Chapter 24

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(Readers POV)

I am in team RWBY's dorm. I am asking Yang about what happened at the end of the match. Her teammates also should up to see what happened.

(Y/N): Now Yang, tell me what happened.

Yang: He tried attacking me! So I attacked back!

(Y/N): You day that, but the camera footage and many other people would say otherwise.

Yang: I'm telling you All Might, I know what I saw!

(Y/N): Yang, I'm not saying that I don't believe you. I'm saying that everyone saw you attack a defenseless student.

She looked upset and frustrated. I can tell that she is telling the truth. But I can't wrap my head around this. How could she be attacked and not at the same time.

(Y/N): I understand, you might have just been under stress. It is your first tournament after all, but people saw you attack him and they already made their own conclusions. I'm sorry to say this but, you are disqualified from the tournament.

She looked up at me shocked and punched the wall, cracking it.

(Y/N): Look. If it was up to me, you would still be in the tournament.

Yang: It's not fair! He attacked me! Why am I the one being punished?!

(Y/N): Yang! Calm down.

I snapped her out of her rage and she had tears in her eyes. She sat down on one of the beds and sighed. I patted her on the back.

(Y/N): It's ok, I'll figure out exactly what happened. Plus, all of your teammates believe you.

The rest of team RWBY agreed with my statement and I left to let her cool down by herself.

(Y/N): I don't like this feeling but, I think this is not going to end well.

I said to myself as I checked the time. It was about time for the next match to start. I started to walk to the arena to see it. I hope nothing else bad happens.

(Time skip)

The next match was about to start. The next match was Pyrrha versus Penny. I was excited to see this match. I was keeping my eyes peeled for any strange activity. I looked around the stands and all I saw was Summer and Ruby sitting next to each other. It looked like Ruby noticed something and got up to check it out. It was probably nothing too serious.

Port: The match between Pyrrha and Penny will begin.... NOW!

Penny started the match by moving her blades, that she controlled by small threads, and moved them in front of her. Pyrrha rushed over to her to attack but Penny tried to hit her with some of her blades. Pyrrha blocked and dodged the blades and once she was close enough, she went for an attack. Penny was able to block the attack by using her blades and launched Pyrrha back.

(Y/N):"Why am I getting the feeling that something is going to go wrong?"

This feeling just won't go away, no matter how hard I try. I tried to watch the match, but I couldn't get my mind off it. Penny used the distance she gained to her advantage. Penny started to shoot green energy beams from the tips of her blades at Pyrrha. Pyrrha was able to dodge the blasts and got closer to Penny. Pyrrha thrusted her spear forward and was able to hit Penny, knocking her back to the other side of the platform. Penny got her blades ready for another attack. She launched her blades forward and Pyrrha used her semblance to push them back, but it looked like Pyrrha panicked when she used her semblance. The blades were heading back towards Penny. Suddenly, my body started to move on its own and I jumped up to the platform. I rushed over to Penny and chopped the threads connected to the blades. The blades continued their path, cutting off Penny's left arm and stabbing me in multiple places.

Penny: All Might!

Pyrrha: A-all Might?!

I spat up some blood as I kneeled down on one knee. I don't know why my body moved, maybe this was the bad feeling I was getting earlier. Everyone was in shock. Suddenly the big screen turned red with a black queen chess piece.

(Cinder's POV)

I wasn't expecting All Might to jump in and save the bucket of bolts, but this will work out in my favor. He was on his knees bleeding. I took out my scroll and took over the broadcast system with the code Watts made for me. I got into the intercom system and I was ready to tell everyone what was going on.

Cinder: This is no accident, this is what happens when you give your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians. But are, in reality, nothing more then men. The headmasters have more power than armies and one tried to control both. They claim this power for peace, but look at what we have here. The symbol of peace protecting the attempts of a synthetic army and taking down by a star pupil. Why would Atlas disguise a military weapon as a little girl? And what is Ozpin teaching his students? First attacking defenseless students and now this? Taking down the symbol of peace, All Might. I don't know who to trust at this point. The nations are at the brink of war. Now tell me, when the first shots are fired, who do you trust?

(Readers POV)

I looked at the screen and the picture cut out and I heard the siren, that goes off when there is a Grimm invasion.

Intercom: Grimm invasion, threat level 9. Please search for shelter.

All the people started to panic, and run out of the arena. Penny and Pyrrha were trying to keep me up. It feels like I can barely stand.

(Y/N): Penny, Pyrrha. Don't worry about me. Get to safety.

Penny: But you're injured.

(Y/N): And you're missing an arm.

I looked and saw Summer jump down to the arena.

Summer: I'll help him. Now you two go.

Summer put my arm over her shoulder. Pyrrha and Penny nodded and started to leave.

Summer: Are you ok?!

(Y/N): Don't worry. My aura will keep me alive.

I pulled out the blades from my body, spilling blood over the ground. I looked up to see a Nevermore trying to break through the force field and get into the arena.


I looked over to see Ruby rushing towards me. Trying to help keep me up.


(Y/N): I don't know but I don't like the look of it. You two have to go.

Summer: Are you crazy?! We can't leave you!

(Y/N): I'll be fine.

Ruby: No! You won't! That Nevermore will break through any minute now and you can't fight back!

Summer: And your aura is at a critical level!

I looked up and the Nevermore broke through the force field. It slammed into the ground, making a lot of wind, knocking me, Summer, and Ruby down.

Jaune: Leave them alone!

I looked up to see team JNPR attack and knocking back the Nevermore away. The Nevermore started to fly again and swoop down to attack. Suddenly the Nevermore was knocked down into the ground and died. The rest of team RWBY, team SSSN, and team CFVY was the ones who killed the beast.

Ruby: You guys are here?!

Sun: We can't just leave the symbol of peace alone in the state he's in.

Jaune walked up to me and put his hand on my back. I suddenly felt my aura coming back to me.

(Y/N): Jaune is that your semblance?

Jaune: Yeah. I unlocked it a bit before the festival began. I can give my aura to others. This will be enough for you to move and fight.

More flying Grimm started to enter the arena. One went towards me but was cut in two.

Penny: Salutations, everyone.

Penny waved as she held one of her blades in her one hand like a sword.

(Y/N): Penny, you shouldn't fight, you only have one arm.

Penny: As long as I can move, I'm combat ready!

If everyone is will to fight back then I will as well.

(Y/N): Ok then. Let's see what you can do as huntsman.

We all started to leave the arena to help out with the Grimm invasion.

(Chapter 24 end)

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