Chapter 3: The incident

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Lucy's POV

As Natsu, Nash and I made our way to the train station I always see Nash and Natsu glaring at each other. We got in the train and instantly both Natsu and Nash started wobbling. Happy and I helped them to the seats and they sat down with green coloured faces. I giggled.


We all got out out of the train and started looking for the village. After searching for almost 10 minutes, we heard screaming. We all followed the noise and all our eyes widened. There were Griffins snatching people everywhere, Ogres hitting people with its club and the Fairies, Sprites and the Elves were stealing people's belongings. I couldn't stand to see anymore. I closed my eyes as I grabbed my key. "OPEN GATE OF THE ARCHER: SAGITTARIUS!" I yelled. Ding dong. "What do you need? Moshimoshi!" He exclaimed. I pointed to the Griffins. "Say no more, moshimoshi!" He said as he shot three of them with one shot. "Oi Luce! Leave some for us too!" I turned around to see Natsu and Nash running towards some Ogres. I smiled.

"Fire dragon's Iron Fist!" Shouted Natsu. He took 5 ogres down with one shot! I looked at Nash. She seemed fine. The only thing that bothered me was that she wasn't using magic. She was only using hand-to-hand fighting skills. Wow she's strong.

"OPEN GATE OF THE LION: LOKE!" I shouted. "What can I do for you My lady?" He asked. "Protect the people from the ogres and Griffins." I told him annoyingly. He nodded and ran off. I grabbed my whip. I captured 10 elves and 5 fairies with it. Since they were tied, I let the whip release them but as my whip released them, it flung them somewhere. I was gonna go help Loke but something grabbed me and put me in the air. "LUCY!" Screamed Nash, Natsu, and Happy in unison. "Let me GO!" I screamed while struggling. But it only made it worse. It tightened its grip on me. I screamed in pain. I felt blood dripping on my clothes. I looked back to see Happy carrying Natsu while they were flying and by the trees I saw Nash jump branch to branch on the trees. I blacked out.

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