[10] - Just half of the tale

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Just half of the tale


I'd spent the whole of yesterday with Rory, trying to make him forget what had happened in the morning with the white wolf. After spending the day at the mall and ending the day with a movie, we'd gone home and made out till we'd passed out from sheer exhaustion. I flushed, remembering how intense it had been before shaking my head to stop thinking about it. After that, I felt weird, my body felt hot and itchy, but I ignored it.

I'd taken a shower, but the heat and the itchiness hadn't disappeared. Today was Saturday, and I told Rory I was off to see Jack because there were still some things I wanted to settle; like who the hell was the white wolf and why had Jack been talking to Michael like that?

Just what the fuck was going on?

Rory still seemed in a mild state of shock from my transformation yesterday, but he'd nodded at me and said he was going to stay over at Patricia's for the day and he'd see me later tonight. We were more or less settling into a relationship and God, it felt damn good to be with Rory. Getting to kiss him at random intervals, and make him breakfast and make him laugh; this was my definition of The Life.

I actually wanted to fucking coddle him for the rest of my life. Better not let him hear that though, or he'll probably smack me in the head.

The cab came to a stop in front of Jack's accommodations, and I paid the driver before exiting and sending Jack a text to come and get me. He was out in a few minutes, wearing a pair of shorts and flip flops.

"I know why you're here," he said, stuffing his hands into his pockets after he'd let me in, leading me towards his flat, "Trust me, I'm not exactly sure what's happening, except for the fact that this wolf has been at us for years."

"What the devil did you guys do to it? Or should I say 'him'?"

"Nothing," Jack snapped, turning to face me, "It's something between Michael and him, and Michael's being irresponsible by running away constantly and putting us all in danger. That is not – and should not be – the way we handle things in the pack."

"You tried telling that to him?" I responded, unperturbed by his menacing expression.

"Oh, I've tried. But the idiot refuses to listen."

He scrubbed a hand over his face, letting us into the flat and leading me to the kitchen and sitting room area. I walked over and plunked into one of the bar stools, while he filled a cup with cold water straight from the tap. He gulped half of it before turning to face me.

"Michael found us, one by one."

My ears perked up, and it was only then that I realized I'd always been curious as to how the weirdoes became werewolves. Where they born like that? Or changed?

I was about to find out.

"I was first. I was very young, still a pup when he found me. I was abandoned by my parents and he took me in. He's like a dad to me. I don't even remember my real family. It's like they don't exist. He found Silver and Toni next. Silver was also born a were, but he was a bit rogue, and in Michael's attempt to cool him down and tell him he wasn't alone, Toni was mistakenly created. This is why, even though most people don't notice, Silver and Toni are kind of close. Silver feels guilty about changing her, while Toni doesn't really mind, but that doesn't change anything to him.

"Now, Viviane – Viviane was a serious case. She was also changed, by a rogue who must be long dead by now. The same rogue killed her family. They were on a trip somewhere and the wolf just attacked from nowhere. After that, Viviane became sort of a runaway. So Michael found her and took her in. She was wild when we tried to talk to her, untameable, or so we thought. People used to call her names because of how she was – weird and quiet, always alone – I mean, that would happen to anybody that saw their parents get killed in front of them by a rabid wolf. She used to dye her hair and wear huge clothes – an attempt at being invisible, and because she thought she was alone, the rest of us took it upon ourselves to make her feel at home.

"So Silver dyed his hair silver – how shocking! – Toni dyed hers orange and I dyed mine black. So, instead of Viviane being 'the weirdo', we then became 'the weirdoes.'"

"Ah," I said in understanding, "Wait, your hair's not naturally black?"

Jack laughed, "Yeah, I know, I'm a coward, picking an easy colour. And no, my hair's more of an auburn."

He finished his water in a huge gulp and then refilled his cup, "Now, this white wolf started appearing the minute I became a teen. It fucking tried to kill me. The same thing happened with the others – each time Michael initiated someone into the pack, this wolf was always there, always watching, waiting to tear us apart. I don't completely understand it myself. Hell, I'm horribly confused. It's like...it attacks and then it disappears," Jack said, frowning in thought as he finished his sentence. "But then again, Michael has always made us move when it attacked, so that could be why it disappeared for a while."

"It definitely wants Michael," I said, shivering as I remembered the way it – he – had growled at me, pure hate in his voice. There had been something manic in his eyes that spoke of a person being tortured by personal demons.

What the fuck had Michael done to him?

"And Michael knows why," Jack responded, his earlier anger at the situation returning, "He knows, and instead of confronting it, he always runs. The fucking coward."

"He must've done something really bad," I commented quietly.

"Why do you say that?" Jack asked, his eyebrows furrowing with curiosity.

"Well, it only makes sense, doesn't it? When the wolf spoke to me, there was so much...hate there. It was frightening. And Michael? Maybe he keeps running away because he can't face what he did. So you're right. He is a coward."

"What could he have done that was so bad someone would want to kill him?" Jack asked, sounding exasperated. "He just isn't the kind of person to hurt someone else. I know this."

"He did have a life before you, you know."

Jack seemed to swell in his seat. "What the fuck are you insinuating? You don't fucking know him like we do, Adam, so I suggest you shut your fucking mouth."

I held my hands up in a calming gesture. "Whoa, calm down. I'm just saying it as I see it."

Jack deflated, but he still looked pissed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, this has been eventful," Jack said after a minute, standing up and gesturing at the door, "But I'm afraid I have a lot to catch up on for Monday. Let's just hope – for our sake and Michael's – that this is the last time the mysterious white wolf shows its appearance."

I groaned at the mention of Uni, only just realizing I'd missed three days' worth of lectures because of my first change into a werewolf and the illness as a result of it. This meant I had even more shit to do than Jack.

"Alright. Text or call me or something if anything comes up," I said, and he nodded, escorting me to the gate before disappearing back into his flat.

I clenched my hand into a fist. The air of danger and little wisps of fear were still wafting in my head and I was desperate to protect my mate – protect Rory at all costs. I hated that being with me was going to bring so much drama into our lives and I was just really eager for this situation to end itself. I didn't want another situation like this happening because I was scared Rory was going to say it was too much and leave me.

The thought alone made me heave, like I was going to throw up and I made up my mind, bringing out my phone to call a cab.


I vaguely remembered the routes Rory had used when we left the 'pack house' and I told the cabbie to stop by the road. I paid him and made sure no one was watching before making my way through the dented shrubs – dented because of the tracks of tires running over them – and then made my way to the house.

If the pack wasn't going to talk to Michael about this, then I would. And if Jack was getting nowhere with Michael, then maybe the newest member of the pack – A.K.A me – and the one with the least ties to the alpha could make him talk. Perhaps all Michael needed to offload was an unbiased ear.

The other weirdoes probably weren't that worried, because according to Jack, the wolf was going to disappear. But then again – it only disappeared when they moved, right? And right now, the rest of the pack didn't seem too keen on moving, which meant they'd come across the wolf again sooner than later.

I'd nearly lost my life and Rory in the process – like hell was I going to let it happen again. Plus, Michael needed to resolve any issues he had with his past. It probably sounded like none of my business, but when my life is on the line, it kinda made it my business.

My steps turned lighter as I neared the house, and I had no idea why I was suddenly creeping. It was like an unknown instinct that by the time I was a few metres from the house, I was as silent as a ghost.

I froze when I spotted the white wolf in front of the house, and my eyes grew wide. I was about to growl, when Michael's voice stopped me.

"Leo –" he began, but the wolf growled at him, the sound sharp and filled with revulsion.

I heard a noise, like Michael was trying to approach the wolf, and he seemed to have made the wrong move because the wolf was suddenly pouncing. I heard the sickening sound of teeth ripping through flesh and bone breaking, before, on instinct, I shifted, ripping out of my clothes, my first instinct to protect my alpha.

The sight that greeted me was the white wolf trying to rip Michael to shreds, while Michael –

While Michael did absolutely nothing.

What the fuck?

I growled, and the second the wolf noticed it was outnumbered, it turned and fled. Michael's broken and beaten body lay in the sand, but his chest was expanding and contracting, showing me that he was still alive.

I shifted back to my human form, collapsing down beside him just as panic began to set in. Should I call the hospital? My hands hovered over his form, unsure if I could touch him or not, not wanting to worsen injuries I couldn't see. Fuck, he looked bad. There was blood everywhere. If I'd thought the attack on me was bad, this was nothing compared to that.

"You just stood there," I couldn't help but hiss at him, "Do you have a fucking death wish?"

He didn't respond to my quip, saying instead, "Leave. Now," his voice so raspy and low had I been a normal human, I wouldn't have heard him.

"What?" I replied, "I can't just leave you like this! You need help!"

"I'll heal," he winced. "Now, leave. Get some clothes from the house and go back home. And tell no one of this incident."

The last few words were an alpha command, and I couldn't control my body as I stood up and turned around, leaving his bloodied and broken body to its demise. The white wolf could come back while I was gone, and Michael would be helpless. The thought made me frustrated.

It was only when I arrived back at the house I shared with Rory that I regained control of my limbs.

"What. The. Fuck," I whispered into the air.

Michael had definitely done something bad to the wolf – Leo? And the fact that he hadn't fought back was proof that he really must have done something unforgivable. That he wanted the white wolf to hurt him said a thousand words.

A billion scenarios played out in my head – had he changed the wolf without their permission? Mistakenly killed their family when he'd been turned? What? I scrubbed a frustrated hand over my face, feeling a light headache coming on.

I decided I wasn't going to think about it, but I was going to convince the rest of the pack to confront Michael. We needed to deal with this shit right now because he was endangering not just himself, but the rest of us.


"Man, I'm beat!" Rory yawned as he shut his laptop closed, standing up from the carpeted floor and stretching until his bones popped.

"Ew," I mumbled distractedly, chewing on the end of my pen.

A foot appeared in my face and I jumped back in surprise, glaring at Rory as he chuckled.

"This is your fault for missing school for three days. You're lucky I'm even helping you."

"Not like it was my fault," I complained.

"Po-tay-to, po-tah-to," Rory teased.

Rory had gotten back from Patricia's a few hours ago and found me on the floor in the sitting room, trying to make up for my missed lectures and piled homework. He'd brought home Chinese food, and we had a quick dinner before he demanded to help me with the work. I'd tried to tell him it was a boat load, but he'd insisted, and that was how we ended up sprawled on the sitting room floor, working like our lives depended on it.

I tugged on his still outstretched foot. He yelped and lost his balance, landing right in my lap. I adjusted his position so that I held him like he was my bride, one arm around his shoulders while the other was underneath his knees. His cheeks burned bright red and I grinned.

"I was going to call myself the damsel in distress but the case seems to be reversed."

"Oh, you asshole," he laughed but he made no move to leave my embrace.

The itch I'd been feeling all day intensified and the heat in my belly blazed. I leaned down to sniff at his neck, inhaling his scent.

"Ugh, are you actually sniffing me?"

"Mhm," I replied, "You need to stop hanging around Pat. I don't like her scent on you."

"Oh, yeah? And do tell, what does she smell like?" he asked in a teasing tone, and I noticed his voice had gone an octave lower.

"Sunflowers, and its fucking irritating to my nose."

Rory laughed. There was a brief silence before he asked, his voice definitely a tad huskier, "And what do I smell like?"

I inhaled deeply, shivering from the intensity of his scent, "I don' really know," I slurred, "Something thick and heady. Like the first rain after a long drought. Or the first flowers in spring. I don't know how to explain it; it's like everything I love in a mash."

"Oh," he whispered back and I could hear his heartbeat speed-up in his chest.

"I can also hear your heart," I whispered, suddenly wanting to share all my wolf abilities with him, "I can hear music from your iPod when I'm in my room and you're downstairs. I can smell when you get aroused."

As if on cue, the heady scent of his arousal wafted into my nose.

I groaned. "Fuck, you're going to drive me out of my mind."

The scent intensified and I crushed our lips together, unable to bear it. He adjusted his position so that he was straddling my thighs, our lips meshing furiously. I started sucking and tugging on his lips and teeth, unable to resist the temptation, and he started making those fucking sexy whimpers in the back of his throat, making me practically burn with need.

What happened next was totally out of my control. Probably.

One minute we were kissing sloppily like sex-starved teenagers, and the next, a vehement, desperate urge was surging up my gut and I had shoved Rory into the carpet, holding his hands above his head as I bruised his lips in a harsh kiss, practically marking him. It was when he began to squirm beneath me that I realized what I was doing. I was dominating him – without thought or care.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry," I gasped, pulling away, my cheeks flushing with guilt at the sight of the red marks already forming on his wrists from how hard I'd held him down.

"I'm...it's okay," he replied, his voice raspy and his eyes a little dazed.

The urge to shove his face into the carpet and rip his clothes off, make him beg me to take him was almost overpowering.

"Yup!" I said breathlessly, "Time to go to bed!"

I packed up my things, planting a quick peck on his lips as a goodnight kiss, before rushing up to my room. The thoughts and urges didn't stop coming and the itch I'd thought was gone was back, even more intense now, and before I could stop myself, I was jerking off against my door, panting heavily and biting my lip to hold back my moans. When I came, it took all of my energy and I collapsed on the floor, panting heavily.

"Holy hell," I panted.

I shook my head and snuck out later to take a quick shower, before forcing myself to do some more work and then heading to bed.


I woke up three hours later, panting and shaking and staring at the ceiling. I was sweating so much my sheets were soaked; everything felt fucking hot. It was boiling. The random thought of me sinking my teeth into Rory's neck, marking him as mine flashed through my mind, and I mewled in the back of my throat, my hips shooting into the air as I came, right on the spot.

"Fuck. Shit. Shit," I moaned, shoving a fist down to press hard against my cóck because fuck, I wouldn't stop coming. Tears of pleasure filled in my eyes and I rolled my hips desperately, grinding into my fist, trying to ride it out. It finally ended and I collapsed on the bed, gasping desperately for air.

And even after that powerful orgasm, I was hard again, ready to rumble. This time, memories of making out with Rory, having him in my arms, kissing his lips, his hands on me – tasting him in my mouth – was what pushed me to the edge.

"Holy shit!" I sobbed into my other hand, my hips grinding frantically as I came again. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I kept rolling my hips, sobbing with pleasure from the orgasm.

Oh God, what was happening? What was going on? The violent need to take Rory and mark him was nearly staggering. I wanted to go straight to his room and fuck him into his bed while sinking my teeth into his shoulder.

That thought had me coming again, and I gasped out, squeezing myself hard, soaking through my shorts. When I was done, I scrambled for my phone and sent Jack a text because I didn't want to risk coming on the phone if I called him.

Jack! Fuck, I'm panicking! I just came three times in the past minute!

There was a minute where he didn't reply, and I was rolling around in my sheets, panting, sparks of pleasure travelling up my legs. It took me a second to realize that I was rubbing myself, stroking urgently, aching to come again. Oh God, oh god, oh god. What the fuck!

My phone beeped and I hurried to read the message, forcing my hand away from my crotch and ignoring the way the heat in my belly flared.

Way to brag, dude! At three fucking a.m. in the morning!

No, you don't get it, I quickly typed back, I'm sweating and it's hot and fuck, I swear this is a werewolf thing. Am I falling sick? I don't fucking like this!

Another minute passed, and then my phone beeped.

Whoa, are you serious? That's impossible!

What's impossible???

My breath hitched and my hips rocked and then I was coming for the fourth time. Even though I had come fucking four times in the past ten minutes, the need wasn't going away. It was like with each orgasm it kept building instead of calming, and it was becoming painful.

This is funny. Shit. I need to call Michael to confirm this, gimme a second.

I waited for his verdict, nervous and achy. His reply came twenty minutes later, and by then, I'd come a good few more times, the need in my gut nearly unbearable.

You're in heat. Michael's assuming you haven't marked Rory yet, so this is your body's – mainly your wolf's – last resort into forcing you to do what it wants.

'Forcing' me? That's some fucking bullshit! And then the message seemed to properly sink in. Wait, what? Heat??? You mean like a fucking female dog?

LOL, yes. This is fucking hilarious, I'm sorry Adam.

Fuck you, asshole, how do I make it go away????

Far as I know, marking Rory's the only way to stop it. LOL.

Can you stop LOLing? There has to be another way because Rory's not ready! And I will NOT pressure him! This is some serious bullshit.

Ugh, I don't know! I was never good at this shit. Maybe if you stay away from him, it'll eventually cool off? I mean, it has to eventually, right? The wolf can't keep you in heat forever. According to Michael, it lasts for about three days so if you keep at it, you might last through it. Look, it's fucking three a.m. and this is quite a disturbing topic, so I'm going to say good luck and good night! :D

Fucking asshole!

I glared at the phone, and then threw it into one corner of my bed.

Great,like the white wolf and all this drama wasn't enough, just one more thing Ineeded to make this fucking day complete! 

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