Chapter 56

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(Ruby's POV)

I was waiting for my weapon to get to my room. Ironwood said that our weapons were getting some upgrades and that it won't take long. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was mom and dad.

Ruby: Hey mom and dad. Did you need anything?

Summer: Me and your dad are going out for a bit. Can you guys watch Deku while we are gone?

Ruby: Absolutely. Where is he?

(Y/N): He is asleep in my room.

Ruby: Me and my team will take great care of him. You two have fun.

They told me thanks and they walked away. I waved at them and I quickly went over to their room. I opened it and saw him sleeping in the bed. He looks so cute! I pulled out my scroll and I took a picture.

Ruby: So cute.

I whispered to myself. Deku started to move and he opened his eyes. He got up and rubbed his eyes.

Ruby: Good morning little bro.

Deku: Good morning. Where is mom and dad?

Ruby: They went out for a bit. So big sis and her friends are going to be watching you.

Deku: Ok.

He raised his hands at me. I think he wants me to pick him up. I picked him up and held him.

Ruby: Are you still tired?

He just gave me a nod. I walked out the room and went to my room.

Deku: Are your friends nice?

Ruby: Of course they are. You don't have to worry.

I gave him the smile that dad help me with earlier. I could tell that Deku seemed less worried. We made it to my room and we went in.

Ruby: Alright girls. I got Deku.

They looked over. Yang and Weiss ran up to us and their eyes widened.

Yang: You really are a cutie.

Weiss: How could someone hate such a cute face?

He blushed and he hid his face in my hair.

Ruby: You guys. He's shy. You shouldn't just run up to him like that.

They took a few steps back and apologized.

Deku: It's ok.

He stopped hiding his face and looked over to Yang and Weiss.

Yang: Geez Ruby. You are already going into big sis protective mode.

I started to blush a little.

Ruby: I am not!

Yang: You are.

I looked away. Deku tugged on my cape to get my attention. I looked over at him.

Deku: Can you put me down now?

Ruby: Sure.

I gently put him on the floor and he looked around. He walked around and went over to Blake. Blake was looking in a mirror and was looking self conscious about something.

Deku: What are you doing?

Blake looked down at Deku.

Blake: I'm just thinking if I should keep my hair long or making it short.

Deku: I think you would look good with short hair.

Blake: You think so?

She grabbed her hair and looked at it. Deku nodded his head and Blake smiled at him. Deku looked up and looked curious.

Deku: You have cat ears.

Blake: Yeah, I do.

Deku: Can... can I touch them?

Blake looked surprised but nodded her head. She bent down and leaned her head so Deku could reach her cat ears. Deku touched them and rubbed them.

Deku: They are warm.

I could hear Blake starting to purr. I took out my scroll and took a picture quietly.

Deku: Why do you have cat ears?

Blake: I'm a Faunus. Faunus have one animal trait and mine is cat ears.

Deku stopped rubbing her ears and Blake stood back up.

Blake: Yang. Could you cut my hair for me?

Yang: Sure.

Yang walked over to Blake and grabbed a pair of scissors. Deku walked back over to me and I picked him up.

Deku: I'm hungry.

Ruby: I can get you something to eat. Weiss, do you want to come with us?

Weiss: Sure.

We left the room and we walked to the cafeteria area.

Ruby: Do you have anything you want in mind?

Deku: A sandwich.

Ruby: Ok then. We will get you a sandwich.

(Readers POV)

Me and Summer were walking down the street.

Summer: Where should we go?

(Y/N): I don't know. I think you should choose.

Summer was in thought.

Summer: There are so many places. I think we should go to a cafe.

We walked down and we found a cafe. We went over and we ordered. We got our cups and we sat down at one of the outside tables. Summer got out her scroll and she gasped.

(Y/N): What is it?

Summer: Ruby sent me some pictures of Deku. He is so cute.

She showed me some pictures. One was Deku sleeping and the other was him petting Blake's ears.

(Y/N): That really is cute.

Summer put away her scroll. She took a drink from her cup and sighed.

Summer: Why would anyone get rid of a little boy like Deku?

(Y/N): I don't know. There are just some heartless people in this world, but Deku has the best mom in the world looking after him now.

Summer blushed and looked down.

Summer: You don't need to flatter me. I'm not the best.

(Y/N): Of course you are.

Summer: Deku also has you. I know you will be a great dad.

I smiled at her and I took a drink from my cup. I got a notification on my scroll. I pulled it out my scroll and I got a message. It was Ironwood. He asked where I was. I messaged him saying that I was at a cafe. He said that I needed to come back, just in case. I sighed.

Summer: Is something wrong?

(Y/N): I hate to say this, but we have to cut this short.

Summer: What? Why?

(Y/N): Ironwood said that he wants us at Atlas Academy just incase there is an attack.

Summer: We should be going then. I don't want anyone getting hurt.

I nodded and we finished our drinks quickly. I paid for our drinks and we went towards Atlas Academy.

Summer: Do you think anything is going to happen?

(Y/N): If anything does happen, then we will find a way to get through it.

Summer smiled at me and hugged my arm. I smiled at her and wrapped my arm around her back and rested my hand on her hip. We were close to Atlas Academy. I heard an explosion. I looked around and I saw nothing. I looked back at Atlas Academy and another explosion came out from the side of the building. Me and Summer ran up and everyone was evacuating. I saw Ruby carrying Deku. Her team followed behind her. Oscar, Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Maria came out as well.

Ruby: Mom! Dad!

(Y/N): Ruby! What's going on?

Ruby: I don't know. Ironwood gave us our weapons and we heard an explosion and we were told to evacuate!

I heard a crash. I looked up and saw Tai, Raven, and Qrow flew out the building. They got up and looked at me.

(Y/N): What is going on?!

Qrow: It's Cinder! She got to the Winter Maiden!

(Chapter 56 end)

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