Part Six

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Sometimes Sadie would walk home from school instead of taking the bus, only so she could avoid Garner and have a few minutes of alone time to herself. Every few minutes, she would check her arm just to make sure the bleeding had died down a bit, and it had. 

Sadie's text tone blared from her left pocket, and when pulling it out an amber alert went off as well, for Cody.

Blaire's coming! She thought to herself. 

She had reached her house after half an hour of walking, and when walking in a musk of sweaty boy hit her face harder than she had been pushed by Garner. It was her brother, Chad. 

"You're home from college?" she asked as she started her way up the stairs and into her room.

Chad, the typically jock with muscles larger than NYC and a six pack, sat in a recliner situated in front of a large Smart Tv. Turning around, he replied, "Just for a week. I took off."

"You can't take off from college."

Chad at this point has gotten up to grab yet another soda and sat right back down to finish an episode of Black Mirror on Netflix. "I can do what I want!"

In her room, Sadie texted Blaire again to tell her everything she needed to know while listening to Spotify and beginning an essay that was due tomorrow.

Sadie: Okay, so the memorial is at Central Lutheran down off Lancey Drive, you know where that is. And dress casual, a dress would be perfect. And you can stay at my house if you needed to.

Seconds went by before Blaire texted back.

Blaire: Great! I should be at your house at midnight. You'll be up, right?

Sadie: Yes!

Sadie set her phone down and smiled the rest of the time she worked on her school work. Her best friend was coming back.

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