Chapter 49

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(Ruby's POV)

Ruby: So, any plans?

I looked around the room and no one had a plan.

Yang: How are we supposed to get to Atlas if they will only take All Might and Weiss?

Jaune: Ok guys, hear me out. We steal a bullhead.

Weiss: No. Just no.

Jaune: I'm being serious. It would be the simplest way to get a bullhead.

It would be pretty simple.

Ruby: But I'm pretty sure that dad wouldn't approve of an idea like that.

Jaune: We don't need to tell him.

Yang: I'm curious now. What is your full plan?

Jaune: Well, Weiss could go to Caroline to go to Atlas. Weiss could take Maria with her in her luggage.

Maria: You're saying that you want me to get shoved into a bag?!

Jaune nodded his head.

Jaune: Weiss and Maria can take control of the bullhead and pick the rest of us up.

Weiss: I'm pretty sure they would see a bullhead go off course.

Jaune: Then we could take out the nearby Communication Tower. They wouldn't be able to track the bullhead without it.

I thought about it. That plan could work.

Ruby: But what about my mom and dad? They will stop us before we finish with step one.

Jaune: You could ask them to get you cookies. That should distract them long enough for us to get our plan done.

Ruby: Well I guess we are going with Jaune's plan.

Weiss: Are you sure we should go with his plan?

Ruby: Does anyone else have a plan?

No one answered. Jaune celebrated a little. We heard the door open and mom and dad walked in.

Ruby: Hey mom and dad.

(Y/N): Hey sweetie. How have you been?

Ruby: Pretty good. How was your guys walk?

Summer: It was nice. Did you guys figure out a plan yet.

I shock my head no.

(Y/N): Well, I'm sure we will figure something out in the morning.

(Time skip)

It was morning. Everyone got ready for Jaune's plan.

Ruby: Hey mom and dad?

(Y/N): What is it Ruby?

Ruby: Can you two get me some cookies?

(Y/N): I don't know. Why would we get you cookies?

Ruby: Because you love me.

I gave him my unstoppable puppy eyes. He looked away and sighed.

(Y/N): Ok ok. Just stop it with the puppy eyes. We will get you cookies.

I hugged him and he hugged me back.

Ruby: Thank you.

(Y/N): You're welcome. Come on Summer.

They left and we made sure we had everything we needed.

Ruby: Ok. Operation get a bullhead is a go!

Jaune: Remember to use your scrolls to keep in contact before we take out the Communication Tower.

Weiss and Maria walked over to where all the bullheads were at. Me, Jaune, Ren, Nora, Blake, Yang, and Oscar walked to where we agreed on.

Ruby: Jaune, are you sure that the cookie idea will work?

Jaune: Yeah. There is only one cookie store in Argus. They will be looking all over just to find it. We will have plenty of time.

We walked all the way to the forest nearby Argus.

Yang: Me and Blake will go to the Communication Tower.

Yang got her bike that she parked by a tree and the two of them left. We continued to walk. We eventually made it to the edge of the forest. A big body of water was next to us. I looked down to see that we were on a cliffside.

Ruby: That's quite the drop.

Jaune: Now we wait.

(Readers POV)

Me and Summer have been looking for a cookie shop in Argus for awhile now.

(Y/N): How is it this hard to find the cookie shop?

Summer: There has to be one. We just haven't looked hard enough.

(Y/N): Should we ask for directions?

Summer looked around and she shook her head yes.

(Weiss's POV)

I was walking with Caroline. I was carrying Maria in my bag of luggage.

Caroline: I'm so glad that you decided to go home to Atlas.

Weiss: Yeah. I'm sure that my family misses me.

It feels a little weird to say that. Caroline brought me to a bullhead. I got in and the door closed. I unzipped my bag and let Maria out.

Maria: I swear if that Jaune boy comes up with another crazy idea like this, I'm not going through with it.

Weiss: Do you know how to fly one of these things?

Maria: Yeah I do. I'm the best when it comes to flying.

The bullhead took off and we waited for a bit. I knocked out the pilot and I put him on one of the seats. Maria got in the pilot seat.

Maria: Watch and learn.

(Yang's POV)

I was driving with Blake riding with me.

Yang: Do you know what you're doing?

Blake: Yeah. I learned how to do stuff like this from the White Fang.

I stopped my bike.

Yang: I will be waiting here. Come back here when you are done.

Blake: Ok.

She jumped off and started to run in a direction. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Yang: I wonder what else she learned from the White Fang.

(Ruby's POV)

I was just sitting on the ground, waiting for Weiss to get here.

Jaune: So, what's it like to live with All Might?

I looked up to Jaune.

Jaune: I was just curious.

Ruby: Well, he's really nice. Me, him, and mom would always do things together. Playing games, cooking, or just watching t.v. He's a really great dad.

I smiled to myself and thought about everything we would do together. I got a call on my scroll. I picked it up and it was Weiss.

Weiss: Guys. How come they know where we are?

Ruby: What are you talking about?

Weiss: Well, they asked us why we went of course.

Jaune: That's weird. Blake should have done her job by now.

Ruby: Hold on Weiss. I'm going to call Yang.

I hanged up on Weiss and called Yang. Yang answered her scroll.

Ruby: Yang, what are you doing?

Yang: Just waiting for Blake.

Ruby: How come she didn't knock out the tower yet?

Yang: I don't know. I'm going to check it out.

I heard her motorcycle start up as she hanged up on me. I saw the bullhead that Weiss was in. It landed next to us. The door opened and Weiss jumped out.

Weiss: What do we do?

Jaune: Oscar. You go on the bullhead. Maria may need you.

Oscar: Okay then.

He jumped in.

Ruby: So how much time do we have left?

I heard a loud noise. I turned to see a giant mech.

Nora: Not very much time.

Jaune: Maria! Go and keep them distracted but keep your distance!

Maria gave him a thumbs up and started to fly. I looked at the mech and I was able to see who was piloting it.

Caroline: So it was you kids who took a bullhead?!

She spoke through an intercom system. She pointed the mech's arm cannon at us.

Jaune: Everyone dodge!

We all got out the way as a giant dust bullet flew at us. Everyone was able to dodge.

Ruby: That's was really close.

Weiss: What do we do now, Jaune?

Jaune: We have to keep her distracted. We wait until Blake and Yang do there job. Then we can pick up Ruby's parents and get out of here.

(Chapter 49 end)

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