The Question - Victoria

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I flopped down on my bed, exhausted. All day had been full of things like listening to my subjects argue and complain, saying goodbye to the royals who were still visiting from my coronation, and saying goodbye to Nick. The sun had set hours ago, and Alexander had sent me to bed with a cup of chamomile tea, which was gone quickly. After about ten minutes, Alexander came in and sat on my bed beside me, and I forced myself to sit up as well.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"Exhausted," I replied with a yawn, "So much has happened. I guess I'm a little sad that Nick's gone, too, but we were never super close anyways."

"You should get some rest," Alexander stood, "Thank you for letting me stay so long. It has been an honor and a pleasure."

"Thank you for helping so much as you have," I replied, "It's been very appreciated. Without you, I don't know how I'd even be alive. I'd have collapsed."

"You'd be fine," he chuckled, "Maybe a bit overdramatic, but fine."

"Overdramatic?" I asked with a smirk, "Who? Me? Never."

"Sure," Alexander shrugged, "Whatever you say, Victoria."

"Be nice," I kicked his leg lightly, but apparently he wasn't ready for it. He lost his balance and fell on top of me. He scrambled up as soon as he realized what had happened, and he was blushing furiously. The heat in my cheeks told me I was doing the same.

"Well, um, I'll just, uh, go now, uh, I guess," Alexander stuttered as he left my room, "Goodnight, Victoria."

"Goodnight," I replied.

I got into my nightdress and in bed thinking one thing. What was happening with Alexander? And why?


The next morning, I sat in the courtyard eating my breakfast. Alexander came in, saw me, and started blushing like he did last night. He made his way over to me and said, "I'm sorry about last night. That was-"

"-a bit of an awkward situation,"  I finished, agreeing, "It's okay, though. Why don't you get some breakfast?"

He nodded, obviously wanting to change the subject. A servant brought his food and we began chatting.

"So how long are you planning to stay in Elisus?" I asked.

"Oh, um," he hesitated, "I hadn't really given it much thought, but now that I'm thinking about it I've probably over-stayed my welcome already-"

"No, not at all!" I exclaimed, cutting him off, "You've been a huge help! I honestly don't know what I'd have done without you these past two days. You've been phenomenal."

He waved the compliment off, "You don't mean that."

"I promise I do," I told him, "Thanks so much for all your help. You are welcome to stay as long as you like."

"Thank you very much, Victoria," he smiled, "It is very nice here."

I nodded, "I'm proud to be the one ruling it."

"How do your siblings feel about you being queen?" Alexander asked, "I'm sure they're at least a bit jealous."

I shook my head, "They're both loyal to a fault. I swear, it'll be the end of them."

"That's good to know," he replied, "That's one less thing you'll have to worry about."

I nodded, then completely changed the subject, "How would you like to go for a ride? Just the two of us, to relax a bit."

"That sounds lovely," Alexander replied, "When will we leave?"

"Whenever you're ready," I replied.

Alexander stood up, "How about now?"

"That sounds great!" I stood beside him and led him out of the castle and to the stables. I chose my jet black mare, Luna, while I showed Alexander to a white stallion, Crisp. We mounted and made our way into the woods behind the castle. I showed Alexander around a bit, and we had fun.

"Here's the spot where we Nick and Shailyn used to play as kids," I explained as we rode near the waterfall, "I would join them occasionally, but I usually had my duties to fulfill. I always had fun when I came to play, though."

"That's great!" Alexander exclaimed, "It looks like a fun spot."

"It was," I replied, "We would play pirates. Nick was the captain, Shailyn his first mate, and when I played they would always be saving me from something."

"Argh, matey!" Alex jumped off his horse, acting as if he had a telescope pointed at me, "There be a lovely maiden in need of defending off the port bow!"

"What do I need defending from?" I scoffed.

"There be a sea monster! Swallows ships whole!" He continued his pirate act and I jumped off my horse.

"Save me, please, someone!" I exclaimed, acting as if I was about to slip into the small creek that ran at my feet, "Save the queen!"

"I've got ya, lass!" Alex jumped across the stepping stones toward me, scooping me up bridal style.

"My hero!" I laughed, resting my head on his chest, "My hero is comfy."

"Alright now, Victoria," Alexander laughed a bit nervously, and when I looked up at him, he was blushing a light shade of pink, "Time to get down."

"But you're so comfy!" I exclaimed, "Besides, you haven't really saved me until you've brought me back to the castle!"

"That's not a rule!" he protested.

"It is now," I smirked up at him.

"Seriously, Victoria. Time to get down," he laid me gently on my horse, and I muttered "Party pooper."

"What was that?" he called over his shoulder as we began riding.

"Nothing!" I called back as we raced through the trees, a wide smile across my face.


As I lay in my bed that night, Shailyn came in, "Hey, Victoria. How's it going?"

"Going well," I smiled, "I had a great day today."

Shailyn smirked down at me, "I heard you spent the day with that prince."

"Alexander?" I asked, "Yeah! We went for a ride in the forest after breakfast."

"You know, I've never known you to be one to skip out on your duties, especially for something fun," Shailyn said, "You know what I think?"

"What do you think?" I asked, sitting up to look her in the eyes, the smirk evident on her face.

"I think you like Alexander."

"Of course I like him, he's helped me so much these past few da-"

"No, like, really  like him."


Shailyn had a cheeky grin plastered on her face, "It's okay to admit it. My sister has a crush."

"N-No I don't!" I exclaimed, my cheeks heating up and my eyes avoiding hers at any cost.

"Sure," she laughed as she exited my room, "Whatever you say, Victoria," I saw her cheeky grin disappear behind the door and I let out a sigh. I didn't like Alexander like that. I respected him, sure, liked him pretty well, but like like him? I didn't think so. Shailyn had no idea what she was talking about.

I didn't like Alexander. Right?

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