Chapter I: Prologue

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Everything you see exists together in delicate balance" ~ Mufasa

Before the arrival of the curse, during the events of Regina's reign, Snow White falling in love with Charming, other events occurred in a place called...

The Pridelands...

The Pridelands was in a middle of a war, it was Simba's army against Scar's tyrant kingdom, the hyenas against the lionesses along with Akela's pack, Kerchak's Tribe & Louie's Bandar Log Gang

as the others fought off the hyenas an enraged Simba chased after his uncle Scar who has confessed that he murdered Mufasa, Scar ran all the way to the top of pride rock trying to escape his nephew but as he reached to the top he reached a dead end only to let Simba get to him.

"Murderer..." Simba said as he got closer

"Simba please have mercy I am begging you" Scar begged his only nephew to have pity but Simba just continued to walk closer

"After what you done you think you deserve mercy!?" Simba growled

"But I am a member of this family, it's the hyenas they are the real enemy the came up with all of this I was going to dispose of them" Scar said

"Is that so!?" Simba said as he finally got close "You lied to the hyenas just like everything you told me when I was a cub was a giant lie! You are a dishonour to this family!" Scar made an innocent face and continued to beg for mercy

"Simba you wouldn't kill your only uncle your own flesh and blood" Scar said

Simba growled "No! I am nothing like you" Scar then felt a relief that he was going to live, he then smiled at Simba "Simba you are truly merciful I am seeing it right now and how can I prove myself to you?" Scar asked.

Simba remained silent for three seconds then he responded

"Run.. Runaway.. Scar and never return!" Simba ordered his uncle

"Yes very well" Scar walked away slowly "as you command... YOUR MAJESTY!!!" Scar growled and throw burning ashes straight into simba's face then jumped on him starting a fight between nephew and uncle.

The two lions slashed and roared at one another, scar overpowers Simba and jumped getting ready to finish him but Simba used his paws and throw Scar off pride rock

Scar fell hard to the ground but survived the fall, he got up and saw the hyenas Shenzi, Banzai and Ed approaching him

"My friends" Scar thought that hyenas had come to rescue him but it is revealed that they did not only lost the war but heard what scar to Simba about them being the enemy

"Friends? he said clearly that we were the enemy" Shenzi said

"Yes he also said that he was going to dispose of us he was using us the whole time" Banzai said

Shenzi had told the rest of the hyena clan everything, the entire clan approached Scar with murder in their eyes, Scar began to shake with fear

"No let me explain no no you don't understand I was trying to trick him" Scar tried to reason with the hyenas but they ignored him and began to maul him.

The war was over Simba's army had won, the fires in the pridelands were turned off as it began to rain, Tarzan, Timon, Louie, and the others saw their friend who was the true king walking down to his family and friends.

Simba hugged his mother Sarabi and his mate Nala, he then walked towards his friends who helped him retrieve the kingdom.

"So this is what you are?" Tarzan said, Simba nodded yes to the ape man

"I knew it all along you are a king" Mowgli the man cub said

"We will be here anytime you need us" Bagheera said

Simba then hugged Timon and Pumbaa who were the ones who raised him when he was a cub & treated him like a sibling

"Thank you all for helping me reclaim my kingdom I couldn't have done it with all of you" Simba said to his new friends, Kerchak, Akela, Baloo, Bagheera and the others then bowed to Simba.

Rafiki a mandrill called out Simba, telling him it was time, Simba walked to the edge of pride rock, his friends watched him, Simba then looked into the sky and heard his father's voice

"Remember" Mufasa voice whispered

Simba roared in victory he was finally king of the pridelands, the lionesses roared, Akela's pack howled along with Mowgli, Tarzan thumped his chest along with Kerchak's tribe. Jane Tarzan's wife and her father Professor Porter appluaded, Tantor an elephant friend of Tarzan trumpet with his trunk, Louie with the Bandar Log cheered.

As Simba's kingdom celebrated their victory, Scar's mauled body was found by a lioness who busted in tears.

Five Weeks Later

A wedding was being celebrated at priderock, Simba was getting married to his mate Nala, all the animals including Simba's allies came to see Simba & Nala get married and become king and queen.

As the wedding began, Nala the bride arrived & walked to her groom Simba.

"Dear beloved all connected in the great circle of life we gather here today to join king Simba and his future queen Nala in marriage" Rafiki said to all who came the wedding, Simba and Nala looked at each other blushed & smiled.

"King Simba do you take this lioness to be your queen" Rafiki asked Simba

"Yes I do" Simba accepted

"Nala do you take this lion to be your king?" Rafiki then asked Nala

"Yes I do for all eternity" Nala accepted

"I now pronounced these two king and queen" Simba and Nala are now married, the animals and Simba's allies appluaded and congratulated them. Sarabi was so proud of her son that she hugged him

"Congrats Son your father would be so proud" Sarabi said

Jane, Kala and Raksha gave Nala a group hug

"We just know you are going to be a great queen" Kala said

As the animals, simba's friends and family celebrated


The celebration was interrupted by a lioness and her pride called the outsiders, their leader was Zira a lioness who was banished along with her lionesses by Simba for admiring & having ties to Scar.

"Zira... I should have known you would try to crash the wedding" Sarabi was so vigilant that she knew her old friend turned enemy would arrive.

"How romantic the two are king and queen at long last and they can finally rule" Zira mocked Simba and Nala.

"But mark my words and remember this Simba, You may have dethroned Scar but one thing for sure your monarchy won't last forever, I will reclaim this kingdom for him, everything you love will be mine" Zira threatened to avenge Scar by killing Simba and take the kingdom

"We shall see Zira" Simba growled

Zira and her pride then walked away

Tarzan toke the threat so seriously that he felt like throwing a spear at Zira but was stopped by Kerchak

"Tarzan! Stand down..." Kerchak ordered his adopted son

As Zira and her pride walked home, Zira was being watched by someone, no other than the evil Queen Regina Mills through her magic mirror.

"So it seems there is someone else who has a similar goal like me... might as well give this lioness a little hand" Regina smiled.

Two days after Simba and Nala's Wedding, Zira went into the jungle alone to
get a drink from a water fall.

When she finished drinking she heard footsteps approaching, Zira turned around and growled

"Who is there? Show yourself!" Zira said

The person walking towards Zira was Regina

"Hello Zira" Regina said to the sinister lioness

"Who are you human?" Zira asked

"My name is Regina" Regina toke a bow after introducing herself

"What are you suppose to be?" Zira asked

"I am a Queen from a land far from this one & I came to help you" Regina said

Zira began to get curious

"Help me with what?" Zira asked the queen

"Help you Destroy Simba of course" Regina smiled

This got Zira's attention since she wanted to avenge Scar

"What? How do you know Simba?" Zira asked

"In my place I have a magic mirror & It can show me anything, now I have an enemy of my own that I want dead her name is Snow White" Regina explained

Zira just giggled feeling that Regina was just talking about weather

"Sounds like you are fighting with a weather" Zira laughed

Regina then got a little serious, using her magic she showed Zira a Wanted poster of snow white

"So this is Snow White she is human like you?" Zita asked

"Yes... She toke everything from me just like you lost Scar.. that's why I came here looking for you... I wanna kill Snow White, you wanna kill Simba" Regina said

"What are you really offering?" Zira asked

"You help me obliterate snow white & I will help you obliterate Simba what do you say?" Regina asked

Zira smirked and Regina toke it as a yes

"Very well I will help you but we are going to need a little back up I"ll be inviting a friend for the fun" Zira said

Back at Pride Rock, Simba and his allies were discussing what to do if Zira were to cross the line and try to take Pride Rock

"Zira gives me the creeps" Baloo said

"She gives you the creeps she gives me nightmares" Terk responded

"Alright everyone I know that Zira made those threats clear but we can't let her scare us, if she dares to try to assassinate me... we will no other choice but to give her the penalty for returning to the pride lands" Simba said to his allies

"That woman doesn't know when to quit, Simba if we defeated Scar we can defeat Zira" Timon said

"If Zira tries anything... Simba we will be ready" Kerchak said

Simba then looked up into the sky

"Father things are going scary Zira is out there... She can be planning something any day... She wants to dethrone me..." Simba said in his mind

Nala felt her King's worries, she put her paw on Simba's shoulder letting him know that he still has his Queen on his side.

"We will do this together" Nala said

"If an emergency arises I"ll inform Akela's pack" Bagheera said

3 Days Later

One evening, Zira and Regina arrived at an abandoned temple where one of Zira's friends lived.

"So this is where this friend of yours lives?" Regina asked

"Yes, he is feared by many in the jungle, villagers talk about him a lot but some dismissed him as an old folktale to scare people they also refer him as.. the monster in the jungle" Zira explained

The two began to walk inside the temple but Regina stopped for a moment as she felt a glimpse of goosebumps, Zira turned and noticed Regina stoping.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me that you are afraid" Zira said

Regina continued to walk alongside Zira, as they entered Regina then looked around the temple, there were skeletons laying on the floor, the walls had slash marks covered with dry blood, all of this started to make her feel uneasy.

"I forget to mentioned this friend of mine hates humans so you have been warned" Zira warned Regina about her friend having a hatred towards humans but she just ignored it.

"Hello are you here!?.. are you home!?" Zira called out

"So what is the name of this monster in the jungle?"

When Regina asked the two heard a growl then saw a pair of eyes in the dark

"Who dares enter my temple?" The creature spoke

"Long time Tiger" Zira said

"So this is your friend" Regina asked

The creature growled when it saw Regina

"Humans... I hate Humans!" The creature growled at Regina

but she didn't really care about it

"I don't care why don't you show yourself? come close to the light where I can see you!" Regina ordered the creature

She then used her fire 🔥 powers to put some light in the dark.

"I don't believe we met.." the creature said as he got close to the fire on Regina's hand and revealed his face.

"I am Shere Khan!" 🐅

Regina then gasped, jumped and stepped back after the monster of the jungle revealed himself, she was frightened for bit due to the tiger's monstrous height, shere khan was almost as tall as a horse

"Zira it's been a while... What are doing with this human?" Shere Khan asked

"This is Regina she is a Queen from a land far from this one she and I came to ask for help in killing our enemies Mine is a lion and hers is another human" Zira explained the details to the tiger but Shere Khan chuckled after hearing about one of two's requests

"A human wanting to kill a human?.. very blood shedding" Shere Khan laughed

Regina got serious and began explaining more details

"I am serious Shere Khan! This person I want dead is a woman named is Snow White!" When Regina said the name Shere Khan laughed more

"A female human with a weather like name? Are you fighting a human or just with the weather" Shere Khan laughed at Regina

Regina once again used her magic and showed a wanted poster of snow white, Shere Khan stopped giggling and looked closely at the picture

"She looks so weak..." Shere Khan said

"You haven't forgotten my enemy Simba right?" Zira asked the tiger

"Hehe you mean the one who killed your boyfriend who was once king?" Shere Khan mocked Scar which made Zira growl

"Lions... Lions think that they rule everything they come across from the jungles to the savannahs but they are dead wrong... This Simba has gotten in my way back then... So let me get this straight Zira, you want me to kill Simba and this Queen wants me to kill the human female with the weather name?" Shere Khan asked the two

"Exactly!" Regina responded

Shere Khan then looked at his claws

"Well I"ll have to let you two know I have problems of my own.. I am still hunting this man cub that was accepted by Akela's pack. If only Simba didn't get in my way the man cub wouldn't gotten away... Any time I think of him it just ANGERS ME!!!" Shere Khan roared and crushed a skull 💀 then he said the name of the man cub

"GRRR... Mowgli" Shere Khan growled with rage

"So do we have a deal?" Zira asked

"Very well I will grant your requests... Simba and the man cub Mowgli will have to wait.. don' take this personal your highness just because I am doing this for you does not make us friends" Shere Khan explained

"Regina Just tell me where can I find this Snow White?..." Shere Khan asked Regina with a thirst for blood 🩸.

One Week Later

In the enchanted forest, Snow White and her husband Prince Charming were walking together alone, as the two continued Charming saw a worried look on his wife's face

"Still worried about what happened at our Wedding?" Charming asked

"Well sort of... I can imagine Regina being just a normal queen, if she were she would be helping others right now" Snow said

The two couple then crossed a bridge that lead to a field filled sheeps and wheat 🌾🐑 Snow White giggled with joy as she how adorable the sheeps were

"Do you think Regina can change?" Charming asked

"I don't think she can be saved, Honey she threatened us at our wedding, that day was a special day for me and she had to ruined it" Snow said

Snow White then remembered someone Regina knew, she seemed to know him when she was a child, but before she could talked with her husband about the man, the sheep began to look up like if they sensed danger

"What's wrong with them?" Snow said

Charming and Snow heard a stick break which cause the sheep to slowly walk away backwards and baa in fear

"Sweetheart get down..." Charming said as he had his sword ready

The two then looked around the field seeing if there was anything hiding in wheats, then all the sudden

"ROOAAR!!!!" Shere Khan jumped behind Snow but was tackled by Charming, the sheeps in the field ran after seeing the predator attack, snow white who was also terrified ran as fast as she could

Meanwhile Charming with his sword out started fighting Shere Khan, he tried to slash the tiger but shere khan kept dodging them, then the large tiger with his claws slashed Charming's face making him bleed, with the prince down, Shere Khan than began to chase after Snow White

"Run Snow Run!" Charming yelled

Snow ran until she reached a water fall, she looked back and saw Shere Khan finally reaching her but she jumped into the lake escaping the tiger

"You won't escape me next time!!!" Shere Khan roared and walked away

After the tiger left, Snow got out of the lake & ran back to her husband, when she found him she was disturbed to see her prince bleeding badly

"Oh my god charming" snow said worried

Charming had his hand on the scratch that shere khan gave him on his face

"That tiger was strong..." Charming said as the bleeding continued

"Let me see" Snow checked the scratch, she saw that the scratch was still bleeding, snow than carried her prince back to their home castle

When they arrived their allies & friends Grumpy, Geppetto, the Blue Fairy, Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother were horrified to see Charming bleeding

"My goodness what happened?" Blue Fairy asked

"We were attacked by a tiger 🐅" Snow said while she carried Charming

When Snow White said tiger, Grumpy didn't believe them

"What? No way there are no tigers in the forest" Grumpy Said

Blue Fairy ordered Geppetto and Red's Grandmother to take Charming to his bedroom so he can rest and get treatment for his wounds but before they can do that, Ruby then smelled something

"Hold on" Ruby said as she got close to charming, using her werewolf instincts she smelled the scratch on Charming's face and revealed the horrifying truth

"It definitely was a tiger..." Ruby said shocking everyone

"What would a tiger be doing in the forest?" Grumpy said

"Snow do you think Regina has something to do with this"? The girl in the red hood asked

Snow White clenched her fist, thinking that Regina possibly was behind the attack

Back at Regina's Castle, the queen was watching Shere Khan through her magic mirror laughing like if she was watching a good show

"Snow White you'll soon become a tiger's meal" Regina laughed

The Sun began to set, Shere Khan who still in the enchanted forest began to walk home back to his temple, he then stopped as he heard music 🎶 coming nearby, he went to see were it was coming from and when he arrived

The music was being played by peasants both males and females who gathered around a campfire in a small village, Shere Khan growled & took out his claws then a sinister smile appeared in his face

"I love massacres" Shere Khan said
then he went inside the village preparing to commit a blood bath

"This music never gets old" one of the male peasants said

"Shall we play it one more time" a female peasant asked

As the peasants began to play the music once more.. all the sudden...


Shere Khan jumped scared and attacked the peasants. He slashed the first male across the chest, stabbed a female in the abdomen, ripped the other male's heart out 🫀 and slashed the other female in the throat ☠️

Shree Khan murdered all the peasants in the entire small village leaving nothing but dead bodies and blood splattered, he took one body to feed on 🍖🩸🦴

One hour later, Shere Khan made it to the top of a mountain, he licked his teeth after he finished eating the body of the peasant he killed, the tiger than stood tall, tightened his muscles then at the top of his lungs and throat he roared loud

very loud that it echoed into the air and into the world like an inter dimensional apocalyptic siren 🚨

Everyone from all over heard the roar, from the Enchanted forest, Wonderland 🍄, Land of Oz 🧙‍♀️, Agrabah 🕌, Neverland 🧚‍♀️, Atlantica 🐚especially the Pridelands 🦁🐗 and the jungles 🦍🦧🐺

Somewhere in the enchanted forest, Aurora & Mulan were camping 🔥, then they heard the roar

"Huh? Did you hear that?" Aurora asked

"Hear what" Mulan said then she heard the roar

In the oceans

Ariel came out of the water to hear clearly, when she heard the roar, she realised it was not a friendly guest.

Back at the royal castle 🏰, while Charming was getting the scratch treated the roar was heard by him and the rest his allies

"That ain't no ordinary Tiger" Ruby said to Snow White and the others

In the Pridelands

Simba heard the roar but the king of Priderock was not intimated or frightened instead he just roared back

"Simba what is that?" Nala asked

"I don't know but I feel like I know this monster I just can't remember his name" Simba said

In the dark castle home of the dark one Rumpelstiltskin just ignored the roar and continued to work on his spinning wheel

In Regina's palace the queen herself heard the roar, she remembered that Zira told her that Shere Khan had a burning hatred towards humans, she began to get a creepy feeling that he might be murdering peasants

In the outlands, Zira smiled after hearing the roar, she felt everything was going perfect according to her plan

"It's like I said Simba... I will reclaim the Kingdom for Scar" she smiled and chuckled sinisterly

In the wolf territory 🐺

Bagheera and Baloo 🐻 were at a waterfall getting a drink 💦 both of them stopped as they heard the roar

"What was that?" Baloo asked

Bagheera stayed silent for a moment he knew that the one monster who went after the man cub was back

"Shere Khan is back!? No!!!" Bagheera said concerned & worried

"What no way Akela exiled him" Baloo said

"We must warned Akela and the rest of the pack" Bagheera and Baloo ran fast to warn the wolves that Shere Khan had returned

In the gorilla Territory Mowgli was practicing with Tarzan how to make a spear and heard the roar but was not frightened instead the man cub clenched his fist and felt determined to take down his archenemy

"Shere Khan..." Mowgli said

Back in the wolf territory Bagheera and Baloo have warned the wolves about Shere Khan

"Even in exile he refuses to learn" Akela said

"He is up to something else" Raksha said

"If He tries to go after Mowgli again this time we will have no other choice but to kill him" Rama Mowgli's adoptive father said

Everyone heard the roar, some were frightened & concern, some ignored it, some challenged it

Shere Khan despite still hunting Snow White he continued to spread fear & shed blood in every village, ranch & farm he came across

As time went by Simba and Nala had two cubs one female and one male, Kiara the daughter, oldest and the next heir, Kion the youngest who became the leader of a defense group called the Lion Guard.

On the other hand Zira raised three cubs of her own, two males and one female, Nuka the oldest male who was arrogant & Cowardly, Vitani the lioness with a tomboy behaviour and Kovu the youngest who was chosen by Scar to follow in his paw prints

Kovu met Kiara, they as cubs started out as friends but their prides hatred towards each other had them separate, Zira came up with a plan, when both of them grew up Zira had plotted Kovu to kill Simba by joining his pride and wait for the right moment.

Kovu was welcomed into Simba's pride because he saved Kiara from a hunting incident, the two began to spend time with each other that is when their friendship transformed into a romantic relationship ❤️, Kiara's love saved Kovu from becoming like Scar

Zira became enraged when she found out that her son has aborted his mission, instead she and her pride toke matters into their own paws they headed for pride rock and that is when the Second War began.

The Second War and the arrival of the Curse

Regina cast the first curse on the day the second war began

Meanwhile Kiara and Kovu both were on their way to prevent the war but they were too late

Zira's Pride against Simba's Pride for the Kingdom, Simba's Pride wasn't alone Akela's pack, Kerchak's Tribe and Louie's Bandar Log gang helped in the fight, As the fight went on, Zira laughed hoping to come out victorious, she watched Simba get pummeled by her lionesses

"Simba..." Zira smirked

"I brought a special guest" Zira said

While Simba continued to fight, the special guest was revealed to be Shere Khan, he came back after ravaging the enchanted forest the past days, he tackled Simba with one paw but the king got back on his feet, the outsiders and the rest of Simba's allies prepared to watch the king of Priderock fight the monster of the jungle

"Who are you!?" Simba growled

"Forgot me already lion boy or should I say your majesty" Shere Khan growled back

"No! Now remember your the tiger that went after Mowgli" Simba remembered who the monster was

"Shere Khan!" Mowgli yelled at his enemy

"So the man cub has joined the lion and the rest of his pathetic club" Shere Khan laughed

"I should have known you will try to continue with your blood lusted desire to murder Mowgli You fowl beast!" Raksha said

"Bravo Bravo Raksha Bravo you just read my mind.. how about this? hand over the man cub and no else dies tonight" Shere Khan said

"You want get him your gonna have to go through me" Simba roared at the tiger

Zira watched with excitement she felt that Simba's time was abouto run out

"Get him..." Zira whispered

"As you wish your majesty" Shere Khan and Simba prepared to fight, but their fight was interrupted by the arrival
of the Curse.

Simba and the others ran for their lives except Zira and Shere Khan, The Curse affected the tiger by making him feel a powerful transformation turning him into something much more worse, Zira just remained calm & allowed the curse to take her

Mowgli, Tarzan, Jane, Kerchak, Baloo, Akela and a few members of the jungle crew were taking by the curse

Kovu, Kiara and Nala while trying to escape had fallen into a river allowing the curse to take them.

Simba reached the gorge were his father was murdered, he jumped over to reach the other side but instead his paws grabbed the edge of the other side of the gorge, he then looked down & started to have flashbacks of his father's death

The curse then reached Simba causing him to let go of the edge and fall

"Nooooo!!!!" Simba yelled as he taken by the curse

In the gorilla Territory Timon and Pumbaa the last remaining of the jungle crew ran as fast as they can trying to escape the curse

"Timon what is that stuff!?" Pumbaa asked

"I don't know Pumbaa but I got a feeling it's toxic or poisonous!" Timon responded

As the two continued to run they came across a tall tree with a hole resembling a door way

"Whoa whoa Pumbaa in here" Timon said

The two then went inside & once they did, the insides of the tree began to glow blue 🔵

"Ah Timon are those blue fire flies?" Pumbaa asked

"Pumbaa fire flies are small and yellow" Timon began to get suspicious about the blue light that he embraced his friend with worry, the two discovered that the tree was no ordinary tree but a portal to another world

All the sudden the two were teleported.

On the other hand Snow White and Charming had a child of their own, but when the curse arrived to their home, Blue Fairy came with a plan to have Geppetto build a magical wardrobe were the baby and Geppetto's Son Pinocchio placed together to survive the curse the two were also teleported

The baby revealing to be a girl grew up and was named Emma, one day Emma came across a boy named Henry who would be revealed to be her biological son, Emma then would arrive in small town called Storybrooke were she was reunited with her parents and allies who under a curse didn't have their memories and were named differently but the curse was soon broken, Regina and Rumpelstiltskin were also present in the town. Regina was the mayor of Storybrooke despite starting the curse she began to change her ways & regret her mistakes.

As time went on Emma and the others old & new would go through many adventures filled with excitement, danger, romance and go face to face with old & new foes, some didn't make it, some foes were turned allies

Things had gone well for Emma and the others but what ever happened to Simba and his allies? Emma and the others did not know that their world was about collide with another, a horror awaits them in the darkness

New York City, 3:00 AM

A couple of teenagers were out in the streets laughing, smiling having a good time really late passed their bedtime two girl and three boys

"Oh man that movie was the bomb!" Said the first male teen

"Guys it's 3:00 AM shouldn't we be heading home?" Said the second female teen

The boys laughed thinking that she was afraid about the legends & myths about 3:00 AM

"What? You really believe all that 3:00 AM garbage?" The third male teen laugh

"They say that 3:00 AM is the devil's hour and bad always happen at this time.. we are probably gonna die tonight!" The second male teen scared the two females with mockery

The teens than ran into an alley when all the sudden they stop as they saw a bright light flashing Infront of them

"What is that?" The first female teen asked

"I don't know" The third male teen said

One of the male teens got closer attempting to touch the light then electricity violently began strike, the teens then stepped back out of fear, the light and electricity was revealed to be dark magic making a vortex.

A man then came out of the vortex and crouched down with his fists on the ground, the man was 6'7, Caucasian, had a tiger striped t shirt, black pants, black boots and long black leather coat

One of the male teens got curious that he got close to the man to see if he was okay

"Hello? Mister are you alright?" The teenage boy asked

The man then slowly looked up at the teenagers with glaring eyes, he then made a move that frightened them his fingernails shapeshift into claws and slashed the first teenage male in the face

"Ahhh!!!" The first teenage boy yelled in pain

The two other boys tried to stop the man but they were grabbed by their necks and were toss in the walls of the alley, the two female teens tried to convince the man to stop but the man slashed one of the females in the leg making one run away in fear

The second female teen toke out her phone and attempt to call the police but was grabbed by the throat and lifted up, then the man spoke

"Humans... I hate humans" the man was revealed to be Shere Khan, the curse turned him into something much more worse, the stuff nightmares were made of

Shere Khan then killed all four teens and roared into the night, preparing for a killing spree.

Storybrooke (Present Day)

Emma, Henry, Killian, David Aka Charming and Mary Margaret aka Snow were of to Granny's Diner for Breakfast, they find Granny along with her granddaughter Ruby at the front door

"Morning you two" Emma greeted the old woman and her granddaughter

"I bet you're all hungry since you're all our first customers we will serve you first" Granny said as she opened the diner, as everyone entered the diner they found a huge mess, plates on the ground, mustard and ketchup on the walls

"What a mess" Killian Said

"Who would do something like this" said Snow

The crew then heard chatting in the ketchup

"Someone's in the kitchen" Ruby said

The crew then all headed to the kitchen to investigate and they hear two voices

"Oh great someone's in here" said the first voice

"Hang on let me handle this" the other voice said

"We are thieves greedy thieves so give us your money or we shoot you!" One of the strangers made a hand shadow of a gun and pretend to shoot

"Oh Pumbaa first all you never used those firearms by humans let me try" the other stranger made a hand shadow of a duck and made quacking noises

"Oh great the duck is dead" the two then grabbed each other and began a small fight but was stopped as Killian and Charming step foot and saw the two strangers hiding in the kitchen

"Please don't hurt us we haven't eaten in days" the two stranger was Caucasian, the first one was thin and red headed the other was an overweighted man

"We thought you two were really strangers" Charming said

The two strangers then got up on their feet and looked directly at Emma and the others

"Alright who are you two and where did you come from?" Emma asked

"Oh my name is Timon and this is Pumbaa we come from a place called the pride lands which is ruled by a Lion named Simba" When Timon explained everything Emma and the others began to look at each other with curiosity

Emma began to get a feeling that these two were not from the enchanted forest

"Did you say you are Timon and Pumbaa and you come from the pridelands?" Emma asked

"Yes" Timon answered

Emma and the others began to ask further questions

End of Chapter 1

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