What Fate Has Planned

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Light shimmered off the dress as the female alpha twirled around in front of her tall mirror. The blue jems twinkled like stars in a dark sky, making her gleam with joy. Lillian had fallen head over in heels in love with the strapless dress she had seen in the back of the store from the mall. It gave her curvy body, a model stature and made her tan skin glow. She knew all eyes would be on her that night, all the hungry alpha males would chase after her like lost little pups begging for a home, if only she was looking for a mate. "Well," she huffed and shimmied over to her friends, "I think this night might be a good one."

"Really now? What makes you so sure?" The lighter brunnet asked as she colored her lips with light pink lip gloss.

"A feeling...Klaire did Mark get the drinks?"

"Your too young for alcohol." Martha glared as she pulled back her younger sisters hair into a tight ballerina bun.

"Thank mom!"

"She's right Lill," Klaire smiled as she ran a straightener over the bottom layer of her beautiful beach blonde locks, "Besides tonight is in play to find you a guy, not chase him away with your nasty booze breath."

"Come one...just a little vodka."

"No!" All the girls shouted at once.


"Lillian," Victoria walked from the closet, her strapless, light grey, silk dress swaying at her feet, "The pack needs an alpha male. You are our only hope at getting just that. So suck it up buttercup, cause there will be no drinking tonight for you. Or you." The strawberry blonde added, before pointing in Klaire's direction.

"Still Vicki, one drink is not going to hurt."

"No, and if I catch you I will punish you in front of everyone like a child." Before Lillian could reply, Victoria grabbed her black heels and exited the room in search for her mate.

"We can all drink tomorrow!"

"Heather you're younger then me, what makes you think you can drink?"

"Only by three years! And you just turned nineteen."

"Enough!" Faith sighed, "No one is drinking tonight or any other night. The rule is still twenty one years old. It's not going to change, so get over it!" With those words she latched onto her sisters arm and left the room leaving Klaire, Lilli, and Heather to their destruction.

"Just go this one night and be a good girl, dance with all the men, and I will have something special for tomorrow. Now zip me up!" Lillian nodded her head in agreement and zipped up the back of Klaire's dress as she applied minimal make up to her smooth skin.

"Already ladies," Heather jumped from her seat, the light reflecting off the large, circular, flat beads of her purple and back dress, "I think we have some men to impress."

"But remember; we can't distract them to much from our little Mateless alpha." Klaire grinned as she pinched her friends cheek. Lillian swatted at her hand playfully with a low growl. The girl just smirked and walked from the room where four other girls waited. When the door shut behind her, she smiled at the small group.

"Ready?" Jessica asked as she played with the braided stand of dark red hair resting on her shoulder.

"Of course." The girls all smiled at their alpha and then took off down the looping stairwell one after the other. Their heels left echoes in their wake as they trailed through the empty home. Silence greeted them at the arch way of every hall way, until a sound ushered it out. They all grinned as the music grew to an annoying level. With one look, Faith and Martha pushed open to two large oak doors in front of them. Millions of eyes turned ubruptly and stared. With a smile Klaire latched onto her alpha and began pushing through the crowed to where their thrones awaited.


Klaire watched with amused eyes as another man approached Lillian asking for a dance. From a distance he could see her friend begging for help, but he stayed in her spot on the stage unable to convince herself to top the show in front of her. The man couldn't dance. Every few steps his short stocky figure would land a foot on her own, causing Lillian to wince in pain. Lilli tried to pull away multiple times, but the man refusing to give in; like all the other ones before him, he was still hoping to get lucky enough to be her mate. Klaire could already tell her friend had no interest in him. The music suddenly stopped, and Lillian escaped the moment he loosened his hold on her. With a sigh, she dropped into the chair next to her best friend.

"You're so evil."

"Hmm?" Klaire tossed her friend an innocent look.

"Don't hmm me! Why the hell isnt your single ass out there dancing."

"The reason for that would be the fact that this party is meant for finding you a mate, not me."

"Still," Lilli whined, "Couldn't you at least keep them occupied so I can take a break and rest my feet?"

"And what's the fun in that? Besides," her eyes slithered through the crowd of werewolves, landing on a man dressed in a dark grey suit. His laughter filled the room as he talked amoung some friends who belonged to another pack, "I'm only interested in dancing with one man." Lillian's eyes followed her friend and she choked at the sight.

"Really...Mark...you know I will never see what you find attractive about that man."

"Once you find a man you actually like you will understand."

"I doubt-"

"Good evening my lady," a thick british accent appeared behind the female alpha, and Klaire was forced to bring a hand up to her mouth to hide the grin created by the look on her friends face, "May I have this dance?"

"If I said no, would you walk away?" Lillian mumbled.

"The invites sent to everyone here stated all mateless wolves were entitled to at least one dance. I am simply here for my turn." Klaire quickly earned a killers glare from her friend at the thought of the invites. It was stated that everyone would be granted one dance, something Klarissa decided to do since she was forced into the tight white dress Lillian picked out.

"But of course." Reluctantly Lillian turned around and took the hand of the tall, blonde, British alpha. He gave her a smile full of white teeth and dragged her to the dance floor as a slow song began blaring through the speakers. As Klaire watched them, she was surprised to see he wasn't as bad as the rest. He moved like he was on air, every step flowing smootly into the next. As Klaire continued checking the two out she decided the really didn't look bad together. His tall and slightly broad frame was just enough to hide her when his back faced the stage. The tan skin was similiar to Lillians and his hair was nice and light making his blue eyes pop even at a distance. Klarissa's thoughts were broken when she heard the familiar giggle of her friend. My, my, my Klaire thought, The girl actually likes someone. I guess she's not gay...there does my twenty bucks.

"Why haven't you danced at all?" A voice whispered into her ear. She looked up to find Mark leaning on the large chair with a bud light in his hand.

"This is her night, not mine. I wouldn't want to distract the men with my amazing dance moves."

"Funny...So why dress up at all if you are just sitting here acting like Lilli's babysitter?"

"Do you honestly believe she would have gone through with tonight if I didn't put this thing on?" She asked in reference to the dress.

"Valid point you make there." She smiled and let her eyes fall back to the gorgeous alpha wrapped in the embrace of the same man she left the stage with. Klaire knew he wasn't the one, from what she learned from Anthony, Lillian wouldn't have been able to deny the man. She would have sensed him the moment he stepped into the room. Her beautiful wolf would have cried out to his, but she was still glad that her friend was happy. "Dance with me." Mark cut through her thoughts and held out a hand for her the take.


"Dance with me. You're here and in a beautiful dress, you gotta show it off at some point." He set his drink down on Lillian's chair and pulled her up by force. Klaire was ready to object but Mark's smile sent her words out the door. One dance won't hurt. With the thought in mind Klaire followed her beta to the floor and wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her body against his. Seconds later 'Fall For You' by Secondhand Serenade began playing giving them both a beat to move to.

Klaire rested her head on Mark's muscular chest and focused on the rapid beat of his heart. His hands gripped onto her waist and pulled her to the point where their bodies had crossed the tiny space between them. She sighed in happiness, wishing Mark would suddenly recognize her as his mate. What they were doing, the feeling between them, had been told off by Anthony years ago when he first noticed. Being in love with someone who was not your mate was something he didn't approve.

With a second song starting, Klarissa became lost in her thoughts, pushing everything around her away. Anthony had called her to his office after he witnessed Mark and her kissing in his beta's room. He had told her that she needed to shut off the feelings, he himself had witnessed what happens when you fall for someone who is not your mate. His older sister had fallen for a human man and had planned on running away with him. She was a week away from moving out when they attending a meeting and an alpha from a pack in Canada found her. They couldn't resist each other, and the feelings for the other man went flying out the door. He had found her when she was visiting one day and begged for her to take him back. When she denied the poor guy he basically went crazy.

Anthony, who had still under his father's reign, watched him from the shadows, and made it to his side right before he killed himself. To this day he resides in a mental institution talking about how the monsters of the woods took everything he loved away. Anthony always blamed himself for not stopping his sister, and that was exactly why he didn't want Mark and Klaire to be together. Mark was his beta and Klaire was like his second daughter. He would hate to see the two of them fall a part and go through what the human man did. While Klaire obeyed him, Mark had refused. That very night he had pulled her into a darkened room and stole her breath with a hungry kiss. Klaire rememebered the night and how close she came to loosing her innocence. She sent a soft prayer to God for making Lilli open the door by accident, shocked to see-.

A soft scream pulled Klaire away from her memory, and she finally noticed how Mark was frozen in his place. Following his weary gaze, Klaire found the doors of the ball room wide open with a group of men in what reminded her of biker clothes, standing in the open door way. Her blue eyes stopped on the middle man and her heart suddenly began slamming again her chest. He was like a mountain, the muscles underneith his white beater flexing clearly as he moved through the dance floor talking about how he missed the place. As she listened her body ignited to the sound his full lips made. It was intoxicating, making her body heat up in ways it never did before. Watching him, all she could think about was what it would be like to be in his arms, to have his lips pressed against hers.

Mark! Lillian sent a desperate call to her beta as she recongized the man stalking towards a small group of ladies. He looked over and saw the fear in her eyes and reached out for the girl who had somehow managed to walk from his embrace.

Klaire's gaze on the man broke when Mark suddenly yanked her back. She turned to him ready to curse but kept her lips shut at the look on his face. He was terrified. "Mark?"

"You need to leave. Grab your bags and head to the next town over. I will alert the Luna Fray and her Alpha that you are on your way." He whispered as they inched to the back doors.

"Mark what do you mean?"

"Please Klarissa, just do as you're told. Lillian will find you later." At the sound of her full name, Klaire knew something was up. She nodded her head and picked up her pace, but froze when the voice from the mysterious guest targetted her.

"What is that filth doing in my house." At the world filth, Klaire instantly realized why Mark was desperate to get her out. Only one person would call her that. Moving on it's own, her body turned to face the alpha standing at the opposite side of the room. Her eyes met his bright green ones and she sucked in a breath. Her stomach started doing flips, completely ignoring the look of disgust on his face.

"Damien..." Lillian spoke the name like it was acid on her tongue. He ignored her, keeping his attention on Klarissa.

With a twisted smile revealing his large canines, he pointed to Klaire, "This is my home filth, I don't like you tainting it." Klaire had no chance to speak as he suddenly charged at her. Mark suddenly pulled her behind his body, and shifted instantly ready to attack. The large alpha was already half way through the room when Lillian appeared from no where and latched onto his back. He growled and twisted his body, flinging her onto the ground. Not even a second went by and she shifted, immedatitly going in for the kill. A large silver wolf caught her from the side, and pinned her to the ground his teeth lodged into her throat. A whimper tore through Klaire's heart and she darted for her friend. A growl made her pause, she turned and watched Mark shoot for the man stalking towards her. One by one the men at the enterance shifted and began attacking the guests.

Klaire could hear the screams as people began trying to escape. From the corner of her vision, Klaire watched a medium sized grey wolf rip Lillian's attacker off of her. The silver wolf snapped at the smaller female, but she dodged it with lightning fast reflex's and clawed at his stomach. He howled in pain, and bit down at her hide, only to be tackled by the she-wolf's mate. The muddy, brown wolf's fur raised as he growled, taking a protective stance in front of his pregant wife. Two more twin light brown wolves snuck up from behind, cornering the limping wolf. He barked out in rage, but Klaire knew he was done for.

A yelp pulled at her attention and she cried out seeing Mark's wolf lying motionless next to the alpha with a look that could kill on his face. Forgetting about what the man a few paces away from her had done in his past she began running towards the lifeless wolf. She was inches away when a hand wrapped around her throat and began dragging her away. Klaire dug her heels into the ground hoping it would do something, but the man had a death grip. Clawing at the hand in desperation, Klaire's heart dropped as her breath refused to return to her. Stars were in her eyes when her back was slammed into one of the large collums and oxygen rushed back into her system. She greedily took more then she needed, only to feel the intake stop as his grip tightened once again.

His eletric green eyes boared into her own as he spoke to her through gritted teeth, "My father was a moron if he actually allowed you to live within these wall-"

"You're wrong," she spit, "He was so much better then you would ever be Damien!" The words were weak, but anyone could hear the anger in her voice. Her act only made him laugh. It amused him that the fear in her eyes was only covering up the anger deep down inside.

"Those are some big words for someone in your position," she watched his nostrils flare as he breathed in her sent, "But it doesn't even really matter, I will purge this place of your fi-" his words cut off suddenly as his eyes diated leaving almost solid green. A soft purr erupted in his chest as the honey suckle, lemon scent consumed his senses. He looked at her in horror and dropped her body to the ground, fresh air flooding into her lungs. He backed up, almosting tripping over his own feet, unable to keep his eyes off of her. He opened his mouth to speak, but his words were drowned out by the screams of Lillian.

Klarissa broke away from the intense stare of the alpha and watched Lillian jump at her. She wrapped her arm around her friend and cried tears of joy to see the she-wolf way okay. Her friend began speaking quickly through her dramatic sobs, but Klaire could sense a certain pair of green eyes burning a hole into her forehead. Her eyes moved back to the man standing away from her. Anger laced his eyes as he glared at her. She saw him tense up and shove his hands into his ripped jeans before slithering over to her. He was basically ontop of her when Lillian growled and stepped in front of her rage-shaking body.

"Just cause you're my bother doesn't mean I won't kill you!" Unaffected her her threats, Damien shoved Lillian to the side, and crouched down so he was on Klaire's level. He smirked at her and shot his hand out, roughly gripping her cheeks so she was forced to look into his eyes.

"I want your heart on a plater."

"And?" Klaire spat. She could hear the power in her voice, Damien made her skin crawl, but there was something else. Something about him gave her an inner strength she didn't think she possessed.

"And you are one lucky piece of filth." He gave her cheek a hard smack before calling his men and walking into the living quarters of the house. When the doors swung shut, the feeling within her body shut off, sending her gaze to a shocked Lillian.


"Holy shit..." Lillian gasped at the scene that had unfolded before her.

"Lillian whats wrong?" Klaire thought the worse, thinking that something was wrong with her friend that was unable to be seen by her own eyes.

"You...you don't know what just happened?" Her friend whispered as she crawled next her, pulling the robe Rayce had brought her earlier, tighter around her body.

"Your brother didn't kill me..."

"Yeah, because he can't."

"He can't?" Klaire couldn't keep the confusion from her face. Damien Edrens was a killer. He had the blood of thousands of humans stained on his hands, so how was he unable to shred her blood. After a moment of silence, Lillian answers her question weakly.

"You cannot kill your mate Klaire. The bond is too strong for that." At the word mate, Klaire's heart stopped beating. Everything suddenly made sense.


A/N: First thing first, Ian Harding is at the top/side and the reason for that is because he is our handsom beta, Mark!

Second, I wonder what will happen?? I mean poor Klaire is mated to the one man that was banished from his own pack...lets see how it goes for the two of them :))

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