Choice Of The Moon

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A/N: Well I was given the suggestion of making this part the Moon Goddess's point of view and let me tell you, that gave me some good inspiration.  So here is the next chapter...


The words didn't phase her in the slightest way. Many had lost their control when it came to her choices, but there was a reason for everything she did. Turning away for the circular, world mirror showing the young female human breaking over the loss of her mate, she flicked her wrist and the orbs of white-purple light vanished. Down a long twisting corridor and through to set of thick gold doors, she glided through silence as her mind kept flowing back to the images she saw.

The human latched onto her alpha as if she could bring him back from the darkness. Neither of them deserved love, the alpha was cruel and heartless while the girl was just like her father. She may pretend to be innocent, but the Goddess could easily see it. The human knew everything, she knew there was alpha blood running in her veins, and that-

"My lady there seems to be a problem." Cutting her thoughts off, the goddess looked upwards and spotted a man of transparent matter and waved him to continue, "I was walking and heard a strange noise, when I went to investigate I ended up in the room of oracles."


"There's a crack in the mirror?"

"What!?" Pushing from the throne, the Moon Goddess shoved her informer to the side and rushed back to the room she had previously been in. The girl, even as a human was strong due to the promise she made to a dying man centuries ago, but she was so positive the child would be unable to dig up what was inside of her. Shoving the doors open, she raced over to her mirror and raked the reflective surface over and over until she spotted a slither of a crack in the upper right portion. Drawing a small symbol in the center, a stormy cloud appeared beneath the surface and began swirling and twisting until a soft wind blew through the room and cleared away the clouds. Staggering backwards with a gasp, the goddess threw her mirror to the ground and ran from the room. Once protected by the two thick black glass doors, she sighed and collected herself.

Those eyes, she had seen them before. Bright blue like electric ice, the cold gaze of death peering out of the deep orbs searching for his victims. That damn she-wolf just can't stay in her place. She made sure to rip away the pure white wolf from her mortal body the moment she shifted after being reborn the first time. There was no way that the wolf was back. But shuffling through her memories, both were the same.

Taking a deep breath, the goddess pulled her long white hair over her shoulder and walked back in. Picking the mirror up with shaky hands, she placed it back on its pedestal and peered into the mundane world. The girl was silent, her body shaking over her dead mates body. Behind her stood a transparent white wolf whimpering at the sadness raiding from her old mortal body. Sensing at gaze, the she-wolf looked upwards and found the Goddess staring. There was a low growl, but the wolf chose to ignore the women and went back to watching the scene in front of her.

Pushing the images away, the goddess pulled the rest of the room into sight. There was so much blood, wolves were dying left and right, alpha's loosing their life over one child that could easily be replaced. Earthling's feelings were strange, why they would risk everything for someone they had never met had her clueless.

"It's her you know." The man from earlier was back.

"What do you know?"

"They aren't fighting for that she-wolf locked away in the basement, they are fighting because they want their Luna and alpha to be at peace. I know that as an alpha she was the best her pack ever had. She didn't just kill because someone was in the wrong, she gave them a second chance. I also know that she would and still will do anything for her pack. She died twice for her wolves my lady, she is nothing like I was."

"Yet she lies..."

"Her wolf ripped those memories away once she was reborn the second time. She has no clue she is an alpha."

"You lie!"

"Her soul registers her alpha lineage, but her human side does not realize it yet. Please my lady, give my child a second chance."


"Because she has finally found her anchor. She went two lives without her mate, and when she finally let's go of her stubbornness you take him away.  Why must you keep punishing her for my actions?"

"It's not only her, why should I-"

"Look how much the boy has changed. I've watched her mate kill thousands of humans but since he took over the pack he has turned a blind eye towards them. I've seen him go out into town and walk past them. She is changing him like Sarah changed me. Why are you doing this to them?"

"Go away."

"Please let her be happy." With those words the man dissappeared and left the ruler to herself. Watching the battle rage in front of her she rubbed her temples with a sigh. There was more to it then the man realized.

She did this once so many years ago, and once the alpha found put the power he possessed he locked his mate away to the point of starvation and had done nothing but left blood in his wake.

She wasn't going to make that mistake again. With one final sigh, she walked away. She was close to the door when she stopped and took one last peer into the human world. The human was finally standing up and walking away from her dead mate. See, she really didn't care. With a smirk she watched as the girl walked towards her long lost brother and stopped.
Looking up, the girl opened her eyes revealing a dull blue and held her arms wide. The goddess watched the strange scene and gasped when she realized what the girl was doing. A few feet in front of her two rapids stalked foward, lust for human blood in their eyes. That stupid human! With a flick of her wrist, streams of bright white energy appeared in the room, circling around all the bodies except the dead and the human's girl. Digging her nails into her wrist, the goddess let her blood drip onto the mirror and began weaving the energy into the girls body.

One by one she pulled other strands and weaved them into the glowing soul. One by one bodies began lighting up like stars in a dark night. The light became almost to much to bare when all of you bodies burst leaving only the human. Her body glowing like her body was nothing but enegy.

Pausing in the her work, the goddess stared at the pale alpha body away from the pack. A shimmer of light so small her own eyes could barely catch it flicked once before slowly burning out. Before the last thread could disappear, she sent a spear of the light from the girl spiraling at her mate.

It soaked into his chest and dissappeared from sight. There was nothing and the goddess was beginning to think she was too late. Minutes went by when suddenly his body flared like a wild fire. It vanished quickly after, but left a tiny flame in its place. With a small sigh, she weaved his soul with the humans and left the room unable to watch the doom she laid out for the world be born.

A/N: So not the longest chapter out there but to me this chapter is almost perfect. This might leave some questions in your mind but a lot of them will be answered in book two!

Also I won't update for another month, I'll be going away for awhile cause of some stuff but when I get back so shod the rest of the book :) Enjoy!

P.s now that I think about there might be another update before thursday, idk yet!

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