Chapter 3: Liquid Courage

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All week, Joey had hoped Nevada might come in for a coffee, but each day he was disappointed. There had been multiple occassions where he'd seen a really cute girl and looked forward to her coming back, but the way he wanted to see Nevada again was different. Somehow, like a junkie on drugs, she had hooked him without even trying.

Well, today was Friday, and evening was fast approaching. If there was ever a time he'd get to see her again, it would be now.

But, to keep him busy, he focused on satisfying the long line of customers there for open-mic night. When the rush had slowed, he felt it would be okay to take a small breather.

"Macy, cover the register, I'll be right back," he said, not even waiting for her to argue against it.

In the back room, Joey took out his phone and checked his email to see if he'd gotten any responses from the bank. His heart grew when he saw one from USAA, but it quickly deflated when the bold words "request for loan is denied" came into view.

Sighing in disappointment, he dialed the number of his grandfather, who always knew what to say to keep him going. After the third ring, he picked up.

"Pops?" Joey said, making sure he was there.

"Joey, my boy! How are you?" his grandfather asked, sounding cheerful.

"Not well...My recent request for a loan got denied. I'm starting to think no one will give me a chance."

"Listen to me, son," he began. "The only regrets we have in life are the things we didn't do. The things we know we could have changed. And the things we let slip away. Don't let some desk jockeys lead you into regret. You'll catch a break soon, I'm sure of it."

"Okay," Joey agreed, feeling motivated again. "I'll talk to you later, Pops."


After hanging up, Joey made his way back, stumbling slightly when he saw the unforgettable forest of curls, and as he got closer, the stunning face that belonged to Nevada Jones.

Macy was currently ringing up her order, which frustrated him considering he'd been waiting all week to do that. However, quick on his feet, Joey rushed to her side and asked what the order was so he could make it.

"She wants a black coffee with two sugars," Macy said, happily letting him step in.

Her order being the simplest of drinks, it was ready in a matter of seconds, and he soon was face to face with her. Sliding her drink across the counter, he smiled, hoping to get one in return. Unfortunately, he didn't.

"You know, they say people only order black coffee when they want to seem intimidating," he commented, trying to get some kind of reaction from her.

"Or when they need liquid courage," she responded, her voice sounding stressed.

"I'm pretty sure that's only said about alcohol," Joey countered, a crooked smirk forming on his lips simply because she was talking to him.

"Ha, I guess you're right," she chuckled, making eye contact with him. That sound was a victory in Joey's book.

"What would you need courage for anyway?" he asked, not ready for their conversation to end. "It couldn't possibly be to perform. You're incredible."

She smiled, her eyes brightening at his words, which encouraged Joey to keep talking.

"I've worked here for a while, and already you're my favorite act," he added with a wink.

"Well, that must mean something then," she said sarcastically.

"Seriously, though, what do you have to be afraid of?"

Sipping her coffee, she looked around the room until her eyes landed on whatever she was looking for. Turning back to Joey, she subtly pointed in the direction of a man.

"You see that guy over there?" she asked.

Following the direction she indicated, Joey found a man that looked to be in his mid-thirties, dressed in a navy blue power suit. His blonde hair was gelled back while neatly tapered on the sides, and he was busy talking away on his phone, completely ignoring the current act on stage.

"Yeah, I see him," he said, looking back at her.

"That's Ethan Rhodes. He's a talent agent and he's here to see me perform," she explained, quickly taking another sip of coffee. "It took me forever to get him to come and I'm kind of freaking out."

Understanding her nerves now, Joey walked over and grabbed the pot of coffee before walking back over to her. Reaching out, he refilled her cup, causing her to look at him questioningly.

"More liquid courage, on the house," he said with a charming grin.

"Thanks," she said, sipping the fresh brew. "I'm Nevada, by the way."

Chuckling, Joey nodded, " I know. I'm Joey."

They held eye contact for a moment, both seeming to decide what they thought of the other, although Joey had already made his decision last week. He wanted to get to know Nevada, and tonight only reiterated that.

"Our next act is from the lovely Nevada Jones!" Nessa anounced through the mic, leading the audience in a welcoming applause.

Looking over in the agent's direction, Joey could see that he was putting his phone away, sitting up straight as he prepared to watch her perform.

"Wish me luck," Nevada said, starting to make her way to the stage.

"I would, but you don't need it," he replied, winking at her once again.

Throwing one last smile in his direction, she took the stage, and once again captivated the whole room with her gift. With her song.

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