Chapter 4

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"You guys know each other?" Haeun asks looking at the two of us. "U-uh we um" I stutter.

"He works part time at one of my umm work..places?"Uncle says kind of confused. "Y-yea umm I work part time at one of the places he owns and I met him there" I said. haeun raised her brows and stared at me as I let out a nervous chuckle. "That's so cool!" she says and claps as I let out a relieved sigh.

Get your head straight asshole

I smile. "Jeno is my classmate and dropped me off today since mom was busy" Haeun says and smiles. "Glad to hear that" he smiles. "I'll be right back after I freshen up" he says and nod.

~At dinner~

"Thank you for the food!" me and Haeun say in unison as we stuffed ourselves. "Slow down you two" Uncle chuckles and I laugh nervously. "So Jeno how are you my boy I haven't seen you in a while" Uncle asks. "Ah I've been busy since the dance program is coming up uncle" I say and he nods. "That means Haeun is also going?" Aunty asks and we both nod. "Mmmhmm and we are almost done with the dance" Haeun says with food in her mouth. "Really?! that's good! All the best to the two of you" Uncle says and smiles. "She's pretty good for starters" I say and smile.


|Lee Haeun|

"Thank you for dinner aunty" Jeno says as he gets up from the table. "No problem son. You are always welcome" mom smiles. "Let's go" I say and Jeno nods and follows. "Thank you for dropping me home today I had a lot of fun" I say as I closed the door behind me. "Always" he says and smiles and I smile back. "See you tomorrow"He says and waves. "Hmmhmm byee~" I wave back and head inside until he leaves. "Goodnight mom. goodnight dad" I say as I peck their cheeks and head up to my room.

I plopped myself on my bed and stared at the ceiling.


"J heart H" I say softly looking at my bracelet.

It's exactly like mine..the same initials and design...

this can't be a coincidence can it?

Lee Jeno who are you?

And how exactly are you related to me?


-A few days later-

|Lee Jeno|

"6:40am" I look at the time on my as my eyes widen. "SHIT! SCHOOL!" I sit up and turn to Jaemin to see him sleeping soundly. "YAH JAEMIN WAKE UP WE'LL BE LATE TO SCHOOL!!!" I shout as he squirms in his bed. I quickly run to Donghyuck and Renjun's shared bedroom and pounce on them. "AGH LEE JENO GET OFF!" Renjun screams pushing me off. "We're gonna be late to school idiots hurry up and get up!!" I say and quickly walk out and head to the last room where the children shared a room. "Babies wake up you have school!" I say and shake them. "Ten more minutes hyung please" chenle says in a soft voice. "Five minutes and then you go get ready okay?" I smile and they nod while hugging their bed sheets.

After waking them up I walk into the shower and get ready for school. I look at my watch "7:05. enough time to cook breakfast" I hurry down and go to the kitchen. "Hmm let's see we've got eggs, bread, ketchup and sausages with some cheese" I call out as I take the ingredients to make a sandwich. "Let me help you" Jaemin walks in and I pass him the sausages and ketchup while I make the toast and eggs.

"Morning hyungs" Jisung said as he sat on the counter yawning. "Aigoo my baby is still sleepy huh?" Jaemin coos and hugs Jisung but then gets pushed away and I laugh. "Yah poor thing he's 17 now stop babying him" Renjun comes in with Donghyuck as Jaemin glared at him. "I still bore him and he's STILL MY CHILD" Jaemin scoffs and pecks jisung while Jisung made a disgusted face as we all laughed.

"Okay take your sandwiches.let's go hurry we're late!" I shout as the boys head outside to the car. "AND WHERE IS CHENLE" I scream from the front door as I heard a dolphin scream "COMING!!". Chenle came running out of the house while trying to put his shoes and bag on as I laugh and hand him his sandwich as he gets in. Smiling I got into the driver's seat and drove to school. Parking the car in our hide out the 6 of us ran to class. As me and Jaemin reached the classroom we noticed that our teacher was already there and it was none other than Mrs.Na. I sighed and crawled inside but stopped when two feat were standing next to me. I looked up seeing her with a stern face. "Go-good morning Mrs.Na" I gulped. "Stand up both of you" she said as me and Jaemin looked at eachother and stood up.

"Why are you late?" She asked. "We're sorry Mrs.Na we overslept" Jaemin says and she nods. "At least you're honest. Now sit in your places I'm in a good mood today" she smiles looking at me and I smile back and mouth 'thanks mother'. I hurry and sit next to Haeun. "Good Morning" I smile at her but she just ignored me. "Yo I was talking to you" I frown. "Morning"she says emotionless. "Hey everything alright?" I ask but instantly regretted it. "Can you stop being so nosy? I'm fine" she says and turns back to the board.

Geez what's up with her today?

~Dance class aka last class of the day~

"Dude just go talk to her" Jaemin whispers as Haeun entered the room. This girl has been so distant the whole day today and I don't even know what I did. I give Jaemin a 'are you sure' look while he nodded and pushed me. "Hey Haeun?" I tapped her shoulder. "Yea what?" She asked coldly. "Umm Jaemin called so umm we could get ready for dance! Yea that's why" I stuttered.

Damn it Jeno you had one job.

"Okay let's go" she says and I turn back to Jaemin who face slapped himself. "You had one job nojam" he whispered when I stood next to him. "I can't do it" I whisper back and he rolls his eyes. "Coward" he says and I smack him.

[A/n: "no jam" is a Korean slang for "no fun"]

"Okay guys let's start practising!"Taeyong hyung says as he enters. "As you know the program is in 3 weeks so I hope you guys have started your dance routines" he says and we nod. "Okay then show me what you've got" he sits down on the chair infront of us. "First up Chani Hyunjin Daewhi and Sanha" he called out.

We were the last team to go. finally after 4 teams it was our turn. "Jeno  Jaemin Haeun and Yeji" he called out as we started to take our positions. "Show me what you've got" he smiles and Jaemin plays the music. Before we started I gave Haeun a cheering gesture but she just ignored it. I frown hurt and just continue with the dance. As we finished the room was filled with claps. "Wow do we have the best performance already?" Eunhyuck hyung smiles and we thank him.

"Okay that's it for today have a good weekend! and practice well!" he says as he leaves the room.


After packing my bag I head out and see Haeun walking infront of me.

Should I talk to her?

She'll probably just ignore me right?

What did I even do?! I don't get it!!

She was fine yesterday!

Ugh let's just talk.

"Haeun!" I shout making her turn. I run to her and she raises her brows. "What do you want now?" She says maintaining the cold act. "Why are you acting like this?" I ask turning serious. "Like what exactly? I'm literally the same" she says. "No you've been avoiding me the whole day! Why you so cold!" I say. "And why are you so obsessed with me?" She asks. "What?" I say confused. "Why you trying to get attention?" She says hurting me. "Attention? Is talking to a FRIEND and asking her why she is suddenly being so distant so bad?!" I shout making her flinch. "Fine! If you don't want to talk DONT TALK!" I huff and walk away.


|Lee Haeun|

"Everything alright?" Jaemin says as I enter the hide out. "no. he seems really angry at me" I say as I plop onto the couch. "You did a good job Haeun now help me with this" he says and I sigh and help him. "Why do I have to do it! You could've just told hyuck to be mean! He's always mean!" I whine and stand up. "EXCUSE ME!" Hyuck soffs and rolls his eyes. "SEE? MEAN!" I say pointing at Hyuck who glared at me. "Get a time machine and I'll change roles" Jaemin says and I pout. "Exactly so help me now come on". I sigh and help Jaemin.


|Lee Jeno|

I looked at the time and noticed it was 5pm.

Ugh I'm so bored!
I wonder what the boys are up to

I get up from my bed and head down to see no one. I frown and go to check their rooms. "Donghyuck? Renjun?" I call out but there was no reply.

Great I'm alone. I wonder where Jaemin is

I call up Jaemin to see what he's up to.

"Yes Jeno?" He answers.

"Jaemin-ah where are you?"

"Ah I'm with Haeun"

"Haeun?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yep we came to get ice cream why?"

"Nothing. Anyways I'm going to practice" I say.

"Okay then I'll see you later bye!"

"Okay bye" I cut the call.

Srsly? Ice cream? So childish.

I scoff as I go to get changed and then head out to the hide out for practice.

After practising for a bit I decide to take some rest in the arcade room. "Ugh I'm so tired" I say and switch on the lights.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENO!" The boys and girls scream popping out from the sofa and the pool table. Almost having a heart attack I try to calm myself. "Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to our Nojam~
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!" They sang in unison while Donghyuck pulled off a Mariah Carey. Haeun came forward holding a cake. A bright smile made its way onto my face as I made a wish and blew the candles.
"Thank you guys so much!" I smile and gave them a group hug. "oh my god the cake" I stuff myself as they laugh.

"Okay gift time!" Jaemin says and excited I sit down on the couch and start opening the presents that was neatly arranged on the table. "I'll start with~ this one!" I pick the blue wrapped gift and start opening it with a smile. "Oh my god is this an Apple Watch?!" I shout and look up and see chenle smiling widely. "Thank you I've always wanted one!" I high five him. And then open the next one. "Wow it's a um toothbrush... my toothbrush." I say taking out my toothbrush out of the box and Haechan laughs as I give him a 'are you serious?' Look. "Just kidding here's your real present" he says and takes out a box. "THE NEW PS5 OMG!" I shout happily and he smiles. I straight away hug him. "don't fall for me I'm loyal to renjun " he says and pushes me off making me pout while everyone laughs.

Just like that I opened everyone's gift except Haeun. I didn't ask her where hers was cause I felt I would've looked bad so I just ignored it. After having cake and chatting for a while I head to the terrace and sit there staring at the stars.

"Ma I turned 19 today!" I say looking up. "I've gotten taller and muscular not to mention I got abs!" I say and laugh. "Oh you know what happened today? Apparently my friends pranked me for a birthday surprise" I smile. "But about Haeun I feel like she's actually ignoring me you know? Like she still hasn't spoken to me" I pout. "Does she really not like me? She said I just wanted attention." I look up.

What am I even doing?

I sigh and continue to look up but quickly turned back when I heard a voice.





Hope you liked this chapter!
And don't forget to have a good day(;

Love Megs💞

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