Chapter X: Welcome to the Great Zoo of Life

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As promise Emma and the others early morning got up and were prepared to go on the island of near Hawaii, Emma and her parents were gather up as many bows, arrows and especially swords, Regina got dressed, put on boots that could make her run faster as she was about to walk out of her room she was approach by Zelena 

"Are you ready?" Zelena asked as she put on her witch hat, Regina smiled 

"Wicked as always" Regian and Zelena chuckled together and walked out of the Mills House

At the Mr. Gold's Shop, The Dark One got that one weapon he needed the dagger, Belle on the other hand found something a small mirror

"Belle what do you have there?" The Dark One asked, when he noticed he remembered that it was a magic mirror that will show anything similar to Regina's Mirror

"What is it?" Belle asked "Its another magic mirror it can show us anything" Rumpelstiltskin and Belle then headed for the jolly roger

Killian was at the beach with Professor Porter showing him the jolly roger which they will use to get to the island

"This is the jolly roger we will use this to get to that island" Killian explained to the professor, as the two were at the jolly roger, Emma and the others were walking towards the boat with all the folk of Storybrooke watching them.

"Are we all here?" Killian asked, Nala notice that two were missing 

"Wait where's Timon and Pumbaa?" Nala asked 

Regina remembered that last time she saw them that she headed back to her house, she made it to her garden and she heard a noise, she began to use her fire powers as she got close, Timon and Pumbaa yelled 

"What are you boys doing in my garden?" Regina asked the two

"Regina hey your majesty i just gotta say you really are a queen!, Bugs in your garden" Timon said with joy, Regina looked at the bugs with a i didn't know face, 

"Oh okay, by the way we are about to leave" Regina said

Timon and Pumbaa then followed Regina to the beach, as they made it, Killian opened the jolly roger, Emma, Snow, David, Rumpelstiltskin, Professor Porter, Belle, Ruby, Granny, Zelena, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa and Regina before they can walk inside the boat were stopped by Mother Superior aka Blue Fairy 

"Wait your gonna need another way to get on the island without being noticed" Mother Superior said

Everyone then got curious of what the blue fairy was talking about, "What do you mean?" Emma asked 

"I feel like if you go on water all of you will be noticed by Zira and her allies and its game over" Mother Superior brought an old friend who is also a fairy to help the others along on their journey, Regina already knew this person who is revealed to Tinkerbell 

"Hello everyone" Tinkerbell greeted everyone especially her old friend Regina 

"Tinkerbell long time" Regina said

"So how are we gonna get to the island another way" Timon said

"Everyone just get on the boat" Tinkerbell told everyone, everyone then got on the jolly roger, Tinkerbell shanked back into her fairy and flew into the sky and threw what her kind has fairy dust into the boat, the jolly roger began to fly into sky, Emma and the others now knew what blue fairy meant by other way into the island, Blue Fairy and everyone of Storybrooke waved goodbye and good luck on the journey 

"Mr. Smee! Set sail to the island near Hawaii" Killian commanded his assistant while professor porter explained were the island was located

Back on the Island

Shere Khan was still enraged about his time wasted by Regina that he growled "Once i make that Queen pay i will have her heart ripped out and force her to eat it!" Shere Khan roared, he was then approached by the other monsters of the jungle besides himself,

"You haven't forgotten about us right Shere Khan?!" said Tublat a powerhungry silverback who was once a member of Kerchak's Tribe

"Indeed what about us? our goals" Said Cain an alpha male wolf who holds a deep hatred for Akela 

"Sharing is caring Shere Khan just like you want to kill the man cub" said Queen La the ruler of Opar who sexually desires Tarzan for herself 

"I thought we were on this together" said Hista the giant red python 

"We are suppose to be working together like Zira wanted us" Said Fungi a vervet Monkey

"Does everything always have to be about you" Said Mabaya a rogue elephant with history of terrifying elephant herds

"Well Since the man cub is allies with Simba and especially the apeman you can do whatever you want with Simba and the others but don't touch the man cub"

"Good then what do you say are all in this together?" Said Muviro a warrior from the Waziri tribe who was exiled for treacherous actions 

All the monsters of the jungle were the approach by Zira, Nuka, Vitani, Ushari, Shenzi and the two other hyenas 

"So everyone has finally decided to work together as a team good, I bet Regina and her allies will be looking for us but they won't stand a chance, okay all of you now will you excuse i have to talk with my lover" Zira then walked away leaving Fungi confused

"Lover? Isn't Scar suppose to be dead" Fungi said

Zira than went into a catacombs resembling the elephant graveyard and into a room with a symbol which appeared to be an eye with a scar, Zira than recited in Zulu 

"Sukuma phambi kwami, sukuma phambi kwami, wena nkosi emnyama yasezindaweni eziphakemeyo, sukuma phambi kwami, sukuma phambi kwami ​​nkosi emnyama yasezindaweni eziphakemeyo"

"nkosi emnyama yase pridelands vela phambi kwami ​​manje"

the symbol than lighted fire and powered up like a firework in the middle of forest fires than a familiar face appeared it was her deceased lover Scar 

"Long time no seek" Zira smiled as the spirit of her lover appeared in burning hellish flames

"Its really good to see you again sweetheart" Scar Diabolically smirked 

Back in the jolly roger in sky 

the jolly roger flew like an airship, straight directly to the island near Hawaii

"You know what this reminds of?" Emma said to Killian

"That time we went to neverland?" Killian and Emma giggled together, Timon and Pumbaa looked down since the boat was in the air "Yeehaw!" Timon yelled with excitement, Nala on the other hand again was looking at the golden figure which resembled Simba

"Simba me and my new friends are coming for you" Nala said determined to save not only her husband but her kids and allies, Belle than approached Nala and showed her the tiny mirror 

"Whats that?" Nala asked "Its a small magically mirror this will show you anything" Belle explained "i would like for you to try it out" Belle than handed the mirror over to Nala, Nala then told the mirror 

"Show me Simba" then mirror than magically showed Simba who was stuck in cell" Nala then got everybody's attention and showed everyone what the mirror showed her 

"Is that?" Emma was surprised to see Simba as human 

"Hey thats Simba!" Timon yelled 

"They must have him locked up somewhere on the island" Regina said 

while everyone saw that Simba was caged then inside the boat they all heard an object drop which caused them to head inside and investigate, emma and the others looked around, as they reach further they came across pile of barrels, Emma using her sword tapped one of them to see if there was anything inside, when she reached the last barrel she felt something heavy, she crossed her arms and made a disappointed face 

"Come out Henry" Emma said, Henry came out of the barrel ashamed 

"Henry what are you doing here this isn't a vacation this is very dangerous" said Rumpelstiltskin

"I wanna met Simba" Henry said with beg 

"by the way henry how did get here before we did?" Regina asked, everyone then turned to look at Mr. Smee, the captain's assistant just stayed silent 

"Smee i told you never to let anyone on the ship without my permission!" Killian said 

"Sorry captain i didn't wanna make the boy cry" Mr. Smee explained, henry stepped fully out the barrel and begged to stay on the adventure to search for Simba and his allies

"Please can i stay?" Henry begged again 

Emma and the others looked at each other trying to make a decision 

"Well thats find with me" Emma said 

Henry jumped in with excitement but before Henry fully join the adventure 

"As long as Timon and Pumbaa watch over you" Emma said 

"What ah man" Henry crossed his arms, Timon and Pumbaa toke the job seriously and obeyed Emma

"Don't worry Emma this wasn't the last time we babysitted a child we had to watch over Kiara" Timon explained 

"Now Henry you know better than to go off all alone" Pumbaa said to Henry, Timon just smiled thinking that they will be able to spend time together, "Hey this job will be easy we are gonna have so much fun 

Back at the island Zira has 20 minute chat with her dead mate Scar, "So you have recruited that Shere Khan to finish Simba?" Scar said, "Yes but not just him but the rest of his friends" Zira explained 

"Hahaha oh Zira now i know why I choose you as my queen" Scar said, "Only one problem Scar... Kovu has betrayed you" Zira explained that her son who was supposed to walk in scar's pawprints has turned his back on his pride 

"Don't worry Zira, we don't need Kovu, we have Shere Khan, you just get all the monsters to kill this Regina and her allies and once you''ll take pride rock and continue my work" Scar's flames suddenly vanished for now, Zira walked out of the secret room

Back in the jolly roger, Timon ad Pumbaa were having fun with Henry "Simba's Father appeared to you?" Timon said, "Yes i assume he wanted to meet me so he can start guiding us" Henry said, Pumbaa began to wonder can Mufasa hear them when they call for him "Henry can Mufasa hear when try and call him for advice?" Pumbaa asked 

Henry than looked at the sky and called out for Mufasa "Mufasa can we talk" when henry called, a bright light appeared which got Emma and the others attention, "Who is that?" Tinkerbell asked

"Henry I am always here" Mufasa said with his powerful voice, Emma and the others were very surpised to the former king of the pridelands who died a very tragic death in the hands of his own flesh and blood, Everyone gathered to hear Mufasa 

"So you are Mufasa" Emma said, "Yes and i already know who you are Emma" Mufasa looked around and saw Regina and the rest

"Regina, Zelena, Rumpelstiltskin, Belle, Charming, Snow White, Ruby, Granny, Nala, Killian, Smee, Tinkerbell, Timon, Pumbaa, Professor Porter" Mufasa smiled at all 

"This feels really amazing" Snow White smiled, Charming stepped in and asked the former king about his twin brother in the after life "Mufasa i wanna hear how is my brother?" Charming asked 

"Your Brother is good hands David" Mufasa said, Emma then stepped in to ask Mufasa about Zira

"Mufasa what is Zira's Deal why is she like this" Emma asked, "Emma Zira was not raised in my pride.. she was accepted in, all of you Zira comes from a pride that was filled with greed and lust" Mufasa began to explained to Emma and the others Zira's backstory 

"Zira was raised in a pride ruled by a lion named Jelani who believed that only the strong survived, he would trained Zira to be like him believing she was the future successor of his pride, he did nothing but made her feel exhausted, but Zira's Mother Malika supported her and hated to see her daughter suffer like that, everyday she consulted Zira but Jelani found out and as dark and arrogant as he was... he killed his own mate, Zira felt depressed and alone now that her mother was gone, she was the only support for her, now that she was gone" Mufasa said while Emma and the others listened 

"Some males and females approved of Jelani's Philosophy, but the lionesses that befriended Zira didn't, that moment Zira and toke her friends and escaped the night and started a pride of her own, As time went on Zira and her pride one day were starving until Zira came across a cub and that cub happens to be my brother Scar, Scar invited Zira and her lionesses to the pride it was great at the beginning Zira befriended Sarabi, but when i was the next heir to the thrown thats when things began to change, Zira began grow jealous of Sarabi, but when day Scar killed Me, Scar choose Zira since Sarabi refused to be Queen by his side, Zira and Scar became mates but the rule ended with Simba and his allies, but one thing Zira did not know that Simba didn't kill Scar it was the hyenas" Mufasa finished explaining Zira's backstory 

"Zira doesn't know the truth" Nala said, "I assume we should let her know that" Regina said to Nala

"I feel really sorry for Zira" Emma said feeling pity 

"Anything else you like to know?" Mufasa asked, Mr. Gold stepped in "before you go i wanna hear about my son Baelfire how is he?" The Dark one ask the former king about his son who is biological father of Henry 

"Your son is in perfect hands as well, the hands of God" Mufasa said, Regina then stepped she still curious about who was the man with Mufasa the day he spoke with Henry "By the way who was that man he looked very familiar" Regina asked, Mufasa smiled kindly "Its a surpised" Mufasa said than vanished, Everyone then looked at Regina "A surpise?" Snow said 

"It must be very special" Zelena said, everybody than headed back inside the boat to rest for the night 

As everybody went to sleep Regina had a dream that everything that was happening was just a dream, somebody opened the door to her room it was no other than her mother Cora

"Regina i thought i heard you scream" Cora said "What are you doing still up its 2:00 AM?" Cora sat down with her daughter 

"Regina what's the matter" Cora asked 

"Mother i had the most awful dream i dreamt that you killed Daniel?" Regina said

"You mean the stable boy he's fine why would i do that?" Cora said

"Thats not all i also dreamed that i did horrible things and i created this curse, i met these new people..." Regina explained to her mother everything 

"Regina you know when i was your age i used to have all these horrible nightmares" Cora said trying to calm her daughter

"Mother i also have a confession... I am in love with Daniel" Regina said 

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Cora asked 

"I was to nervous..." Regina said, Cora then hugged her daughter trying to let her know that everything was gonna be alright, "Go on gets some rest sweetheart maybe tomorrow i"ll invited Daniel for breakfast" Cora then walked out of Regina's room "Sweet Dreams" she then closed the door, before Regina can fall back asleep "Oh regina one more thing" Cora said behind the door, "What is it mother?" regina asked

all the sudden the door slamed opened what regina saw nightmarish, behind the door was Shere Khan holding Cora's Skull 

"TO HELL WITH YOU!!!" Cora's Skull yelled

"You should listen to your mother!" Shere Khan said while holding Cora's Skull

"CURSES REGINA! I WISH I NEVER HAD YOU! I SHOULD OF KILLED YOU ALONG WITH THAT PATHETIC STABLE BOY!!!" Cora' Skull yelled, Shere Khan than throw the skull away and slashed Regina's throat

Regina than woke up without screaming, it was 5:50 AM, she than quickly relaxed and got up, and walked outside of the boat, she saw Timon watching the sun rise 

"you are up so early" Regina smiled, "Oh morning your majesty" Timon greeted, "Any sign of the island?" Regina asked "Nope not yet" Timon said and continued to look at the sky

"Still thinking about Simba" Regina said

"besides rescuing Simba... i've been also been thinking about my sweetheart" Timon said with arrows going through his heart 

"Your married? i didn't know that Who's the girl?" Regina said 

"Tatiana... can't wait to reunite with her" Timon said 

"Thats very sweet" Regina smiled 

"Pumbaa has a sweetheart too Sharla i can't wait to rescue all of them" Timon said, Professor Porter than went outside of the boat "Oh timon and regina morning" The Professor smiled, he then looked at something "Oh thank heavens" Regina and Timon looked as well, "Wake the others" The Professor said

Timon went inside and woke everyone up, Emma and the others when they went outside they finally saw what professor saw

"We are here!" Professor Porter said, Everyone felt fantastic after seeing the island near Hawaii, "My camp is right there Killian" Porter pointed, "Mr. Smee! Land ho!" The Jolly Roger slowly began to land near the professor's camp were Tarzan is located 

Tarzan was working on a spear and all the sudden he saw the boat land, Professor Porter got out quickly and hugged his son in law, "Tarzan i am back" the professor

Emma and the others than got out of the boat and met Tarzan, "Tarzan!" Henry said with excitement, "I am Emma Swan, these are my parents Snow White and Charming, this is my son henry, they are Zelena, Granny, Ruby, Belle, Mr. Gold, Killian, Tinkerbell and this is Regina" Emma introduced the rest to Tarzan, "Tarzan" Nala called out "Nala i am so glad you guys alright" Tarzan said in relief, "Tarzan any sign of Simba?" Timon asked 

"No but i assume all of you are here for the same mission, but before i we can get to Zira's Zoo i must go and get Jane" Tarzan headed to his tent were Jane was

"Jane they are here" Tarzan said, they both headed outside, jane met the others "Jane dear this Emma, these are her parents Snow White and Charming, her son henry, they are Zelena, Granny, Ruby, Belle, Mr. Gold, Killian, Tinkerbell and this is Regina" Professor Porter said 

"Daddy they found Nala, Timon and Pumbaa now we have to find the rest" Jane said, Tarzan put his hand, letting the others know that they are doing as a team, "We are doing this as team" Emma and the others put their hands then

Emma and the team than followed Tarzan since he knows the way to the Zoo, they went across a mountain and finally they made it

"There it is" Tarzan pointed, Emma and the gang than made it to the front entrance 

"Simba were are coming" Nala said, Tarzan than opened the gates slowly, they made it inside the zoo, inside were people from all over the world looking at animals, enjoying their family vactations 

"Wow its amazing" Snow said 

Killian noticed a Crocodile enclosure, "Crocodile" Killian saw zoo keepers feed the Croc a stack of bison meat 

"Okay since we are finally here let's start searching" Emma said and the group began to look around. As the group began their search for Simba and the other, they didn't knew that Vitani once again was spying on them from a high place, Vitani than headed to her Mother's Office and warned her 

"Your sure they are here?" Zira roared 

"Yes they are here especially that woman Regina" Vitani said, Zira got up from her desk and was determined to hurt Emma and the others

"If Regina wants a party very well I'll give her one.. one to die for" Zira siad

End of Chapter 10

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