-Chapter 15-

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(sorry for the lag my dudes it been a while I know TnT I suck at keeping stories up)

Thoughts ran through my head, I don't what to do from here. I gently rubbed the towel onto my legs. Carefully wiping the remaining dried blood. Disgusted, stomach turning as I did so. It was a horrible sight. Someone so horrible to do something like this to me. I don't know why people can have the heart, the soul, the strength...to do such a thing? It's wrong. Just why? why? What did I do? What trouble had I caused? I understand Springtrap wasn't 'Good-Friends' with him/her. At the same time, It's not right.

Excited, very much especially since I'd never pictured it happening so fast. So quickly, I became wishing that it was a girl. Dreams I'd had each night, thinking what the baby would look like. Personality, facial features, especially those chunky cheeks that'd I most likely never get to see. Never. Again.

My eyes teared up the more I thought about it. It wouldn't escape my mind the more I tried, blocking it from my mind. I can't, it's impossible. I understand that everything happens for such reasons, but at the same time, I wanted this baby to happen. Even if later in life Springtrap and I split and went our separate ways, I'd still have someone with me. Do you know?

It truly does suck, but I know that this may have happened for a certain reason. Even though it occurred by someone's selfish actions. I will forgive them, but i won't forget what they'd done to me. 

I finished cleaning myself the best i could wit the towel i'd found within the old dusty cabinets below the sink. Trying to take my mind off the situation as best I could. Stressing myself out at a time like this wouldn't be good for me, or anyone at this point in time. Stress won't help me get past anything. As i started to wash the cloth the best i could with the water within the bucket, that'd been collected due to the medium sized leak.

"Mangle..?" Springtrap had said as he gave the door a small two knocks, alerting me. I responded with an 'yes' as he sighed and asked politely if he could come in knowing he shouldn't be up and walking at this moment. I opened the door slightly as i looked into his eyes. I proceeded to open the door fully and walk toward him, pulling him into an embrace. Hugging a bit too tight, as my head laid on top his chest. Hand wrapped around his waist as i started to tear up. His hands traveled around me, one hand rubbing my back, soothing me the best he could. His ears folded back expressing himself through his actions. 

We both didn't mean for this to happen. We DIDN'T want this to happen. Maybe it was too soon? Not meant to be? We'll probably never know.

The same right hand that had soothed my back rose up to my head and started to caress throughout my short curly white hair. "It's going to be o-okay Mangle....I-I just know it...L-lets try to move on the best we can. Now may not be the right time but we have no choice. We have more dangerous things coming after us right now and with my he-health...." he cut himself off for a minute, trying to regain his balance the best he could. Needing to support himself with the door frame on his right side till he fell to his knees pretty quickly. His body not fully recovered.

"Springtrap!" I yelled as i went to his aid. Trying to provide him with help, only then he waved me off wanting to get up himself. "Let me help you-"

"I. am. Fine. I can do it myself." he muttered to me groaning as he lifted himself up slowly and carefully. Legs wobbling a bit as he tried to maintain his stance the best he could. "I can stand up. You don't need to help me. I'll manage." he spoke with a bit of a rude tone. He sighed as he proceeded to walk toward the main bedroom. "I'm going to l-lay down....for now.." Walked off toward the room as he laid on top the bed. Sulking into the sheets as the pain grew more intense for him. 

I stood quiet knowing if i responded, it wouldn't have helped the situation. With his stubborn attitude. I can never get my point across without him stomping off somewhere. I've learned from previous moments. But sometimes, I feel like I have too. Especially this time. I know at times he wants the help, but seems scared to show his vulnerability. Not wanting to show his vulnerable side, or seem scared. Make people think he's 'weak' when he's not. But it's just how he is. I went toward the room, seeing him knocked out cold. I walked and sat within the rocking chair that laid beside the small closet. Slowly dozing off into never-land for the night. the best I could.

Marionette's POV

It's not fair. Not fair for me. How could those damn little maggots get away. It's not fair. I need them. To feel the pain I'd gone through all these goddamn years. For what he did. To me. to me....what he did to me. 

I want them to feel, the anxiety and being scared, vulnerable as my killer took my away. From my family. My friends. I want them to feel what i felt. Knife, cutting me as he enjoyed my screams. Strangulation of his hands around my tiny neck as he chuckled, maniacally. Proceeding to take my life away with my his outrageous stabs to my stomach. Having me scream in pain and suffering. blood pouring on all sides, splattering onto him the more he went. The moment i felt my spirit escape. Body going limp. Seeing him started to embrace himself with joy for what he'd done to me. His first ever recorded murder.

Cleaning and dusting himself off as he left me there to rot. decay. Leaving me like an 'ol ragdoll. i want my revenge. I wanted him to feel what I felt. ALL of them to know what I went through. 


Once, I finally get my revenge. We'd all be set free. Even if it means i get to burn in hell for what I'd caused. i'm saving them. All of them. From that Easter bunny looking ass bitch of a murderer!

I punched the wall as my eyes leaked blood mixed with oil. Shards of glass now on the floor as my hand started to bleed. I looked at it. No emotion. I need to get them back. I need to end this now. We need to leave and be sent free. 

I need to be set free. But not till the bunny lays dead and burning in the pit of fire, i'd created. hehehehheheh....

I looked toward the door, opened as it shows the animatronics roaming within their cages. I then smiled maniacally as i retrieved a nearby knife. I need to get this spree on and set them free. It'll be quick. For them at least. They'll thank me later. 

"H-Hey boss...? can you let me out?......I-i rEalLy need to get oUt oF hErE!!!" i walked toward the sex doll of a chicken's cage. I stared her down seeing her start to shake, afraid. opening the gate I did as i held the knife within my grasp still. "you won't need to worry about that anymore....trust me.    

You'll thank me later."

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