Chapter 1: Nevada

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Walking through the front door of the coffee shop he's worked at for almost a year now, Joey Harmon sighed as the familiar sound of the bell rang, like it did whenever someone walked through the door.

He made his routine walk to the back room, punching in his time card and stored his rustic, brown leather jacket in his employee locker. Rolling up the sleeves of his grey crew neck, Joey wrapped the company apron around his waist and headed to his designated spot behind the counter.

As soon as he got there, his co-worker, Macy, smiled; her charming smile enhanced by the small gap between her front teeth as she patted him on the back.

"Now that you're here, I think I'll take my break," she said, skipping to the break room.

Chuckling to himself, Joey waited behind the register for a new customer to come in. To pass the time, he checked to make sure each roast of coffee had a fresh batch ready, and when the bell chimed again, he scurried to the register, putting on his friendliest of smiles.

"Welcome to Just Add Cream," he greeted, delivering the mandatory welcome perfectly. "What can I get for you, today?"

It was a group of school girls, probably in their latter year of highschool, and two of them seemed to suddenly be worried about their appearances. While one of them started to reapply their lip gloss, another not so subtly pulled her shirt down a little, attempting to accentuate whatever little cleavage she had.

Clearing his throat, he hoped they'd hurry up and order so he could move on to one of the regulars that just walked in.

"We'll take two mocha mint frappuccinos and three fudge walnut brownies," the only girl who hadn't been ogling him said, seeming slightly embarrased by her friends.

"And what will be the name for the order?"

"Amy," she answered.

Ringing up the order, he told her the price. After giving her her change, he quickly got to work on their drinks. It didn't go unnoticed that the two girls were still checking him out, which wasn't really something new to him.

Growing up, Joey had always been considered good-looking. The last girlfriend he had called him "eye candy", telling him he was model-material, but that image wasn't really something he wanted to present himself as. He'd rather go through life doing something more fulfilling than live off his looks...the only problem was, doing what he dreamed was pretty hard to do when he was stuck working at a coffee shop.

He was twenty-four years old and no closer to starting his own business than he was when he graduated highschool.

"Amy, your order is ready!" he announced, sliding the drinks and treats onto the Pick-up counter before returning to the register to take the next customer's order.

The day soon turned to night, and before Joey knew it, the evening rush came pouring in, each person there to watch the weekly open-mic night show that took place every Friday. With the work load lightened by the return of Macy, the two of them got through the mass of orders in a breeze.

"I'd say that's record time," Macy commented, brushing her slightly dampened bangs out of her freckled face. "We've never gotten through that many consecutive orders in that amount of time."

Nodding his head, Joey agreed with her, saying, "It helps that we've pretty much memorized everyone's order."

"Yeah, but we do get the occassional newbie that throws in a new drink every now and then."

Seeing the lack of people wanting to order, Joey thought now would be the perfect time for a bathroom break. He was seconds away from telling Macy to cover the register when the bell chimed and a new face walked through the door.

Her mane of untamed golden brown curls immediately captured his attention as she looked around the store, taking in the scene. The small instrumental case slung across her back was a dead giveaway of why she was there. As she aporoached the register, Joey smoothly stepped in front so Macy couldn't, and dawned his signature smile.

"Welcome to Just Add Cream, what can I get for you?" he asked.

As her dark brown eyes studied the large menu board above him, Joey found himself doing the same to her face. The light brown tone of her skin seemed to glow next to her bronzey hair, and he mentally tried to guess what she'd order.

All kinds of fruity drinks ran through his mind as he imagined her being one of those vegan health conscious souls that floated through life. Her clothing didn't really go with his stereotype, however, as she wore black jeans with a grey Maroon 5 t-shirt that was a few sizes to big on her. But, something about her vibe made him feel like she was natural, almost earthy in a way.

When she sighed and started reaching into her back pocket, Joey straightened his posture, certain she was about to order.

"Black coffee, please," she said, looking at him for the first time.

"Do you want that in a cup, or should I just give you the whole pot?" he tried to joke, but it didn't seem to amuse her at all.

"One cup, two sugars," she simply replied, unfolding a five dollar bill.

Clearing his throat to recover from his awkwardness, Joey asked, "What's the name for your order?"

Glancing up, he watched as her name rolled off her lips. A name he wouldn't easily forget.


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