Chapter VIII: The Ape Man

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Zelena talked with Timon privately in a room "I didn't know you had a friend that can communicates with primates" Zelena said surprised "I didn't know you had monkeys with wings" Timon replied, Zelena laughed with him, the two got out of the room "Okay everyone what Nala said about Simba being taken to a zoo might be true" Henry looked at Nala, "The monkeys were captured by park rangers" Henry said "Yes I know but if Tarzan told them not to harm them then he... could be planning something" Timon said "Hold on okay so Zira owns a zoo my question is where is it?" Emma asked "My thoughts exactly" Timon said "Remember it's not just Zira we are dealing with Its Shere Khan too" Regina said "Hey don't worry If Shere Khan is at the zoo Tarzan will spear him you know he slayed a leopard once" Pumbaa said "A tiger is much bigger than a leopard silly" Hook told Pumbaa "Pumbaa A tiger is much bigger than a leopard" Timon palmed his face.

Flashback: Tarzan's life begins

In a stormy night in the coast of the Gorilla Territory, a ship is on fire due lightning strikes, a man by the name of Lord Greystroke puts his wife Lady Alice and his son on small boat, as the boat went down and Alice holding her infant, Greystroke jumps into the water and finally gets on the boat with his family and heads to shore safely

In The Jungles,

a gorilla tribe peacefully enjoyed the evening, the leader of the tribe was large silverback gorilla named Kerchak, Kerchak lived happy with his mate Kala along with his baby gorilla

The next morning, Greystroke and his wife made it to the jungle and found a tree and got the idea for a Tree House. It toke a few days for to build the tree House, until one day the family was attacked by a leopard Sabor and ended the lives of Greystroke and Alice leaving their baby all alone,

The Gorillas also suffered in the hands of Sabor, As the tribe slept for the night Kerchak's son outta curiosity followed a frog which lead him to sabor, Sabor roared so loud at her prey that it woke Kerchak and Kala who realized their child was is danger, the Gorilla couple ran as fast as they could but it was to late, Sabor has eaten their child

The Gorilla Tribe moved on, Kala grieved over son, her sadness ended when she heard a cry coming from the shore, she ran to the beach a she found where the noise was coming from The Tree House

The Zoo on the island near Hawaii 

Zoo Keepers were gathering to place The captured flying monkeys into a cell, in front of all the keepers was a tough hunter named Clayton who wielded a double barrel shotgun "Okay boys step back this baby seems a little tough" the truck that carried the caged monkeys moved closer to the cell "Alright boys open the cell!" Clayton commanded the keepers, the zoo keepers opened the cell slowly due to never seeing primates with wings, as the truck moved closer, the monkeys were put in the cell with enough room, Tarzan who's cursed name is Rick talked to Clayton about the monkeys "Promise me one thing don't hurt these primates" Clayton smiled "Oh don't worry, your the primate expert you can talk to them" Clayton Giggled, Rick AKA Tarzan didn't trust Clayton but the monkeys were under his protection, Tarzan looked at the winged primates letting them know he is on their side.

Storybrooke road

Zelena showed Timon and Pumbaa the road were she was with her monkeys, "So you were here when sent them?" Timon asked "Yes" Zelena replied, Timon who looked human began to sniff "what are doing?" Zelena asked "ah hah! They were here after all" Timon said, "He is using his instincts" Pumbaa told Zelena, "That's not all" Timon said, he then closed his eyes his body began to glow gold and transformed back into a meerkat, "your a meerkat again" Zelena said amazed "Yup turns out that curse your half sister made turn us animals into mutants" Timon continued to smell "hmmm I think might now where they went" Timon said

Back at the Zoo, in the cage were the flying monkeys inside a cage were worried, Rick AKA Tarzan entered the cell, the monkeys chattered with Fear, Tarzan using ape like language spoke to the monkeys which calmed them, then Tarzan grunted like an ape "Tarzan" the monkeys looked at each other, Tarzan then again "Tarzan" the monkeys then realized that Tarzan is one if Simba's friends, "where did you come from?" Tarzan asked, the monkeys then told The ape man everything

Flashback: Kala finds baby Tarzan

Kala entered the tree house, the female gorilla looked around, Kala then found two bodies laying on floor, the two bodies were lord Greystroke and lady Alice, Kala discovered that two couple had been killed as she saw dry blood on the floor, Kala frightened stepped on something, she picked up and saw a picture of Lord Greystroke family

She then heard a cry, she approach the bed were the noise was coming from, she found the child of the two couple, the baby showed no fear, only curiosity as he saw the female primate, Kala smiled at the baby and decided to adopt him, Kala then smelled something strange and heard a purr.

Kala looked behind and saw Sabor the leopard, the leopard attacked the female primate but Kala jumped through a window and escaped while sabor got stuck in a pile of ropes

Kala returned to the jungle and to her tribe, all the gorillas were happy to see that she was okay, "Where have you been" one of the female gorillas asked "Somewhere I just found something" Kala showed the infant the gorillas, "Well it's kinda adorable" one of the gorilla children named Terk got close to a get better look "what is it?" Terk asked Kala "he is a baby" Terk grabbed the baby, the baby giggled making Terk feel happy "Where's it's mother?" Kala smiled "your looking at her" Kala explained.

Kerchak out curiosity, came to take look, the silverback gorilla sniffed the infant "Kerchak I saved him from sabor" Kerchak got considered "Kala it won't replaced our deceased son" Kala understood but still wanted the infant "I know but he needs me" Kerchak grunted "Kala look at it it's not our kind" the silverback grunted again "No you have to take it back" Kerchak told Kala "What? No he"'ll die" Kala tried to reason with her mate "I want him Kerchak" Kerchak began to mad "Kala I can't let you put our family in danger" Kala got mad too "How is he dangerous!?"

Kerchak thumbed his chest and roared

the silverback now began to show pity on the infant "Was it alone?" Kerchak asked "Yes Sabor murdered his family" Kala explained, "Are you sure?" Kala nodded yes, Kerchak feeling bad for the infant "He can stay with us" Kala happy now hugged the infant "Thank you Kerchak" the gorilla tribe then went up in the trees to rest for the night, "What your gonna name it" Terk asked "he is name is Tarzan" Kala told the child gorilla "Sounds awesome"

Flashback: Tarzan's Childhood

Years have past since Kala found the Infant who was named Tarzan Terk who befriended Tarzan taught him the ways of a gorilla, Tarzan Climbed a tree a yelled "AAAAH AH AH!!!" Tarzan was then tackled by Terk "you need to yell louder that Tarzan" The gorilla said,

the next day the gorilla was teaching Tarzan how to swing on vines "Don't be afraid it's like flying" Terk said to Tarzan who was covering his eyes "Ah let's do this tomorrow Terk..." Tarzan said scared "Sorry you said that yesterday" Terk than pushed Tarzan causing him to swing but crashed into a tree "Oops..." Terk said with guilt, Tarzan tried again and swung perfectly "Terk I did I did it!" Terk applauded,

Terk found Tarzan unconscious "Tarzan wake up, don't die" Terk said crying, Tantor grabbed Terk with his trunk "get away from that thing don't you know a piranha can eat you in a second" Tantor said "What? Are you stupid?" Tarzan woke up "He's alive" Terk hugged Tarzan "I thought your were dead" Terk said "I got it" Tarzan had in his hand the elephant hair "You got the hair" Terk said, Kala and the rest of the gorilla tribe had arrived "Tarzan you scared me what happened?" Kala asked "Well I"'ll Explain" Terk said until Kerchak arrived "What Happened?" He asked, Tarzan walked to Kerchak "Me and Terk were playing and then you know" Kerchak then got angry "Some one almost died because you!" Kerchak growled "He is just a child" Kala defended Tarzan "Kala you keep defending!" Kala tried to reason Kerchak "He is just a beginner he"'ll learn just give him time" Kala responded "Give him time!? Kala he"'ll never be one of us!" Tarzan ran with tears

Tarzan was near a river washing away his tears but was found by Kala, "Tarzan Let's talk" Kala said, "What does Kerchak have against me" Tarzan asked 

"Nothing your different Kerchak just doesn't trust what he can't explained" Kala said

"I see eyes, hands, legs especially i hear a heartbeat" Kala & Tarzan then put their hand palms together, Tarzan then felt encouraged, "Don't worry Kerchak will someday see it, will prove myself worthy" Tarzan said 

Back at the Zoo, The flying monkeys had told Tarzan everything about Storybrooke, Regina, Emma and the others "So your master Zelena sent you guys to find Simba, me and the rest of the crew?" Tarzan asked, monkeys nodded yes "So Timon & Pumbaa are alive and so is Nala?" Tarzan said "And I see This Regina Woman was attacked by... Your new friends ran into Shere Khan?" The monkeys nodded yes "I think I know what to do" Tarzan told on the flying monkeys to follow him, as the two went out of the cell they went through of the jungle of the island and finally into a secret base "Professor Porter!" Tarzan called "Ah Tarzan my boy your back" The apeman's father in law said "I need you to do me a favor" Tarzan said "this flying monkey comes from a place called Storybrooke and I need to you to go there and inform the others, bring them here" Tarzan said "Alright I"'ll take the boat" the professor said "Okay you guide him" Tarzan told the flying monkey "We will met again" Tarzan promised, the professor got on the boat "Okay flying fellow lead the way" While Professor Porter drove his ship the flying monkey guided him to Storybrooke

Timon was outside on the roof of the apartment he and Pumbaa were living, Zelena approached him "Hey you okay" Zelena Asked "Yes I just have strange feeling that something is coming to Storybrooke" Timon told Zelena

End of Chapter 8

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