Chapter 6

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|Lee Haeun|

I put on a hoodie  and sit on my roof looking at the moon. "These dreams can't be a coincidence" I look at the sky as I lie down on my back. I couldn't sleep at all. More like I didn't want to sleep. The past month I've only been having nightmares and it all involves  my friends.

Who are you guys? Do you know me?
Why is everything around them?

The memories of Jeno flooded in as my cheeks flushed. "Argh what am I going to do " I whine . I then look around as I heard gunshots. "Shit that scared me" I put my hand on my chest calming myself down. I look at the direction where more gunshots were heard.

No Haeun you shouldn't.

Don't you dare.

I fought with myself but then ended up putting my shoes on and leaving the house quietly searching for the source of gunshot sounds. Mom and Dad told me that this world consists of a lot of mafia gangs but there are some good ones and some bad ones. I didn't really understand how they were good people. They didn't let me out of the house since they didn't want anything happening to me.

My heart kept beating as I neared the place cautiously. I kept walking until a alley came in sight. I stopped in my tracks when I saw some men guarding the huge building and others running in and shooting bullets.

Haeun you should go home.

This is not the place to kid.

Damn it.


"Daddy! No!" I run to the man who was just shot. "Daddy wake up please!" I shout as I shake my now unconscious dad hoping he would wake up.

"ARGH MY HEAD" I groan as unfamiliar memories start to flood in. "MAKE IT STOP!" I shout.


"Sorry ma'am but Mr. Na has passed away" the tall man with a white coat said as mom started crying. I was quite small. "Mom? Mom why isn't daddy coming?" I tear up. "I'm sorry baby I'm sorry" she hugs me as she cried. "Min?"i look up to the boy.
"I SAID STOOPP!!!!!!" I scream banging my head on the wall and fall down as my vision blurred. "Hyemi!?" A feint voice was heard as a bunch of figures approached me. With that my vision was black.


|Lee Haeun|

I sprung up from my sleep and looked around the room. "Was that a dream?" I groan as I hold my head. "Haeun baby everything okay?"  mom walks in with the laundry basket. "Huh? Yes..I'm good just a bad dream" I say giving a confused look as I hold my head. "I'm going to take a shower." I walk into the washroom.

"I'm pretty sure it was real" I sigh as I turn on the water. "What is happening to me? What is with all these dreams and this bracelet?" I groan as I drop down in the tub, my legs giving up. I hissed as I felt something sting me on my leg. I look down at my knee and saw that it was scraped. "That's weird" shaking of any thoughts I change from the shower to the tap and layed down as the water filled up the tub. I take out my phone from the side of the sink and play some slow music as I sank a bit into the warm water."This is exactly what I needed" I let out a heavy sigh as I went under water.

The dreams was all I could think off. I came out as I gasped for air. "I should see someone about this" I sit straight. "Or maybe I should just forget it" I quarrel with my thoughts. "ARGH WHATEVER!" I splash water and get out of the tub as I wrap myself in a towel. "Haeun someone's here for you!" Mom calls out. "Coming!" I shout back and walk out of the washroom. "Hello- Oh my god you're naked" The boy sitting infront of me covered his eyes and looked back. "What the heck Jeno! Why you here!" I shout at him as my grip on the towel tightened.

"I came to pick you up for practice ofcourse" He looks back at me making me blush. "Stop looking perv" I say blushing harder as he approaches me. "Want me to help you change?" He smirks as I push him away. "W-what's wrong with you! Get out of my room!" I push him out and he laughs. "I'll be waiting downstairs!" He smiles and I glare at him.

That smooth motherfracker

I smile to myself and get changed.

I put on my workout clothes and head downstairs with my phone and earphones. "Okay I'm back" I smile as I walk into the living room. "Let's go" he takes my hand making me flustered. I try to let go but he tightens his grip and looks at me confused. "My parents are here idiot" I whisper and he laughs. "Aunty I'll bring her back by 8! We're going to practice!" he shouts. "Be safe guys!" She shouts back. Jeno smiles at me and the two of us walk out.

"Ugh just  3 more days for the dance stage and I'm so nervous" I sigh. "We've got your back and plus you're quite a good dancer! You'll do amazing" Jeno says giving me his eye smile.

I might get a heart attack at this point.

As the two of us walked to practice I was reminded of the bracelets. I looked at his hand and saw that it wasn't there. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" Jeno asks noticing me staring at our hands. "Umm where's your bracelet?" I ask and he gives me a confused expression. "What do you mean? I'm wearing it right here" he points at his brown leather bracelet. "No I meant this one" I raise my left hand. "There's nothing on your hand idiot" He tries to hold his laughter.

"What do you mean it's right here-" I pause when I realise I wasn't wearing a bracelet. "Did u eat something wrong?" Jeno teased me and I pushed him away. "I'm sure it was right here!" I fight back and he laughs. "Let's just go" I pout and walk forward as he runs and holds my hand smiling.



Thank you for coming so far!
I hope you're liking this book(:
If you have any suggestions or thoughts make sure to leave a comment (:

I'm still new to writing so if u see any mistakes please do tell me(:

Have a wonderful day guys❤️

Love Megs🙃

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