Chapter 12

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(Readers POV)

(Y/N): Team RWBY. Thanks for the help but I will take care of this.

Tyrian: Nomu, Hazel, Cinder. Kill him, I'll deal with kids.

I looked down at my hand and clenched it into a fist.

(Y/N):"I'm afraid I barley have minute left in this form. My power is declining fast then I thought it would."

Tyrian: Let's kill them all and go home.

He said as he started running towards team RWBY.

(Y/N):"I have to stop these villains. Because I am.... the worlds symbol of peace and justice!"

I dashed towards Nomu and he dashed at me. Our fists collided and caused massive wind, blowing back everybody.

Tyrian: Weren't you listening? One of his powers is shock absorption.

(Y/N): Yeah, what about it?

I reeled my fist back and started a flurry of punches at Nomu and he did the same, making more wind to where no one could get near us.

Hazel: No! I can't get near them!

(Y/N): He said your power was shock absorption not nullification. That means there's a limit to what you can take right?!

I started to push Nomu back with how many punches I was throwing at him. He punched me on my left side and I flinched but keep the barrage of punches going.

(Y/N): So you were made to fight me big guy. If you real can withstand me firing at 100% of my power. Then I'll go beyond that and force you to surrender!

(Ruby's POV)

He's giving it his all, even though he's injured. Those punches aren't random, there targeted.

Ruby:"He's more then 100% of his power!"

He then punched the monster hard sending him back and he jumped after it.

All Might: A real Huntsman, will always find a way for justice to be served!

He started to punch him again and he launched him into the air. He jumped up and started to spin him around until throwing him back into the ground. The force of the throw breaking the floor underneath.

Ruby:"I can't believe what I'm seeing!"

He went down and was ready to finish this.

All Might: Now for a lesson. You may have heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean! Go beyond! PLUS ULTRA!

He then punched the Grimm so hard that everything started to shake, and everyone was trying to keep their balance. The Grimm was launched through the roof and into the sky.

Yang: That was insane! He beat the shock absorption right out of him!

Blake: He must of been punching that monster so fast he couldn't regenerate.

Yang: Imagine having power like that.

Weiss: He really is the best.

Blake: That's how you get to be a pro.

Ruby: He did it.

I said under my breath, I was really worried that I would of just got in the way, but he won.

(Cinder's POV)

No! There's no way he was able to beat Nomu! Nomu was made to kill him, not make him stronger!

All Might: You've been bested villains, we both know that it's best if you retreat.

Hazel: He's right, lets go.

Cinder: No! We are so close to killing him!

Hazel: No time to argue, get your two kids and let's leave.

Cinder: Fine. Mercury, Emerald, we are leaving.

(Ruby's POV)

They all started to leave, a red portal opened again and they all left. I looked over at my team and saw that Yang had an angry look on her face.

Ruby: Hey, Yang. Are you ok?

Yang: Yeah, I'm fine.

She said with a toxic tone. I decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to bother her further.

All Might: Are you four ok?

Ruby: Yeah we are fine.

All Might: That's good, lets find the rest of your class mates and get Ozpin to safety.

(Readers POV)

After finding the rest of the students, I called Glynda so she can send medical help for Ozpin and to look over the students.

(Y/N): Thanks Glynda.

Glynda: It's nothing, are you sure you don't want to ride in the bullhead to Beacon?

(Y/N): I'm sure, I have to do some grocery shopping anyway.

She nodded her head and she entered the bullhead with the students and Ozpin. Once they were out of sight, I puffed back into my normal form.

(Y/N): Thank goodness I was able to stay in that form for so long. Now that I think about it, I do need to go to the grocery store.

(Time skip)

I finally made it back to Beacon, the sun was setting. I guess I underestimated just how long it would take to get to Beacon. I was walking through the dorms and decided to talk to Ruby. I knocked on her dorm door and waited for someone to answer.

Ruby: Oh, hello Mister (L/N), how can I help you.

(Y/N): I would like to talk to you.

Ruby: Ok.

We walked for a bit in awkward silence until we made it to my office.

(Y/N): So I would assume you have some questions.

Ruby: I do have one. What was up with that light that came out of me?

(Y/N): You Ruby Rose, have silver eyes.

Ruby: I kinda already know that.

(Y/N): Silver eyes are more then just a rare genetic. You are apart of the silver eyed warriors.

Ruby: Really?

(Y/N): Yes, the silver eyes can be used to wipe out entire army's of Grimm in one shot.

Ruby: How do I use them?

(Y/N): Well, I do remember asking your mother on how to use them. So I might be able to teach you.

Ruby: Cool! So, what's step one?

(Y/N): You got to feel it!

Ruby: That doesn't really help.

(Y/N): So, do you remember what you were thinking about when you used the power of the silver eyes?

Ruby: Well, I was thinking about protecting everyone from the villains, thinking about protecting you and I didn't want you to die and then the next thing I know is you keeping me standing.

(Y/N): You may need to ask your mother for a more detailed explanation, but to use the silver eyes, you have to be thinking about the people you hold closest to you heart. The need to protect them is what causes the activation of the silver eyes.

Ruby: So when do you think you can train me so I can use the silver eyes?

(Y/N): Slow down. I don't want you being to over reliant on the silver eyes, plus they can only activate near Grimm, so I can't train you right now.

Ruby: Ok.

I noticed the tone in which she said ok, is she really that sad about it. I guess I can't blame her, being told you have an amazing power only to be denied the growth from said power.

(Y/N): Brighten up kid. I never said I wasn't going to train you on using the silver eyes. How about this, if your team wins the Vytal Festival Tournament that's coming up in about a month from now, I will train you and your silver eyes. Deal?

As soon as I finished my sentence, Ruby's face lit up instantly and her eyes shined in excitement.


(Y/N): Then it's a deal. You should be going back to your dorm, it's getting late.

Ruby: Ok All Might, good night.

(Y/N): Good night Ruby.

She left and I had a smile on my face. Turned around to see my window open with Qrow Branwen sitting in it. Qrow was apart of team STRQ, the team Summer lead in the days of when she was in Beacon. He jumped into my office.

Qrow: So you aren't going to tell her that the ones with the silver eyes are being hunted down and killed?

(Y/N): Hey Qrow. Nice of you to visit me. I'm not going to tell her yet. Why are you here?

Qrow: I came here to see my niece Yang.

(Y/N): How's your sister, Raven?

Qrow: She's doing fine, I wish she spend more time with her family then her tribe.

(Y/N): So, did you hear about what happened at the U.S.J.?

Qrow: Yeah. It's all over the news.

He showed me an article on his scroll about the whole thing.

Qrow: Was it her that was in charge of this?

(Y/N): Yeah, it was Salem.

Qrow grabbed a flask from his pocket and drank whatever its contents was.

Qrow: I figured as much.

(Y/N): I hope you can answer this. Why did the villains I fought go through Raven's portal?

After I asked Qrow this, he got his flask and drank all of what was in it.

Qrow: I don't know why Raven would do something like that. She has always been afraid of Salem, so I guess the next best thing was to help her, but she would never join forces with Salem.

(Y/N): I want you to keep an eye on her and see what she's going to do next.

Qrow: Sure, whatever you say. I guess I can wait to talk to Yang. Be careful alright, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I will be, thanks.

Qrow then went back to the window, turned into a crow and flew away. I really should be careful, because the next attack can be at anytime.

(Chapter 12 end)

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