Chapter Twenty

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Luke's POV

"Get up you two, put your hands behind your head and control those dogs of yours." They obey, standing up slowly and doing as they were told. Luke sees Sarah turn around and she winks at him from the corner of her eye. His eyes widen as she slowly pulls her arm back, snapping at the dogs as she propels her arm forward, grabbing Mary's wrist and twisting it so the gun is facing upwards. Luke follows suit, taking the Chief of Police's gun and attempting to pull it out of his hand. The man pulls the trigger and shoots it into the sky with a thundering bang, causing Luke to jump, letting of his wrist. He quickly regains his grip and wristlocks him, twisting his arm and pushing his head down, flipping him on the floor to his back. Dropping down on his knees, he kneels on the mans chest and delivers blows to his head. Luke turns around and sees Sarah being assisted by the dogs who are leaping on the woman. The gun was still held by Mary but it was forgotten as the dogs leapt on her. 

"Chris! Get the dogs!" Chris, apparently that's his name, grunts before letting out a low, airy whistle. He hears a loud scrambling and sees a group of German Shepherds racing out from behind the building, teeth bared and eyes narrowed. They leap at Willow's pack and Sarah's left alone, fighting off Mary. She takes the gun and aims it at Sarah's head, but she dodges just in time as a bullet rings out of the gun. 

"Luke! Run! You can make it. Take the dogs with you. I'll be ok, just go!"

"I can't just leave you!" Luke calls out, punching Chris again in the face, knocking him out. Luke quickly gets off his chest and heads over to help Sarah, but she pushes him back.

"I told you, run! Get the dogs and yourself to safety!" Luke tries to get over to her again but she pushes him back once again, causing her to get a punch in the face by Mary. "See? You staying is making me lose, go!" With a sigh of defeat Luke races over to the dogs and pries them from the savage German Shepherds, taking the Shepherds' chain leashes and hooking them up to a tall pole. They race away from the group and he turns back, seeing Sarah get knocked on the head with the gun and collapse in a heap, pulled into the backseat of a spare cop car and quickly driven away. He and the dogs race after her but soon she's out of sight. With one last burst of speed he races to her but holds no avail. Defeated, he ushers the dogs behind the building and into a lightly wooded area. "Ok, I know that Sarah talks to you guys somehow so I'm going to try. I know you want to help free her, too and we need a plan. Oh my gosh I feel so stupid for saying this," Luke says, taking a huge breath in. "Do any of you have a plan?"

Why would you feel stupid for asking us? A deep voice in his head booms. Luke jumps and turns to see the pack all sitting except for one dog, a huge black, brown, and white dog with long and fluffy fur. Hello, I am Zeus, the leader of this pack. You are right, Sarah is a close friend of Willow's and any friend of my daughter is a friend of mine. 

I have an idea, a higher voice called out. He saw a white mini poodle make her way forward, her pink tongue lolling out. Hi, I'm Angel. 

"Hi, Angel," Luke replied, his throat dry as he anxiously listened to her explain her idea. He finally swallowed and nodded towards her, "I think that just might work." Her eyes gleaming in pride, he and the dogs made their way to the convertible and hopped in, hotwiring the car the same way Sarah had. He smiled to himself as the car rumbled to a start and the dogs yipped and barked with joy.

"I'm gonna save you Sarah, I love you too much to let you go," he shouted out to the skies. Everyone went completely silent, the dogs went motionless and he slapped his forehead, realizing that he'd just revealed his deepest secret to a pack of telepathic dogs who, in turn, were close to the one he just said he liked. No, not liked, loved. 

What did you say? a voice asked and he turned around, seeing a smaller version of Zeus, probably Sarah's friend, Willow, staring at him. Her brown eyes were wide and curious but her brows were also narrowed in suspicion.

Luke sighed heavily, "I said I love Sarah, ok? Get over it, she's amazing and I don't get why anyone wouldn't love her."

Willow wags her tail happily, glad to hear it. I like you, Luke. He blushes and smiles inwardly before backing out of the spot and pulling onto the street. The tires squealing as he sharply turned on the pavement and then continued driving on the road. He pulled into the parking lot at a small store and bought the gear he needed before steering back into the road and continuing to his destination. The car groaned in protest as he slammed on the brakes just outside a seemingly abandoned building surrounded by an electric fence. Smiling, he reached beneath his feet and grabbed the gear, hopping out of the car and ushering the dogs with him. He climbed up a tree and leapt over the fence, closely followed by the dogs who stayed on the other side of the fence. When he was over, he quickly picked the lock and let the dogs through and the whole pack raced out except for an Australian Shepard and her two puppies. They didn't want to go back inside but would watch from their post out of the fence. Luke nodded at them and continued on his walk to the side of the building before reaching into the bag and pulling out a rope connected to a climbing anchor. Taking the rope, he swung it behind his shoulder before chucking it up and smiling as it made contact and hooked onto a window. He grinned even wider when he realized it was Sarah's floor before tying the end of the rope to his waist and finding a grip on the rope. With a deep breath, he lifted his feet off the ground and placed them on the side of the building, his body falling backwards but he held it steady with his hands on the rope. Slowly he pulled himself up, trying to find places to put his feet where he most likely wouldn't fall. After what had to be at least an hour of climbing, he reached the window and hoisted himself onto the sill and pried open the window, hopping into an empty room.

He took a look around and found the door. Quickly pulling the rope off his waist and quietly turning the handle, he stepped out into the hallway and walked down to Sarah's room, gently rapping on the door. He heard footsteps and a loud sigh as the door was open and out stepped Sarah, as beautiful as always. Her blue eyes were glazed from sorrow but when she looked up at Luke they lit up.

"Luke!" she exclaimed happily, wrapping her arms around his neck and lifting up her feet. He expected to feel a pull downward but she was surprisingly light for her strength and he could easily hold her. After what felt like eternity he let her down and she dropped, looking up at him in wonder.

"Ok, we have to go, and quickly. Come on." She obediently followed him to the storage room he had come out of and he tied the rope around his waist once again but made an extra loop on the end. Sarah slipped into the smaller loop and faced him, hooking her legs around him as he slowly lowered himself out the window and onto the ground. He heard her sigh in relief as their feet touched the solid grass and he quickly untied the rope. Taking the dogs they raced out of the fenced in area and to the convertible where they hopped in and started driving without any hesitation. After a few hours of driving in what he hoped was the right direction, Sarah turned to him with a huge smile on her face.

"I recognize here! I know the rest of the way home!" 

"You want to drive?"

"Sure!" Sarah says and he pulls over, letting her into the driver's seat. Smiling, she turns on the radio and they loudly sing along, laughing the rest of the way home. "We're here," Sarah says and Luke stretches, when he sees her house his eyes light up. It was bright yellow and looked so inviting. He unbuckles and follows her up to her front door, where she is greeted with tear soaked hugs from her parents, and even her brother joined in, he HATES hugs.

"Sarah! We thought you were dead, some lady came and told us you fell off a cliff!"

Luke listens as she tells her family the same story she had told Mary just a few hours earlier. When she finishes, Sarah and Luke crouch down, petting the dogs that had walked up behind them while she was talking. Her mom is looking down at them in surprise.

"Of course we'll adopt Luke!" She sees the huge pack of dogs and her eyes suddenly turn scared, "But how are we supposed to adopt all of them?"

Sarah laughs, "We don't have to adopt them, they'll be happy living in the forest. Can I still visit them, though?" Sarah's mom smiles.

"Of course! Now come on in, I don't want you to catch a cold." Sarah had forgotten that it was nearly winter now, she was just so happy to be home. He, Sarah, and the dogs walk inside the house. They all wash up and have stew, Luke introducing himself to her family, and the dogs eat the kibble that was left in Sarah's room. She shows him her room and she flops down on her bed, her face suddenly turning serious. 

"We should call the cops. The real cops." He nods and she dials 911 on her phone, calling  them and explaining their edited story for the third time that day. She hangs up and smiles at him, "They're looking into it."

"Finally," he says with a smile. They say their goodnights and still smiling, he walks over to the guest room where he'll be staying for now. He happily changes into the clothes laid out on the foot of his bed and slides into the silky sheets, falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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