8. Kiss ?

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Avni's Pov -

It's been a week since I saw Neil as I took leave from the Job. Initially, I thought I'd move here within three days. But it wasn't possible due to many reasons. First, finding a comfortable apartment that too in good place was so difficult and next, it took a lot of time to shift from Delhi to Mumbai. Though Ali helped me in the process of finding and shifting yet it took seven days.

Our apartment is 2BHK, it was good and comfortable. Anaya instantly loved it because apartment contained Jacuzzi.

I gave my Delhi flat for rent so that I could get money from there, any ways it's better to be filled than being empty.

And right now, I'm getting ready for the date which parth has arranged. I wore red colored knee length dress , it is a bit short but comfortable. I've applied minimal makeup to maintain my natural face.

Till now Parth didn't informed me about the place where we are going .he said he'd come and pick me up.

Honestly I'm in no mood to go ,but I can't deny parth request probably his condition. But I swore myself that today I'm going to tell him everything about me and Neil because I think parth developed feelings for me which is dangerous for both of us.

"Mumma, where are you going? " Anaya's question pulled me put of my thoughts.

I looked at my daughter who's smiling . Her smile always reminds me of Neil. Indeed she has inherited his beauty characters.

"Come! "I sat on sofa and pulled her into my lap while she wrapped her arms around my hip.

"Going out with a friend. I'll come within two hours. Will you mind if o go? " I said, I really don't want to leave her alone with bhemma but I don't have other option.

"Oh.. It's okay mumma. by the way. You're looking beautiful. " She smiled broadly.

I kissed her on cheek and whispered.

"Don't butter me sweety. I'll bring chocolates for you " I laughed.

She bit her tongue and giggled.

"Please come soon! " she pouted sadly.

"Please don't make that face or else I won't able to leave . " I kissed her on forehead.

"Don't worry about me mumma. It's because you know, I made a new friend here, his name is Ayan and he is a good boy. " she said.

"Oh, you made a male friend already ?" I asked amused.

"Yup, he said I'm beautiful. " she giggled.

I gasped.

Oh God these generation kids are unbelievable.

"Okay, tell me more about him " I asked.. Like this our conversation went on until my pinged.

Parth's name flashed on the phone screen.

"Hello parth. " I quickly reverted.

"And are you ready? " he asked.

"yup I'm ready " I replied instantly.

"Okay, I'm coming to pick you up. Send me your address " he said.

" Okay " I hung the phone.

I sighed and sent him my address.


Later , Anaya slept in bedroom while I was waiting for parth in hall.

Ding dong

My door bell rang.

I quickly opened the door and saw parth standing in front me with flowers. If I say he wasn't handsome then that would be an absolute lie. He looked so handsome and intimating in plain white shirt and dark demin jeans. Yeah,not sexy than Neil. But Must admit, Neil's family carry beauty genes in them.

"Avni, can I come inside ? " parth question snapped me out of my thoughts.

"yeah, sorry come. " I chuckled Nervously.

Parth entered inside and handled me bunch of red roses flowers.

I love red roses, but how did he knew?

"Beautiful.." I whispered smelling them.

"Not more than you Avni! " parth said starring at me.

I bit my lower lip and looked down.

"You look beautiful " He complimented.

I flushed red.

But, how would it feel when Neil says that to me? I'd be red like beetroot. I know.

"Thank you, you look cute. " I said.

"Cute? " he raised his brows.

"yeah, cute. " I smiled. I really don't know why I'm saying cute when at first I thought handsome in mind . Maybe I don't want to call any other male handsome or hot than my Neil.

Wait? My Neil?.

"Nice apartment " Parth mumbled glancing the surroundings. Till now I haven't arranged furniture much in hall. I need to put photo frames, flower vase and much more. Parth knew about my shifting and that's why he isn't surprised about it.

"Thank you. Actually ali helped me in finding this apartment " I smiled.

Parth smile vanished.

"Ali? " he asked seriously.

"Friend! My best friend in Mumbai " I said, not understanding his tone. Why the heck did he get serious.

"I think we should leave avni" parth said looking at his watch.

I want to protest, I want to say no. but his hopeful eyes were stopping me.

Should I tell him?



I'll tell him outside, if I reveal here Anaya or bhemma my maid would hear and that would lead to a disaster.

"Okay let's leave parth. " I chirped.


Later, parth took me to lounge . It looked expensive with royal panting's and extraordinary infrastructure.

But I was nervous and scared, how will I tell him about my secret.

Parth was taking me somewhere. When I asked him about , he said its a surprise So I stood silent.

"Parth, please tell me where are you taking me? " I whined. I was annoyed, coz I hate surprises.

"We are here avni! Chill don't whine like a baby " he laughed.

"I'm not a baby. " I glared at him.

"Ya. You're not a baby " he pulled my cheeks.

After few minutes, we reached backyard of the lounge. I gasped loud as soon as I saw the place which was beautifully decorated with flowers and dim lights. It looked cozy and There's a table for two I think that's for us.

But soon reality stuck me, parth is doing all this for me. He is in Delusion about me and I have to break it.

"Parth.. There's .. No need of this... It's expensive.. " I shuttered looking down.

" Come-on it's our date. Why didn't you like it ?" he said, but his words felt dull at the last words.

"It's beautiful but... I can't.. " before I could speak more. Parth hussed me by placing his finger on my parted lips.

My eyes widened.

"You speak alot avni " he chuckled.

"Let's not waste time. Come sweety. " he whispered grabbing my hand.

He led me to the table and pulled a chair for me. I sat down.

He gave me a smile before he settled himself opposite to me.

"What you want to order? " he asked looking at the menu.

"Parth there's no need and I have to tell.. "

"Shh avni, if you speak more then.. " he stopped. "Please.. For me be quiet " he whispered calmly.

"okay.. " I smiled nervously.

After few minutes, parth ordered something for me and I said okay with hesitation.

By passing minutes I couldn't think straight . My Mind was constantly reminding about the things that I have to tell parth. For God sake he is cousin of Neil.

Finally, I thought to tell him.

"Parth, I need to tell you something important. " I said seriously looking at him. My hands turned cold and sweaty.

He starred at me for sometime before he said

"Okay, you can tell me now. Because you're stubborn enough to be quiet "

I took a huge breath.

"It's about... "

I got interrupted with loud music. Oh lord, they have to play now only when I thought to disclose bomb on him.

"Parth I.. "

"Stop avni, You can tell me later. At first dance " he smiled brightly. He stood up from his chair before he held my hand.

"Dance.. No.. Sorry. I can't " I shuttered.

"Come-on, avni. You can. Or I'll teach you. " he forcibly took me way.

Loud music turned into soft. Parth held my waist and pulled me towards his chest. Our faces were inches apart, I started getting nervous. We danced on slow beat, parth's hand was still on gripping my waist tight. I was totally in his arms and that made me uncomfortable.

Suddenly I felt someone's burning stare from behind. Through the dance I turned back slowly to see no one.


Parth was smiling looking at me , he face was glowing and with in few minutes or hours I'm going to break his heart as I belong to Neil only, no one else. No one has right to own me. Only Neil has right to own me.

Though parth didn't said he loves me but still I can see in his eyes. He was surely expecting something more than date.

But the question is can love happen at first sight?

Maybe because, even I loved Neil at first sight.

I smiled remembering our first encounter in car. That day was beautiful.

Parth and I know each other for barely days but in this time period he has developed feelings and asked me for a date sorry, threatened me to date him. Ugh!

I was so lost in my thoughts thinking about I, parth and Neil that I didn't even realize when parth pressed his lips against me into a kiss.

That's it.

My brain stopped working.

My eyes widened.

He was kissing me softly, I could feel his full pink lips moving against mine in a rhythm.

Soon I came back to senses, I tried to push him, but couldnt as he pulled me more closer towards his chest.

I started wriggled in his arms but it seems he didn't care. I want to shout on him but his lips were muffling me. I saw parth who's eyes were closed, He kept on kissing me, my eyes pooled with tears.

At last, I pushed him back with much force and slapped him across his face hardly.

I kept on sobbing , tears brimmed down my eyes.

"HOW COULD YOU.. ? " I cried out wiping my lips vigorously. For God sake, I'm mother of a child .Society has given me enough names and now I don't want to be called as who*e.

Parth looked stunned ,his eyes widened.

"Avni.. " he started to come close to me.

"Just.. Stop.. Don't touch me.... " I stepped back with fear and anger.

"Avni.. I'm sorry.. I.. "

He was speaking something but I couldn't hear anything. All I could see was Anaya's face.

Her face, Neil's face our past.

I took another step back before I started running . My vision blurred with my own tears .

I could hear parth voice shouting behind me,but I could care less. All I want is to go back to my heart , my love Anaya.

What I have done God !

I cried.


Don't kill me :-) .

Upcoming will be exciting .

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For next part goals - 250 votes 472followers.

Do check my new book. Island of love ❤

Thank you ❤.

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