't know anything about him. Khanna industries CEO is a fuck boy & big flirt. For him girls means nothing more than sex toys.


Okay, how's the teaser ? Do tell me your views now.😛

What's your thoughts about Avni and Anaya. They both are undergoing alot of hurdles. I feel bad for them :'(.   Aren't you guys feeling pissed on Neil?

I know you guys must be in a dilemma whether Neil is good or bad.. Honestly even I don't know, he is of which shade. lol kidding I know ;).

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