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- 4 O'CLOCK -

"I already told you Jimin. You can't date three guys in a relationship! Are you dumb? Or nuts, Jesus! You're just eighteen-" Jimin, the said guy with his both hands attach on his ears mouthing a different kind of profanity as the moment his Father started his scolding session.

Jimin himself didn't know what's wrong with having a three boyfriend? I mean, where is the fun there? If he just dated one man right?

They can have foursome or-

Jimin choked on his spit when his Father pinch his thigh. He yelps in pain and rubbed the aching area and pouted his shiny plump lips, courtesy of his latest lip balm with cherry flavor.

The older man sighed heavily. He was so done. Done mean, he is tired of giving all he can do to save him or tired to teach him what the right things to do.

Because how cannot you be so tired when this matter lasted for five years and counting? He accepted the fact that he is gay because it's his son and no one ever will accept him first beside of his Parent.

"Dad. Chill, I like them okay? We are having fun. Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung, and Hobi hyung are cool. Unlike you!" Jimin exclaimed rolling his small eyes that wanted to roll backward. If that is possible.

"Jimin, I know the feeling of a true love. If that's happened to you. You can't escape anymore! You have to face it and accept all the ups and down! That's the right relationship! Unlike this one! This is horrible! This is-"

"Okay. What am I supposed to do?! What do you want me to do then?!" He screams like the one he is shouting is not his Father.

The man massages his temple in too much stress. He can't find the son he loves- no, he still loves him after all. Because who will hate your child? He is so precious. Especially when his Mother died during his pregnancy.

"You need to learn your lesson and live on your own. Find a job and feed yourself!"

Jimin scoffed frantically. He fans himself using his small chubby hands and widened his small eyes. "W-what?! Are you crazy you dipshit!"

"Yeah. This dipshit gave you the freedom you want. Now, leave the house in an instant and come back here after you learn your lesson." Jimin stood up with a lot of authority.

He smug to show his Father the real winner in this talk.

"Just so you know my boyfriends are there for me to help. You will crawl on me and ask for me to come back." His Father smirks shaking his head.

"We will see that Jimin. We will see."

Jimin stomps his feet the moment his Father turn his back on him and planning on leaving him.

"Bye Jimin go get your things and vanish."

"Bye Yoongi fuck you. He stomps his two feet off the ground the moment he came out of his boyfriend, for the third time.

"Jim, sorry babe. Your Father is powerful. I can't let you in here sorry." Jin, his first boyfriend said to him forty-five minutes ago, the said man close the door with a banging sound, causing Jimin to jump. "Let's break up."

"Sweety. Why did you do that to your Father? You know, your Father lost his patience. Especially when you keep on talking back." Namjoon said to him with furrowing eyebrow.

"Are gon to help or nah? Cos, I will-"

"No, let's end this relationship. I find Jin hyung ass more plump than yours."

"Escuj me?!" Jimin again jumped when Namjoon closed his door.

"Baby boy. Your Father has a snake as a pet in your house. You know I hate snakes. Please."

"Hobi hyung! Be a man and help me! I don't have anywhere to go!"

"Sorry. Don't come back anymore." That's the last thing he heard three minutes ago.

He looks at the sky and saw that it's getting dark. It's too bad for him, he doesn't have an umbrella. The place to is too surrounded by many trees without leaves on it. He is fucking doom.

No money.

No house.

No boyfriend.

No problem!

He smiles and jumps. "Yay! I'm fucking free I will-"

The sky roaring in thunder, he covers his ears and his body when it started to rain in slow portion.

He didn't notice his eyes getting watery knowing how bad his situation is.

His lips that trembling and cheeks flushing.

"Where should I go, then." He sat on the edge of a slanted rock and cry their silently.

The rain keeps on falling. Faster from his own liking.

"Should I apologize?" He muttered to himself and sighed.

"Maybe you should." A deep sexy voice said to him. He looks up and saw a gorgeous man holding an umbrella to cover him from rain, he is wearing a beanie and a jacket with a big travel bag on his back.

Its too big and look so heavy. He thought to himself and studied the person helping him.

"I said you should apologize. The reason why you're here maybe because you did something bad." The unknown man said to him smiling, looking from afar.

He looks stunning just standing there.

"Saying sorry doesn't mean your weak, it means you grow up as a good person and you learn your mistake." He added smiling and look at him sincerely.

"W-who are you?" He asked looking at his brown orbs. "Are you new here? W-why-"

"I'm just nothing, don't mind me. Just take this umbrella." He said pushing the things.

Jimin pushes it back shaking his head. "N-no, what's your name?"

The man sighed. "Just call me Vante."

Jimin discovered that Vante is a traveler and a photographer as well. He said he will travel to every town in South Korea and film it for his own reason.

Jimin also finds out Vante first visiting place in Busan. He already did filming it and planning on going to Ilsan by himself and film it again for a good week.

He asks the other one to butt him in, during his whole travel. Vante is against in the idea. But, when Jimin cries and explains what happen he agreed. He didn't say about him being a hoe, though.

"Whoa! Ilsan is very beautiful too eh?" Jimin said smiling looking around. "It's my first time here! I love it!"

"Should I leave you here then?" Vante said capturing every beautiful scenery he finds.

"Stop fooling around, you know. I'm really not fond of a joke." Vante nodded changing his expression to a serious one. Jimin bit his tongue.

Did he make Vante uncomfortable? Probably.

"I didn't- meant it. You see. I like jokes, really. Just, just don't get mad and leave me here." Vante smile a little nodding his head but didn't say anything.

"Are you hungry?" Jimin asked to change the atmosphere. I can make your sandwich. I'm good at it!" The taehyung expression became gloomy again.

Jimin thinks he said something wrong. So he decides to shut up.

"If you're hungry Jimin, you can get my bags and search something to eat. Don't mind me, just, don't starve yourself I don't want anyone to get hungry." Jimin bites his lips and nodded.

Does he like me? He seems concern. He thought.

"You don't like to eat?" He asked again and Vante waves his hand and shot again.

"I will film a video." Jimin nodded and sat next to Vante's bag. Watching him to film a good place.

Vante took his video recorder and start filming. He waves in the camera and smile genuinely.

Jimin chokes in his handsomeness.

"Hi.." Vante started. "This is Ilsan. A very beautiful place to stroll, especially when the weather is..not too hot! And not too cold, just exact!" Vante smiles again and looks around.

"The trees are very beautiful and the wind is so fresh." Jimin inhales the moment Vante said it. "Its good particularly to those sick and ill. They need this kind of freedom.."

"..Hugging the wind blowing and make yourself calm." He continued filming his face.

Jimin is very focused. He did not notice his not attending sandwich hanging in the air.

Just Vante.

Looking at Vante.

No one else.

Unlike other places we've been through, Gwangju was a bit calmer than ever. We're here in a quiet part of the place, filming the entire field of flower farm.

This place is own by two old people, who are married for fifty years. Their love story are so inspiring and sweet, because like any other couple. They experience challenges and struggle in life.

The old woman was discovered with a severe condition, she has cancer. The man himself had a different problem too.

His parents do not allow them to have a relationship because the woman was sick and they're rich. His parent like his son to have a rich partner too.

But that didn't stop them to love each other.

The man and the woman run away. The man works day and night just to earn money to save the life of the woman he loves with his life.

The woman almost dies back there, but the man didn't let it happened.

He earned enough money to save the life of his love and now they have the biggest hectares of flower field in Korea.

During the two old couple telling their wonderful story.

Vante is crying. He looks so fragile looking serious and listens very well. He hugged the two couple and thank them for letting us feature their field of flowers.

So now we are here walking and filming it. Vante is a quiet person.

I'm with him in the last two months and I develop certain feelings.

He makes my heart pound and cheeks blushed that didn't happen before when I was with my shitty boyfriends.

Just by seeing him smiling rolling the video recorder makes me happy and contented.

I even like simple life now, unlike when I was at our house. I like to buy expensive things that useless and ate inexpensive places too but just to capture the looks of the food not to gain my weight.

Vante change me in a good way and I'm good with that.

Jimin snapped his trance when Vante called him. He looks at Vante seeing the boy holding two flowers. Which is white rose and red rose?

Vante slowly leans forward to him and put the white rose on his ear makes Jimin blushed and bite his lips.

"You look good in that flower so I pick it." Jimin just nodded. He is lost for words.

Vante is really a sweet guy, he is really soft for Jimin. Especially during the time that they finished all the food they have.

Vante still hasn't got some cash because they are in the province, in a secluded area. They didn't eat and Jimin is fucking hungry that time.

Vante left Jimin in their tent and promise to come back. After one and a half hour. He came back with fruits and a two Styrofoam with rice and a simple viand.

Vante let Jimin ate all the food and sleep.

Vante didn't let Jimin starving.

And that time, Jimin knows that Vante likes him too.

Jimin decided to confess his feelings right now. They're together in four months and he was very happy with the boy named Vante.

The two are at the side of the pond filming the ducks and Vante is chuckling, everytime the ducks says; quack.

"Stop laughing." Jimin taunted laughing too. Vante laughed really contagious. "You almost fall in a pond because your body is shaking when you laughed." He added scolding Vante.

Vante smiles on him and turns off his video recorder, putting away the certain things and sat next to Jimin.

Vante looks so peaceful just sitting next to him and Jimin almost have a heart attack because he doesn't know its the right time.

It's now or never, right?

"Vante.." He called him and Vante looks at him intently. Jimin pushes his luck by kissing him on his lips, feeling the soft lips of Vante.

While the two losses on their word. Vante phone ringed. Engulfing the entire places startling the ducks and so them.

Vante pulls away and stands up getting his phone and take the calls. While Jimin touching his lips, he saw Vante with teary eyes and trembling lips.

"I- Jimin." Vante sighs ruffling his hair harshly.

"What," Jimin asks blushing.

"I need to go back to Daegu now." Jimin shock expression is an understatement. "This is really important."

"I-i want to come with you," Jimin said standing up too and hold Vante hands.

The boy pulls away looking scared. "J-Jimin I suggest for you to go home and say sorry to your Dad. I need to hurry up and-"

"Are you ignoring the fact that we kissed? Vante, I know you know that I like you very much. Don't tell me..you just gave me false hope?"

"W-what Jimin I didn't get you..you like me? Why?" Vante steps backward.

"Vante..you're different. You make me happy and makes my heart beat fast." Vante sighs. "Vante, i- just don't like you...I love you so much.." He added crying and sobbing.

Vante lean hugging him. "Please give me a chance and don't ignore my feelings."

"J-Jimin you don't understand." He shakily said massaging Jimin back to calm him down.

"If I don't understand! Enlighten me! Don't just leave me hanging, because I can't live with the fact that my first love rejected me, especially now that I have goals in life.."

"..I like traveling now when I'm with you, I like having fun with you and I want to live with you..please consider my feelings and let me in, in your heart." Jimin sobs hugging tightly Vante.

"I don't- don't know what to say. Come with me in Daegu Jimin."

And so he comes

Our travel was long and boring, we ride a bullet train so that we can go to his hometown fast. He held my hands but not intertwining that makes me feel bad.

I thought we were going home but we came to a Hospital running. Maybe his parents are sick?

Now we're standing outside room 31. Vante is shaking while opening it, we saw a really handsome guy in a bed look so pale but look so ethereal.

He looks younger than us and he has this thing to make his breath fine.

"Jungkook." Vante runs inside leaving me outside the room. He hugged the boy makes my heart clenched.

It his brother. right? I thought to myself and continue looking at them.

The boy opened his eyes and smile weakly putting away his breather. "T-taehyungie.."

Taehyungie? Who is Taehyung?

"Baby are you okay?" Vante asked crying kissing his cheeks and held his hands.

It's too much for me, it's suffocating. "Baby I told you to stop forcing yourself, I almost lost you.."

"Did you capture the places I want to visit, huh. Taehyung?" I step backward and hold my mouth. "I hope you h-have fun...i want to see those places Taehyung.."

"Baby yes, I filmed it well just for you.." Vante said getting fast his video recorder, he didn't notice that I am holding the thing right now.

"W-wait where is it-" Vante looks at me, in my hands particularly. I want to throw this thing and kick it until it broke. But- I am not pathetic like that begging for Vante or should I say Taehyung to love me.

The boy looks at me too smiling. "Who is he? H-hyung?"

"He's Jimin..my f-friend." I bite my lips and let myself inside even if they didn't invite me. "He comes with me.."

"H-hi hyung..I'm Jungkook." The boy said smiling. "Taehyung hyung boyfriend."

And that very moment I lost my soul and so my mouth.

Taehyung leaves the room to get Jungkook food and for us to leave us in silence.

Jungkook is so beautiful compared to me, he looks so soft and has a resemblance to an angel.

"Jimin hyung.." Jimin snapped and look on Jungkook fast. He saw the boy smiling. "You like him..don't you?"

"I- what are you saying Jungkook. Rest yourself." Jungkook smiles again and held Jimin hands. "What are you doing?"

"I'm dying Hyung," Jungkook said blinking his tears away. "And I can't take care of Hyung forever likes he want me too. Hyung.." Jungkook sighs and sobs silently.

"..I love him so much but my heart is aching. I can't live for a long time. This is so frustrating you know?" Jimin listens crying too with him seeing the boy sharing his thoughts.

"We met before when I runaway over my dad pushing me away because I'm a brat." Jimin eyes widened because of the familiarity of the story. "He let me live with him even if he knows I'm sick and take care of me, we are in a relationship for seven years and living with him was the best years of my life."

"He is very soft and kindhearted, even if he has a small piece of bread..he will give it you, even if he is nothing he will give the last thing he had. That is Taehyung."

"But, i- can't continue my life anymore. During his travel my life is losing, last three month the doctor just revive me."

"I think because I haven't talked to him and doesn't have a person to take care of him? Maybe it's the right time because you are here."

"What are y-you talking about!" Jimin said when Jungkook is closing his eyes slowly. "Ya!"

"Hyung.." He breathes. "Take care of him for me..he doesn't have any family. I am only his family. Please, love Taehyung the way I do."

"Jungkook! What are you talking-" Jungkook is not breathing anymore. Jimin bites his lips pushing the red button for an emergency. "Jung- Jungkook! Don't die! Taehyung is still not here!"

But he didn't get the response he wants. Jungkook now is dead.

"Baby! I got-" Taehyung went inside with food and red rose on his hands. "J-jimin. What happen?"

"He says something while ago and- and then he closes his eyes and-" Taehyung slumped on the tiles and look blankly on Jungkook.

"He is, sleeping right?" He said with teary eyes. "Right Jimin?" Jimin cried shaking his head.

"N-no Taehyung he died-"

"No, ya! Jungkook-ah, baby wake up! I bought your favorite flower! Why are you pretending you little brat!" Taehyung laughed while tears keep falling down to his face.

The doctors and nurses came by and check Jungkook.

"Time of death four o'clock."

When I came home, Daddy didn't question me but he accepted my open arms.

Jungkook died and Taehyung is miserable so I have to leave him.

But it doesn't mean that I will also leave my feelings for him.

My three ex-es go to our house but I ignore them, they said Dad makes them come to me and ask me what is my problem because I am sulking for a month now and crying every night.

Daddy and I have this talk and I shared my experience and love which is Taehyung.

He hugs me tight and whispers some sweet nothings to calm me because I was sobbing during that time. He said if Taehyung is really for me I will meet him again and the fate will let us together.

I will keep my faith and need to study hard.

I now get some online classes to avoid peoples and I think its good because I am having good grades.

"Why don't you go outside to get some vitamin D?" Jimin shrugged and sighs. "Jimin, its been five months. Please don't do this to yourself. You're getting thinner."

"Dad. I'm perfectly fine don't stress yourself." Yoongi sighs and sat next to him.

"If you're fine please consider my offer and get some sunlight." Jimin sighs and stands up fixing his clothes and wallet.

He strolls outside and sat on a bench looking blankly.

"Jimin." Jimin stands up looking for a familiar voice. He saw Taehyung with a map in his hands and look so tired smiling. "Finally, I found you."

Jimin smiles crying seeing Taehyung.

"N-no. I found you."


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