Chapter XVII: Wicked 🧙🏻‍♀️🟢 🆚 Fear 🐯🩸

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Hell 𖤐 😈🔥

In the one place were unrepented souls suffer for all eternity Hell, a lake of fire, burning brimstone, hotter than 90 degrees, two former faces walked into a chamber, Tamara and Greg, the two were known for kipnapping Henry and taking to him to Neverland, demons noticed them walking into the chamber, Tamara tried her best not to look a the demons since Hell was a place were people get tormented and harrassed 

"What are we going to tell them?" Greg asked "I don't know but we gotta try our best" Tamara said, Tamara than slowly knocked on the chamber's steel door "Come... In..." Someone said from behind, Greg opened the door, as the two entered inside they met other familar faces who also recieved eternal damnation in Hell, 

Cruella Deville, Peter Pan, Arthur, Hades and of course Scar, the former king of pride rock grabbed Tamara by her throat since the two interrupted the group's poker game "Can't you all see we are in the middle of game?" Peter Pan said, "What do you two want?" Scar asked as he had Tamara by her throat "We came announce News... important news" Tamara said, Scar than let the woman go "Go On" Cruella said "What News do you have for us?" Arthur asked "Well its about that curse straight from here" Greg said "Shere Khan & Zira has finally got everything they need to unleash the fear" Tamara said, Peter Pan clapped his hands in congraulating Shere Khan, "I must admit Shere Khan for a monstrous tiger who is motivated by his hatred and bloodlust towards humans he is actually quite clever" Cruella said impressed, Tamara and Greg than noticed Hades so quiet and frowning "Whats wrong with him" Tamara asked as the group looked at Hades, "Oh him nothing" Arthur smiled "He is Jealous" Scar said "Of the prince of darkness" Cruella said "Oh we just realized he was just a substitute for Hell" Peter Pan said "Quick Question Shere Khan is not getting intouch with Zira is he?" Scar said "That we don't know" Greg said, Peter Pan giggled "Whats the matter Scar? Afraid your girlfriend is gonna end up with that Tiger" Peter Pan said causing Scar to grab him by his throat "Okay... Okay i was only kidding please don't kill me" Peter Pan said "Your'e already dead you idiot" Scar said after he let go "Anything else?" Scar asked the two "Well your brother is guiding you know" Greg said, "Oh great more interference" Cruella said "Indeed... I should've known that my dear brother Mufasa would search for this Regina and her foolish friends" Scar growled "What about my nephew Simba?" Scar asked "Simba he is locked up and still in that paddock" Tamara said "Zira must have bigger plans for Emma, and especially my son" Peter Pan said "Scar i am going to be honest if were to kill Simba i would of had his skin for a new fur coat" Cruella said, Scar giggled, Tamara and Greg than walked away fast "Hey both of you whats your hurry?" Scar asked "We are trying find a way out of here" Greg said "Are you two stupid or something?" Peter Pan said "You can't escape this place" Arthur said "There is no escaping Hell" Cruella said, Scar got off the table and walked out "Where are you going Scar?" Peter Pan asked "To inform Regina's Mother" Scar said. "Hades do you have any Six?" Peter Pan asked "Go fish..." Hades said in a low upset voice, "Lucifer..." Hades said with Jealousy.

Hell's Lava Fall

Scar arrived at Hell's Lava fall, resembling with a waterfall but with lava, Scar approach another familar face who sat down and watched the lava, Cora Mills Regina's Mother, 

"Scar whats with the smile?" Cora said "Good news.. my wife has everything ready to unleash the fear on earth" Scar said "Good i knew they would be able to such a good job" Cora said "the bad news is my brother Mufasa is watching not only your daughter's but the others too" Scar said "Its not just your brother concerns me" Cora crossed her arms "What worries me too is that Emma and Regina's allies in Heaven will try to give them a hand" Cora said "My husband, Baelfire, Robin, Marian, Graham, and especially...." Cora stopped for a moment "Especially who?" Scar asked "Everytime i think of him it makes me wish... i killed him at birth" Cora said, Scar laughed "Are you talking that goody two shoes stable boy? your daughter's boyfriend? Hahaha I would have ate him myself if i knew him when i was alive" Scar said causing Cora to laugh "If you did that my daughter would had your head as trophy" Cora said, "Buy the way what are doing here?" Scar asked "I was looking for a way out" Cora said, Scar knew that was a risk, he than put his paw on on the red queen "Whoa you do not wanna do that" Scar said "You know happens when we try to escape" Scar said "Well thats a risk i am willing to take" Cora said. 

the two did not know that they are being watched by a demon, 

one of deadly of them, Zozo, a demon when summonded he kills, he opened his wings and flew to the palace of the fallen angel, the founder of evil, the prince of darkeness himself 

Hell's Palace 

When Zozo arrived he walked straight into the throne room right there sat the devil himself, evangelists call him Satan, Jews don't mention his name, Muslims refer to him as Shaitan, but his name is Lucifer, "Father" Zozo said 

"Zozo whats going on?" Lucifer said "Its the red queen and that lion" Zozo said "What are they up to now?" Lucifer asked "They are trying to escape" Zozo said "Don't worry i like when people put their lives at risk" Lucifer said as he ate what seemed to be maggots "Here in Hell nobody escapes.. never" Lucifer laughed, he than whistled calling all the demons of hell, "My children i have job for all of you" the devil said "Keep an eye on the red queen and that lion even if their allies on earth unleash the fear" Lucifer said "But won't the fear put Hell on earth?" Zozo asked "Yes but the earth's suffering is non of my concern, more people will die by the natural disasters which equals more souls to hell" Lucifer said "If they escape no matter... just like when criminals escape a prison they will be brought back" Lucifer said.

Back on Earth 

Emma and the others were finally ready to do their missions as part of Mowgli's Plan, "Alright lets do this" Emma said, Zelena walked towards the dark one and whispered in his ear, Mr. Gold than handed the dagger to the witch "Be careful Zelena what ever happens the dagger must not fall into the wrong hands" Mr. Gold said "Got it" Zelena said "Okay you two better behave" Ruby said to Uto and Kago "Hey Red Banana brain here is the one that doesn't behave here" Kago said "Hey maybe this time once we make it to that building and I turn off the power than you will be the banana brain" Uto said, Zugor smacked his two sons on their forehead "Both of you stop it!" Zugor said "I have a better idea" Regina said "Kago have you ever thought about taking your frustration out on enemies?" Regina asked "Good idea i take that advice if i were you Kago" Gunda "Well why not i can try" Kago said "Thats the spirit" Regina said, Zazu than shapedshift into his animal form and began to fly along with Tinkerbell. Louie, Kaa, Kovu, Kiara, Shanti, Tabaqui, Jane's Friends, Mama Odie, Terk, Tantor, Henry, Uncle Max, Ma and Professor Porter walked right and followed Zazu and Tinker Bell, "Henry be careful" Regina said, Emma, Regina, Charming, Snow, Timon, Pumbaa, Tatiana, Sharla, Nala, Sarabi and Mr. Gold walked in straight ahead "Race you to were my flying monkeys are" Zelena said to Tarzan as she toke out her broom, Tarzan smiled at the witch in a fun way "That sounds like a Challenge to me" Tarzan ran up a tree, jumped began to swing on vines while Zelena flew behind him and laughed with joy, Mowgli, Kerchak, Baloo, Bagheera, Kala, Akela, Killian and the rest of the wolves & lionesses walked left, Uto, Kago, Ruby, Granny, Zugor and Gunda walked down. Kion and the rest of the lion guard used their powers and jumped again and again into the jungle. 

On the road were Emma's group was, Emma began to ask Sarabi about Zira, "Whats your relationship with Zira" Emma asked "We were once childhood friends" Sarabi said "But when when we booth reached our adult hoods that all change" Sarabi said "When Mufasa and I became the rulers of the pridelands she and Scar wouldn't participate in some ceremonies" Sarabi said "Zira became Selfish, she let her emotions take control of her" Sarabi explained "But when Scar became King thats when things got bad, she became the queen of the pridelands that day she was not my friend anymore" Sarabi said, "Do you think Zira mated with Scar for his power?" Snow asked "Perhaps" Sarabi responded "Scar and Zira deserve each other maybe thats whu he made Zira his queen" Regina said "Scar offered me to be his queen but i refused since i seen all the damaged he done the pridelands thats when Zira stepped foot" Sarabi explained "I am sorry your kingdom suffered so much damage" Regina said "Once we get to Zira's Office Sarabi you might as well teach Zira a lesson" Mr. Gold said "I wanna teach her a lesson too myself" Regina said "Mr. Gold Told the rest of the jungle crew about you" Sarabi said to Regina "Yes i know i am the one who long ago unleashed Shere Khan to kill Snow White, but i regretted it now" Regina said frowning a bit "Why did you hold a grudge against her" Sarabi "I'll explain later" Regina said as the group continued to walk.

Flashback: Scar's Offer to Sarabi, Zira becomes Queen of the Pridelands

Since the beginning of Scar's Reign, the pridelands began to look like a graveyard, the plants died, the sky became cloudy, the leaves on the trees fell and decayed, the herds had moved, the hyenas chased after every Antelope and Wildebeests they could catch, Scar walked along side the hyenas with a smirk, On a tree Zazu watched the chaos "This is not good..." Zazu said worried. At Pride rock Nala now fully growned watched the hyenas carry an antelope to eat "Nala come sit with us" Sarafina said, Nala joined the other lionesses, Scar and the rest of the hyenas than came back, all the lionesses except Zira looked at him with disapointment, Zira smiled at him instead, Scar went to the edge of pride rock to eat the antelope the hyenas caught, "We have to do something Sarabi" Nala said "Nala Scar is our King" Sarabi "But you are the queen we must leave and search for help" Nala said "We must all stay and protected the pridelands its our only home" Sarabi said "But its not the same" Nala said, Shenzi than approached the Lionesses "Sarabi the king would like to have a word with you" Shenzi said, Sarabi got up and went to Scar, "Would you like a bite Sarabi?" Scar asked "Scar you are overhunting and overeating" Sarabi said "I made the perfect kill thanks to my army" Scar said as munched flesh from the meal, "You are destroying and killing everything" Sarabi said "Sarabi we can have what ever we want now" Scar said "Excuse me we?" Sarabi asked "On the very first day you became queen you choose Mufasa as your husband, but now there is new king why not have a bite with me?" Scar said as he continued to eat "have you gone mad?" Sarabi asked "you are still the queen and the other lions know that but they refused to serve me, why not be my side and eat together?" Scar offered, Sarabi growled at him "I won't be your wife not now or ever!" Sarabi said, the hyenas and some of the lionesses were shocked to Sarabi having the fire and courage to reject Scar, Zira who was now behind Sarabi put her paw on her old friend's shoulder, Sarabi turned to look "Zira? What are you doing?" Sarabi asked "Suit yourself" Zira walked towards Scar and Licked him "What?" Sarabi said confused "Looks like there is a new Queen now" Scar said "Zira how could you?" Sarabi asked "Jealous now" Zira said, "For now on the lions who cooperate with us will feed first but the ones who refused will eat after the hyenas" Zira said "You can't do that I am the queen!" Sarabi yelled "Not anymore" Zira said "Take her away" Zira ordered the hyenas, the hyenas walked Sarabi back with the lionesses who refuse to negiotiate with Scar. Nala was shocked to see Zira become the new queen without even dethroning Sarabi. 

Zira's Catacombs

Cora and Scar appeared again in the fire, Ushari who was asleep woke up surpised to his master along with an ally "Ushari" Scar called "Yes master what can i do?" The cobra in his human form asked "Bring me Shere Khan and Zira" Scar said, Ushari went out to get Zira and Shere Khan, luckily he was able to get them quickly, they two were arriving at the catacombs "Scar what is it my love?" Zira said as she and the tiger arrived "Zira you and Shere Khan may be allies but i want to ask, you two are not in a..." Scar asked "Scar i gurantee you that me and him are just working together" Zira stated, Scar was still supscious of Zira's relationship with Shere Khan, "I too can garuntee you that there is no smochie between us" Shere Khan said "Very well" Scar said "Zira So you have gather everything to unleash the fear?" Cora asked "Yes well besides Shere Khan i have this woman locked up in one of my chambers" Zira informed "Excellent now i have another job for you" Cora said "I am listening" Zira said "Depsite that you are about the unleash the fear might as keep an eye out for my daughter and her friends... they could be heading here" Cora informed "I knew your gonna say that no worries i have plenty of back up even if they do succeed in making it here I'll have their bones ripped out" Zira said "Good" Cora and Scar disapeared from the flames, as Zira walked out she was approached by her son Nuka, "Mother?" Nuka called out "What is it Nuka?" Zira asked "I been hearing your conversation with Scar and that Cora woman" Nuka said "How long were you standing outside of the door?" Zira asked "since you arrived back into the catacombs" Nuka answered, "Your not cheating on Scar are you mom?" Nuka asked, Zira began growled softly since almost every her allies has been asking if she was getting physical "Nuka no no no" Zira stated with embarassment "Mom you been really nice to Shere Khan these past day and been paying attention to your body language" Nuka said, Zira began to sweat and get nervous "Nuka i belong to Scar no ifs or buts period i don't wanna hear anything about that me and Shere Khan are in a romantic relationship" Zira said "okay" Nuka responded "One more thing Mom" Nuka said "and what will that be?" Zira asked "What do we do about Kovu?" Nuka asked, Zira went silent for moment since her second son who's mission in the past was to use Kiara to kill Simba was now is now Kiara's mate "make sure he is doesn't come in here a foil our plans" Zira said than walked away, Shere Khan with his arms crossed nodded no in embarassment. 

"Why is it that anytime i am talking with her everyone is now bringing that getting physical with her!?" Shere Khan roared "I been seeing how she has been treating these past days tiger" Nuka said "Hey just because your mother is very nice, just because me and her are working together doesn't mean we are in physical" Shere Khan said "you better behave kid becasue don't think i won't do something" Shere Khan said as he grabbed Nuka by his jacket, Nuka laughed a bit "Okay okay" Nuka said with his hands up, Shere Khan let go and left, Vitani saw her brother coward infront of the tiger "Now i see why mother didn't choose you as future leader our pride" Vitani said "I saw the look in your face you are afraid of him" Vitani laughed "Am not!" Nuka said "Am too!" Vitani giggled, the two siblings began to argue, Zira than arrived outside of her office to inform the rest of the jungle monsters "Alright everyone gather around" Zira said, Tublat and the rest of the monsters than payed their attention to Zira, "The fear will be unleashed but i am having a job for all of you" Zira said "if we all want to fully unleashed the fear we are gonna have to prevent Regina and her friends from foiling our plans" Zira informed all the monsters to prepare for Regina and her allies who will come soon "they we will come here? good that gives me a chance to break Kerchak's neck" Tublat said "By the way La why do have Jane locked up too?" Fungi asked "I want to make a bargain with Tarzan" La answered "thats gonna give me the chance to kill Akela" Cain said, Shere Khan than arrived "Only one thing i'll have to remind all of you the man cub is mine you, all of you can do want you want with Regina and her friends but the man cub no lay a finger or a claw on him is that understood?" Shere Khan asked "Yes!" All the jungle monsters said, "Good" Zira said.

Back in the jungle

On the road were Louie's group was, Henry stepped foward towards Louie and asked about the special elephant "So you say this elephant is very different from the other elephants?" Henry asked "Yes that elephant has big ears that look like eagle wings" Louie responded, "How big are his ears?" Henry "They say that when he was a baby his ears were 40 feet long but now that he is fully grown they are 77 feet long" Louie answered "i think we showed free the elephants first" Henry said, Mama Odie than looked at the ground a which appeared to be a zoo guide, she picked up and figured out the locations of the paddocks and enclosures, "Ah ha!" Mama Odie rejoiced "What is it?" Jane asked "A found a zoo guide to all the animals on this island" Mama Odie said "A zoo guide great" Shanti said, "May i see it?" Henry asked, Mama Odie handed the zoo guide to Henry "Cool all the animal enclosures" Henry said and looked "Hey i didn't knew there are Dinosaurs on the island" Henry said excited "I'll explain all about that later" Professor Porter said, "Zazu Tinkerbell" Kovu called the two flying in the air "Any enclosure or paddock nearby?" Kovu asked "Uh yes we seemed to be getting close to the elephant enclosure" Tinkerbell said "The elephant enclosure good" Henry ran but was stopped by Kaa "Whoa whoa little one you don't wanna go all stomping in there" Kaa said, Louie's group than saw the elephant enclosure straight ahead but zoo keepers were there "Well how do we get pass those?" Eleanor asked as the group looked at the zoo keepers "I think i have an old trick up my sleeve" Kaa said to the others and smiled, Tabaqui and Louie smiled back because they knew what Kaa meant by old trick, as the zoo keepers were finished doing their business with the elephants "Alright is that all the veggies that they needed?" The first zoo keeper asked "Yup thats all of them" the second zoo keeper said, as they were about to leave, Kaa had shapeshift back into his python form and used his powers to hypnotize the zoo keepers "Excuse me gentlemen..." Kaa said as his eyes glowed purple, yellow and blue "Are all done here? If you are can you two please hand me the keys?" Kaa asked, the two hypnotized Zoo keepers than handed Kaa the keys "Thank you very much gentlemen now go and never come back here" The Zoo keepers ran far from the elephant enclosure, Louie and the group than entered the elephant enclosure "Good job using your powers Kaa" Louie said, Kaa than handed the keys to Louie to free the elephants out their enclosures, Henry than found a cell with a name on, the sign was covered with dirt so henry wiped it off and the name was revealed 


"Dumbo weird name" Henry said, when he said the elephant's name Dumbo now fully grown arrived towards the young boy, Henry looked at the elephant with a smile "Hi Dumbo i am Henry" Henry introduced himself, "is that the special elephant Louie?" Tantor asked "Only one way to find out" Terk said "Dumbo may i see your ears?" Henry said, Dumbo slowly revealed his ears like an eagle opening its wings, "Wow this elephant is like an archangel" Mama Odie said, as Dumbo was outside of his cell, a mouse appeared who has looking after him since he retired from circus "Dumbo who are you talking to?" the mouse said, "a talking mouse?" Shanti said "My name is Timothy" Timothy introduced himself "Well Hello Timothy I am Kiara" Kiara said "These are our friends" Kiara introduced the mouse to the others "What are you folks doing here?" Timothy asked "We are on a mission the zoo owner on this island is a no bueno and we are going to free all the animals on the island" Tabaqui explained "What the owner of the zoo is a bad person?" Timothy asked "Not just a bad person a shapeshifter as well" Kovu said "If danger learks here that i would love to help" Timothy said "Dumbo we are on a mission to help free all the animals on the island" Timothy got on top of Dumbo's head "Mind if i ride?" Henry asked "All aboard" Timothy said, Henry smiled excited as got on top of Dumbo "follow us Dumbo" Zazu said, "Come on Dumbo like i taught you one two three four..." Timothy said motivating the elephant, Dumbo began to flap his ears up and down, he than began to fly and followed Zazu and Tinkerbell in the sky, "Did you ever seen an Elephant fly?" Mama Odie said, Louie and the group followed the three in the sky, Henry than looked at the zoo guide "Next up the lions" Henry said.

 On the road were Kago, Uto, Zugor, Gunda, Granny and Ruby, 

the group was silent taking the mission seriously, Ruby looked at Uto and Kago with an embarassed face "How do i get stuck with these two?" Ruby said in her mind "Hey red do you have a boyfriend?" Kago asked flirting with Ruby "Uh yes way before all this ruckus thats going on i met this man he is a werewolf like me" Ruby said as she blushed & giggled 

, "A werewolf whats that never heard of it" Uto asked "A werewolf is a shapeshifter too, a man or a woman turn into it when the moon is full" Ruby said "wow sounds like a super cool power" Uto said "Its not only a power its a curse when someone is bitten by a werewolf they become one themselves" Ruby explained "Now going back to my boyfriend..." Ruby than got her grandmother's attention "Grandma do you remember that boy i met Lawrence Talbot?" Ruby asked "Yes i remember him.. what about him?" Granny asked "He helped me how to control my werewolf instincts remember" Ruby said "He taught you to control your powers?" Uto asked "Yes" Ruby answered, "Uto, Kago have two ever thought about finding a woman?" Granny asked "Uh yes of course" Uto & Kago responded, Uto than the saw a building nearby "Hey i think we are here" Uto said, "So thats the building that controls the power on the island" Ruby said "Only one probelm" Kago pointed out at more zoo keepers working "Well any more ideas how are we gonna get in there?" Gunda said, Kago smiled and began to come up with an idea, "i think i know what i am gonna do" Kago smiled naughty, one of the employees who was walking on the road was grabbed by Kago, the young gorilla in his human form knocked out the employee and removed his uniform and put it on "A disguise?" Ruby said "Kago for the first time i never thought you use your brains" Zugor said "Can i have one of those?" Uto asked, "Wait here" Kago said, It toke a few minutes for Kago to get more zookeepers and steal their uniforms, Zugor and Uto had change clothings going a bit a far into the jungle, than Ruby, Gunda and Granny, when the group had just finished putting on the uniforms they walked to the building "Grandma i feel like these clothes fit a little to tight" Ruby said, Uto and Kago turned around to view only make Ruby feel embarassed "Hey don't look you nitwits" Ruby said, Kago noticed zoo keepers taking a break and preparing to drink wine, as one of the zookeepers poped cork without not knowing Kago grabbed the cork, smiled at the zookeepers and beat each of one them, completely knocked out, "all clear" Kago said as the group went inside.

Emma and her group had arrived at last outside of Zira's Office but before they can walk inside they saw Banzai and Ed having a conversation in the entrance "The hyenas" Nala said, Pumbaa who was afraid and nervous


Pumbaa passed out gas so loud that it got his friends attention, Emma, Snow, Regina, Timon, Charming, Mr. Gold, Sharla, Tatiana, Sarabi and Nala than looked at Pumbaa all grossed out "Eww.." Snow said grossed out "Oh.." Regina holded her nose in disgust "Thats a horrible smell" Mr. Gold said as covered his nose with his hand "Pumbaa what do you eat?" Timon asked "I ate a beetle those who make balls of defecations" Pumbaa answered "Honey you should watch your diet" Sharla said, "Sorry about that everyone he does that he is nervous" Timon said "Sorry" Pumbaa said "Okay now what do we do?" Charming asked "we barge in there the hyenas are gonna sound the alarm" Emma said, "I got it Emma, Regina, Timon, Pumbaa, Sharla, Tatiana, Sarabi, Nala, Me and Charming will distract those two while you guys make it inside" Snow said "Mom be careful" Emma said, Snow and Charming got close to the entrance and picked stones, when they got Banzai and Ed's Attention "Hey! Laughing Dogs!" Snow said as she and her husband threw the stones at Banzai and Ed "Why them..." Banzai said enraged, Snow and Charming than ran as the hyenas chased after them

On the road were Tarzan and Zelena, the two were having fun racing to the paddock were the flying monkeys were held, the stopped for a while to breath "There it is Zelena" Tarzan while holding on to a vine, "Just across those motels" Tarzan pointed, Zelena looked at the motels and was surprised the motels looked like Las Vegas, Tarzan and Zelena than arrived the paddock, the flying monkeys flew and chattered happy that their master had arrived "Its okay i am here" Zelana said to her servants "Looks like our mission is complete" Tarzan said "come lets get out of here" Tarzan and Zelena freed the flying monkeys 

Back with Kago, Uto, Zugor, Gunda, Granny and Ruby, once inside the eletrical room "Alright lets turn off the power" Ruby said, "This looks easy just pull down the switch" Granny said, "Whoa whoa pull the switch nah that old school" Uto said, Ruby than put her hand on the young gorillas shoulder "Hey! don't think about doing anything stupid" 

Ruby said "Never do" Uto responded, Kago giggled know that Uto was going to do something dumb, Uto opened the eletrical control panel and saw all the wires "Wow its like seeing guts" Uto said, he than grabbed one of the wires and put it his mouth, "Uh Uto i don't you should..." Granny said, Uto bit the wires in half causing him to get electrocuted, the power on the island except in Zira's Office, Emma and the others notice the lights flickering, Zira and the jungle monsters noticed too "They are here" Zira said, the building that controls the power on the island all the sudden explodes Causing the building to fall to collapse, Kago, Uto, Zugor, Gunda, Granny and Ruby managed to survive but came out all electrocuted with their hair messed up, "I am alive" Uto said, Ruby punched Uto for his stupidity "You should be lucky you almost got us all killed jackass" Ruby said, "UTOOOOOOOO!!!!" Zugor screamed at his son "Now look what you did Banana Brain" Kago said, "Well at least we turned off the power lets get out of here" Granny said cleaning her glasses, Tarzan and Zelena also realized that the power was gone

Inside the cell were Belle was locked in, She noticed too that the power was off, Belle was coming to think how she would escape, she saw a paperclip on the floor "Yes" She grabbed it in hopes of using it to unlock the door, she managed to unclock it and stepped quietly out the cell, she looked to see if anyone was watching her, "Good" Belle said as she walked out, Belle than got out of Zira's Office by the back door, she ran far away to escape, Nuka than headed to get Belle out of her cell noticed the door was opened "Oh hell no!" Nuka than ran to warn his mother about Belle escaping "Mother bad news" Nuka said "Whats the bad news" Zira asked "The girl that Shere Khan brought here she escaped" Nuka informed, Zira shocked ordered the jungle monsters to go and find her "NO! I need her blood in order to unleash the fear Find her now!" Zira ordered, Emma and her group noticed the monsters coming outside of Zira's Office "Bring the dark one's sweetheart back, bringher alive" Shere Khan said to the other monsters, as the monsters headed into the jungle to search Emma and her group who were hiding got curious "Dark One's Sweetheart?" Emma said "Belle Escaped?" Regina said, "No Belle!" Mr. Gold yelled and ran after the monsters "Mr. Gold wait!" Nala said "Belle escaped but Jane is still in there" Timon said, "Zira is all alone in there? Good" Regina said, Emma and her group than headed inside Zira's Office.

Snow and Charming were still being chase by Banzai and Ed came across a giant mud hole, the two managed to jump over the hole, Ed triped on his foot and tackled Banzai causing the two hyenas to fall in the mud hole "My clothes" Banzai said covered in mud, Snow and Charming kinda laughed at the two now stuck in the mud, the two than ran back to Zira's Office.

The Flying Monkeys now flew with the master, Tarzan swinged vine to vine with a smile, one of the flying monkeys noticed Belle running towards the motels, they chattered at Zelena letting her know "What is it?" Zelena asked, the monkeys chattered again "Belle at the motels?" Zelena asked and the monkeys nodded yes, Zelena than flew to the motels, When Belle arrived in near the motels she decided to hide in one of the biggest ones, 

Shere Khan arrived just in time at the motels and began to search for Belle "I am the wrong guy to play hide seek Woman" Shere Khan said

Louie and his group finally freed all the animals from their enclosures, they were about release one more a Tyrannosaurus, "One more dinosaur of the pellucidar" Professor Porter said "The Pellucidar?" Henry asked "Its a place in the center of the earth were the gorillas and Tarzan lived" Professor Porter explained "I never thought i see an actual dinosaur" Henry said, Shanti than used the keys to open the paddock "Alright everybody stand back" Mama Odie said as she toke out her magic torch,

as the doors opened the Tyrannosaurus walked slowly outside, Tinkerbell got a bit nervous she got inside the paddock and saw a skeleton of buffalo, in relief that the t-rex already ate, "Come on big guy" Mama Odie said, the t rex than walked with the other animals & dinosaurs of the pellucidar, Henry looked at the sky and saw the sun was beginning to set "Come thats all of them lets head to Zira's hideout" Henry said as he hopped on Dumbo, Louie's group than headed to Zira's Office 

Back at the motels Zelena just arrived to search for Belle only to spot Shere Khan, 

"Hey tiger!" Zelena called out getting the tiger's attention, Shere Khan turned around with a a smirk on face "Where is Belle what have you done with her?!" Zelena asked angerily "I have done nothing to the dark one's girlfriend but i am looking for her" Shere Khan said "If you lay a finger on her  Rumpelstiltskin have your skin" Zelena said "Whats the dark one gonna do?" Shere Khan giggled "You injured Regina back in new york!" Zelena yelled "Yes and i do it again but next time she will drown in her own blood" Shere Khan laughed, Zelena toke out the dagger, Shere Khan just laughed "that dagger isn't gonna do nothing, fear will succumb your spirit" Shere Khan said "If you think i am afraid you think again.. you may inspire fear but wicked always wins" Zelena said as her skin switch to green,  Shere Khan got curious about Zelena "Green Skin? Interesting... i wonder if your blood is green as well because i am going to enjoy drinking it to detox my body" Shere Khan smiled and toke out his claws, Zelena grunted she used her broom to charge at Shere Khan attempting to stab him but the tiger dodge it, Shere Khan than bit Zelena in her left shoulder but the witch manage to hit him with her elbow, Zelena than had Shere Khan in a headlock and attempted to slash his throat with the dagger but the monster of the jungle kept resisting, she than used her magic to tackle him, her broom than pushed him to the ground. Shere Khan got back on his feet and lunged at Zelena having his two hand on her shoulders, he a was about to go for a sonic roar to break her ear drums but Zelena stabbed the tiger with the dagger in the right shoulder, after the stabbed Shere Khan began to get on his knees and felt nauseous, he spat on the ground drips of blood, he stood tall and sonic roared at Zelena, the witch covered her ears to avoid getting damaged, Zelena noticed the dagger glowing yellow, blue and white smoke around it, she realized that the dagger affected the fear in a scary way, Zelena than got punched in the middle of her breasts causing her to fall on her back, the witch than stabbed Shere Khan on his left leg with the dagger, Shere Khan roared in pain and toke the dagger out and threw away into the jungle, Zelena got on her broom and flew avoiding Shere Khan's super sonic roars that cause the windows on the buildings to shattered, Belle who was inside one of the motels covered her ears and screamed in horror, Zelena managed to avoid all the sonic roars, Shere Khan than saw an opening, he jumped building by building so high he slashed Zelena in the back causing her to fall.

Zelena was hurt but not injured, Zelena skin went back to regular pigmentation, Zelena bleed green, Shere Khan laughed after seeing green blood 

"I knew it" Shere Khan said, He looked at his claws and saw a bit of Zelena's Blood, he licked the green fluid like serial killer, he did another super sonic roar, Zelena got back on her broom and avoid all were the roar striked, Mr. Gold than arrived at the motels to search for Belle "Belle!" The dark one called out, Belle heard Mr. Gold and headed outside of the motel, Tarzan arrived and noticed the middle of the fight between Shere Khan and Zelena, "Zelena!" the apeman called out, Tarzan than handed the witch a spear, Zelana used magic on the spear, she got on her broom, the spear began glow light green, Zelena than charged at Shere Khan lunged the spear at the tiger in the chest, when the spear hit a burst of green energy exploded sending Zelena and Shere Khan to fall on their backs, Zelena got up and picked her hat "I told you... Wicked always wins" Zelena said, Tarzan than approached the witch "Zelena are you arlight" The apeman asked "Not really" Zelena turned around and showed the slash Shere Khan gave her in the back "No worries we will treat it" Tarzan said, "Belle!" Mr. Gold called out again, Belle appeared infront her lover and ran to him, the two hugged and kissed in relief 

"did he hurt you" Mr. Gold asked "No but he did slap me like an abusive husband" Belle said "He is gonna regret doing that" Mr. Gold, "Tarzan! Zelena!" Mr. Gold called out "What you two doing here?" Belle asked "I was looking for you Belle until Shere Khan showed up here at the motels that i had pick a bone with him" Zelena said "Yeah and it seemes that she got him... i hope..." Tarzan said "that tiger was strong..." Zelena said a little shocked "Well lets head to Zira's Office we still need to get Jane" Mr. Gold said "I hope she is alright" Tarzan said, "Mr. Gold can you please" Zelena said as she showed the dark one the slash giving to her by Shere Khan "He did that to you?" Mr. Gold said "I think i can do a healing spell" Mr. Gold but first lets go to Zira's Office, Mr. Gold and the others than headed to Zira's office.  

As they left, Shere Khan got up and still alive, he smirked and giggled, "Nice try Witch..." Shere Khan said as he took the spear out of his chest and threw on the floor "You should have gone for the head" Shere Khan said, as the tiger tried to move he stopped due to the pain on the chest, he looked under tiger stripped t-shirt, Zelena had wounded him, the wound was deep and bleeding, the tiger put his hand and pressured the wound to stop the bleeding, he jumped high and headed back to Zira's Office.

Back at Zira's Office, Nuka ran to his mother to warn her about Regina and her friends already in the building, "Mother its them they are here!" Nuka said "Can i finish them myself?" Nuka asked "Relax let them come once they reach me they will meet their graves" Zira said "As for Regina" Zira toke out her claws and slashed the wall, Vitani than arrived to inform news "Mother the woman got away" Vitani said, "No worries we can try the blood from Tarzan's Wife" Zira said, her friends and Simba's Allies won't make it either, Zira toke out her phone and dialed a number "Clayton come i need you right away " Zira said 

End of Chapter of 17

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