Chapter 31

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(This book has over 3k reads. That's pretty cool. That's roughly 100 reads per chapter. That's pretty good. Now unto the story.)

(Readers POV)

I just said that Ruby is the next person to have One For All. She was at a lost for words.

Nora: That's so cool Ruby! You have All Might's power! That basically makes you like, the next All Might.

Ren: I would have never thought that All Might could somehow transfer his abilities.

Jaune: Wouldn't that be bad for her?

Ruby was snapped out of her thoughts by Jaune and looked at him.

Ruby: What do you mean by bad?

Jaune: I mean, you were given the semblance that powers up All Might. Don't you think having that much power could be deadly to you.

Ruby started to have a worried look on her face and started to panic. I tried to calm her down.

(Y/N): You will be fine. Every time you used One For All, your aura was able to take a lot of the damage.

Ruby had a sigh of relief as she held her chest. She gained a look of curiosity and looked at me.

Ruby: When did you give me your power? I don't remember eating any of your hair.

Crap, she's catching on. What should I say? I can't think of anything. I was about to answer but was interrupted by a noise in the bushes. We all turned our attention to the bush and a Grimm came out and roared. Everyone got ready for a fight. When suddenly and robotic yellow and black arm went through the beast and killed it. When the Grimm turned to dust, we all saw Yang tried and exhausted. She started to lose her balance and lose her conciseness. I ran up to catch her from hitting the ground. When I caught her in my arms, she passed out.

Ruby: Is she ok?

(Y/N): Yeah, she's just passed out. Must of ran out of energy getting all the way over here and fighting Grimm.

I brought her over to the fire to keep her warm. I looked at her robotic arm. Ironwood must have made that for her, that's nice of him.

Nora: Wow! When did she get such a cool arm?

I looked around to see a raven on a tree branch looking at Yang. It noticed me and I gave it a look.

(Y/N): We should go to sleep for tonight.

Everyone nodded at me and I put Yang in my sleeping bag.

(Time skip)

I waited for everyone to go to sleep. Once I knew everyone was sleeping, I walked to an opening and found the raven on a branch.

(Y/N): You can come out now.

The raven got up and flew around until it transformed into Raven Branwen.

Raven: Hello (Y/N). What do you want?

(Y/N): I have several questions. What happened to Yang?

Raven: She tried to find my tribe to confront me, but she got scared for some reason and ran.

(Y/N): Now for the big one. Why are you helping Salem and her gang?

Raven looked away from me and stayed silent.

(Y/N): Well, why?

Raven turned to face me, but looked down.

Raven: They were going to kill Yang if I didn't comply with their demands.

(Y/N): Don't you realize how much danger you put her in by doing that?

Raven: Yeah and she lost an arm because of it. I wish I could take it back, but I can't. But, you can't blame me for wanting to protect my daughter. Didn't you leave yours to protect her?

(Y/N): I'm not blaming your motives for wanting to protect her family. I'm saying that you are doing it wrong.

Raven got mad and looked up from the ground and looked me in the eyes.

Raven: What you did to protect Ruby wasn't the best option either.

I looked at her confused.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Raven: You left Summer to have her take care of Ruby by herself.

(Y/N): I had to leave because they would become a target because of my status as number one.

Raven: Even though they are already a target because of their silver eyes, and Ruby became an even bigger target because you gave her One For All.

I clenched my fist and looked at the ground.

Raven: Salem is going to find out. What will you do when she does?

I thought about the question for a bit. What will I do? I got my answer and looked up to Raven.

(Y/N): I will defeat her.

Raven sighed and shock her head.

Raven: It doesn't matter how strong you are, you know what Salem is capable of. Wasn't she the one who gave you that wound of yours on your left side?

(Y/N): She was, But that won't stop me from using the power given to me to protect the world, my students, and my family from her.

She smiled and shook her head again.

Raven: You never changed, have you?

I chuckled and I put my hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): You should tell Yang about why you helped Salem. I think she will understand.

She smiled at me and nodded.

Raven: I will tell her in the morning. By the way, when will you tell Ruby that you are her dad?

(Y/N): I don't know. I'm still waiting for the right moment. I don't know how to tell her that the father she never had is the number one huntsman.

Raven then put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.

Raven: Don't worry. You will figure it out. You always have. Even if you don't use your brain for half of the problems you dealt with.

I laughed and I guess she is right. I am still pretty reckless when it comes to anything.

(Y/N): We should be going to sleep.

She nodded and we went to the area where everyone else was sleeping.

(Time skip)

Ruby: All Might. Get up already.

(Y/N): Five more minutes.

Ruby was shaking me and I just wanted to go back to sleep. Suddenly I felt water get splashed on my face and I shot up from the ground. I looked over to see Ruby holding a water container. I sighed and stood up. I stretched and looked around to see everyone else awake. I saw that Raven and Yang were talking and Yang hugged Raven. Raven got done talking with Yang and walked towards me.

Raven: We need to talk.

I nodded and we walked away from the group.

Raven: So Yang told me that she ran from me because of the Grimm mask I was wearing. She said that it brought back some bad memories.

She is probably talking about when she lost her arm.

(Y/N): Do you want to keep Yang close to you?

Raven: No. I know that Salem will continue to ask for my help and I don't want Yang near them. I think she will be more safe with you guys. I do have a plan though.

I looked at her with a confused look an my face.

(Y/N): A plan?

Raven: If they ask for my help again. I can tell you about it. You have Yang with you, so I can make a portal to you and tell you their next plan.

I thought about it and I agreed to the plan of hers.

(Y/N): That's a good idea. Just don't get yourself killed.

I gave her a smirk and she just nodded at me. She made a portal and was about to leave, but I stopped her.

(Y/N): One more thing. Why did you attack that one town earlier? One of the solders said that a tribe attacked them.

She gave me a dirty look.

Raven: I maybe your friend and all, but I still have a tribe to run and take care of. The tribe is also my family and I will do whatever it takes to keep my family safe.

She walked through the portal and the portal disappeared. I sighed, knowing that Raven still is about her tribe and stuff. I walked back to the group and we continued on our journey.

(Chapter 31 end)

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