chapter- 3

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Kahani ab tak; abhi who is a police commissioner resigned from job by thinking that because of his job he lose his sister aliya… and saves a girl from accident.. she lose her memory so he gave a place for her in his house.. he was totally changed after the death of his sis.. the girl get a new name and identity in his house.. she is pragya.. for him chashmish.. she is too friendly and talkative and loves dadi a lot.. dadi too.. when she came to knew about abhi she thought to make him back to the old person from this kadoos.. she started her attempt and succeed in first step.. let’s see what happens in further.. will she succeed or not?

Evening.. abhi returned from office and get inside the house.. and looked everywhere..
Abhi: ( thinks ) usually.. he can hear the voice of chashmish from outside itself.. her laughs.. stupid talks but today where she has gone.. let me check in dadis room.. abhi goes and sees dadi sleeping there.. he don’t wish to disturb her and goes out.. where is this chashmish..? He sees coffee on table… that too hot.. which means.. so she is here.. and hiding from me.. abhi takes the coffee and go to his room.. and sit on couch..
But his eyes are searching her.. suddenly dadi comes..
Da: abhi.. when you have reached?
Ab: just now..
Da: did you see pragya ?

Ab: no.. but I have get coffee..
Da: I don’t knew where she is as it’s been 2-3 hours she didn’t come in front of me.. and goes calling her..
Ab: chashmish.. what is your plan now.. I knew something is in this.. let me check it out.. he looks around the house and didn’t see her anywhere..
Abhi went out.. and searched her.. he sees her standing near the pool on garden..
Ab: chashmish.. why are you standing here.. don’t you knew I have searched you everywhere.. why are you trying to hiding from me.. I knew you watched I am coming and make coffee me and hide from me..
She didn’t reply..
Ab: hllo.. are you here? Tell me..
Pr: I just want to make you realise..
Ab: what?
Pragya : you are doing the same..
Pr: ya… hiding from yourself..
Ab: chashmish.. I am not in a mood to talk with you now.. and leaves..
Pr: ya this is first symptom he goes..
Abhi came to his room and sits on bed and thinks about what she tells..
Ab: who told that I am hiding from myself.. I am perfectly k.. and fine now.. and he remained silent… no that’s true I am hiding.. hiding from myself.. I don’t want to go to that world which I lived.. . so that I am hiding… he cries.. suddenly abhi feels a touch on his shoulder .. he sees it pragya.. abhi hugs her emotionally and cries aloud.. the tears which he is hiding till now..
Ab: chashmish you are correct.. what you said is the real truth… I don’t want to go back to that life.. because now l have only my dadi with me.. I can’t lose her too.. then I will be alone in this world.. pragya place her hands on his back and tried to console him…
Abhi realised that he is hugging her and loose his hands and says sorry..
Pra: it’s k.. and leaves.. she goes towards balcony and stands there looking outside.. and thinks about that hug..

Pr: pragya.. what happened to you.. why are you get stucked by that hug.. he does this just because of his emotion.. he want to burst it out.. but pragya… at that time I sensed some change in you.. what was that? Pragya sees her own reflection it says that.. because you started to fall for him..
Pr; no that’s not like that..
Reflection : but that’s true.. and smiles..
Pragya who was looking so confused.. said is that so? From today onwards I must stay away from him.. I must keep some distance.. I don’t wish such feelings come between us..
Dadi calls pragya..
Da: pragya where are you?
Pr: dadi I was here.
Da: is everything fine?
Pr: haa dadi.. why do you ask that?

Da: I thought you are in some tension that’s why..
Pr: no dadi..
Da: pragya.. call abhi for dinner.
Pr: oh dadi.. I forget that goes..Actually it was her trick to escape from him..
Da: what happened to her? Sometimes she is like that.. behave mysteriously and smiles..
Abhi who is watching tv..
Da; abhi.. come and have dinner..
Ab: I will come dadi.. you both starts.. as I need to watch it..
Dadi returns sees pragya keeping food in table..

Da: pragya.. we can have now.. he will have it later..
Pr: ( in mind) that’s good..
She started to have food and talks with dadi.. suddenly she get shocked by the sound..
Ab: hllo chashmish.. why are you giving this look.. he is sitting beside pragya…
Da: I don’t knew as something happens to her..

Ab: oh Dadi that’s good na.. if she talks.. it Willnot end.. we will get irritated.. abhi and dadi smiles.. pragya fumes..
Ab; dadi.. someone is fuming here..
Da: haa… abhi..
Ab: this fuming face suits her more right dadi..
Da: ha..
Pragya is trying to control her anger..
Ab:dadi I have a doubt..
Da: what?
Ab: how are you bearing all her bakwas..

Dadi smiles..
Ab: it’s really tough na..
Pragya who fumes take her plate and started to leave.. abhi holds her hand… and make her sit..
Ab: hey fuggi.. how can you go like this.. do you really feel irritated with my talks..
Pr; hllo Mr. Abhishek.. my name is pragya.. not chashmish and not fuggi.. do you got it..
Ab: but dadi actually this names suits her more na..
Da: you both continues your fight.. I have finished my dinner and going to sleep..
Dadi in mind… how nice to see abhi like this.. as now he started to being my old abhi.. it’s all because of her and goes..
Ab: fuggi.. why are you not having?.. oh achha.. I got it.. this food is not good right.. I knew that.. but its you who prepared it..
Pragya starts eating.. abhi smiles looking it..

Ab: fuggi.. please give me that curry.. pragya give a stern look.. k.. I will.. they both finished dinner..
Ab: good night fuggi.. take rest now.. tomorrow we can continue.. he smiles…
Pr: oh god.. why he is like this.. if I knew this I will not do that to change him.. what a name.. fuggi.. chashmish where did he got all this..
Abhi who goes upstairs sees pragya talking to herself
Ab: chashmish.. I can her what you talked.. pragya runs and abhi smiles..

Episode ends..

So friends what will happen next.. just now pragya started to feel for him.. will he too have the same? And till now.. we don’t knew about the day which she talks about.. lets wait for that..

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