Ch. 18 Friends Holding Hands

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Zach asked her for a kiss. A real kiss, were his exact words. She knew what he really meant. The thought woke her up with a kick to the chest. She rolled over, blinking at the strip of sunlight peeking in through her curtains. There was no time to lose in life. Ray had plans. Those plans needed to be put into action. But she would have enjoyed a little more sleep, all the same.

She lurched out of bed to the sound of a hundred birds singing, as if her life had been transported to a Disney movie, except she was groggy and half dead. The bed called her name to return before she was even out of it. Normal, considering she'd only had about four and half hours of interrupted sleep. Between the adrenaline wearing off, the excitement of seeing Zach again soon, and wondering how the heck she was going to arrange the saving of Naia's business, plus renovate the house, she had a terrible time falling asleep and staying that way.

The problem was she had no idea how to run or save a business, and less knowledge on fixing up a house that hadn't been touched by new paint or woodwork in at least thirty years.

No. The real problem was how badly she wanted to see Zach when she thought about the letter, but how much she wanted to keep her distance when she thought about spending the night with him. Ultimately, she still didn't know whether or not to tell Zach she'd never had sex before.

There were serious problems interfering with her plans.

She made it to the store with twelve seconds to spare, coffee in one hand, and a smoothie for breakfast in the other.

"Hi," she called, expecting Miller to answer.

Lokela came into view at the counter. He was scowling at the computer screen next to the cash register.

"Morning," she said again, because obviously he needed to be prompted to be friendly.

He grunted in reply.


She would be cheerful on her own. Lokela could have been a scowling statue for all he acknowledged her. But just last evening, he had been throwing stones at her window, wanting to tell her something. Ohana.

"Question," she said, sliding behind the counter with her. She plopped onto the stool and arranged her drinks in order of priority, coffee first.

"I'm waiting," he said.

"Like I was waiting for you to talk last night?" she asked. "Anyway, there's still something I want to know."

"If this is about renovations, you should ask Felipe. If this is about Zach, I don't have anything to say." He wouldn't look at her.

"No, it's about you and me."

His eyes flicked to hers, but he immediately turned his head. "What's your question?"

"Did you mean what you said about ohana?"

He swallowed. "Absolutely."

"Then we're in this together, you and me." She smiled, but he didn't look her way.

"Ray, I'll always be there to help you. I didn't handle things well after the accident and afterwards in the parking lot. I know you wanted some advice about guys and—" He paused. "And guy stuff. All I can say is don't make any moves. Don't do anything too fast. Please. For your sake. He can wait. He can wait forever, if he has to, right?"

She put her hand on his. His fingers curled around the tips of her fingers.

"Thanks," she whispered. "That's what I needed to hear."

"To make him wait?"

"No, not that part, I'm not sure I'm up for waiting too long. But that you'll be there for me. Ohana, right?"

His hand under hers turned—palm to palm. She hadn't realized how large his hands were compared to hers before.

Something strange happened in her chest.

"Right," he said.

"Good. Friendship sealed." She stared at her hand, telling it silently to let go of his. Friendship didn't usually involved so much hand-holding.

A group of tourists burst through the doors, chattering excitedly. Ray and Lokela jumped apart. She took up position at the register while he walked forward asking if he could help them.

She flexed her hand, remembering the warmth and strength of his. For the first time, she noticed how his wide shoulders filled his brightly colored tee. It took a special kind of guy to pull off a floral-patterned shirt, but Lokela rocked it. As usual, he had his long hair tied at the base of his neck in a knot and leather strand necklace nearly the same rich brown as his skin around his neck.

The pendant was an elaborate, hand-carved fish hook made out of bone. She had only seen it once, though. He kept it hidden, next to his skin.

Next to his skin, above his heart.

A flush spread through her whole body, and before she knew it, she had sweat between the boobs. Typical. Why she was getting hot in the store for no reason was beyond her comprehension, but now she was sweating.

Lokela called for her to help fit the tourists with snorkeling masks and gear for a trip to Hanauma Bay. Nervous flutters danced in her stomach at the sound of his voice.

Which was ridiculous. They were friends. Ohana. She could rely on him to be there for her, if she needed a shoulder to lean on. More nervous flutters.

Then she remembered—the real reason she was flushed and tingly.

"Lokela," she said, as soon as he was alone for a second, "do you mind if I leave for lunch early? I have classes all afternoon, so that will be my only chance to see Zach."



Ray's request was a slap in the face. Except she didn't have any idea what she was doing to him. He kept his expression carefully frozen.

She frowned at him. "Is that a yes or a no?"

"If we aren't too busy, I don't care." Lokela turned in the middle of his answer to continue arranging fins on the shelf. "Do you what you want."

"Got it." She reached above him to fix the display on the top shelf. Her faint soap and floral scent hit him like a bag of bricks.

As much as he tried not to notice the length of her bare arm, the dip of her underarm and shoulder, the soft swells of her breasts, and the way her loose tee had come untucked, exposing a triangle of pale skin at her stomach—fuck. He noticed every bit of her.

He sat back on his heels, eyes closed. He breathed in deeply through his mouth. The door jingled and she greeted the customers. Lokela opened his eyes and exhaled.

Miller was leaning against the end of the shelving unit. He had his arms crossed. Lokela stood slowly with a show of being casual and rolling his shoulders as if the problem was fatigue.

Miller flexed and relaxed his fist. "Are you going to put us both out of our misery and tell her what's going on in the mush of poi you call your brain?"

"Don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"Yeah. If that's your way of saying you're too stupid to do the right thing, I believe you," Miller said. He scoffed, then pushed off the shelves and walked to the back.

He's right. I'm too stupid to do the right thing.

Lokela leaned back to peer through the shelves and caught the sight of Ray's back and heart-stopping shape of her ass in her cut-off jean shorts. Her sun-bleached hair tumbled in loose waves nearly to her waist. She waved her hands as she talked about safety to the elderly couple who wanted to snorkel later at Waikiki, and the sound of her voice shredded him over and over.

"Fuck this," Miller growled behind him.

Lokela twisted and fell on his ass. From the floor, he glared at his older brother. "Why are you sneaking up on me?"

"I'm out. I'm leaving for lunch. Watching you roll over and play dead like somebody's dog is about to make me lose my appetite. Before that happens, I'm leaving for a burger. See you in twenty.

Lokela bit his sharp retort. There were customers in the store and starting a fight was a bad idea. Instead, he stomped to the back door, following Miller. The second they were alone in the small parking lot, he shoved Miller. "You want to start something, then let's do it."

"Screw you. I'm not going to fight. You're my brother. The sooner you stand up and act like a man, the better, is all I have to say to you."

"Fine. Walk off. But you're wrong."

Miller paused and gazed at the bright sky, as if seeking answers. "I'm wrong? No, the problem is you. Is it because Zach likes her, too? To hell with him."

"He's my best friend. He pushed me out of the way of that car yesterday. I'm supposed to stab him in the back by moving on his girl? What would that make me?"


"Fucking go, if you're going, Mil."

"At least you've finally admitted it," Miller said. He strolled backwards along the shaded sidewalk. In the nearby park, kids screamed in excitement as they ran under the huge trees, and picnickers were setting up tents and blankets for lunch.

Everyone was enjoying the day. As they should.

"You want a burger?" Miller called over his shoulder.

Lokela flipped him off.

Miller laughed. "You want lessons on getting the girl? I've had plenty of practice and more than my share of success."

Lokela flipped him off with the other hand, too. Finally, Miller jogged off. Steeling himself for courage, Lokela yanked open the door.

A bleach blonde fell into his arms. "Oof!" Ray cried.

"What the...."

"Sorry!" Ray said. Lokela righted her, avoiding touching her more than necessary. The little he felt of her tight muscles and soft curves, the better for his resolve. As it was, he already had enough material to take this memory into the shower with him.

"I was looking for you." She motioned into the store.

"Really?" he asked. "I'm here. Right here."

She cocked her head to the side, happiness glowing in her face. "I see that."

"I'm here," he repeated. Damn, he was an idiot.

"I see. So can I leave for lunch? I got a message." She waved her phone at him. The screen was black, but he knew exactly what she meant.

Zach had sent her a message, and now she wanted to rush off and be with him. At least, Zach was still stuck in bed with his broken leg.

Wasn't he? A lance of fear jabbed Lokela's chest. Was Zach still incapacitated or could he get up? What if he was impatient? There were bathrooms, or if Zach could leave and take her back to his dorm room...

Lokela could not breathe. And he had to fake indifference or completely bare his heart to her.

She might smash it with an uncaring word. His thoughts floundered and he found himself nodding in agreement. Sure. She could go. No big deal. It took all his strength not to sink to his knees as she walked away.

*** Who else thinks Lokela needs a real slap in the face so he will wake up? Hit the star if you enjoyed and thanks for reading! Picture is how I imagine Miller (standing) and Trevor (sitting) before heading to the shore to surf! ***

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