Tipsy, Topsy, Messed Up World

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"Well we now know that the plane is heading to Great Britian," Victoria paced back and forth across the over crowded hotel room with notes in hand, "Why are they taking her there, still no clue, and the same goes with what they want with her. Good news is that we are a rich family and can easily be in the air before night fall."

"But do you know where to start?" A dirty blonde pack member of Damien's asked? "When you get there I mean. Are you just going to start shouting for her in hopes she responds?"

"Of course not," she growled, "I may not be a cold hearted killer, but I do know how to track a little wolf."

"Oh please do explain-"

"Enough Aleisa!" Damien snapped from the corner of the room. Klaire drew her attention away from the girls and onto him. He looked past her without a second glance, bipolar much? She mentally glared at him.

"We will land at night, and the group will split. Myself, Martha, Faith, and Jessica will take off with Klaire, while Brad, Felix, Nora, and Heather do their thing. Damien, you and your group can do what ever you please."

"Oh come on!" Felix pouted, "Your separating me from Klairey already!? Your breaking my heart Vicki."

"Your not going with her."

"Please! I'll be a good boy I promise!"

"Klaire will be with me," Damien said dryly, "End of story. "

"Again," Victoria challenged, "Not happening. I have a job only she can do. While you may be her mate, I trust my members with her protection more then you." He opened his mouth to object but the she-wolf didn't let it slide, "I don't know you like I know them. These people will give their lives up for her, and without a doubt in their head when they do it. Once we get to Britian, the groups will take off, the goal here is to not stick out.

"I do not want our groups contacting eachother face to face. Texting is fine, but the link would be the best option. I have a friend showing up with fake id's for us to use, I know our main objective is to find Lillian, but we need to not make it obvious. Go enjoy the time we have, but keep your ears and eyes open. Even if you get only a whisper of a hint, you need to notify the groups."

"So we are out the loop then?" A tall skinny boy asked, "After all we only have a link with our small group since you people have yet to establish communications."

"It's called texting-"

"I'll be the beacon," Damien interupted, "I'm not leaving Klaire's side with wild mutts running around."

"Lets solves this now?" Klaire eyed everyone in the room making sure she had their attention, "I will be in a group of one! Me and only me!"

"No!" Victoria and Damien growled at the same time.

"Why? She's my friend."

"Because," Martha yawned as she stretched out next to her sister, "Last time we checked, your life was not only threatened but so was your mating bond."

"The attack was a one time thing, and on top of that, they were mistaking me for another girl. So I am not the issue here..." Klaire raised an eye brow at the silence. Her heart dropped, "What's going on?"

"There were wolves from another pack that slipped onto the territory while you were out cold from the mark. They tried to sneak into the house, but Mr. Grumpy here killed one and chased the others off." Brad added in immediately after the question was asked.

"You didn't have to tell her!"

"She's our Luna Faith, she has the right."

"Well f#ck my life!" Damien let loose a low growl at his mates out burst. "I don't care if I die, as long as Lillian is back home and safe I will be happy."


"I'm serious. Lillian is more important then my life."

"If that's your attitude I am taking you back home," Damien spat, his eyes blazing green, "I will lock you up and make you suffer with the silence of not knowing what's going on."

"Damien, you don't understand."

"Enough," the alpha pushed himself off the hall and walked from the room dragging his mate with him. When the door clicked he trapped her against the wall with his arms, "I get it, Lillian is your family, she is all that you have, but you are all that I have. I will drag you back kicking and screaming if you don't keep your own life in mind. How do you think Lillian would react to being in that house without her best friend-no without her sister?" With the silence, Damien knew he hit the right spot. "Good, now you will be with me for this mission. I will feel better that way."

"Are you sure? Avoiding my gaze after you finally opened up was a little bit of a sign for me you know..."

"I told you I'm trying Klaire, but it's going to take time. We can use this quest to improve on us. If it's just you and me, then I will be forced to look past the hate and stand next to you. Hopefully eventually my love for you will over come the hate."

"We will see." Klaire whispered before slipping back into the room. The wolf within Damien growled lowly as it watched her walk away.


"Wow Vicki!" Faith growled as she looked over her new card, "You gave me the name Agatha? Really!?"

"Your going to use it for a few days and then will never have to see it again. Get over yourself." Letting her words slip in one ear and out the other, Victoria pulled out a magazine and made herself comfortable. All the wolves were on the private jet with their id's, the final plan in their heads.

Everything was planned perfectly, in exceptions with leaving Klaire alone under their Alphas supervision. Victoria knew they were mates, but something about Damien through her off, and so did their Luna's mysterious attackers.

"Klairey!" Felix collapsed on the blondes lap with an exaggerated sigh.


"Why," He gasped, "Why must fate keep us apart? Why must it continously separate us? Doesn't it see that we are meant to be?" Two pairs of eyes suddenly froze on the two friends. Klaire tried to focus on the red head, but her will power broke and her eyes connected with Damien's. She could see the gold slowly stretch out from his pupils, consuming the electic green in its wake.

"You need to stop." She whispered.

"But my love for you is-"

"Your love!?" Nora and Damien shouted at once. Klaire palmed her face as Felix's smile twisted into a grin.

"You a$$ monkey!" She hissed into his ear.

"No, don't call me such sweet name!" Felix slid to his knees in faked pain, "I want to be with you my darling, but we have others. Oh my precious rose, tell me what I should - owww, owww, I'm sorry...V...Vicki!" Victoria latched onto his ear and dragged him away. He reached out in panic for his Luna but she grinned and let the she-wolf drag him into a small room. Soon after the door shut the group could hear Victoria shouting words and objects being broken. Silence went by, and the original group exploded into a fit of giggles. Feeling bad for the new girl, Martha took control of her self and began talking.

"Those two have always acted like that. You will see that Klaire is mean to Felix and he is loving to her, but they do it to the extreme. Just know that none of it is serious. He loves you Nora, and always will."

"A...are you sure?" She asked weakily.

"The only person Klarissa ever loved was Mark, but now she has a mate, I swear on our Luna's life that there is nothing between those to."

"Don't swear on my life!" Klaire yelled from across the small cabin.

"I do what I want!"

"Not in my house."

"We are in a plane not a house."

"You know what I mean Martha!"


"Go away!"

"Okay, just let me open the door and jump out."

"Have fun!" Klaire waved as she moved to the small private room at the back of the cabin. She slid the door shut behind her and jumped onto the bed waiting for her intended target to enter. A few minutes later, the door swung open and slammed shut.

"You have some explaining to do!" Damien growled as he glared at his mate.

"It's a joke Damien. Felix and I have always been like that, it always cheered up the little ones of the house."

"Well it ends now!"

"No." She whispered.

"No!?" He shouted, sending the whole plane into silence.

"Look," Klaire slithered cross the room, resting her hands on his heaving chest, "There is nothing between us, but just because you are my mate does not mean I am going to change for you. I have my own personality and I don't plan on being any different."

"I won't stand by and watch other males drape themselves over you!" Damien shoved her hands off of his chest.

"Then close your eyes and don't look."


"You can't control me Damien. I'm a human being, not your little puppet."

"Watch me. The next man who touches you gets their neck snapped, and the same goes for you. If you want your pack to live, keep away from them!" Klaire's jaw broke from its hinges and crashed into the ground as Damien left the room and made his way back into the cabin. The moment he sat down, the pack stood up and separated themselves from his side. There was a clear line between the two groups, sparks flying between the member leaving Klaire in the crossfire. Sighing softly, she slammed the door shut creating a shield from the battle on the other side.


An intoxicating beat wrapped it's wicked arms around Klaire's waist moving her slowly. Eyes racked all over her body, hands reaching out to touch, but she was always left alone in the end. There was something about her, possibly the man at the bar sending daggers to anyone who neared her, or it could be the way she gazed upon the crowd. The wolves around her could see the look she held, she was a human, but she was dangerous, and no one seemed stupid enough to test her.

With a grin Klaire flipped her hair and then slipped from the middle of the floor to the bar. "One strawberry Margarita!" She smiled and the bartender slid the small red drink in front of her. Grabbing it with a victorious chuckle, she tossed it back and requested another one.

"Enough Klarissa." Damien moved to his mates side pulling the drink from her hands. A scowl slipped onto her face and she pulled it back, spilling the mesmerizing liquid all over the ground.

"Look what you did Andy!" She shouted his fake name angrily. His wolf growled at the thought of her saying someone's name but Damien ignored it.

"Your drunk, we're leaving."

"Go f#ck yourself!" With her middle finger flying through the air, Klaire pulled away sharply and disappeared into the crowd of sweaty dancers. She slid through a group of almost naked girls and found her spot filled by two guys. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she winked and slid in between the two muscular bodies. A sense of familiarity took over and the stress she had been holding in deflated.

Attaching the strings, the beat gained control of Klaire's body and moved her in ways that would drive a man crazy. She circled her hips, leaning her body against the man behind her. Her eyes flickered up connecting with the second man, he smiled and pulled her away from his friend and against his own body.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Every beat swayed his surfer body one way and then the other. Both of them were matched together on one rhythm. Klaire smiled, in love with the night and how it was turning out to be. She didn't think anything could ruin it. That was until a fist went flying into the man's face and Klaire was flung backwards.

Damien's body towards over hers, his shoulders heaving up and down, blood dripping from the fist that just struck her new friends face. The man on the ground glared upwards and profiled the angry alpha. With a smirk, his eyes turned gold and he lunged.

The two alpha's crashed into the ground, pushing the crowd away. The stranger threw a punch but Damien's reflexs were sharp allowing him to react at the least minute and dodge the powerful attacks. Finally managing to get free Damien picked up the chair closest to him and brought it down on the others mans head. Klaire opened her mouth to yell, but the wind was ripped put off her mouth as the man next to her shift and sprinted by. He bit deep into Damiens leg and pulled. Klaire fell to her knees and bit her the inside of her cheek as a strange pain whipped in her chest at the pain filled scream that exploded from her mates lips.

Looking up, Klaire found Damien cornered by two wolves just as large as himself. He growled a warning, he was not going to let them get away with touching his mate. Two other two just snickered and then lunged. Suddenly a scream pierced through the darkness bringing everyone to their knees in pain. Klaire jumped foward and squeezed her way in between the three wolves. Tears streamed down her puffy eyes as she held her arms out in order to protect her mate.

The two wolves stared at her for a minute before shifting back and walked from the club like nothing had happen. Klaire stood frozen until a pair of familiar arms wrapped around her waist and she was pulled against Damien's body.

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