Epilogue Chapter 1: Bun In The Oven

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Joey was downstairs in his cafe, making breakfast before it was time to open, a grin of contentment on his face as he thought back over the last two weeks. His mind danced through the new memories he had made, and he was hopeful for what was to come.

Brightening his day more, Joey smiled when his eyes landed on Nevada. Her golden legs peeked through under the long button-up shirt she must have borrowed from him when she woke up. Slowly, she descended the stairs from his loft, her curls wild and untamed as she approached him.

"Good morning, gorgeous," he greeted, leaning across the counter as she took the seat in front of him.

Exchanging a short but sweet kiss, he slid a fresh cup of coffee in front of her, along with a plate of french toast.

"Mmm, good morning to you, too," she said, grabbing her drink.

Peering inside, she raised an eyebrow at him curiously, her lips tugging up on one side.

"This isn't black coffee," she stated with a smirk.

"I know. It's this new drink I've been working on. I want to know what you think of it."

Bringing the mug to her lips, she blew lightly on the liquid's surface before taking a sip, never breaking eye contact. He watched as she placed the cup down, her lips moist from the warm brew.

"So, what do you think?" he asked, taking a sip from the cup himself.

The teasing glint in her deep brown eyes didn't go unoticed as she swiveled around and hopped off the chair. Turning to face him, she leaned in real close and smiled.

"I think I just found my new favorite drink," she said, grabbing her mug from his hands before sashaying back up the stairs.

Chuckling to himself, Joey took a bite of her untouched breakfast before going back to his morning preparations. Cup of Joe would be open for business in about an hour, and everyday he refused to open if things weren't in perfect order.

"Mornin', moron!" Macy shouted when she walked through the front door.

"Ahem, I think you meant to call me boss," Joey said, waiting for her to correct herself.

"Ha! No, I meant 'moron'. I don't have to call you boss until my shift starts, and according to that clock, my shift doesn't start for one whole minute," she sassed, her freckled face smug as she sat on the counter.

"Ew, don't sit up there," Joey scolded, shooing her off as he disinfected and wiped it down again. "Just go clock in and be ready for the morning rush."

"You got it, boss!" she winked, saluting him before jogging into the back room.

Checking the time, Joey couldn't help but laugh at his best friend. Her shift had officially started, and just like that, he was her boss again.

When the bell chimed, indicating his first customer of the day, Joey dawned his signature, welcoming smile and said, "Welcome to Cup of Joe. What can I get for you?"

With the work day now done, Joey was just flipping the service sign over to read "Closed". Turning around, the only people left in the building were him and Nevada. Right now, she was leaning against a table, her ukulele case resting on top of it as she waited for him.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Well, I can't be late for my own show, can I?" she joked.

"No. No you can't."

Linking his arm with hers, Joey grabbed her case and lead her out back so they could leave. The evening traffic of New York City was brutal, but they'd planned ahead for that. Despite the continuous red lights and long delays, they managed to arrive at her venue on time.

Walking through the back doors of one of the liveliest night clubs in the city, Joey and Nevada were immediately approached by a woman in a red business suit. Her ash brown hair was pinned back into a slick ponytail and she was muttering something into an earpiece when she waved for them to come closer.

"I don't care that his wife just gave birth! He was supposed to close the show!" she ranted, holding a finger up for them to wait. "Tell him to get over here, now!"

She started to turn toward them when she froze, her face contorting in anger.

"What do you mean he turned his phone off?!" the woman shouted, her pale skin flushing red with rage.

"If she keeps this up, she'll be the same color as her suit," Nevada whispered, biting her lip to hold back laughs.

Joey was about to respond with his own joke when the woman interrupted, startling both of them.

"You!" she called, pointing a finger at Nevada.

"Me?" Nevada questioned, nervous from the sudden attention.

"Yes, you," she huffed, seeming annoyed. "You're not pregnant or going into labor anytime soon, are you?"

Joey choked from surprise, not expecting that question to be directed at his girlfriend. He could feel his face heating up as Nevada laughed at him.

"No, ma'am. There's no bun in this oven," she answered, playfully elbowing him.

"Good, then you're playing two sets. Congratulations, you're closing the show."

Despite the unenthusiastic tone of the woman, Joey could see the excitement radiating off Nevada. This was her first gig since the tour, and already things were falling in her favor. Her smile was bright, her brown eyes scrunched as she cheered in place, and Joey was smitten all over again.

"If you keep dancing like that, you may get more than just a bun in your oven," he teased, causing her mouth to drop open in shock.

"Don't even think about it, Joey Harmon," she warned, slapping his arm.

"Okay, okay," he chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "But, maybe one day."

"Just shut up and kiss me good luck," she said when her name was being announced on stage.

Bringing his lips down to hers, he smiled and said, "I would, but you don't need luck, Nevada Jones."

What did you guys think of the first epilogue chapter?! 😃

Aren't they just the cutest?! I don't know what to call them...

#Noey? Or #Jevada?

Anywayyyyy, love you guys! Stay tuned for more! There may be like three epilogue chapters in all. 😉


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